How Hard Must You Work Out?



  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    Whatever you decide to to do, whether it's walking leisurely or running vigorously, just create a calorie deficit. If you cannot control the amount of calories you consume than you must work harder to keep the pounds off. More excess calories=more work to stay in shape.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    By reading yout Profile... It sounds like you want to put the work in, but just don't know how and need a push...You stated you have been in a standstill for a while.

    Whats yoru diet look like?

    I just got back on track, I had fallen off for a while so my diet was looking ****ty. I have PCOS/Insulin I try to limit starchy and simple carbs most of the time and balance my carbs with good amounts of protein to avoid a sugar spike. I try to follow a more mediterranean style diet which is more suitable to my condition. Some months I do superb, others like May, I do horribly. Still working on regulating that

    Have u tried cinnamon? I've read ab it all over the place. Cinnamon helps lower blood sugar & keeps it stable or rather, that's what they say.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    It's not just about working's about working smart.

    THIS THIS THIS x1000!!! You don't have to spend hours at the gym six days a week to get a good burn. It's about finding a balance between your diet and exercise routine that you can maintain.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone else has said this, but almost no one likes working out when they first start, but it does get better and easier. Your body adapts and you recover quicker, plus you just get used to what it feels like to be smashed. I remember way back when I first started exercising, I was huge and unfit and I thought I would literally die after a session. I gradually built up over time and now I force myself to have a rest day.
  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    And when a person strength trains, they not only burn initial calories, but continue to burn calories for another 24hrs

    But that's true for anything that gets your metabolism up. Doesn't have to be strength training. Believe me, when you do one of the Breast Cancer Walks, you definitely continue burning extra calories for longer than just the walk itself. Now, muscle tissue does burn more calories at rest than adipose tissue does, so that's a real reason to do strength training in addition to your choice of cardiovascular. (I don't think MFP takes muscle mass versus fat into account when it calculates BMR, though.) But it's really getting the heart rate up that increases calories burned in the short term.
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    You said you have Strong Legs. Take advantage of that.

    Try this.

    Upper Body Day-- Chest and Back
    Lower Body Day-- Legs of course (Lighter weight.. Rep Ranges in the 15-20)
    Upper Body Day--- Arms and Shoulders
    Lower Body Day--- Legs again.. but different exercies. (Heavier Reps in the 10-12)

    Does your Knee hurt doing Lunges or Squats?
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    I'm not sure if anyone else has said this, but almost no one likes working out when they first start, but it does get better and easier. Your body adapts and you recover quicker, plus you just get used to what it feels like to be smashed. I remember way back when I first started exercising, I was huge and unfit and I thought I would literally die after a session. I gradually built up over time and now I force myself to have a rest day.

    Same. I hated it at 1st, seen it as a chore. Now I'm addicted to it & on my rest days, I just wait for the next to so I can workout. That high u get from workin out makes it really addictive imo.
  • _Ivian
    _Ivian Posts: 198
    I agree with the previous posts that you should do strength training to achieve a more tone, fit look but that doesn't mean you can't add other types of exercises to your routine and have to stick to weight lifting only. Have you tried Boot Camps? Or CrossFit? Pilates? HIIT? Or that new thing TRX training? Maybe you just need another trainer?

    I like all sorts of exercises and enjoy the more "leisure" kind as you say every now and then like skating, playing sports, swimming, etc. But I know that to get the results I want, I need to work extremely hard and do all sorts of exercises that will help me get the look I'm going for; not just the types I like, unfortunately. :laugh:

    Whats Crossfit? or TRX training? I def had a bad experience with a trainer, he wasn't very motivational, and he trained me from behind his desk at that experience left a pretty bitter taste in my mouth. I def want a leaner stronger body I need to lose fat, gain muscle, my worst area is my tummy...soyou guys are right. I'll probably have to bite the bullet and do something I don;t enjoy

    Behind a desk?! :noway: Hope you got your money back! I like CrossFit and Boot Camps because they're high intensity workouts, they're typically short, target all sorts of muscles, and I got a bunch of people doing it with me so it keeps me motivated. The TRX thing is like this resistance/suspension training that some of the trainers at my gym are promoting. Here's the link; I did one 45 minute class and I was feeling the burn for days :laugh:. It worked for me but it's all about trying new things and finding what works for YOU! A lot of gyms have 7 day passes, and they'll allow you to take classes to feel it out. Take advantage of it and see what you like. Someone else mentioned Zumba. I've heard a lot of people love it. Good luck! Hope you find something that can fit the bill! :smile:
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I understand the question.
    have you thought of doing something structured, like a GillianMichaels DVD for instance. These are great for results and give you a good idea of the level you have to work out at.
    A good personal trainer if you can afford it. Even just a couple of sessions might answer your question.
    All that slow type exercise might seem easier but it won't get you quick results, and will therefore get boring pretty quickly. Results are a great motivator.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    Also has some great programmes, find one on there to get started with weigh ttrainng.
  • Eandretta96
    Eandretta96 Posts: 119
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    Here I'll start ironing out a workout with ya here. I can get your squared a way... I maybe behind a desk now, but I can get you pointed in the right way..

