City planning to ban sale of oversized sweetened drinks



  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    This guy's gonna be upset:

    nope. he's safe. the law can't hit the 7-11s and the like, because they are regulated like grocery stores. this would generally hit movie theaters and food joints.
  • LillysGranny
    LillysGranny Posts: 431
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.

    I want to agree with you--the last place I need extra government intervention is in my refrigerator or the drive through line BUT who pays the health care costs for all of the people over-consuming fast food garbage? Who takes care of their children because they are too sick to do it themselves? I say, if someone is hellbent on killing themselves they should be issued a gun and allowed to get it over with quickly and cheaply. No long, drawn out tax-payer funded dying.
  • TJamesChristensen
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.


    This quote sums up my feelings on that train of thought nicely.

    "So I’m not a health freak, and no, I don’t want to pass laws mandating the eating of broccoli. But I do want us to understand how wrong and simple-minded our definition of freedom is today. Any time the government appears to be suggesting some program aimed at getting people to do something that is obviously good for themselves—buying health insurance, not eating a bucket of popcorn big enough that two cats could screw in it—a certain number of idiots jump up and cry “Ha! Nanny state! Taking away my freedom!”"

    I could say more, but none of it would be particularly polite. However, I will say I enjoy having a government that actually cares about it's citizens. Government has a place in maintaining the well-being and general welfare of all of it's citizens at all times, and if that means some restrictions and/or requirements on behavior then so be it. After all, we already live in that world and I do not see much of a difference over I can't own an artillery piece over I can't buy a 2,000 calorie beverage. No typical person has the need for either one and both can too easily cause damage to society as a whole. In short, the rights of one person do not trump the good of us all.

    Its not that people don't want our government to care about us, they don't want them making all of our decisions.

    For example:

    A state employee removed a girls sack lunch because it was determined to be against their recommended guidelines. Even good ideas have a way of getting out of hand really quickly.
  • manda1002
    manda1002 Posts: 178 Member
    Not that I agree with it, but why are they starting with the size of the drink? When is the last time any of us went somewhere that DIDN'T offer free refills on soda? I used to work at McDonalds years ago, and we'd have customers that would order small or medium drinks, but then sit there refilling them over and over and over again. It doesn't matter what SIZE you get, it's how many refills you can get.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    what happened to personal responsibility?
    The government stopped trusting people to make the decisions themselves. And with the projected obesity statistics over there in the states, you can see why.

    It may not be right, but it may well be necessary.
  • jefflturn
    jefflturn Posts: 41
    Next they will limit the amount of children you can have or the gender of the children. Oh I know lets limit the amount of clothes and shoes you can have. This nanny state crap will be the end of our free society. No more personal responsibility. what a load of crap!

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Bloomberg is out of control. This is why there used to be term limits.
    He won't let restaurants donate food to city homeless shelters because "they can't vouch for the nutritional value". Its the best food in the world and this tool is completely out of reality.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    OMG its called self restraint and responsibility.
    How's that working for you, as a nation?
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.

    I agree 100%, if you want to drink raw milk, so be it, raw cookie dough, here ya go, a 32 oz pepsi, more for you, I'll pass thank you.
  • Wildheart_Baby
    Wildheart_Baby Posts: 44 Member
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.

    With the strain it puts on health services, it seems the government needs to step in and do something to help with the obesity crisis.
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    I quit drinking soft drinks, so it makes no difference to me. *shrug*

    First they came for the soft drinks, but I didn't drink those, so I did nothing.....

    This has got to be my favorite quote from this thread thus far :laugh:
  • SBecken87
    SBecken87 Posts: 48
    I think all sodas should be banned period...there is not nutrional value what-so-ever. Plus sugar is addicting, so you take bread...pasta...desserts---things high in carbs and then drink high in sugar and you're overloading your body with sugar. But your gonna keep eating more because it tricks your brain into thinking your still hungry. I've fought with this a lot, not the drinks but with carbs and I'm on day 3 of cutting carbs dramatically and already feel the change in my energy levels and I just overall feel healthier. I know its only been 3 days but I've done this before and dropped 5 pant sizes...but as soon as I start eating carbs again the weight comes right back and now I'm determined to STAY AWAY!! Once the second day goes by without them, my body no longer craves it and I'm not hungry during the day...where before when I was eating bread I was hungry ALL DAY!
  • Krissy366
    Krissy366 Posts: 458 Member
    I'm against banning things, but 100% in favor of requiring nutritional information on every food product in both stores and restaurants. People should be able to make their own choices, but I strongly believe they should be informed choices.
  • cameralinds
    cameralinds Posts: 239
    If they regulate sugary drinks, what would they decide they want to "regulate" next?

    I feel like this is like sticking your toes in a cold pool and getting shoved in the deep end without expecting it.

    Regulating things as simple as sugary drinks can lead to dangerous waters. Not cool.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Regulating things as simple as sugary drinks can lead to dangerous waters.
    Water is not dangerous.

    Unless you drink it straight from a river.

    Or unless you fall in and can't swim.
  • marydb0000
    marydb0000 Posts: 43
    what happened to personal responsibility?

    The government thinks we're too stupid......Stay out of my bedroom - and stay out of my fridge!!
  • Package02
    Package02 Posts: 97
    I'm against banning things, but 100% in favor of requiring nutritional information on every food product in both stores and restaurants. People should be able to make their own choices, but I strongly believe they should be informed choices.

    Agree with this 100% I know Cali has a law that is similar to this although it only requires chain restaurants to post their information. I think if you're going to make a law to try and fight obesity then the biggest thing you can do is simply require restaurants to post their caloric information.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Yes, it's unhealthy, but I think it's dumb to put a ban on a food product. And banning a larger size of soda or whatever will NOT stop people from drinking it. All they have to do is go somewhere with free refills or they will buy more of the smaller size. It can cause you to be overweight if you drink it all the time but then again anything in excess can be bad for you. More awareness would be a better road rather than try to restrict soda sales. What are they going to do next? Ban the making of cakes?
  • tamheath
    tamheath Posts: 702 Member
    I think I'm a libertarian at heart, because I will never think it's right to legally regulate things just because they're unhealthy. Especially if they're only unhealthy to the person consuming them. If people want to kill themselves slowly with sugar it's not my business. If they want to kill themselves fast with crack that's not my business, either.

    Down with the nanny state.

    This, exactly. Government poking its nose in where not needed. People need to be educated, not just "no, no, no large drinks for you." Ridiculous. What's next? No buttered popcorn at movies because it's not healthy. We are all adults and are entitled to make our own decisions.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    How about instead of banning them you just eliminate the ridiculous subsidies for corn and corn byproducts (e.g. high fructose corn syrup) and let the price of regular soda dictate the market? And hey - I'm not even a Libertarian - I'm a Dem!

    Ding, ding, ding! We have a Winner! :drinker: