

  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I just saw this group randomly on the side of the website. How can I mark it/tag it, so I can find it again and again? I looked for this forever the other day when someone responded to a post.

  • luckyinlove2
    luckyinlove2 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi! I found your site before; in March, but lost it. Just found it again! My progress on MFP shows less pounds than I've lost since December. I have lost 36 pounds total, and it's been relatively easy with MFP. I encourage everyone around me, including my husband to sign up for this and follow it. So far, 3 of them have joined me in my journey toward a healthier me. I am only 6 pounds from what I weighed 30 years ago, but want to get down to what I weighed 34 years ago! With that in mind, I haven't set many goals, but they are:
    Follow my MFP intake guidelines
    Exercise at least 4 days per week for at least 30 min--that might mean gardening, light housecleaning or a stroll, but it's better than sitting around.
    Lose the next 6 pounds

    My first goal when I started this was to "have" to purchase a new wardrobe and I've accomplished that. I had to sort out most of my work clothes, but since I'm home during the summer; some of my "used to be tighter" shorts are working for me right now.:happy:
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm back! The past month has been a challenge--too many social occasions. It's easy to get out of the habit of logging what I eat. I am committed to do better and keep working toward my goal!

    Picked strawberries this morning. I appreciate the California produce growers, but there's nothing like fresh-picked local berries! Yum :happy:

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend :flowerforyou:
  • emnel42
    emnel42 Posts: 1 Member
    MFP Newbie. Day 3. :wink:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I just saw this group randomly on the side of the website. How can I mark it/tag it, so I can find it again and again? I looked for this forever the other day when someone responded to a post.


    It should show up in "My Topics" if your post here :bigsmile:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    MFP Newbie. Day 3. :wink:

    Welcome! Its a great group!!!
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Welcome "Newbies" .....you've found a great group!!!

    I hope you're all enjoying your weekend...whatever you're doing, whether it's:glasses: finding some sun or as we are here in N.Wales(UK) :sad: dodging the rain!

    :happy: On the decorating front.....Papering is half done and we stopped for dinner. I can't move now ...I've stiffened up totally!!
    Tomorrow's another day and we should finish it!! The carpet needs shampooing and then we can put it all back together.
    :laugh: The cat's can't quite get their heads around us "Camping" in the dining room!!

    Then I must see about painting a new colour co ordinated picture to put on the wall! The old one just won't fit now!! I need some inspiration ...and energy methinks!

    :yawn: So .....early night now....back tomorrow!
    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • ediesmommy
    ediesmommy Posts: 76
    I will be 40 in 4 days... I have also recently sprained my knee (7 days ago) and I have been diagnosed with severe degenerative arthritis in that knee. It's kind of a blow to me... I started here on mfp at the beginning of May, and after my first week and a half of walking, I'd been able to get up to walking an hour (approx. 3.5 miles) every day. I was in the middle of my walk when my knee went out.

    Today was my first reall attempt at any real physical activity. I managed to do 16.03 minutes on the recumbent stationary bike that my uncle purchased for me. I feel like I'm starting all over again.

    I've already lost 20.2lbs since I started, and my goal by July 12 is to lose another 10lbs. I am hopeful that my knee heals pretty quick and that the pt I'm starting helps.

    I'd love to join this group, even though I'm not 50. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend. Now more than ever, I could use some motivational help!
  • Skyecath
    Skyecath Posts: 33
    Thanks for your nice comments about the ducklings. We had a bit of a scare this morning. DH let them have a swim in some shallow water but 4 of them got too cold and were shivering like crazy when he brought them back in. It took a fair bit of cuddling and the hair dryer (held at a distance) to get them warmed up again.

    Chatted to DD on Facebook chat this morning. She's been away for 3 weeks now but with the wonders of the Internet we have had contact from her most days which has been re assuring. She's now moved on to Indonesia for the next 3 weeks and is hoping to visit Orangutans this week which she adores.

    Happy weekend everyone

    Cath x
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks for your nice comments about the ducklings. We had a bit of a scare this morning. DH let them have a swim in some shallow water but 4 of them got too cold and were shivering like crazy when he brought them back in. It took a fair bit of cuddling and the hair dryer (held at a distance) to get them warmed up again.

    Chatted to DD on Facebook chat this morning. She's been away for 3 weeks now but with the wonders of the Internet we have had contact from her most days which has been re assuring. She's now moved on to Indonesia for the next 3 weeks and is hoping to visit Orangutans this week which she adores.

    Happy weekend everyone

    Cath x

    Hi Cath, how sweet of you to warm up those little babes! I'd be interested to hear more about your DD's travels if you have the time.

