MFP Runner's Club



  • christine918
    Hey everybody! :flowerforyou:
    I just got back from a ten mile run with hills! Surpriseingly, I feel really great! No mean dogs this time! :laugh: I did get really cold at the end of my run, is that normal??? I thought it was weird!
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey everybody! :flowerforyou:
    I took off down the road for a six miler. So I'm jogging along jammin to my music when out of nowhere came 3 vicious, barking, growling, biting dogs!!! They surrounded me and proceeded to bite the backs of my legs and my hands! The owner up on the hill just looked at me for like 10 min!!! I asked him (while sobbing) if he could get his dogs! He slowly moseyed on down to the road and attempted to keep them off of me long enough for me to start back home.. NOPE! aTheyh would NOT leaveme alone! With the man beating them with a stick, we made it to his house where he let me use his phone to call my husband to come and get me! I think this is my scariest:::frown: expeience of my running carer yet!
    The dog owners called today to say they took the dogs to the pound! I still think I will run the other way for a while! lol

    Were you hurt? If so, the owners are responsible for your medical bills. That is why we pay homeowner's insurance. I am so sorry that happened to you. I have been threatened and chased but never actually attacked. I cannot recall the company but they sell some very effective doggie spray to protect runners.

    :heart: -Kechie.

    Thank you so much! I will look into that right away!

    I was bit by 2 dogs 2 different times when doing a paper route when I was a kid. I went to the doctor both times just to get checked out since both times the dogs broke the skin with their bites. I figured (and I think my parents figured) that it can't do any harm to get checked out. Both times, we sent the owners the bill- which wasn't much- for the doctor's visit.

    I'm so sorry this happened... I know first hand how scary it can be! Hope you're feeling better :flowerforyou:

    I finished couch to 5k week 7 yesterday, and my first 5k is two weeks from tomorrow :noway: :bigsmile: :huh: I'm so excited, but starting to get nervous. It's at 8am and I normally don't work out in the morning because I never feel well when I do. I'm planning to wake up really early and get some food in me before the 5k.

    Lately, though, my lower back has been bothering me a lot- not sure if it's something to do with my form, or if I need new shoes or something... anyone have any thoughts? I just keep thinking, if I'm hurt and can't do this 5k boy will I be p*ssed :explode: :explode:
  • Emmyleww
    Emmyleww Posts: 278
    Christine - Wow! I'm glad you're ok and you got back out there. I think I would have taken a day or two off. I'd look into that spray.

    Ran 3.5 today. We talked about doing 4 but neither my running partner nor I had a restful night so we set out to do what we could. We did do the run faster than normal, not by much, but still faster. So, I guess if you can't go the distance then it's better to be a little faster. I'll take it for now.

    Happy Running!
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    I hate running by scary dogs! I'm glad you weren't hurt!

    Today I ran 18.5 miles (my most ever!) The marathon training is getting tough! My legs are really tired and sore now. Hopefully they'll feel better soon.
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hey everybody! :flowerforyou:
    I took off down the road for a six miler. So I'm jogging along jammin to my music when out of nowhere came 3 vicious, barking, growling, biting dogs!!! They surrounded me and proceeded to bite the backs of my legs and my hands! The owner up on the hill just looked at me for like 10 min!!! I asked him (while sobbing) if he could get his dogs! He slowly moseyed on down to the road and attempted to keep them off of me long enough for me to start back home.. NOPE! aTheyh would NOT leaveme alone! With the man beating them with a stick, we made it to his house where he let me use his phone to call my husband to come and get me! I think this is my scariest:::frown: expeience of my running carer yet!
    The dog owners called today to say they took the dogs to the pound! I still think I will run the other way for a while! lol

    Oh my gosh!!! That is scary!! There is this stuff that supposedly works called Halt! that they sell at the running store. I can NOT believe that the owner let them attack you and just watched!!! :noway: Hope you are ok!
    Christine - what a terrifying experience, glad you weren't too badly injured.

    And, actually, I am not surprised at all that the owner didn't intervene right away - that's why the dogs are so bad to begin with. (hence the slogan, 'no bad dogs, just bad owners'). As a veterinarian, I deal with that stuff every day. Even when owners know their dog will bite, they don't warn you until after he has made the first lunge at your face, and then they say something like 'it's OK boy, you're a good dog', as if praising him is going to make him behave. (Yeah, that really works well :explode:)

    Dragged my son out for a run this morning. His cross country training starts Monday and he hasn't done any serious running since track season ended in May. And, for the third season in a row, he states the obvious 'it's really hard to get back into it after three months off, I should have run more during the summer' :explode: :grumble:

    Enough venting! :wink: now that I feel better , i can go to bed so i can get him up early for anothe run tomorrow!:laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Christine -- that's horrible about the dogs. I would have been terrified! I have never been chased by dogs but a crazy bull acted as if he were going to charge when I was on vacation in PA. My running buddy is a veterinarian and she had us walk with our arms stretched out so we would appear bigger -- some trick she learned in school. Not sure if it was true or she was just trying to make me look silly -- either way we got away! Congrats on getting back out there!

    Kelynn -- the lower back thing is a pain. I have had some of that lately -- but have been trying to stretch a lot throughout the day. Seems to help -- but always check your shoes. They seem to cause a lot of problems.

    Shuntae -- don't be down about your run. You are doing amazing. I read somewhere that for every 5 or 10 degrees over 60 you should slow down. Sorry, can't remember the exact amount but saw it on runners world. You probably didn't slow down -- but still did a great run! Hats off!

    Runnerdad -- that's funny about your son. I remember my parents getting so frustrated with me never heeding their warnings. It's amazing how smart parents get once you become an adult!!! I'm sure my kids will do the same to frustrate me!

    I have my long run this afternoon -- trying to eat and drink so I'll be well fueled! Going for 12-14 miles -- depending on how much time we have.

    Enjoy your day and happy running!
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Had my son up and on the road at 7 AM. Only a couple of miles this morning, but picked it up to faster than race pace after the warm up. Figured if we weren't going long, we were going fast:laugh: Tomorrow is team practice, so I'll let coach work him while I just have a quiet run on my own. (Can't work out with the team - might be too embarrassing for him:laugh: . Would be when I outrun him:tongue: )
    Enjoy your day!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Happy Sunday All!

    97% humidity made my 10 mile run this morning fun fun fun. Thought about Christine in the last couple of miles when a couple small yappy dogs decided to run at my feet barking barking barking. Luckily, I have a small dog so I just used my alpha dog voice and kept telling them to go home and eventually they did.

    Runnerdad: I am dealing with the same thing and my lovely daughter who started back with Volleyball practice last week and has whined all weekend about being so sore. I'm pretty sure that is why I suggested she do more training this summer than just the 1 open gym a week that she was attending.

    Less than a week until my 10 miler so this week will be a fairly light running week for me.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Thanks for the advice, jabdye. My deepest, darkest secret is how old my running shoes are :ohwell: Let's just say you would all be shocked if I told you. :blushing: :grumble: I didn't want to buy new ones when I was new to running because I didn't know if I'd stick with it- now that I have, I suppose I owe myself a pair of new shoes.

    That's it- I'm going to get new ones today. I cannot risk not running this 5k just because I'm too stubborn/cheap/lazy/dumb to not get new shoes. I was going to reward myself with them after the 5k, but I guess I better just go do it! Case closed! :wink:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    8.6 miles in 87% humidity this morning, JUICY. It felt like I was running with a giant wet towel covering me from head to toe, yuck. I was scheduled for 9 miles. 8.6 will have to do today.:wink:

    The bad dog owners must be out in force this weekend. I was pretty aggressively chased by a little dog this morning. Before he chased me, I heard him barking and his owner commanding him not to run. He has chased me before but this time he wasn't barking too much. That always makes me nervous when they quietly chase you or growl while chasing you.

