

  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    I haven't posted for a bit but I'm back. It's been quite a month but I've managed to maintain for the most part though I did lose a week of exercise after falling off a ladder while trying to clear my downspout during a crazy rain storm. I was bruised and twisted my ankle but did manage to stop the leak through my pantry roof because of said downspout. It did give me pause for thought though, as I live alone and am not sure how long I would have had to lay there if I had knocked myself out.

    I have a lot of posts to catch up on but at least I have marked my spot.


  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Thanks for the Anniversary wishes folks. We've been married 38yrs :noway: :noway: where does the time go, it seems like it was only yesterday and if it was tomorrow I'd cancel it :bigsmile: :bigsmile: only kidding!!

    We went shopping and bought a few bits of DIY stuff then stopped off for some "pub grub" I had sausage and mash :blushing: I know not the healthiest choice and hubby had steak pie and chips. I really enjoyed mine but hubby said afterwards there wasn't much steak in his pie - it was all pastry! Shame.

    We were lucky with the weather, it was quite cold, but dry, once we got home the heavens opened and it's been raining cats and dogs ever since. We literally had wet cats and dogs :laugh: :laugh: poor wiz came home soaked in the early hours of the morning and hubby the big softy was drying him off at 3:00 a.m.

    We decided we'd make it a monthly event, popping into town shopping and stopping off for a bite to eat. We'll see, we usually get too busy.

    :frown: As I thought, the pound has gone back on - but I plan to get rid of it and a few more by being extra careful with snacking. I'm going food shopping this morning and plan to only buy healthy food, no biscuits shall find their way into my trolley!!!

    Sarah thank goodness you didn't knock yourself out! That's a problem when living alone and trying to do all the maintenance yourself. My friend who lives alone get's someone to do these types of jobs for her, it's expensive though and sometimes you have to decide if its worth paying for it or doing it yourself,

    :flowerforyou: Time I was moving.

    Chat again soon xx
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Good Morning

    Weigh day today and I have just had nice surprise - I've stayed the same which is a miracle after what I've been eating. SO, this has now inspired me to be good again. It is all in the mind isn't it.

    The weather has changed up here on Skye, the sun has gone and it's quite windy, apparantly it's going to be like this for a few days which is a pity as we have a friend from the US coming to visit us on Sunday and it would be nice to show off our beautiful island in the sun.

    Got bills to pay and then off to work

    Cath x
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    Here it is, Thursday. I did the LaLoFit DVD. Tomorrow...water aerobics. After doing the DVD, had some steel cut oats for breakfast then went to one store. They had lobster tails on sale, so it was worth it for me to travel about 20 minutes away. Came home, made a banana chocolate bundt cake. We will most likely have friends over, that's one reason why I bought the lobster tails and Sat. I'll get some corn on the cob. Then called and found out that the store FINALLY got in my shoes so I picked them up (with a 15% coupon) but first stopped next door to get some cake mix. For five boxes I only paid a little over $3. Right now I'm making some butterscotch chip cookies. We'll have bunco here Tuesday and one gal is allergic to chocolate. So even tho it's a chocolate chip recipe, I'm using butterscotch chips instead.

    sprota - sauerkraut? I've never heard of that. How was the sodium? Bet it was good, tho. Did you have to do anything to the sauerkraut before you used it. I would think you'd have to have put it in a food processor first. Did you substitute one part sauerkraut for one part oil?

    banded - even tho I'm not on disability, I don't think I'd ever have plastic surgery. My feeling is I'm the way god made me, and if someone doesn't like it, that's their problem.

    Mary - sounds like you had a great time with your cousin! I'm so happy for you both

    Viv - happy anniversary!

    Amanda - oh, it sounds like you got your birthday wish! How wonderful!

    For bunco I'm thinking of having these cookies and some cherries along with a veggie tray. I'll make the dip. I found this good sounding recipe that I'd like to try. If worse comes to worse, I will always eat the veggies myself

    Laura - my aunt is dead now, but there are people who will make the quilt. I had Jessica's second quilt made, for a twin size bed it cost me $100. Let me know where you are and maybe I can put you in contact with these people. Be sure to write on the backs of those old pics who is in the pic. Someone is doing a family tree for Vince, and we have pics but we have no idea who those people are. Are they from his father's side of the family or his mother's? No clue

    barbie - so sorry to hear about your friend. You are a good friend to her, taking her classes over while she's taking care of her husband. That's a load off her mind

    kate - glad to hear you're getting the "motivating" bug. You're doing so well.