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,389 Member
    kat - you sound so much like me. I'm an emotional person, Vince is the logical one. So many times I've had to let him take care of something because I know that I would get way too emotional and that wasn't going to help the situation. Only problem is that Vince can sometimes take his sweet old time doing things. WooHoo on getting into those clothes. Bet you can't wait to go shopping. What an incentive to lose more. But remember, it's not so much losing weight as body fat. Like I've said before, for years I really haven't lost any weight. But my body fat has gone down. So don't get discouraged if the scale doesn't say you lost weight, take your measurements and let that be a guide. Better yet -- how your clothes fit

    IrishGirl - you've come to the right place for support. Just keep on posting and we'll keep on supporting......:)

    Went to the farmer's market. the man who was there last year with really good corn was there this week, I didn't think he'd be there until next week. anyway, I got corn and then some golden beets. Got them from two different stands, one of them I'm having the hardest time getting the skins off. I've baked them for over an hour, steamed them. Now have to let them cool and see what happens. Then I went to yoga, did some food shopping, home to cook the corn, the beets, washed the cherries I bought (wish I could freeze them but they wouldn't keep their "crunchiness" after they were frozen) and a few other things. Vince is outside cutting down more of the weeds. Tomorrow I'll do some training games on the Wii.

    kay - I hear ya about the fresh produce. You won't believe how many plastic tubs of strawberries I have in my freezer. I bought them when the farmers were growing them. Now the blueberries will be in season. Can't wait.

    emnel - welcome

    ediesmommy - so sorry about your knee. I know how frustrating that can be but glad you're keeping up with the exercise, just adjusting. that's what things are about, adjusting to our needs at the moment. Congrats on the weight loss! You've come to a great place (and you're only as old as you feel, we have some people on here who feel 39 <wish I was one of them>)

    Cath - does you daughter's job take her to exotic places, or is she like my son who got the traveling bug?

    Well, here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    kat - you sound so much like me. I'm an emotional person, Vince is the logical one. So many times I've had to let him take care of something because I know that I would get way too emotional and that wasn't going to help the situation. Only problem is that Vince can sometimes take his sweet old time doing things. WooHoo on getting into those clothes. Bet you can't wait to go shopping. What an incentive to lose more. But remember, it's not so much losing weight as body fat. Like I've said before, for years I really haven't lost any weight. But my body fat has gone down. So don't get discouraged if the scale doesn't say you lost weight, take your measurements and let that be a guide. Better yet -- how your clothes fit

    Michelle!!!!! We are alike!!!!!! And my hubby take his sweet time too!!!!! And it drives me CRAZY!!!!!! I want things done yesterday ARGH!!!!!!!!! Thats the emotion coming out!!!!! We need to hang out! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Too bad you live across the US my friend! If only you were here in Southern California! Hey the house next door to me is up for sale! Then you and I could take over the HOA!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!

    Kat :heart: :heart:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Been mia this week.Was helping with VBS this week,with some adorable preschoolers.
    Hubby has been sick for the last 10 days with sinus infection/bronchitis.On antibodic and cough medicine,been up half the night coughing.
    Started pt after a 2 week break.working on endurance.using 35lb wts instead of 20.Trying to get swimming in and walking 30-35 min.Need to push and do daily along with pt home ex.
    Hope everyone is having a great week-end.
    Best wishes for the ones I missed special occasions.
    Take care
  • Suzziee7606
    Suzziee7606 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello group,
    Just started here.
    Goals for June:
    exercise a minimum of 30 minutes everyday at gym and
    report to website for tracking.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Just got our internet service restored after our DSL line was accidentally cut by a road crew. Funny how "out of it" you feel these days without it!

    DH and I had a wonderful little get-away to the beach. Even though he didn't get to walk on the gorgeous beach like I did, it was a nice change of scenery and I especially enjoyed having no household chores for a couple of days! I didn't track my food (or wine) like I should have, but I did take a fast 4 mile walk each morning and some planks and other floor exercises each day.
    Back to tracking today!

    Kat: Sounds like you had a nice beach get-away as well! Isn't it nice just to go somewhere different, even if its not far away?
    Congratulations on getting into all of your clothes! Sorry your HOA turned down your color choice:-(

    Michelle: You are so right about lower body fat being a great goal even if the scale isn't moving. It makes all the difference in how you look and feel too!

    Cath: The chicks are SO cute!

    Barbie: I know you are enjoying your teaching and how nice for the instructor to have you team up with her. I am sure it is a huge help for her not to worry knowing you are there for her.

    Sally: Hope your knees continue to improve and good for keeping at it when you're not 100%. It's so easy to just do nothing when you don't feel well!

    Sarah: SO glad you are ok. Things can happen fast and falling off of a ladder is one of them! Take care and glad to have you back here!

    JaneMartin: You are doing so great! I am so happy that your PT has worked so well and that you have been able to add to your exercises. Hope your DH is feeling better soon...sinus infections & bronchitis are not fun:-(

    Better get off this computer and out the door while it is still nice and cool. We are having a wonderful June here this year:-)

    Enjoy your day, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    You are such an inspiration! Love both the amount and the variety of exercise you get. Your posts are very encouraging!

    I have lost 70 pounds since last Aug. 30th. I finally have the food issues figured out, but need to work on the exercise piece.