    To make matters worse, I was headed for a giant hill. Instead of trying to speed up, I tried stopping and spraying him with my water bottle. Of course, I could not get enough force behind the water (damn the Nathan handheld:laugh: ). So, I picked up someone's newspaper and went on the offensive growling back and slapping the newspaper on my forearm. I must have looked insane but the psycho little dog retreated without looking back. I am a dog lover but I was struggling so much with my run this morning I was prepared to punt the little dog if he got close enough.:devil: Of course, the owner didn't apologize or offer to refill my water bottle.:frown:

    Wishing everyone good runs, rests, and xtrains today
  • runnerdad
    runnerdad Posts: 2,081 Member
    Runnerdad: I am dealing with the same thing and my lovely daughter who started back with Volleyball practice last week and has whined all weekend about being so sore. I'm pretty sure that is why I suggested she do more training this summer than just the 1 open gym a week that she was attending.

    You know, you expect that from teenagers, so the first summer I wasn't surprised. I thought he learned his lesson, so I was a little disappointed (but not really surprised) when he pulled the same trick last summer. When I listened to all the whining last September, I figured OK, now he really gets it. Now that the cycle is repeating the third time,you can't help but think ' at what point do you realize this is not just parental nagging and want to do this for yourself?' It's not like I expect him to do anything I don't do myself. Maybe next year:laugh: :laugh:
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    I hate running by scary dogs! I'm glad you weren't hurt!

    Today I ran 18.5 miles (my most ever!) The marathon training is getting tough! My legs are really tired and sore now. Hopefully they'll feel better soon.

    18.5 miles!!! <jumping up and down> GO GO GO :drinker:

    Let's all share some post "long" run recovery tips.

    After my "long" run I lay down on the floor and put my heels on the wall. According to Runner's World, this keeps all of the blood from rushing to your legs after you finish a long run.

    What do you do after a "long" run to start recovery?
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I'll have to try that Kechie!.... after a long run I drink chocolate soy milk and have some peanut butter toast or something to that extent... then I just relax and watch movies, I usually try to plan them on days where I don't have anything going on.

    I did 5 today... my muscles were soo sore from lifting yesterday, ever feel like everything hurts no matter what you do? Thats kind of how I felt, it wasn't a great run until I saw a few cross country guys and I was determined to stay close to them, I even passed one that lagged behind! lol HAPPY RUNNING ALL! I'm just thankful I don't have to run in humidity like many of you, but I've done it and I said "Wow I could NEVER live in this" haha

    ~Leash :heart:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Well, I got new running sneakers!! :bigsmile: And... they were on sale :drinker:

    I'm excited to try them out tomorrow, but not excited about the 90-something degrees that's forecasted :explode: Tomorrow might be one of those days where I don't run until 7:30 or so at night to avoid feeling super weak/sick/drained. For some reason, I've always been very prone to being negatively effected by the heat... I can remember picking raspberries with my Mom when I was about 10 and having to sit under one of the raspberry bushes at the farm we were at to avoid passing out. Kind of strange since raspberry picking isn't exactly a strenuous activity :huh:

    My first 5k is two weeks from today- I'm excited, but getting kind of anxious/nervous...
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    I hate running by scary dogs! I'm glad you weren't hurt!

    Today I ran 18.5 miles (my most ever!) The marathon training is getting tough! My legs are really tired and sore now. Hopefully they'll feel better soon.

    18.5 miles!!! <jumping up and down> GO GO GO :drinker:

    Let's all share some post "long" run recovery tips.

    After my "long" run I lay down on the floor and put my heels on the wall. According to Runner's World, this keeps all of the blood from rushing to your legs after you finish a long run.

    What do you do after a "long" run to start recovery?

    I'll have to try that...sounds like a good idea. :smile:

    Normally, after my long runs, I drink a big glass of chocolate milk and eat something...usually an egg with some whole wheat toast. I sometimes need a short nap, so I lay down for about an hour or so and am as good as new and ready for whatever plans we have that day.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Let's all share some post "long" run recovery tips.

    After my "long" run I lay down on the floor and put my heels on the wall. According to Runner's World, this keeps all of the blood from rushing to your legs after you finish a long run.

    What do you do after a "long" run to start recovery?

    Usually on anything over 12 miles, I drink the P90X recovery drink. It always helps me recover faster and I used to get really bad headaches before I started using it.

    On other long runs (6-11ish miles), I eat a banana and have my usual oatmeal w/ protein powder and cottage cheese (good mix of carb:protein).