    I'm making a baked potato for Vince and a sweet potato for me since he doesn't like sweet potatoes. Poor guy doesn't know what he's misisng! Looked over my menu for today. That butterscotch chip cookie really did me in. Oh well....

    Kathy - so sorry about your knee

    Sarah - I was just thinking of you! So sorry about your fall, but glad you're better now. My aunt was in the same situation as you are -- owning a home and living alone. Slhe moved into a senior complex where she had her own apartment but there were lots of people around who checked up on her.

    Tried to log in last night and post, but evidentally MFP was having some sort of problem so couldn't until today. Off to water aerobics. Tomorrow...yoga. Some days I'm predicatable, some days not so.

    Oh, I got a message that I was supposed to be at the Y board meeting (the one I don't like, I have to get up at 5am for), so I asked her if I was supposed to be there since I'll be going off the board (I DO NOT want another year on that board), she said that she made a mistake and I wasn't supposed to be there. YEA!!!! I offered to substitute for a weight training class using a barbell since I have most of the Y certifications needed but was told that at this time they don't anticipate buying the barbells for the branch near me. Well, looks like I'm going to have to let that certification lapse since I'm not about to spend around $150 for certification that I can't use.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great day. After water aerobics, off to play mahjongg, then do some food shopping at this one store near there, then some practice bowling.

  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33

    Winston now - all grown up


    New ducklings -11 altogether


    Chicks - photo has cropped so you can't see the other one!!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Dr had me on proton pump blocker since April. It stopped the nausea and acid reflux but made by belly feel strange. I felt hungry all the time and put on weight even though I was eating no fats at all. Surgeon took me off all meds Tuesday. Since then my belly feels great and the weight is falling off. I've lost 6 lbs in 3 days and haven't changed a thing diet or exercise wise. I think my body thought I was starving it. I'm still very uncomfortable where my gall bladder is and can't tolerate fat of any kind, but my energy is returning. Surgery is 5 days away on Wednesday. This is not the way I would have chosen to lose, but I'll take it any way I can get it. Looking forward to feeling like being active again very soon!
  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: My "Just do it!" resolve doesn't always get me off dead center. :ohwell: So, here I am, posting like I know I should and getting ready to go for a bike ride. Hope you each have a good weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Loving my Friday!

    Sally- so glad to hear your knees are doing better, keep it up and that downward trend will continue:drinker:

    rj- have a good time at the coast, I miss going to the coast when the weather is hot and heading to the mountains here is just not always an option...so I will close my eyes and pretend I'm at the coast:wink:

    kateblue- your bike rides sound like the kind of exercise that's needed for someone that works like you do....4 days in the lab...pop in when you have your breaks and let us know how you are doing.:happy:

    Jackie- your dining experience giving a poor review sounds like the restuarant didn't really want to know where they were less than stellar:noway: I love your DIY adventure, having done a face lift on our home back in 2007-2008 I know what you are going through, but so worth it when it's all done:heart: Happy Birthday to your hubby:flowerforyou: Hope you were able to get some sleep:yawn:

    Kat- YUCK:mad: those HOA's, I really think that they have too much control, thankfully ours doesn't require us to get approval for things like that. Your beach time sounds wonderful:flowerforyou:

    kathyszoo- ahhh so sorry your knee is being so troublesome:cry: I was watching TV last night and it happened to be a show on the "top sexy hunks" :love: and one of them (not sure who, they were all young and good looking) was saying that to get the abs and body he has it's mostly his diet and what he eats...so watching what you are eating while not being able to get in much exercise is a good course of action, so keep it up:drinker:

    Sarah- falling off a ladder and being alone:noway: glad you weren't seriously hurt.

    wizzywig- YUMMY, sauage & mash:love: I fix those about twice a year because they are soooo good and I do miss them...always have to have extra exercise planned when I have that:wink:

