How Hard Must You Work Out?



  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    What kind of things do you like to do? What type of body are you going for? With out knowing you and your goals. All we are is guessing.

    I hate Cardio and the Gym Sometimes, but I love what I get out of it. Special once I start seeing improvements. It just gets me to do better at time. When I skip or miss... I feel guilty.
  • Neahpata
    Neahpata Posts: 322 Member
    You must break a sweat to see some real changes. If working out is boring to you, try circuit or interval training. Circuit training breaks up the exercises in smaller chucks with a variety of moves so you don't get bored. With interval training you workout hardcore for short time and then have a recovery - very effective at burning fat. You can also try dancing like hula or belly dance. It's low intensity but both (especially hula) will give your legs a workout.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Hard. like this hard.

  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member

    These are some GREAT ideas...Thanks a lot. I definitely wanna try Pilates and Water Aerobics this summer. Walking I love, I prefer it outdoors as opposed to a treadmill. Thanks. I need to try a bunch of different things. I actually don't mind strength training, but I feel a bit directionless as far as reps, and how often, when to increase, etc. Its all so confusing when to do strength and when to do cardio!

    Awesome! There's your answer don't mind strength training, and it's definitely going to make the most difference in your body overall.

    Again, search the groups here for Stronglifts 5x5...there's a solid women only group for it, and they will get you set in a workable routine for you.
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198

    These are some GREAT ideas...Thanks a lot. I definitely wanna try Pilates and Water Aerobics this summer. Walking I love, I prefer it outdoors as opposed to a treadmill. Thanks. I need to try a bunch of different things. I actually don't mind strength training, but I feel a bit directionless as far as reps, and how often, when to increase, etc. Its all so confusing when to do strength and when to do cardio!

    NRFLW! Get it on Amazon! I LOVE this book. I too was a little lost at the weight room at my gym and this book helped me get me going! :smile:
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Hey there,

    I am like you, I do not like vigorous exercises. I have managed to lose 59 lbs by doing a mix of vigorous cardio (Zumba) and moderate cardio exercises (elliptical, walking, swimming). I also weight train 2-3 times a week.

    Overall, this has worked really well for me. In addition to losing weight, I feel like my body is getting firmer and more shapely. So, no, you do not have to always work out really hard. Just try and get in some hard workouts during the week in addition to moderate workouts.

    Hope this helps.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    These are some GREAT ideas...Thanks a lot. I definitely wanna try Pilates and Water Aerobics this summer. Walking I love, I prefer it outdoors as opposed to a treadmill. Thanks. I need to try a bunch of different things. I actually don't mind strength training, but I feel a bit directionless as far as reps, and how often, when to increase, etc. Its all so confusing when to do strength and when to do cardio!

    There are a few really good programs for beginning with strength training. I highly recommend New Rules of Lifting for Women. It's a book on Amazon, and not terribly expensive. It'll give you a really good introduction to strength training geared to women.
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    These are some GREAT ideas...Thanks a lot. I definitely wanna try Pilates and Water Aerobics this summer. Walking I love, I prefer it outdoors as opposed to a treadmill. Thanks. I need to try a bunch of different things. I actually don't mind strength training, but I feel a bit directionless as far as reps, and how often, when to increase, etc. Its all so confusing when to do strength and when to do cardio!

    If you like walking.. Find a Good hill outside and walk up and down that sucker. Keep a fast Pace. Then on those super hot days, Or Raining days. Hit the Treadmill at a 2.5 to 4.7mph Pace at at least a 15% incline. You can hang on to the rails..:) Works wonders.

    As far as weight training...

    Let me know what your Goal is.. What your Problem area's are and if you have any injuries that need to be worked around....
  • rydanip
    rydanip Posts: 62 Member
    I agree with the previous posts that you should do strength training to achieve a more tone, fit look but that doesn't mean you can't add other types of exercises to your routine and have to stick to weight lifting only. Have you tried Boot Camps? Or CrossFit? Pilates? HIIT? Or that new thing TRX training? Maybe you just need another trainer?

