City planning to ban sale of oversized sweetened drinks



  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    jane, ftw.

    I just don't get it. really. why is it OK for the government to tell me what I can buy -- which it really is here -- and tell companies what they can sell me? limiting sugary drinks to 16 ounces is insane intrusion.

    (maybe someone should tell bloomberg that there's been a 20 percent reduction in calories consumed, per capita, through soda over the last 10 years already. I think we're doing OK on our own, gov.)
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    it is probably worth noting, too, that there's a huge profit margin on drinks. take that away, and the prices for everything else are going to be going up to compensate.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Sure, I think HUGE portion sizes of food and drinks just distorts our view of how much we should actually be eating at a time, so getting rid of ridiculously large serves of anything seems like a great idea to me.
    But, I don't think it should apply onto to sweetened drinks, it should apply to all drinks. Otherwise you are still led to believe that a huge serving size is normal, or necessary, regardless of what is actually in the cup.

    So even if I got a 'big gulp' and filled it with Unsweetened Unflavored Iced Tea, then that amount of 0 calorie beverage is unnecessary for me?

    Hmmm...and I thought I was supposed to drink 64oz of water a day...:grumble:
  • interceptor311
    interceptor311 Posts: 980 Member
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    The food police are right around the corner :angry:

    There goes another little bit of free choice (freedom).

    They'll chip away and chip away until its all gone.
  • 1DeterminedGal
    1DeterminedGal Posts: 20 Member
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.

    YEP!!! Absolutely. The government needs to mind their own business....!!!
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.

    I won't bother restating, that is perfect.

    Americans have a tendency to force their opinions on others as laws. It is disappointing. If someone wants to drink a pound of sugar, smoke a cigarette in their own place of business, or marry their same sex cousin, it is really none of anyone's business. F'ing haters.
  • gastankerdriver
    The government regulates tobacco use, alcohol use, seatbelt laws, helmet laws, etc. I don't have any problem with them limiting the size of a drink that is intentionally designed to cause health problems. The people who sell these drinks only care about how much money they can get. They don't care about the health of their customers. Given that attitude, let's regulate it.
  • Qatsi
    Qatsi Posts: 2,191 Member
    This guy's gonna be upset:
  • dictations
    dictations Posts: 199
    If people want to get obese or whatever, just let them kill themselves slowly. Their choice. Don't punish the rest of us.
  • htolen
    htolen Posts: 28
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.

    But they aren't limiting how much you eat/drink - it just means that if you want two large drinks, you buy two large drinks. How is that restricting your liberty?

    The problem here is government regulation of private industry. Can I buy two mediums if I want a large? Sure. But why should "Big Brother" dictate whether a corporation can sell a large in the first place? It's socialist at best to interject government regulations on private endeavors. Don't you have enough on your mind these days, government? You need to start stirring your fingers around in the private sector as well? GET OUT!!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Look, would having laws like this mean that MFP would no longer be needed? They are still going to be free refills. It's a stupid move. Healthy eating is a lifestyle, not a law.

    For example: People still get drink, and even when booze was illegal, people still drank. Our culture is created by advertizing and occasionally pop creative folks. It will never work.

    It is the same thing with guns. When they are outlawed, only the outlaws will have them. Good luck New York.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Look, would having laws like this mean that MFP would no longer be needed? They are still going to be free refills. It's a stupid move. Healthy eating is a lifestyle, not a law.

    For example: People still get drink, and even when booze was illegal, people still drank. Our culture is created by advertizing and occasionally pop creative folks. It will never work.

    It is the same thing with guns. When they are outlawed, only the outlaws will have them. Good luck New York.

    This ^^^^

    You can't regulate personal responsibility.

    Amen, dsjohndrow
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    The government regulates tobacco use, alcohol use, seatbelt laws, helmet laws, etc. I don't have any problem with them limiting the size of a drink that is intentionally designed to cause health problems. The people who sell these drinks only care about how much money they can get. They don't care about the health of their customers. Given that attitude, let's regulate it.

    they make large drinks to kill us? intentionally? really? hyperbole on line one, please.
  • Neconilis
    Neconilis Posts: 19 Member
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.


    This quote sums up my feelings on that train of thought nicely.

    "So I’m not a health freak, and no, I don’t want to pass laws mandating the eating of broccoli. But I do want us to understand how wrong and simple-minded our definition of freedom is today. Any time the government appears to be suggesting some program aimed at getting people to do something that is obviously good for themselves—buying health insurance, not eating a bucket of popcorn big enough that two cats could screw in it—a certain number of idiots jump up and cry “Ha! Nanny state! Taking away my freedom!”"

    I could say more, but none of it would be particularly polite. However, I will say I enjoy having a government that actually cares about it's citizens. Government has a place in maintaining the well-being and general welfare of all of it's citizens at all times, and if that means some restrictions and/or requirements on behavior then so be it. After all, we already live in that world and I do not see much of a difference over I can't own an artillery piece over I can't buy a 2,000 calorie beverage. No typical person has the need for either one and both can too easily cause damage to society as a whole. In short, the rights of one person do not trump the good of us all.
  • TJamesChristensen
    I think that people are forgetting that portion control is only part of the obesity problem in this country. Limiting the size of drinks is only slapping a band aid on the problem. The fact is a lot of people (adult and children) get zero exercise. How many conversations have you had with people that are full of nothing but excuses why they can't get off their butts and exercise. Kids don't play outside, they hide in their rooms with their video games. Family are doing fewer and fewer activities together. I know a lot of families that have never sat down together for dinner, its always fend for yourself.

    I can go on and on listing reasons why as a country we are getting bigger. Taking away someone's rights to pick whatever size soda they want will not fix anything.
    J3SSP3NNY Posts: 235
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.

    This fer realz!
    J3SSP3NNY Posts: 235
    I think that people are forgetting that portion control is only part of the obesity problem in this country. Limiting the size of drinks is only slapping a band aid on the problem. The fact is a lot of people (adult and children) get zero exercise. How many conversations have you had with people that are full of nothing but excuses why they can't get off their butts and exercise. Kids don't play outside, they hide in their rooms with their video games. Family are doing fewer and fewer activities together. I know a lot of families that have never sat down together for dinner, its always fend for yourself.

    I can go on and on listing reasons why as a country we are getting bigger. Taking away someone's rights to pick whatever size soda they want will not fix anything.

    Damn right!
  • liftingheavy
    liftingheavy Posts: 551 Member
    I think that people are forgetting that portion control is only part of the obesity problem in this country. Limiting the size of drinks is only slapping a band aid on the problem. The fact is a lot of people (adult and children) get zero exercise. How many conversations have you had with people that are full of nothing but excuses why they can't get off their butts and exercise. Kids don't play outside, they hide in their rooms with their video games. Family are doing fewer and fewer activities together. I know a lot of families that have never sat down together for dinner, its always fend for yourself.

    I can go on and on listing reasons why as a country we are getting bigger. Taking away someone's rights to pick whatever size soda they want will not fix anything.

    It will fix the problem of so many liquid calories and sugar going into the body from one cup. But no, it does not solve the epidemic, but it's a step in the right direction.
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.