    Cath- I'm sure your friend from the US will be glad to see you whatever the weather:flowerforyou: I know I would drop everything if hubby were to say we are headed to Scotland this weekend and I'd never give the weather a thought:wink: Your babies are just soooo cute and Winston all grown up:tongue:

    Michele-:grumble: that butterscotch cookie how dare it:grumble: I live in the Denver Metro area, so is there a network of people that do quilts by hand? and yes you are right Vince has no idea what he's missing not eating sweet potatos:wink:

    Suz- so glad that taking you off the meds has helped and I agree with you it's no way to lose but glad it's going away:flowerforyou:

    doobiedoo- I understand the "like I know I should" attitude. I have taken to when I'm riding my bike saying over and over in my head "I'm burning fat, I'm burning fat":laugh: it seems to help keep me going.


    Last night hubby took me to the resevoir so I could have my bike ride there and he went on a walk, he didn't think his legs would last for a second ride. I saw 4 deer on my ride, I do so love seeing them:love: It's pretty windy today so not sure what kind of bike ride I will get this afternoon.

    Tomorrow we will be helping son #3 & DIL move so not sure what that will do for our exercise, but I know I can be good in what I eat...I know I can, I think I can...it's the weekend and it's so much harder for me...so will have to keep giving myself the talk:huh:

    Everyone have a good day. Let's keep moving, logging and drinking plenty of water:drinker:

  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :drinker: Weekend start here ladies!!! .............about time too!!

    :noway: Boy did it pour last night ...and no leak!! The roofer came and finished the job today and all is well...thank goodness!

    We've made a start on the papering and have realised we need to use lining paper on the one wall we want to hang a patterned paper. The other walls will get a thicker vinyl so do'nt need to worry about a few cracks. I did a trial run on the main wall and you could see all the faults through the paper ...Doh!!:frown: I nearly finished the lining but started with a migraine ....must be all the excitement!!! Time to finish when the lights start dancing! DH cooked tea and now we're off for a soak in the hot tub!!

    :laugh: I had to laugh at the B'day card #2 son sent for DH ....It asked the question of his Father ..
    ."How have you become so wise?" ....with the answer inside being ....
    Mum says it's from listening to her!!
    How true!!!

    :flowerforyou: Enjoy your weekend folks .....I'm sure going to try!!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Hi ladies,
    The weekend is upon us! My conf. is coming to a close tomorrow, thank goodness, I`m tired of rushing out of the house at 6:30 every morning! It will be so nice to relax at last! Coming home late yesterday a deer ran out in front of the car in front of me, it was horrible to witness, the poor deer had no chance of survival. I stopped to help the lady that got hit, she didn`t even realize what had happened, thank goodness she was not hurt, just shaken up. I stayed with her until her family got there. I was exhausted by the time I got home!!!!
    Cath, your Winston and babies are so adorable! I once had 2 baby ducklings, we kept them in the dining room at night, I bought a swimming pool for them to put beside our pool because I didn`t want them in the chemicals. I miss them and thats been over 20 years ago. My husband finally made me start leaving them outside when they became teenage ducks. They then took up residence at our pond.
    I hope everyone has had a good week.
    I know I don`t know you all every well yet, but I feel like I`m among friends here.
    Have a wonderful fantastic weekend!!!!

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Hi to all ~ I just restarted on MFP today. You know the old story ~ thought I could do it myself, read the books, spoke to friends, but the bottom line for me is tracking every day. It's the only way I have any success. Actually tried a few different sites to get a feel for their tracking system. Sparkpeople is far too busy for me, Lose It works nicely with syncing to my scale, but their database of foods is so limited. So, I'm crawling back (head held down in shame) to admit that this site is the one that's best for me.

    It's going to take me some time to get to know everyone, but I'm sure I'll eventually catch up enough to start posting regularly. Support is so important to this journey of ours! Thanks for having me back in the fold...

