Food you thought you hated, but now Love



  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Greek yogurt - to an extent. I still don't get the love affair with the stuff. It's just so thick and gaggy! But I finally found one I can tolerate and actually really enjoy - voskos honey vanilla bean. It's all natural and the perfect mid-morning snack, with a tablespoon of bear claw granola mixed in.

    Now Chobani - blechhhh! Have yet to find a flavor of that I can stomach.

    Luckily, I've always been a fan of the presumably gross green veggies - spinach, lima beans, brussels sprouts. Of course, I grew up on malt vinegar, so a little malt vinegar on any green veggie works for me, especially since I will no longer be having delicious french fries with malt vinegar.

    Try the chobani with half a banana, 1 tbsp peanut butter, and 1c silk milk (try the light vanilla) and blend it...AWESOME. Lots of protein, good fats, and natural carbs :)

    sounds good bc I still havent found a greek yogurt I like =/
  • jdploki70
    jdploki70 Posts: 343
    Fish (just turned out that it was bad cooks)
    Lettuce - Can't live without the stuff now
    Black Coffee - ^^^^^
    Hard alcohol - Ah, the burning
    Cabbage - I still can't eat cooked cabbage, but I can now handle the raw stuff
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Steamed clams
    And asparagus, because my mother brought us up on CANNED asparagus....which was horrible. When I tried fresh, steamed asparagus for the first time I was enlightened.
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    Guacamole... weird though. I like it but didnt know I liked it. I was so used to saying no guac please because the rest of my family did I had never given it a chance. Since Im trying not to have dairy sour cream is now on my Not To Have list so I tried guacamole... love it!!
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
  • deaddivya
    deaddivya Posts: 102
    Tomatoes! As a child I hated them with burning passion, but I always have them in my salad now.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    Salad & Cauliflower.
  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member
    I hated asparagus, brussel sprouts, whole grain breads/pastas, water
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Hummus. I just thought it looked disgusting and I couldn't even stand to watch people eat it.

    Then, one day, i decided to actually try it. Lol.
  • BitteOrca
    BitteOrca Posts: 74 Member
    mushrooms - still can't eat them raw, but love them sauteed with other veggies for added meatiness.

    anchovies - totally addictive flavor when added to olive oil and garlic - i use in pasta and veggies all the time now!

    prunes - same as you--thought they were only for old ladies, but now i love in oatmeal.

    things i still cannot stand:
    bleu cheese
    most smoked fish
    offal (organs)
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    not a food, but same idea i guess lol
  • hellokehtty
    Spinach...I didn't get the appeal until about a year ago.

    Now I like it raw, steamed, in omelettes, any way. Weird.
  • ravenwcatz
    ravenwcatz Posts: 105 Member
    Before I went to college, I couldn't STAND shrimp, and I wasn't fond of peanut butter either. But after three or four terms of being malnourished (I.E. eating nothing but french fries and salad from the salad bar...) I started craving both. Now I love them. ^_^

    I've also had a rocky relationship with avocado. I thought it was ok, then I kind of got into it, then I went to New Mexico where everything contains avocado, and, after a random bout of food poisoning while I was there, I basically just couldn't eat it at all for a couple years. I've been sneaking them back into my diet though, and I love them.
  • kenyajae
    kenyajae Posts: 48
    Salsa - I still cannot eat anything swimming in it, but a little in a mexican dish is fine
    Meatloaf (though, only made with turkey - I still won't eat beef)
  • hadesflame
    hadesflame Posts: 95 Member
    PRUNES!! I can't believe I went for so long thinking they were gross and just for old people. They're like giant raisins!! Love them!! :bigsmile:
    And asparagus and tomatoes. Hated both because of the texture but now....
    I'm willing to try just about any kind of food. Except liver...... and animal parts that carry food out of the body. Really? Why would you eat that? Bleh... LOL
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    Brussel Sprouts- Still not a huge fan of the smell but they taste good.

    Cooked spinach- used to make me gag, love it now.

    Fish (any kind)- used to refuse to touch it, now I'm working on trying different varieties and different ways of cooking it.

    Still struggling with peas :laugh:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    greek yogurt
    navy beans
    hearts of palm
  • GZinSea
    GZinSea Posts: 50 Member
    Beets, go figure
  • Bunnehface
    Bunnehface Posts: 129 Member
    I used to HATE skimmed milk - I've always had semi-skimmed (or half-fat, if you're American)...skimmed just seemed really watery . Now I have skimmed milk with everything.
    Light mayo, Diet Coke, half fat cheese...anything that was the 'light' version of a 'normal' food! Now everything I eat is as light as possible lol.
    Quorn. I never understood why if you're a vegetarian, you'd want to eat something that TASTES LIKE MEAT. Isn't that a bit perverse? "I won't eat this piggy, but I'll eat something that TASTES like that piggy". Lol. (Joking, so don't gang up on me, angry veggies lol). Now we've switched to Quorn mince for meals that are based on beef mince, like spaghetti bolognese, chilli con carne, lasagne etc and I really don't mind it. Still can't bring myself to switch to Quorn sausages or burgers though - I just go for extra lean beef or pork instead.

    I really wish I could eat any kind of seafood, but ever since I was a kid the smell, taste, texture, appearance - all of it - has just repulsed me. I hate it. Every year or so I try tuna, cod, and some others but it never works, I start retching before I can get past the first bite. Sucks because I know fish is really good for you!
  • robinregina
    robinregina Posts: 131 Member
    spinach, i just love it now--hated it before. i can just sit and eat a whole bowl of spinach with nothing else.