    Go here and pick out 2-3 Exercies for each of the following muscle groups. They are ranked also. Try to pick ones that are ranked high. Normally these give the best results.


    Post them up here so I can see... I'll look them over and adjust if need be.

    Shoulders are greatly overlooked by women in there workouts. Nice muscler Shoulders make the waist appear slimmer with out really being slimmer.

    Work AB's out every other day. Use Weights on one and Body weight only on the other.
  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    WOW.. Calm down now..

    Wow, how patronizing.
    Never said anything remotely like this.

    She said she was interested in less intense workouts, and you said she sounded lazy. I was simply pointing out that a less intense workout is not necessarily a *lesser* workout.
    Everyone on here is at different spots in the[ir] quest to a healthy more Fit version of themselves.

    Yes, and not everyone has to take the high-intensity route to get there. Better a low-intensity workout that a person can stick to, than a high-intensity one they hate and give up on. That was what the original post was about.
  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    Results are a great motivator.

  • run2jeepn
    run2jeepn Posts: 183 Member
    WOW.. Calm down now..

    Wow, how patronizing.

    She said she was interested in less intense workouts, and you said she sounded lazy. I was simply pointing out that a less intense workout is not necessarily a *lesser* workout.

    Here is her profile...

    Why I Want To Get In Shape
    I've lost roughly 40lb on my own but I've been at a huge standstill for months. I need to keep pushing and go the extra mile! I have also been lacking MAJOR motivation so I need you guys to inspire and push me! I want to be at my optimal health, and I want to feel good about what I see.

    My Inspirations
    •BEYONCE, Raven-Symone, Jordin Sparks, Jennifer Hudson
    •How much more fit I am now than when I was in High School
    •Seeing my naturally high cheekbones come out and play
    •Never having had a flat tummy, I really would like one in this lifetime

    .By reading this.... it's just sounds like she wants to work harder, but just doesn't now how to do it and get results.

    Her Inspirations

    Jordin Sparks

    If you google the other ones. They all have workout plans that happen in and out of the Gym.
  • 152dbs
    152dbs Posts: 116 Member
    I typically get tunnel vision and feel like I am going to pass out at the end of every set. I enjoy it though... there is probably something wrong with me :P

    been there and have regurgitated a little too. fyi nothing spicy before a hard es bueno.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    for cardio i have to work out at an intensity where my heart rate is at least 135 but my personal preference is to keep it around 150-160 to really get a good burn. higher than that is also good but i can't keep a 190 heart rate for longer than a 21 minute HIIT session.
    for weights, i lift enough weight that the last few reps in a set of 10-12 reps i have to dig down deep in my soul and call upon the power of grey skull to help me complete. then i rest and do 2 more sets :laugh:

    but anyway, to get results and get fit you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. it's only 45- 60 minutes out of your day, so it wont kill you. you might even learn to love it
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    And when a person strength trains, they not only burn initial calories, but continue to burn calories for another 24hrs

    But that's true for anything that gets your metabolism up. Doesn't have to be strength training. Believe me, when you do one of the Breast Cancer Walks, you definitely continue burning extra calories for longer than just the walk itself. Now, muscle tissue does burn more calories at rest than adipose tissue does, so that's a real reason to do strength training in addition to your choice of cardiovascular. (I don't think MFP takes muscle mass versus fat into account when it calculates BMR, though.) But it's really getting the heart rate up that increases calories burned in the short term.

    I hate to keep contradicting you...but again, that's not the real benefit to strength training. The benefit is the hormonal response...that you DON'T get from walking...running,.trail riding...or any other form of endurance, or cardio exercise. Only strength training with a weight (even bodyweight can give you this benefit if its difficult enough for you) heavy enough to cause you to fail in 5-8 reps provides this benefit.

    Those hormones are like gasoline on Styrofoam when it comes to body fat.
  • Finally22
    Finally22 Posts: 305 Member
    I typically get tunnel vision and feel like I am going to pass out at the end of every set. I enjoy it though... there is probably something wrong with me :P

    This just cracked me up! There must be something wrong with me too then!
  • DrJanet98
    DrJanet98 Posts: 138 Member
    WOW.. Calm down now..

    Wow, how patronizing.
    She said she was interested in less intense workouts, and you said she sounded lazy. I was simply pointing out that a less intense workout is not necessarily a *lesser* workout.

    Here is her profile...

    Sorry, I was addressing the question that was asked, as it was asked. I don't look up the profile of everyone posting here, especially since many profiles are private.
    By reading this.... it just sounds like she wants to work harder, but just doesn't [k]now how to do it and get results.

    You might be right. Kudos for going the extra mile looking at her profile and offering workout suggestions. But your earlier post was still making insulting assumptions about people who choose lower intensity workouts, and you deserved to be called on it. I'm glad you've broadened your judgement in later posts. I do realize that it can be difficult to see how you're coming across to others when posting online, but if no one ever speaks out, no one will ever learn how they were coming across and either learn more about the other person's point of view, or learn how to present a more accurate representation of their own views.