    I like all sorts of exercises and enjoy the more "leisure" kind as you say every now and then like skating, playing sports, swimming, etc. But I know that to get the results I want, I need to work extremely hard and do all sorts of exercises that will help me get the look I'm going for; not just the types I like, unfortunately. :laugh:

    Whats Crossfit? or TRX training? I def had a bad experience with a trainer, he wasn't very motivational, and he trained me from behind his desk at that experience left a pretty bitter taste in my mouth. I def want a leaner stronger body I need to lose fat, gain muscle, my worst area is my tummy...soyou guys are right. I'll probably have to bite the bullet and do something I don;t enjoy
  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    Sorry, but it's sounding a little Lazy. If you want to see results from workouts.... You have to Work for it... Hell it's even called "WORKING OUT"... You have to put the work in.. No way around it. You need to build a solid base. Once you have that and are closer to your goal. You can back off some. But till then.. DO THE WORK... Sorry it sounds blunt.

    But who is working harder, the person who spends half an hour in the gym lifting weights, or the person who straps on a Camelback and spends five or six hours walking? According to the database, the walker burns almost ten times as many calories! Am I working harder if I run for ten minutes than if I ride my bike for twenty? They both burn the same calories. Just because someone isn't doing what *you* consider "working out" doesn't mean they're not working!

    Also, keep in mind how much extra weight some of us are carrying as we do all this. I might burn almost twice as many calories walking for an hour as you would. Want to strap on a backpack with eighty pounds of gear in it, and then tell me how easy walking ten miles is? Can you picture lugging that extra 80 pounds twenty miles a day in temperatures in the high nineties? I've done it. Was I being lazy?
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    By reading yout Profile... It sounds like you want to put the work in, but just don't know how and need a push...You stated you have been in a standstill for a while.

    Whats yoru diet look like?
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    Wanted some opinions on exercise and how "hard" you have to work out to see results. I have tried personal training and running and had a hard time sticking to both. I prefer less vigorous exercise like yoga, walking, swimming/water aerobics. I hate feeling like I am working out, I prefer to feel a bit more leisurely. Do you think it matters how vigorous you are working out in order to see results?

    Also do you guys have any suggestions on ways to change up my work out but keep it fun and not feel so much like a task?

    Thanks, your feedback is appreciated!


    I believe doctors say walking is the best thing for u. Swimming is also very fun & I hear it can burn a lot of cals. Yoga, tho, does not burn a lot. Sadly neither does walking unless u do it for a while. Sprinting/Jogging/running will burn more. For cardio, the higher u can keep ur heart rate, the more u burn. You can see results in whatever you do tho. Any exercise is always better than no exercise!
    I do an intense cardio called Turbo Fire. I kno u said u liked leisurely & this program is anything but. BUT it's very fun! It won't feel like a chore. You will enjoy urself & the music. I LOVE it!
  • rydanip
    rydanip Posts: 62 Member
    These are some GREAT ideas...Thanks a lot. I definitely wanna try Pilates and Water Aerobics this summer. Walking I love, I prefer it outdoors as opposed to a treadmill. Thanks. I need to try a bunch of different things. I actually don't mind strength training, but I feel a bit directionless as far as reps, and how often, when to increase, etc. Its all so confusing when to do strength and when to do cardio!

    If you like walking.. Find a Good hill outside and walk up and down that sucker. Keep a fast Pace. Then on those super hot days, Or Raining days. Hit the Treadmill at a 2.5 to 4.7mph Pace at at least a 15% incline. You can hang on to the rails..:) Works wonders.

    As far as weight training...

    Let me know what your Goal is.. What your Problem area's are and if you have any injuries that need to be worked around....

    My tummy is the WORST!!! I have the least fat on my legs, they are pretty muscular and strong. But I carry weight more in mu upper tummy, breasts, etc. I want to lose another 50lbs and really lose fat and increase muscle. I have a right knee injury. Its still messed up from an old sprain so jumping jacks and high jumps are not great. jogging on it isn't horrible though.
  • rydanip
    rydanip Posts: 62 Member
    Sorry, but it's sounding a little Lazy. If you want to see results from workouts.... You have to Work for it... Hell it's even called "WORKING OUT"... You have to put the work in.. No way around it. You need to build a solid base. Once you have that and are closer to your goal. You can back off some. But till then.. DO THE WORK... Sorry it sounds blunt.

