What annoys you?



  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    When I order a veggie wrap for lunch with a little bit of mayo, no cheese and no olives, and get a veggie wrap with very little veggies, a LOT of mayo and tons of olives....

    Yes. This happened to me today.

    I am still not over it.

    This would sooo be me!! I'm harsh when it comes to my food...I want it to be right! LOL! I went to a sandwich shop and asked for one small line of mustard, I got half a bottle...my husband asked me 3 hours after I wiped out the mustard and ate the sandwich when I was going to stop whinning! :)
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    ...oh and people that make comments about kids who in fact, don't have any children.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    People Who Capitalise Every Word In A Sentence Like I Am Doing Now.

    Oh my god, I was seriously about to say this Same Exact Thing. :laugh: drives me nuts
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    People *****ing about smokers :smokin:


  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Wow, you obviously don't have kids! I'd imagine your list of things that annoy you will drastically change when you do!
    1. Loud children
    2. Quiet children
    3. Children in restaurants
    4. Children on planes
    5. People posting pictures of their kids on everything
    6. People talking about their kids disgusting bowel movements or sickness and acting like its OK
    7. People who are pushy with religion or bring it up when not at all related to conversation
    8. People who post anti abortion stuff everywhere
    9. People who blame genetics for being overweight or claim fit people are fit from genetics not hard work
    10. The amount of money our governments spend on overweight people and then those overweight people claiming it only affects them

    I, for one, hope this person does have children someday.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Wow, you obviously don't have kids! I'd imagine your list of things that annoy you will drastically change when you do!
    When? Who says he wants any?
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    People on this site lately who don't seem to understand what humor is and can not afford the surgical procedure to remove stick from bum.....

    People who get offended over things that have nothing to do with them


    gum chewing....you snappers you know what I am talking about

    teeth grinding

    being stuck in a slow moving plateau

    lots of things annoy me and I am annoyed I can not think of them all right now
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
    * One uppers
    * That guy in the background of a POP song that's only job is to go "Ya","UH"
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    1) When people say they are going to do something and don't follow through

    2) People who are late for appointments

    3) People who claim they "hate" drama but yet constantly create it

    4) Chickenheads.

    5) People who don't use their blinkers or those who cut off motorcyclists on the road

    Guess mine all comes down to rude/dumb people!

    I agree with all of these AND I hate when people don't use their manners. Like saying thank you if I let you in front of me while driving, hold the door for you, offer you something that you need/want.

    I just don't tolerate rude/fake/disrespectful people. :grumble:
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member

    winner. :drinker:
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    People with bad hygiene should go without saying. Other than that:

    1. Left lane drivers (for those of us in the States)
    2. Whiners with no kids who say they don't have enough time for this or that
    3. Bible thumpers
    4. Immature people
    5. Loud people
    6. Improper use of the word "myself" as in "call John or myself".
    7. Rolls of fat stuffed into a stretchy top
    8. Neighbors who let their dogs bark constantly
    9. Those who think everyone is interested in every little detail of their lives.
    10. People who are oblivious to what is happening around them.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    ...oh and people that make comments about kids (screaming kids) who in fact, don't have any children. Specifically, the "shut that kid up" statement.

