Easy for you eat healthy! You don't have kids!



  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I'm a parent, and it's a cop out. You don't have to eat the crap at birthday parties, and even if you do, you're able to budget your calories or workout to allot for them. I wouldn't let the bee in her bonnet upset you too much. The only problem I have as a parent is actually getting to eat the produce in my house (a good problem to have), my kids love it and eat it up.
  • jboccio90
    jboccio90 Posts: 644 Member
    I eat cake and have a picky toddler and have managed to lose 44 pounds. So yeah just an excuse, and really lame one.
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    That's no excuse. In fact, having kids should be an additional reason to eat and make healthy foods. Don't you want your kids to eat healthy foods too and grow up knowing what a proper diet should be?

    Oooh, add this to my comment.

    Having my daughter is what made me change in the first place! I grew up learning all my bad habits and was the fat kid at school. I'm getting active and eating right so my daughter will... So really, her excuse is really the reason why she should be doing it in the first place...
  • RobynDCrossman
    Excuses! Shenanigans! My 7 year old eats better than I do - because she doesn't have all the crazy head crud!
  • scarlet_necro
    I have kids and we eat healthy. Apples are my children's favorite snack
  • ShareeMorty
    ShareeMorty Posts: 324 Member
    I have a 9yo and a 10yo, they eat what I eat. They rarely get junk food and now that I am actively trying to get healthy I have told the husbind only when I am not home. The best part of kids parties is dropping your kids at them and going home to peace and quiet LOL, when my kids have a party there is always plenty of healthy options amongst the junk so no excuse really.
  • vicki81868
    vicki81868 Posts: 262 Member
    I have 9 kids, so I don't have a problem saying that's a cop out. One I used for years, btw.

    Eating healthy is a choice. And it can be done...even with a bunch of kids in the house and birthday parties, and graduations, and summer parties, and holidays and a host of any other celebrations. The kids are obviously able to eat things I can't (or don't), but just because I cook for them and grab the snack for them, doesn't mean I have to put it in my mouth. It's a choice. And it's never easy.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I raised my kids & didn’t support Little Debbie or her Ho-Ho friends over there at Hostess. She is using her kids as an excuse. Tell her pi$$ off.., you were trying to help.
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    It is certainly difficult with kids, but I would think that woud be a much better reason to eat healthy.

    I think there is a lot of tension between us non-mom girls and those who have kids. But we are all women, and we should all be making healthy choices.
  • dezray63
    dezray63 Posts: 1 Member
    Don't worry...You eating healthy will be a great advantage for to your future babies. I have two toddlers, and its been over a year since we (me and my significant other) changed our eating habits. We know buy healthier foods. We avoid buying cookies, candy, and soda. Our two toddlers enjoy eating fruits (bananas, strawberries, apples, rasberries, and oranges) and veggies (green beans, peas, carrots) We did try to feed it to them and watch them try it on their own. We dilute juices...but love the carbonated flavored water (they love black cherry). They think its soda and we let them think that! As far as Birthday Parties, you always have options.. This year we did healthy treat bags instead of the all the candy!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I don't feed my kids junk. They eat healthy, just like I do. My 6yr old has never in her life had fast food or soda/carbonated drinks, but they are not deprived. I make pizza from scratch, and organic burgers, and we love our turkey bacon, among other things. Homemade ice cream and fruit smoothies/shakes are amazing!

    Why would I want my children to grow up eating **** that I won't put in my own body?
  • Pomoch325
    Pomoch325 Posts: 63 Member
    Sooo in order to have fun at a kids birthday party, she has to eat like crap?? That's just silly. The point of birthday parties are for the kiddos to have all the fun. Plus, I doubt the parents would snub her because she passed on a piece of cake.

    It really was an inconsiderate thing for her to say. Her children shouldn't get the blame for her bad choices.
  • ColleenAtherton
    ColleenAtherton Posts: 230 Member
    She should be setting an example for her kids. That's why I decided to get healthy...

    Just my opinion.

    As a mom of 3, I totally agree with ^^^ this.

    I get up at 5:30 am every single day of the week to exercise because it's literally the only time I have alone. Getting healthy and setting a better example for my kids is important to me. I want to be around to watch them grow and become the awesome people I know they are going to be.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    My wife and I have two small kids, and have lost more than 120 lbs. between us. Oh yes, and our kids like veggies because WE eat them. Yes, our kids get hot dogs, chicken nuggets, and cookies...but in reasonable portions and they are as likely to ask for broccoli as chips because they see how we eat and eat what we eat. Birthday parties? It's called a sack lunch. (Or, if we're feeling a bit snarky, it's alternatively called self-restraint.) Kids are a valid excuse for some things but eating healthy simply isn't one of them. My $0.02.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    we all have occasions, though. she may have a point that life without children is simpler, but an excuse is an excuse and theoretically it should be easier if you have kids because you're supposed to be setting an example.
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Typical BS excuse. Know what my 4 year old niece asks for for lunch most days?

    A banana or a "kickin" strawberry smoothie (and she kicks in the air when she asks for it...so cute!)

    and she loves the clean sugar free cookies I make

    Ignore your dopey friend and when you become a mom, feed your kids the healthy things you eat right from the get go. People wouldn't have the problems they have feeding their kids if they didn't feed them Kraft mac and cheese and french fries the second they have a couple of teeth.
  • wackyfunster
    wackyfunster Posts: 944 Member
    I'm childfree by choice and that's what we call a "bingo" -- common phrases/excuses those with kids like to throw our way for various reasons.

    Try not to let it get to you and keep up the good work!

    PS - That's a hell of a lot of birthday parties, and wtf... I have a lot of awesome restaurants and bars to go to, because I don't have kids, so I could NEVER LOSE WEIGHT! WAH WAH WAH! ;)
    I definitely had a harder time staying in shape before kids for exactly those reasons! :P
  • heatherrose9
    heatherrose9 Posts: 122 Member
    Wow! Thanks for all the comments!

    I was trying to encourage her that it's not about depriving yourself-it's about making a lifestyle change.

    But, sigh, she's just probably not ready or willing!

    P.S. All of your comments are exactly what I love about MFP! You get it! :)
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Agghhhhhhhhh I hate hearing that! I do have kids, but people will use a lot of stuff like that for an excuse to stay in the same mode they're in. Sure, I cook veggies that my kids don't like.... they try them though. I also experiment with modified healthier recipes. Sometimes it's awesome, sometimes they gag LOL Sometimes I gag too at the weird recipes I find out there... but all in all, I make health a family issue BECAUSE IT IS ONE! It's like anything else that affects a parent... that will more often than not affect a child. Perhaps they won't be obese children if they go to birthday parties and have cake and run around like crazy people, but I don't want my children thinking that everyday should include cake AND chips AND cookies AND chicken nuggets AND ketchup as a vegetable. I feel sad when other people don't understand that about me and my kids.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I try to eat healthy FOR my kids. I think it's working - they all like their veggies and fruits. In fact, at least one picks broccoli over mac&cheese hands-down every time. Sure, we have our share of "junk" - but it's just one part of an over-all healthy diet. If you have good habits now, it will be that much easier to teach those habits to your kids. After all, they eat what you eat.

    (Funny aside, I posted a pic on facebook of my littlest loving his first taste of brussel sprouts, you should have seen the comments!! :laugh: :laugh: )