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :bigsmile: this is my fourth summer on MFP and every year I've noticed that as the weather got better, fewer people were posting and this year I have become one of them.....I have been spending a lot more time outside and not nearly so much time at the computer.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: we're off to bed early again tonight....this has been a fun filled day with dog walking and line dance....I went to my regular class this morning then had lunch with Jake and the pets and headed off to teach the beginner class in the afternoon. It was great fun. :bigsmile: I want to spend a lot of time in the yard tomorrow so I want to be rested and get up early to walk the dogs and then get out in the yard.

    :bigsmile: Deborah, welcome :bigsmile: it is never too late.....it took me until I was 62 to finally get the weight loss formula right and thanks to MFP and these great women, my life has changed

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    skye - the chicks are soooooo cute. Thanks for sharing. How do you keep from picking them up and loving them to death???

    Laura - would you like me to check with my cousin to see if those ladies do still make the quilts? I live in NC, so when she sends it to me, I can send it to you. I understand there is a new lady who joined our crochet group and she has two small girls who are out of school so next week she'll bring them to crochet. I'm thinking that I'll bring the girls some (if not all) of the leftover cookies.

    Jackie - loved the card, and so true!

    Well, did the deep water class today, tomorrow yoga then probably stop at one store on my way home to get things on sale. Went to mahjongg today and maj'd once, then practice bowled 4 games, went to WalMart since I was right there to get Vince's prescriptions, now home.

    I didn't realize it, but the HOA told us that we are responsible for taking care of our portion of the land under the power lines so Vince is out right now cutting down the weeds. This should prove to be quite interesting. I don't know who owns the property on the other side of us who own the rest of the property under the power lines. To me, I think it'll look weird if we take care of 1/2 and the other 1/2 isn't taken care of. Wouldn't surprise me if the HOA asks us to take care of that portion of the land in exchange for maybe a reduction in the dues.

    DeeDee - that was very nicew of you to stay with that woman. When we lived in PA we had a deer hit us once, so I know the damage that one can do. Such beautiful animals, but they can do so much damage!

    Deborah - welcome! For the longest time I was on Livestrong. I thought they had quite an extensive database and there were certain things about that site that I liked, but it seemed that they were down so much and it was so frustrating which is why I came here. A long while ago I was on fitday but I found that they, too, had a limited database. It was good for when I was first starting out losing weight, but I felt there just wasn't enough to justify my continuing there. Welcome, welcome, welcome.

    Just saw Nik Wallenda walk abross the Falls. Pretty spectacular, I must say.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    Well, thinking this exercise might be rubbing off on my husband!! :love: He suggested we ride to the restaurant for a date tonight ... so into bike shorts and off we went ... and up one of the biggest hills in town to get there. And I still managed to order healthy!! I did get a No sugar added dark chocolate bar from the store on the way home however, felt I deserved it, (10km) and I still was under my daily limit ! Was fun! Hopeful there will be more outings like this.

    Have a great weekend all - perhaps you can try to do something different in your daily routines too?!:bigsmile:

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi there! :smile:

    Been busy busy busy with everything except losing weight. :laugh: Scale holding steady, but I need to get rid of 2 lbs by the end of the month, one of which I've gained since lowest log in, the other to reach my 65 goal. It's funny how I've been giving myself little excuses like "you're close enough, just call it good" and "one pound isn't important", but I simply cannot let myself slip away from reaching that goal. Mind games! :grumble:

    Need to increase exercise a bit and cut out the snacking. Got into the bag of chips yesterday, salty, crunchy Ruffles. I stopped myself before it was too late, but still. No no no chips for me. Cauliflower with hummus on the snack plan for today. :tongue:

    Cath the babies are just too cute! :love:

    Everyone take care and have a great weekend! :drinker:

  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    :bigsmile: Deborah, welcome :bigsmile: it is never too late.....it took me until I was 62 to finally get the weight loss formula right and thanks to MFP and these great women, my life has changed
    Deborah - welcome! For the longest time I was on Livestrong. I thought they had quite an extensive database and there were certain things about that site that I liked, but it seemed that they were down so much and it was so frustrating which is why I came here. A long while ago I was on fitday but I found that they, too, had a limited database. It was good for when I was first starting out losing weight, but I felt there just wasn't enough to justify my continuing there. Welcome, welcome, welcome.

