Does anyone get 10,000 steps a day ????



  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I do I do! :drinker:

    I'm a dog walker, so it's easy for me. One 30 minute dog walk (active) is approximately 2500 steps, give or take. I walk in one direction at a slightly quick clip (probably around 3 mph) for 15 minutes, with doggie at my side. Then we meander back home while pup is allowed to sniff grass the whole way back.

    I currently do 4 appointments per day, but will be doing 5 appointments next week through till the beginning of summer next year.

    To get upwards of 10K, I take advantage of shopping. When we go food shopping, I leave hubby with the cart at the deli counter & walk to another aisle to pick up produce. One. Item. At. A. Time. :blushing: Ok, maybe 2 items at a time :laugh: but no more.

    Also, hula hooping! Each revolution of my weighted hula hoop counts as one step (at least that's how my mr.fitbit zip counts it). As long as I do my daily appointments & at least 30 minutes of housework per day, along with whatever errands I do daily & my gym time, I almost always get 10K steps or more.
  • GrannyGwen1
    GrannyGwen1 Posts: 213 Member
  • babyluthi
    babyluthi Posts: 285 Member
    And if so, do u log it? I take a 3500 step walk every morning but the rest of my steps come from grocery store, walking to get my son from bus stop, walking to post office, it seems sorta hard to get 10,000 steps in ! But it just seems like it should count as exercise. Although I read to lose weight u should aim for 15,000 . I yie yie! Seems like I don't get anything else done!

    I do at least 10,000 steps a day. I have a fitbit one:)
  • sarsons2
    I think for most people the answer will be no. Any exercise is better than none, so look to make small increases - 5% more than what you currently do every few weeks will make a difference.

    The last few days my number of steps has been around 200 a day, but thats cos I've got a bad gout flare up yet again, and so any pressure on my affected foot is agony
  • Laura3BB
    Laura3BB Posts: 250 Member

    I work in a service desk/desk job and I'm lucky to get 5k steps. I think you may leave your house and/or travel further than me haha.


    I have a fitbit but must say it's quite depressing - I have difficulty reaching 5,000 steps most days! Since my exercise is mostly cycling that also doesn't count for my steps...
    I also think walking is good but getting some cardio exercise (the kind where your heart rate goes up and you sweat) is also important.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I have a fitbit too. As a personal goal, I aim for 5 miles per day which is about 12,000 steps for me. I am 5'2-3/4" and have short legs and a short stride. I think average is 10,000 steps = 5 miles. I am routinely over 12,000 steps per day. Yesterday I had over 25,000 as I did a lot of hiking. My fitbit is linked to MFP, but I do not eat back all of my exercise calories and do not pay much attention to the logging of exercise. I use it for keeping me motivated to move more.
  • Zoeeee_xx
    Zoeeee_xx Posts: 112 Member
    When i go to the gym or im at work i do. Both together i sometimes do over 20,000 steps. When im at university all day, i dont even get to 3000.
  • shinkalork
    shinkalork Posts: 815 Member
    i do..i'm a security officer and have to walk a lot so i put my phone app in my pocket and i can count my steps like this...
    i do from 10000 to15000 steps a day depending etc...
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    I do about 20.000 steps each day due to my job, but never log it. I only log the extra workouts. Walking for me is a daily routine. Never seen it as a workout.
  • FixIngMe13
    FixIngMe13 Posts: 405 Member
    Even before I started MFP, I was getting over that at work. I'm walking around for 12 hours of the day at work. I work in a hospital, and I rarely even get my lunch breaks in. Do I log it? No.... but you can of course if you want to? That activity was the same activity I was doing before MFP, so I only log the extra activity I do.. like walking in the park, or going to the gym. :)

    Best success to you!!!!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I average more like 25k steps a day between my workday, cardio, and workouts. Basically I wake up at 6, leave at 7, drive an hour, hit cardio, eat something, hit crossfit, shower, work all day 12-8, drive an hour home, do some chores, do some homework and crash about 11. I sit in the car for 2 hours a day, at the computer about 2 hours a day and the rest of the time.. i'm moving.

    steps are movement.. not exercise.. more like lifestyle. Everyone should walk 10k-15k steps a day regardless if losing or not losing. Most of those steps are not at a pace that would raise the heart rate and burn calories.
  • Frelling_Tralk
    Frelling_Tralk Posts: 56 Member
    On an average workday I get in about 11,000-13,000 steps, sometimes more.