    It is rude, especially in a restaurant or movie theater. Take the child outside or to the bathroom or instill some discipline. My parents did it and still do it with my little brothers, friends who have kids do it, etc.
    Just because someone may not have children also doesn't mean they have no idea. Ex: People who work in daycares or schools, people who help take care of young siblings, etc.
  • WhiteCoc0
    WhiteCoc0 Posts: 192 Member
    1. Racism...including making jokes and than looking at me and saying "sorry if I offended you"
    2. Sexism including crude comments men make and think are funny when directed at women.^^
    3. Long bus rides.
    4. Smelly people.
    5. Cheaters (all aspects including relationships and school).
    6. People taking credit for other peoples hard work.
    7. Slow drivers and people who own a car and drive regularily and still cannot drive properly.
  • calmanza2
    calmanza2 Posts: 12
    People who complain.
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Super happy people.
    Optimistic people
    People who get butt hurt over hearing that not everyone is beautiful
    People who assume I am serious all the time
    Post about things that are annoying
    Posts complaining about spelling/grammar
    People that don't know how to google
    The human race
    People who let their dog crap on my lawn
    Kids on my lawn
    People who assume I am an irrisponsible person because I have tattoos and piercings
    People who ask questions and get mad when you tell the truth.
    People who complain all the time.
    People who talk in movie theaters
    Texting while driving.
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    1) People who make their profile pictures: a) engagement rings on their hands; b) ultrasounds; c) just their children;
    2) Baby on board signs;
    3) People who fail to use turn signals;
    4) Drivers who feel the need to yell obnoxious things at cyclists or pedestrians;
    5) People who like to give their backpack/handbag/briefcase/grocery shopping its own seat on the bus; and
    6) People who slow to a walk in the middle of a race of thousands without any indication that they are going to slow down or any attempt to MOVE TO THE SIDE!!!
  • vancil01
    vancil01 Posts: 70 Member
    Fat people that think they have some disease that made them eat all those cheeseburgers.
    People that do not wear deodorant at the gym
    People that stand too close while having a conversation
    People that think they own the world while crossing the street
    Bad drivers, including folks that don't know how to merge properly, folks that stop in the right hand lane parallel to an acceleration lane to let those drivers on the highway even though the people in the acceleration lane are the ones that are supposed to be yielding
    People that take their jobs for granted when there are so many without, also, people that complain about the lack of jobs when there are PLENTY to choose from, they just might not want to get their hands dirty
    Westboro baptist church
    Religious people that hate and don't forgive, people that only follow the parts of the bible they consider important...well most "religious" people
    People on here that need to "loose" weight, nope, you need to LOSE weight....
    People that cut someone off, then get mad when someone cuts them off, makes no F'ing sense to me
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    People who run into a smoker's smoke and then start coughing thinking its our fault.
    People who can't accept that everybody makes mistakes.
    People who think they have the worst problems in the world.
    People who think they are above others.
    People who asks questions when they already know the answer but want to annoy the *ish out of you.

    Depends on where you are standing... and it's a fact (according to my personal experience anywat) that cigarette smoke heads straight for the person with the least amount of it clinging to them... thus, straight for the non-smoker... I'm not kidding, I don't smoke but my parents do... and I am not joking that even if I sat up-wind to my parents smoke plume it would still head straight for me.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    wow........ so you seriously want my list?, ok then here I go:

    -HEAT/SUMMER (dunno how people can like to feel misserable, for me, give me snow/rain/wind and a jacket and I will have a permanent smile on my face!). Oh, people that call me crazy cause I like winter and that try to convince me summer is better annoy me as well. GTFO!!!!!

    -SLOW DRIVERS or DRIVERS THAT DONT USE THE DAMN SIGNALS and suddenly they merge right in front of me!

    -FANATICS (ok lets add ´any´ kind of fanatic in here, people that eat,drink,sleep and pee their ´love´.. IE:soccer fanatics, justine bieber fanatics, twilight fanatics, apple fanatics, etc. Thats why I HATE soccer, JB, twilight and apple)

    -People that change my plans 5 minutes before.

    - SLANG or ABBREVIATIONS (abbreviations are only OK when you are texting, not when writing an email, note, message), So: sup/wassup, hru, preggo, mami, etc are a No Go in my list, just damn annoying!

    -Loud kids with ´I dont give a damn´ parents.

    -CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAYS... IT seems people forget about the real meaning of the season and its all about money, gifts, getting the latest tv, computer, cell phone, video game; dinner etc. Yeah people say ´oh but its a great excuse to spend time with your family´.. what??, for me its your hypocrital, people that never look for you the other 11 months of the year, suddenly call you to say ´i love you´, yeah right.

    -Getting gifts on christmas, my bday or valentines day. If you wanna give me a gift, do it when you feel like it, not when the society says you HAVE to.
  • vancil01
    vancil01 Posts: 70 Member
    People who run into a smoker's smoke and then start coughing thinking its our fault.
    People who can't accept that everybody makes mistakes.
    People who think they have the worst problems in the world.
    People who think they are above others.
    People who asks questions when they already know the answer but want to annoy the *ish out of you.

    Depends on where you are standing... and it's a fact (according to my personal experience anywat) that cigarette smoke heads straight for the person with the least amount of it clinging to them... thus, straight for the non-smoker... I'm not kidding, I don't smoke but my parents do... and I am not joking that even if I sat up-wind to my parents smoke plume it would still head straight for me.

    I think we are going to need some scientific evidence of this phenomena...