Easy for you eat healthy! You don't have kids!



  • NWdreaming
    NWdreaming Posts: 95 Member
    I have two little ones and I want to be an example to them so I think she is just finding excuses for not making the changes she needs in order to see results. It is possible to go to all kinds of parties, adult and child, and still eat healthy. It's all about the choices and changes. I think most people finally get to that point of, "Ok, I know what I need to do and I'm ready to do whatever it takes to get there" and she just isn't there. It's also hard for those who are struggling making that change to say "NO" to bad foods in a social environment.

    Example: This last weekend I went to a gathering with some women to craft, paint, etc and there were all kinds of bad food options (which I knew there would be). I brought my almonds and 100 calorie popcorn to snack on, and my WATER. And I got a few side comments, like "oh you can eat some, it isn't that bad" and "I can't believe you aren't gonna try this". I just explained that I recently got back from vacation and I allowed myself to eat what I wanted and now, it was time to cut the sodium and processed food out for a week or two. I also explained that this is a life style change for me and I already had my food fun on vaca and it just wasn't worth it to have cookies and brownies when I didn't even really WANT them. Eventually, they backed off and started asked what else I was doing...but I had to stand my ground first.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • DivaJadelyn
    DivaJadelyn Posts: 280 Member
    I have two kids and I eat healthy. They eat what I eat. When special events come up, I enjoy myself. I eat a reasonable portion of whatever the treat is and exercise later. Kids are *not* a viable excuse to not change your lifestyle. It's cheaper to eat non-processed foods if you're doing it right, and you have more energy to play with them.
  • sem41278
    sem41278 Posts: 89 Member
    Cop out! I'm getting healthy partly to be ap good role model to my daughter. And your day will come to be a mom too :)
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    .....Super Size me.

    Go watch it.

    You will never eat fast food ever again...
  • schustc
    schustc Posts: 428 Member
    Rubbish. I have a 4 yr old and nieces and nephews and there are parties and family events. For me I either choose to have what I want that day (as someone eluded shes not at a party 365 days a year so even if it was once a month you can work that in). Or I eat healthy food before the party and not hungry and tempted AT the party. You can also take healthy food that most kids like - fruit salad! Shes jealous and not interested in really making a change - and yes, finding excuses
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    i have 2 kids (6 and 13) and have twin 4 year olds here during the day.

    i dont eat any of their food. never have! and i feed them healthy ANYWAYS! they have a full piece of fruit with each meal. (for the twins i pretty sure its the only fruit they get!)

    my son (the 6 year old) is darn near a vegetarian. he hates meat! and i wont make him eat it - he gets protein from other sources...
  • grubb1019
    grubb1019 Posts: 371 Member
    I used to use that excuse. And that is what it is, an excuse. I eat healthy now and so do my kids. I
    still eat cake at parties if I want to. If I don't want to (and I find stuff like that more and more sickening all the time) I say "No thank you!" Sometimes I do fix my kids something I know they like that is too calorie laden for me, but that is just for treats.
    I think she needs to rethink her excuse, lol!
  • robot_potato
    robot_potato Posts: 1,535 Member
    I have kids, 3 and 7 years old. I eat healthy. Our whole family eats the same thing. Changing our diets was rocky at first, but now it is a non-issue. I can go to birthday parties and eat cake, i just arrange my day around it so i have enough extra calories. We eat our fair share of junk food, but we stick to serving sizes and it's not an all the time thing. Your friend is making excuse for her bad behaviour.
  • dorkboi
    dorkboi Posts: 87 Member
    I have 3 kids and eat healthy just fine. I've learned to take my own snacks to events and politely say no. Nobody has ever given me a hard time. Total cop out.
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    So today my friend was asking my advice on eating healthier. She said, "I've only had reduced fat this and no fat these and I'm still hungry! How did you make yourself LIKE healthy food!?" I said, "well, eventually you'll realize that it's worth it to spend your calories on healthy food, rather than processed. I didn't make myself like food-I tried a lot of things from searching online and through my grocery store. Eventually, processed and restaurant foods stopped tasting so good and I became full off of less calories and better for me foods. Now i CRAVE vegetables and fruits"


    "WELL ITS EASY FOR YOU. YOU DON'T HAVE KIDS. It's not realistic for me to eat like this, I have birthday parties to go to."

    That hurt my feelings because, I want to eventually have kids...and, I feel like she was kinding throwing that in as a cop out!

    BUT! I'm open to YOUR opinions-parents or not?!

    I'm childfree by choice and that's what we call a "bingo" -- common phrases/excuses those with kids like to throw our way for various reasons.

    Try not to let it get to you and keep up the good work!

    PS - That's a hell of a lot of birthday parties, and wtf... I have a lot of awesome restaurants and bars to go to, because I don't have kids, so I could NEVER LOSE WEIGHT! WAH WAH WAH! ;)
  • NavaGirl35
    NavaGirl35 Posts: 36
    WTH!!!!! that’s just wrong.....having kids around doesn’t mean you have to feed yourself bad stuff...birthday parties can be healthy and you can splurge a little but with control.... Don’t worry about it you got this!!!!...Keep it up and when you do have kids you will be a very healthy bug and feed them better......
  • taralc005
    taralc005 Posts: 8
    I wouldn't sweat it, my friends and I have kids and we plan healthy birthday party snacks and food.! Even the cakes and treats are healthy.
    Besides, if you eat healthy food 90% of the time a pizza or cake every once in a while will not throw you off :)
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    People throw that line out no matter what..... You are too old you don't understand...you are too young you don't understand...you are single you don't understand you are married ...etc......its crap. Literally. Keep doing what you are doing and send her some family friendly recipes if you come across them. perrysplate.com She has children and makes family sized dishes and eats unprocessed and makes yummy nutritious foods.
  • NavaGirl35
    NavaGirl35 Posts: 36
    feed them better.....opps
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    I think your friend is doing a terrible injustice to her kids! Up until 456 days ago, I fed my youngest son all the wrong things; as a result, I created an unhealthy, obese child. As a family, we changed our eating habits and today, my once 300 pound son, is a healthy 165 pounds!
    I look back and it breaks my heart to know the damage I was doing to him. Physically and mentally. I would never allow that to happen again. Thank God we were able to change our lives. Now I know my son has the right tools to eat healthy for his life, and one day pass that onto his children.

    You go, girl!! :flowerforyou:
  • CeeRawr89
    CeeRawr89 Posts: 328 Member
    So today my friend was asking my advice on eating healthier. She said, "I've only had reduced fat this and no fat these and I'm still hungry! How did you make yourself LIKE healthy food!?" I said, "well, eventually you'll realize that it's worth it to spend your calories on healthy food, rather than processed. I didn't make myself like food-I tried a lot of things from searching online and through my grocery store. Eventually, processed and restaurant foods stopped tasting so good and I became full off of less calories and better for me foods. Now i CRAVE vegetables and fruits"


    "WELL ITS EASY FOR YOU. YOU DON'T HAVE KIDS. It's not realistic for me to eat like this, I have birthday parties to go to."

    That hurt my feelings because, I want to eventually have kids...and, I feel like she was kinding throwing that in as a cop out!

    BUT! I'm open to YOUR opinions-parents or not?!
    It's a cop out!

    If I know I'm going to a birthday party with mostly junk food, I'll find the healthy stuff and snack on that!

    I have a kid, we eat damn healthy!
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    I have a young daughter and a husband who only ever wants pizza.

    Trust me, it doesn't matter. You only have excuses if you let yourself have excuses.

    Looks like she was just trying to make herself feel better for not making the changes she needs to make.
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    I hate that comment about me not having kids! My coworkers use that line on me a lot and it is annoying plus I find it at times an excuse (obviously it depends on the situation). There is no reason not to eat healthy just because of kids. It is beneficial for the kids to learn to love healthier foods instead of craving sugar.
  • cressievargo
    cressievargo Posts: 392 Member
    So today my friend was asking my advice on eating healthier. She said, "I've only had reduced fat this and no fat these and I'm still hungry! How did you make yourself LIKE healthy food!?" I said, "well, eventually you'll realize that it's worth it to spend your calories on healthy food, rather than processed. I didn't make myself like food-I tried a lot of things from searching online and through my grocery store. Eventually, processed and restaurant foods stopped tasting so good and I became full off of less calories and better for me foods. Now i CRAVE vegetables and fruits"


    "WELL ITS EASY FOR YOU. YOU DON'T HAVE KIDS. It's not realistic for me to eat like this, I have birthday parties to go to."

    That hurt my feelings because, I want to eventually have kids...and, I feel like she was kinding throwing that in as a cop out!

    BUT! I'm open to YOUR opinions-parents or not?!

    This is an excuse (and BS).

    I have THREE kids. 7, 2 and 9 mo. I'd rather teach them to make healthy choices than make excuses.
  • finallyFIT_ForMe
    That's no excuse. In fact, having kids should be an additional reason to eat and make healthy foods. Don't you want your kids to eat healthy foods too and grow up knowing what a proper diet should be?