    I just count it as daily living though, when I was eating extra to make up for the calories that my fitbit was telling me that I had burned, I found that I gained weight from that. I eat around 1,800 calories daily now anyway, so I try to only eat back my exercise on days when I do a lot of cardio. Just my opinion, but I don't think you should eat a lot of extra calories just from what you burned walking. It seems like your body adjusts to how much you walk around, it's not a great calorie-burner unless you're really getting your heart rate up at the same time
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    "steps are movement.. not exercise.. more like lifestyle. Everyone should walk 10k-15k steps a day regardless if losing or not losing. Most of those steps are not at a pace that would raise the heart rate and burn calories."

    Just saying, living burns calories. Many people have lost weight, and many of us have lost a lot of weight, without doing any exercise. I did not begin to exercise (except routine movement I did daily) until I had lost 100#. Anything that you do to increase your activity level is beneficial, and healthy for you, but weight loss comes mostly from eating less calories than you use in a day.

    Do what is right for you and works for you!

    Be aware of the disclaimer that MFP has. Take any advice from others here that are not experts, with a grain of salt. Listen to your physician or other health care advisors.
  • SirDoctorofTARDIS
    SirDoctorofTARDIS Posts: 113 Member
    I consistently hit between 10 and 15k steps basically everyday. What help is having a job that does not require me to sit around on my butt all day. I know not every can have a job like that. Some tips are going for a walk on your breaks instead of browsing the internet or going to the break room. Also try either walking to work (if possible) or parking farther away.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    hmmm...I don't log my walking, but my fitbit interfaces with MFP to add and subtract calories as needed depending upon my activity level, so I suppose that IS logging.

    I can't eat back all the calories allotted though, I usually end up with a few hundred extra after I eat my belly full. I'm ok with that for now because I still have a wee bit of weight to lose.

    I've also found that uncounted steps add up faster than counted ones :blushing:

    In other words, when I'm feeling productive and run errands, do laundry, tidy the house, clean my car, go grocery shopping, clean the fridge, etc. all the extra silliness I usually put off in favor of sitting with my laptop in front of the TV, those steps add up very quickly and I can get 15k easy.

    However, if I cuddle up with my laptop and some coffee on a Saturday instead of getting down to business, I struggle to get 2500 steps let alone 5k for the day :ohwell:

    Every 30 minute dog walk for me is about 2500 steps, if I did nothing else but a morning dog walk & an evening dog walk, I'm halfway to my goal.

    Do the best you can & work your way up. If you're looking to lose weight, I would only add back in 1/2 the calories or so.
    Good luck, I know it's not all that easy some days, get you some crankin' music and have fun with it.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • 4peaches04
    4peaches04 Posts: 2
    I use Pacer app on my phone. Cardio days I do over 10K pretty easy, and every morning I walk 1.8 miles with my neighbor (we have about 20 mins before the kids get up) then I work out each day. One or 2 days a week I might do a spin class and that ends up being about 14 miles, so those 2 days I usually am slightly under the 10K.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    I regularly get 10k a day. Yesterday was a big one and I got over 20k. I didn't log it but I don't log my exercise on this site yet.
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    All you need is a non-propelled lawn mower, especially one that isn't very wide. 10,000 steps is no problem for not even a medium sized yard. My yard is a bit bigger than average, so I do the front and back on different days. That's two days where I rack up at least 15K steps each. I have to laugh at the people who use a riding mower, and then go to the gym and run on a treadmill. And, it takes about the same time pushing or just a bit longer than it does riding, so time really isn't much of an issue.

    Yard work in general, raking, picking up sticks, pulling weeds is a great way to log a lot of steps and burn a lot of calories without even realizing it.

    Averaging 10K a day when the weather is nice and the days are long is not hard at all if you just stay active and choose manual tools over power ones (rake vs. leaf blower, manual hedge clippers, etc...). That's why past generations didn't have as much trouble staying fit without all going to gyms.

    I also walk to stores that are up to a couple miles away for small purchases instead of hopping in the car to do it.
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
    I am shorter, too, so according to my Fitbit it takes me about 12,300 steps to make 10,000 steps. I am usually able to do that unless I am having too much retired fun!
  • mike_ny
    mike_ny Posts: 351 Member
    I am shorter, too, so according to my Fitbit it takes me about 12,300 steps to make 10,000 steps. I am usually able to do that unless I am having too much retired fun!

    You can customize your Fitbit for your particular gait. It's somewhere on the site under settings. Search for it and you'll find it. The default settings are quite good for most people of normal height, but even some of them may have longer or shorter gaits due to leg length, joint issues, etc... Check it out.