What's your out of the box exercise?



  • shelbynicole32
    shelbynicole32 Posts: 179 Member
    I relieved my husband of his mowing job so I could get the extra workout in.
  • TessieAnne
    TessieAnne Posts: 11 Member
    Chopin wood...and Disk Golf

    Disk golf yeah! I plan on going out right after work to play because it feels so nice. Of course most of my time playing is actually spent digging around in the brush to find my disk. My boyfriend is so ashamed of my terrible aim. :blushing:
  • myraknits
    myraknits Posts: 81 Member
    Does knitting count? If so, then I'm a burnin' fool!!
  • cjv428
    cjv428 Posts: 124
    I love to play squash. It is the prep school kid in me.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    jumping off the stone fence around Sunset Park, running back up to the top and doing it again!

    doing cartwheels around the top of the hill at Owl's Head Park!

    Climbing the giant trees in Prospect Park!

    practicing handstands on the beach on Coney Island

    crunches and pushups and planks on the 9/11 pier!!
  • MThornburg74
    I like shooting hoops, chasing my girls around the yard..."working out" with them on our large playset...it has a rope ladder to get to the tower and using abs to help "swing" for a long period of time...etc.

    I also like to jump rope and do jumping jacks - we used to do these for conditioning when I played basketball in college....

    My gym has a pool...Putting a waist weight on and jogging from one end of the pool to the other is a great way to do cardio, too, without too much shock to the knees and feet, etc. (I have lots of sore joints from years of sports!) :)
  • hoffdoggs
    hoffdoggs Posts: 7 Member
    Well the usual joke is always "Does sex count as cardio?". Yes, it does

    exactly my thoughts
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Turn on the music and pick up my 2 year old daughter (23lbs) and dance around the house like a fool for 15 minutes. She loves it and I am spent. 15minutes doesn't sound like much but I promise you feel it.

    When I have more time and want to get away I take to the trails on my mountain bike from 30 minutes to an hour.
  • akiramezu
    akiramezu Posts: 278
    Sledge Hammer and Tyre
    Tyre flips
    Box jumps
    Pushing a car uphill
    Sprinting with a 25 pound weight vest
    pulling a 100-200 pound sled
    half a mile lunge jumps
    Bear crawls up and down a 45 degree hill
    Jogging on a tread mill with an elevation mask
    Sandbag throws
    Jogging on a tread mill whilst carrying a punching bag
    Heavy bag slams

    Yeah, i hate weight lifting, I hardly touch weights and I hardly lift, everything is outside the box. =]
  • Flaming_Reef
    Flaming_Reef Posts: 34 Member
    I belly dance too. Though for me its the shimmy drills or choreographies that push me to pump it.
    I love the Just Dance series and used to do Dance Dance Revolution. I should pull that back out along with Zumba for the Wii!

    Last week I got my first dance hoop. Kultz hooping burns a lot of calories :laugh: I also have fire fans and LED fans that I am learning through a heart pumping choreography. I'll not even notice an hour as flown by when working my fans!
  • Busyboymomx3
    Busyboymomx3 Posts: 110 Member
    I go onto youtube look up people doing hip hop dances- them ATTEMPT to learn them and do them along. 7 years, 2 kids, and 50 lbs since I was dancing in HS- momma doesnt got it like she used to
  • onyxaj
    onyxaj Posts: 17
    My newest routine I've added is sword-work. I collect weapons, mainly swords. I either use my two short swords at one, or my katana and train with those. I use to take martial arts before me knee gave out, so I was able to take the basics and form it to my own weapon style. I don't log in in MFP, but it works muscles in my arms and shoulders that conventional exercises don't seem to hit.
  • Flaming_Reef
    Flaming_Reef Posts: 34 Member
    Pole dancing!

    I would love to try that! The classes for it are so expensive though :ohwell: Maybe some day!
  • msrat1
    msrat1 Posts: 43
    Hitting golf balls at the driving range, relieves stress too.
  • thelindsaybee
    Dance Dance Revolution! I play it on anywhere between Standard (hard) and Extreme (very hard) depending on the song to amp it up. Even if I get a bad score, I'm sweating like crazy by the end!
  • jiddu17
    jiddu17 Posts: 187 Member
    Well the usual joke is always "Does sex count as cardio?". Yes, it does

    exactly my thoughts

    Also - when I take my 3 year old to a nearby park, I use the swingset alongside him. In certain motions, my abs feel very crunch-like. But way more fun.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    I just started a new thing. I bought an army duffle bag at the local army/navy store. I fill it with all old clothes (it's about 40 lbs) and I do all my HIIT training while holding it in front of me or across my shoulders.

    agility ladder --> agility ladder with duffle
    sprints --> sprints with duffle
    pushups --> pushups with duffle on my back

    plus now there are a few things I couldn't do before that now I do. I.E. attach a harness to a rope and drag the duffle during sprints, do pickup/overhead press/put downs with the bag...etc.

    it's super hard, but awesome, and kinda fun. and when you get pissed, you can just punch the thing as hard as you want.

    This is a brilliant idea!
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    For me its running and boxing. Such an amazing burn with conditioning/boxing for an hour!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Taekwondo... I enjoy beating up teenagers in the dojang since I'm not permitted to beat up my own at home.
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    Waterpolo! Super fun and tough. Also a good way to take out any aggression :p