    Michele & Barbie, thanks for the welcome! I'm so glad that others have experienced my frustration of finding 'the right way' to make this journey, and that it can be done at any age.

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    :bigsmile: Skyecath your duckies are so cute! Thanks for posting them.

    :smile: Welcome back Deborah! I think MFP is the best, ive tried other sites as well but I always come back to this one, I just like the app for my iphone as well, seems to work the best for me

    :flowerforyou: Barbie ME TOO! Seems like lately Im on my computer for posting my food only these days and not much else!!

    :bigsmile: sprota813 I’d love to hear more about the sauerkraut chocolate cake recipe, it sounds very interesting!

    :smile: Laura I agree that the HOA has way too much control, especially on this issue but I get too emotional about it so Ive let it go and turned it over to DH because he is much more level headed than I am and he will deal with it mech better than me.

    :drinker: You know when you have those “skinny clothes tucked away in your closet and you say “one of these days” I will fit into them…well I have finally gotten to that point where I have fit into all of the clothes in my closet! I am finally onto the next level! Whoo Hoo! Now when I get to the next size which will be a 4 because I am into a 6 it will be time to go SHOPPING!!! But Im not doing this until I am at my goal weight. And I still have a way to go before that happens.

    Well I hope you L have a wonderful weekend…tomorrow is Fathers Day! So we will be pampering DH, my father passed over 5 years ago but both kids are home so it will be Daddys day here!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello my dears, :happy:

    I have been in Calgary for the last five days as the freeloading spouse of a man at the International Petroleum Show :wink: . I enjoyed a completely decadent lifestyle devoid of any commitments or obligations. Wait…I did finish Unit 2 of my TOESL course and go to the hotel gym a few times! :drinker: Also managed a couple of really fine restaurant meals, a day at the Glenbow Museum & Art Gallery, and shopping where I scored new motorcycle boots & gloves. Not bad, eh? I did not log all my food (ahem, wine) but I was conscientious about making good choices... We shall see what the scale has to say.

    We brought J'boy home a few gifts from the big city: socks, underwear, PJ's, and...a new video game. He said hello, thanks, and we haven't seen him since. I got a hug, though! :drinker:

    Amanda, I hope your visit to Germany was fantastic! What did you wear to the opera?

    Barbara, I am going to print the chair yoga stretches to use in my classroom – thanks for a great resource. :flowerforyou:

    Rose, congratulations on your review & promotion. Very well done! :flowerforyou:

    Sprota813 – Sauerkraut in your chocolate cake? :noway: That’s awesome. Even better than zucchini! I just might have to try it.

    Mary, good to hear your trip is beginning well. Keep us posted.

    Sarah, you must take better care of yourself! :flowerforyou: I am so glad to hear from you again. What happened to your computer?

    Suzie, my very best wishes for your surgery and recovery. It’s been a long haul, as my Dear Dad would say.

    Barbie, you are right, fewer people post - but we know they are out enjoying the great outdoors. :happy: On the other hand, I still have to spend a fair amount of the day with my foot in the air, so you will not be rid of me for a while. July 11 is freedom from walking cast day, but since I got out of the wheelchair I've been feeling pretty happy about life.

    My boss wants me to teach grade 7 next year. Hmmm. :noway: That means I will have had some of my students for three years in a row. That's a challenge for my repertoire of teacher routines.

    Hasta pronto,
  • IrishGirl0816
    Hi ladies! I've been losing 1 lb/wk and 5 lb/mo since February. June has been my first problem so I need some support. I haven't lost anything so far. I'm eating too much...always when I get home from work. My motivation is low. I've lost 20 lbs and have 40 lbs to go.

    SW: 215
    CW: 195
    GW: 145
    Height: 5'5"
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    :smile: Welcome back Deborah! I think MFP is the best, I've tried other sites as well but I always come back to this one, I just like the app for my iphone as well, seems to work the best for me

    Thanks for the warm welcome, Kat! That's another reason that I rejoined MFP ~ it works very well with my iPad and iPhone. I just wish it would link to the Withings scale ~ then it would be perfect!

    Deborah :flowerforyou: