size 2 with curves IS possible



  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    I agree! I'm a 0 and these hips ain't going anywhere!!
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I don't even know what size I would wear in USA clothing. I measure 33, 25, 35. My hips prevent me from ever being a 0, I believe, I am just not a narrow build.
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Amen! I said yesterday people have poor perception of size and it really shouldn't matter. Im not hating but I think people use the term "curvy" a little loosely sometimes. Curves to me are muscles, being fit and healthy. People like to point out Beyonce; well look at her she's pretty damn fit. Being severly overweight is not curvy.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Of course its possible. At my smallest i was a very fit size 4, 6 pack and all, still had curves. I was a bit upset that my boobs weren't as big, so i gained back some on purpose, but thats just me. I like to maintain my butt and boobs. Keeps the hubby happy!
  • cookieta76
    cookieta76 Posts: 91 Member
    I've read all of these threads about "Why Would Anyone Want to be a Size 2?" and counter points of "What's Wrong With Being a Size 2?". Frankly, we all need to chill out. (I can't believe I just said that. I hate when my husband tells me to chill out!)

    Anyway....I'm obsessed with before & after photos. I've seen seriously overweight people work their *kitten* off and they look amazing - they look like there's no way that they looked that way in the first place. I've also seen people be grossly underweight (my sister was one perfect example) and finally gain the weight and look amazing as well. So many different body types (apple, pear, etc...) heights, muscles, no get the picture. We're all different. Some will be a size 2, some will be a size 10. Some don't want to be either size. Some are so motivated that they won't stop until they look like Jillian or whoever else THEY consider to be the "perfect" body.

    I want to be flexible, healthy, muscular and FIT. I am 5 foot 3 inches. I have broad shoulders, a size 34D bust (whether I'm fat or skinny, they won't change!), narrow hips (even after 3 pregnancies), muscular thighs, thick-ish ankles and wide feet. My wrists are really skinny but my fingers are chubby. My face actually looks better when it's got extra weight, but when I lose, sometimes it's too angular. It's ME. Right now I weigh 117.6. In high school I was around 110 and no one ever told me I was too thin. I can wear a size 0, 2, 3, 4 and not look grossly thin. When I gain weight, it goes to my legs, butt and then everywhere else. That's called genes. I have my mom's body from the waist down, and my dad's from the waist up (the ladies on his side of the family had the boobies!).

    So please, people, just accept what you've got to work with and sculpt it to how YOU want to be. I might never look exactly like Jillian Michaels (yes, she is my motivation) but I can use her workouts as a tool to get to where I want to be. These topics are OLD. If you can't be a size 2 or don't want to be, so what. If you strive for it and get there - in a healthy way, good for you.

    That's all.


  • T_X_L
    T_X_L Posts: 140 Member
    I always liked what Cindy Crawford once said -- Nobody sees your dress size when you're walking down the street.

    Her point was that some women use dress size as a form of self-validation when really it means very little (especially, as a previous poster noted, you can be dramatically different sizes with the same weight/shape because of various manufacturer's sizing standards). Manufacturers that do vanity sizing play to this insecurity.

    She also went on to note that many women look better/slimmer when they size up.

    FWIW, straight guy here. You made the point I was going to make, clothes manufacturers play you gals with the sizing game. My sister in law works in a sewing store, and a lot of ladies are incensed when she tells customers (who are normally a size "6"), that they need a size 14 pattern! Patterns have remained true to sizing over the years. Ask your mom, grandmother if they heard of a size 0.

    My advice, if anyone cares:

    1) Don't set clothing size goals. I'd add onto Cindy's quote by saying "nobody sees your dress size when it's lying on the floor beside the bed, or behind the sofa!

    2) Quit reading anything sold by the supermarket checkout (with the possible exception of Archie comics).

    3) MOST IMPORTANTLY Have confidence in whatever body type you are. I've found sexy to live in a lot of different shapes. Other guys have noticed that too, it's kind of like "Objectively, she's kinda plain, but she's got a sexiness about her that's tough to describe." That's confidence. And ladies, when it comes to the boudoir, you're stressing about your bodies waaaay too much!

    My advice is free, and worth every penny!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I've read all of these threads about "Why Would Anyone Want to be a Size 2?" and counter points of "What's Wrong With Being a Size 2?". Frankly, we all need to chill out. (I can't believe I just said that. I hate when my husband tells me to chill out!)

    Anyway....I'm obsessed with before & after photos. I've seen seriously overweight people work their *kitten* off and they look amazing - they look like there's no way that they looked that way in the first place. I've also seen people be grossly underweight (my sister was one perfect example) and finally gain the weight and look amazing as well. So many different body types (apple, pear, etc...) heights, muscles, no get the picture. We're all different. Some will be a size 2, some will be a size 10. Some don't want to be either size. Some are so motivated that they won't stop until they look like Jillian or whoever else THEY consider to be the "perfect" body.

    I want to be flexible, healthy, muscular and FIT. I am 5 foot 3 inches. I have broad shoulders, a size 34D bust (whether I'm fat or skinny, they won't change!), narrow hips (even after 3 pregnancies), muscular thighs, thick-ish ankles and wide feet. My wrists are really skinny but my fingers are chubby. My face actually looks better when it's got extra weight, but when I lose, sometimes it's too angular. It's ME. Right now I weigh 117.6. In high school I was around 110 and no one ever told me I was too thin. I can wear a size 0, 2, 3, 4 and not look grossly thin. When I gain weight, it goes to my legs, butt and then everywhere else. That's called genes. I have my mom's body from the waist down, and my dad's from the waist up (the ladies on his side of the family had the boobies!).