    Before I gained and lost the weight, I was working with a personal trainer and getting strong. He had me doing a lot that I would never have thought possible. Then I broke my foot and tore a tendon. I gained so much weight that it was starting to affect my health.

    During and since losing the weight this time I have exercised ,(mostly walking, some weights), but nothing like you do. When do you find the time?

    My goal for this month is to get in at least an hour a day of exercise. I'd love to run a 5k (have walked several) and really enjoy lifting weights. I am a teacher and will be out of work until Sept. 1st. I will be using you for inspiration to make exercise a permanent part of my life. We already kayak and I have just started going to Zumba classes twice a week. Looking for other classes or DVDs to do at home. Suggestions on stretching videos?

    Again, thank you for providing so much motivation for so many of us!!

  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    I will be 40 in 4 days... I have also recently sprained my knee (7 days ago) and I have been diagnosed with severe degenerative arthritis in that knee. It's kind of a blow to me... I started here on mfp at the beginning of May, and after my first week and a half of walking, I'd been able to get up to walking an hour (approx. 3.5 miles) every day. I was in the middle of my walk when my knee went out.

    Today was my first reall attempt at any real physical activity. I managed to do 16.03 minutes on the recumbent stationary bike that my uncle purchased for me. I feel like I'm starting all over again.

    I've already lost 20.2lbs since I started, and my goal by July 12 is to lose another 10lbs. I am hopeful that my knee heals pretty quick and that the pt I'm starting helps.

    I'd love to join this group, even though I'm not 50. Anyone feel free to add me as a friend. Now more than ever, I could use some motivational help!


    This is the best place to be for support!!! You can also friend me if you like, although I spend most of my MFP time either here or just logging in my food :bigsmile:

    I also suffer from degenerative arthritis in my back, feet, knees, hands, neck and last year (august) I broke my ankle in 2 places so I do understand what it is like to be overweight and have injuries but what I have found out is that what I put IN MY MOUTH has a bigger impact on my weight that exercising. I have exercised almost my whole life and I was still over weight these last many years (yo yo dieting)...but this time now that I am consistently eating 1200 calories a day I am loosing weight consistently whether I exercise or not. So hang in there...also my arthritis has virtually disappeared as I have lost the weight...with that said there are times when I over do it with yard work or working out and I'm sore, but my knees don't hurt any more, my back doesn't ache every morning, my feet don't hurt constantly, those pains went away as the weight whittled away...so there is light at the end of the tunnel!

    I check into this post everyday for inspiration and motivation from these women, they are the most positive, supportive group of ladies and we have never met in person!!!! But I LOVE this group of women and it is so empowering to know that they are all her for me and me for them... so welcome and YES even if you are only 40!!!!!! And as a side note CONGRATS on losing 20 pounds!!!!!!

    Kat :heart: :heart:
  • katiejarr
    katiejarr Posts: 251 Member
    Opps the above post was meant to be a response to ediesmommy...and I forgot to put her name there! That was for you ediesmommy :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Kat :heart: :heart:
  • 4thoseiluv
    4thoseiluv Posts: 96 Member
    Good morning!

    It's a nice sunny day and I'm looking forward to my DD, FSIL and grandsons coming over later for a BBQ.

    I've been working very hard on creating a meal plan check list for following the DASH diet plan as recommended by my doctor. Tried my new chart this morning while I was planning my meals and it works like a charm. I'm so determined to get my BP readings under control! So, today is Day 1...

    Hope you all enjoy a great Sunday!

    Deborah :flowerforyou:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello and happy Sun-day, it's actually Rain-day here.

    Welcome to new comers :flowerforyou: this is the best place to be.

    It’s one of those days where the rain comes and goes in minutes, with warm sun to keep us hopeful in between downpours. Lucky for the neighbours that DH got the lawn cut yesterday! :wink:

    I added up my exercise for this month, and I’m at 8.8 hours and the month is half over, which isn’t too bad considering the fact I had to make two trips to the city to stay with my parents and so was out of the regular routine. I will make my exercise goal! :explode: It’s Sunday, so I’ll wait and go to the gym with DH after the pool opens. He must have his hot tub and sauna after his workout. :huh: My foot is healed enough so I can go to aqua fit now, I will try the “gentle” class next week.

    Let’s add my praise for Farmer’s Markets to the rest of you. :drinker: Yesterday we got greens, garlic scapes, greenhouse tomatoes, locally made cheese and fresh eggs. I am looking forward to more and more selection as the spring and summer progress. I love making Greek Salad in the fall with all the fresh produce!

    I am glad to be home and must get back into the routine of planning and logging my food at the beginning of the day. Who said it? “Plan what you eat and eat what you plan” That’s what works for me, as long as I don't sneak in that extra glass of wine! :noway: Speaking of all this, I’m hungry for my lunch. I think fresh greens, cottage cheese, tomatoes….

    Hasta pronto,


    Goals for June:
    At least 4 aqua fit classes - something new to shake up the routine.
    24 hours of exercise including weight training
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    Act the way I want to feel. Be kind.