    But who is working harder, the person who spends half an hour in the gym lifting weights, or the person who straps on a Camelback and spends five or six hours walking? According to the database, the walker burns almost ten times as many calories! Am I working harder if I run for ten minutes than if I ride my bike for twenty? They both burn the same calories. Just because someone isn't doing what *you* consider "working out" doesn't mean they're not working!

    Also, keep in mind how much extra weight some of us are carrying as we do all this. I might burn almost twice as many calories walking for an hour as you would. Want to strap on a backpack with eighty pounds of gear in it, and then tell me how easy walking ten miles is? Can you picture lugging that extra 80 pounds twenty miles a day in temperatures in the high nineties? I've done it. Was I being lazy?

    Thanks Dr Janet...well spoken
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    But who is working harder, the person who spends half an hour in the gym lifting weights, or the person who straps on a Camelback and spends five or six hours walking? According to the database, the walker burns almost ten times as many calories! Am I working harder if I run for ten minutes than if I ride my bike for twenty? They both burn the same calories. Just because someone isn't doing what *you* consider "working out" doesn't mean they're not working!

    And when a person strength trains, they not only burn initial calories, but continue to burn calories for another 24hrs, and on top of that...produce large quantities of growth hormone and adrenalin, which limit lean mass breakdown...and directs your body to oxidize adipose tissue for energy.

    i.e...protect muscle...burn fat.

    It's not just about working's about working smart.
  • wlaurel
    wlaurel Posts: 43
    Everyone is different, but generally you wont burn a lot of fat unless your heartrate is up for atleast 40 consecutive minutes. That's what I was taught in my college health essentials class anyways. If you aren't sweating, you probably aren't going to see progress for a very... very.. long time.
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Sorry, but it's sounding a little Lazy. If you want to see results from workouts.... You have to Work for it... Hell it's even called "WORKING OUT"... You have to put the work in.. No way around it. You need to build a solid base. Once you have that and are closer to your goal. You can back off some. But till then.. DO THE WORK... Sorry it sounds blunt.


    Suck it up buttercup and bust your booty!

  • rydanip
    rydanip Posts: 62 Member
    By reading yout Profile... It sounds like you want to put the work in, but just don't know how and need a push...You stated you have been in a standstill for a while.

    Whats yoru diet look like?

    I just got back on track, I had fallen off for a while so my diet was looking ****ty. I have PCOS/Insulin I try to limit starchy and simple carbs most of the time and balance my carbs with good amounts of protein to avoid a sugar spike. I try to follow a more mediterranean style diet which is more suitable to my condition. Some months I do superb, others like May, I do horribly. Still working on regulating that
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    But who is working harder, the person who spends half an hour in the gym lifting weights, or the person who straps on a Camelback and spends five or six hours walking? According to the database, the walker burns almost ten times as many calories! Am I working harder if I run for ten minutes than if I ride my bike for twenty? They both burn the same calories. Just because someone isn't doing what *you* consider "working out" doesn't mean they're not working!

    Also, keep in mind how much extra weight some of us are carrying as we do all this. I might burn almost twice as many calories walking for an hour as you would. Want to strap on a backpack with eighty pounds of gear in it, and then tell me how easy walking ten miles is? Can you picture lugging that extra 80 pounds twenty miles a day in temperatures in the high nineties? I've done it. Was I being lazy?

    WOW.. Calm down now.. Never said anything remotely like this. Yes you would burn more calories humping it for 20miles. Then I would an hr in the Gym. Different results as well.

    With many poeples life styles we don't have them time to spend walking 20miles a day or even a couple of days a week.

    " I might burn almost twice as many calories walking for an hour as you would. "

    True.. All that means I have to run Harder/faster and longer to see improvements.

    Everyone on here is at different spots in there quest to a healthy more Fit version of themselves.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Everyone is different, but generally you wont burn a lot of fat unless your heartrate is up for atleast 40 consecutive minutes. That's what I was taught in my college health essentials class anyways. If you aren't sweating, you probably aren't going to see progress for a very... very.. long time.

    Pretty sure this is a diff story when it comes to HIIT, right?