    I always stretch while I'm making my breakfast and coffee, and then shower and stretch more. I keep moving, I don't like to just sit down right after I run or else I get really sore. I try to eat smaller meals w/ a good mix of carb:protein the rest of the day. I don't use a long run as an excuse to *pig out*, although I used to! :sick:

    While I was half marathon training earlier in the spring, I was also coaching my dd's soccer team so I would get done w/ my long run, eat, and then go run up & down the soccer field! I actually find that walking or biking that day and the next help keep me from getting too sore.

    Just a few things!

  • ldbenincasa
    Hey everyone! I have been super busy lately and unable to post, but just read and got mostly caught up. That dog situation is super scary! I am always on edge when I run alone anyway. I heard a sound last weeks and screamed out loud, then looked around and saw nothing. I must have sounded like a fool!

    I am continuing to increase my mileage as my first 1/2 marathon is 7 weeks away. Today I ran 8 miles, my longest yet, but I had to run on the treadmill at the gym because of the 90+ degree heat. It made for one very LONG, BORING run! Oh well, I was proud to have accomplished it, once I finished.

    For long run recovery, I usually drink a glass of chocolate milk and do a lot of stretching. Sometimes I need a nap later in the day.

    Kelynn, I remember my C25K training and my first 5K like it was yesterday (almost 2 years ago). It helped me to go see the course and actually run it ahead of time. I did much better than I expected to on race day and felt SO PROUD after completing the race. My biggest piece of advice would be on race day, don't get too caught up in the moment and start too fast. I am a slow runner and I always start near the back of the pack. I don't mind that others pass me, as I am only competing against myself. Too often new runners go out too fast and then find themselves tired before they should be. Congratulations on becoming a runner! You deserve those new shoes. Enjoy!!

    I am running my second 10K of the year on Thursday and hoping to improve my time. Also hoping that these 90 degree temps break by then!!
  • kechiemc
    kechiemc Posts: 1,355 Member
    What do you do after a "long" run to start recovery?
    I always stretch while I'm making my breakfast and coffee, and then shower and stretch more. I keep moving, I don't like to just sit down right after I run or else I get really sore. I try to eat smaller meals w/ a good mix of carb:protein the rest of the day. I don't use a long run as an excuse to *pig out*, although I used to! :sick:

    While I was half marathon training earlier in the spring, I was also coaching my dd's soccer team so I would get done w/ my long run, eat, and then go run up & down the soccer field! I actually find that walking or biking that day and the next help keep me from getting too sore.


    I have found the same thing for my long slow distance runs Jess! Keeping moving helps keep me from getting sore. Of course, when I ran the half last year, that theory didn't work. Racing was definitely harder on my body. I was a little sore.:wink:

    Plus, I am forced into the smaller meals b/c I never have a huge appetite the day of any run over 8 miles. However, the day after a long run is a totally different story. I have a great appetite. So to balance this, I don't force myself to eat all of my calories long run days and I eat what I need the next day which may be a little over my calories for the day after the long run.
  • thalli1
    thalli1 Posts: 332 Member
    Thanks for all the advice about recovery. I do a lot of stretching, I take a nap, and I do the feet up on the wall thing too. Today I did an hour of treading water. My neighbor is a track coach, and he said that it helps runners to get their legs back. It really did help! This is the first time in my training I've been sore after a long run. I think it's because I tweaked my hip flexor on Tuesday doing my speed workout, so it was sore the entire run yesterday. It feels so much better today, so hopefully it won't cause me to not be able to do all my upcoming training. Again, thanks for the advice, and happy running everybody!:glasses:
  • christine918
    Hey Everybody! :flowerforyou:
    I just wanted to say thanks for all the concerns!

    Kerchie! I just got this mental picture of you and that little dog! I know it was not funny to you, but the way you described it was very funny!:laugh:

    18.5 miles is incredible! I can't believe the human body is actually capable of such!

    Congrats to everyone on their accomplishments!

    Rest day, and cheat on diet day for me! I went to Mama's house for lunch today! :ohwell: It was sooo good!

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