    So please, people, just accept what you've got to work with and sculpt it to how YOU want to be. I might never look exactly like Jillian Michaels (yes, she is my motivation) but I can use her workouts as a tool to get to where I want to be. These topics are OLD. If you can't be a size 2 or don't want to be, so what. If you strive for it and get there - in a healthy way, good for you.

    That's all.



    lol, I just got in from a night out (no, I don't feel guilty, lol), but I love that this is staying positive! You all rock!
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    I always liked what Cindy Crawford once said -- Nobody sees your dress size when you're walking down the street.

    Her point was that some women use dress size as a form of self-validation when really it means very little (especially, as a previous poster noted, you can be dramatically different sizes with the same weight/shape because of various manufacturer's sizing standards). Manufacturers that do vanity sizing play to this insecurity.

    She also went on to note that many women look better/slimmer when they size up.

    FWIW, straight guy here. You made the point I was going to make, clothes manufacturers play you gals with the sizing game. My sister in law works in a sewing store, and a lot of ladies are incensed when she tells customers (who are normally a size "6"), that they need a size 14 pattern! Patterns have remained true to sizing over the years. Ask your mom, grandmother if they heard of a size 0.

    My advice, if anyone cares:

    1) Don't set clothing size goals. I'd add onto Cindy's quote by saying "nobody sees your dress size when it's lying on the floor beside the bed, or behind the sofa!

    2) Quit reading anything sold by the supermarket checkout (with the possible exception of Archie comics).

    3) MOST IMPORTANTLY Have confidence in whatever body type you are. I've found sexy to live in a lot of different shapes. Other guys have noticed that too, it's kind of like "Objectively, she's kinda plain, but she's got a sexiness about her that's tough to describe." That's confidence. And ladies, when it comes to the boudoir, you're stressing about your bodies waaaay too much!

    My advice is free, and worth every penny!

    :heart: :drinker: :smile:
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Of course!

    But there's also nothing wrong with being healthy and having no curves. Some women just aren't built that way and that's okay.

    And yes, some of us will never be a size 2 because again, we are not built that way.

    Women are beautiful and even healthy in all shapes and sizes. And really personality is more important anyway.

    absolutely, but this was in retort to the threads bashing size 2 girls - there is NO need to bash anyone regardless of size, shape, weight. THAT was the point of this thread.

    There was also a reply yesterday that said size 8 girls (me) were jealous of size 2s. :huh:

    bah, people! We should be celebrating that we are ALL here to get healthy regardless of the size we are or want to be. I also am not a fan of the "jealous" card, either....

    You're only saying that because you're jealous of my jealous card.

    I agree though. People keep wanting to blame the media for making women so self conscious, but I think we do it to ourselves. We nit-pick everyone and try to put people down so that our status is somehow increased... Like I I can make you feel bad about being fit, I'll then look in the mirror and glitter will rain down on me because I'm now the most beautiful girl on the Internet.

    But what I can't stand even more is that people think it is plenty fine to tell someone that their goal is too low... But it is nowhere near okay to tell someone their goal is too high because "everyone has different bodies and BMI is a population statistic" well that's the exact reason it is not fair for anyone to tell someone their goal is too low.

    I feel like I want to rant more but can't think of another topic... So thanks for this tolerance thread. I'm now so tolerant I can't even rant :)
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Why are people still debating over this? It's simple. Everyone is beautiful if they are HEALTHY and are happy with the way they look. THE END.
  • Chubbyhulagirl
    Chubbyhulagirl Posts: 374 Member
    Of course!

    But there's also nothing wrong with being healthy and having no curves. Some women just aren't built that way and that's okay.

    And yes, some of us will never be a size 2 because again, we are not built that way.

    Women are beautiful and even healthy in all shapes and sizes. And really personality is more important anyway.

    Amen! Lets be encouraging to everyone, no matter their goals or lack of. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and people are different!!

    Rae- your progress is amazing btw! Your top is super leaned out and cut and your legs are really getting leaner too. Rock on woman!!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,324 Member
    when i got into 2's last fall i loved it, i was not to small very curvy and still had 20lbs to lose
    to be where i wanted as far as fat %. Im now in 4's due to stress eating :( but headed back to my 2's
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Why are people still debating over this? It's simple. Everyone is beautiful if they are HEALTHY and are happy with the way they look. THE END.

    Yup. Just because I don't want to be a size 2 (which doesn't exist in my country anyway, but I'm also not aiming to be a size 6) doesn't mean that someone else shouldn't. There is nothing wrong with my goal to be a healthy weight size 12 (US 8) or your goal to be a healthy weight size 2 (Aussie 6). We all have a different body and what looks suits one person may not be possible for someone else.

    I do think it can be a problem for a person (maybe someone tall or with a large frame) who would be dangerously and unhealthily thin when they fitted into a size 2, just as it would be a problem if I was aspiring to get to a dangerously and unhealthily fat size 24.

    And there is the great point that lots of people have made which is that clothing sizes are not at all standardised - even within one country, before you factor in the difference between a US 6 and an Aussie/UK 6.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Why are people still debating over this? It's simple. Everyone is beautiful if they are HEALTHY and are happy with the way they look. THE END.

    I think (thankfully) this thread no one was actually debating at all. We are ALL saying and agreeing on the same thing, which is what I started with saying and you said above..... :bigsmile:
  • littlelol
    littlelol Posts: 539
    im curvy. still want to be curvy but leaner! any tips?