Alpha Male



  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Whoa, taunto - cynical, much?

    I just came out of a crappy marriage and have ever reason to be a bit bitter about men, but this was supposed to be an awesome, uplifting, positive thread.

    Don't ruin that, please!

    Men are awesome.
    My true feelings about the topic at hand were mentioned in my first post. The second post was meant to be a joke (Clearly unsuccessful)

    I myself understand there are bad eggs on both sides of the gender
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    He is a leader.
    He displays integrity.
    He is loyal.
    He is honest.
    He is responsible.
    He inspires me.
    He is honorable.
    He is an alpha wolf to the world, but a puppy with me.
    He is handsome, heart and soul.
    He is sweet.
    He is charming.
    He will show me his weaknesses.
    He is romantic, because he knows as a woman I may need that.
    He is the leader of our family, holding to very traditional roles, but with a modern twist.
    He supports and encourages my goals, but not because he can't take care of me.
    He knows as a woman, I too have the ability to take care of myself.
    He allows my spoiling of him, not because he can't provide for himself, but because it makes me feel like a woman to do so.
    He will go to bed every night with the knowledge that I'm 100% committed to our life together, although the circumstances of that life may occasionally have our bodies resting alone.
    He will take notice that no man is loved more.
    He will respect that for the gift that it is and protect our union until the end.

    This is what it means to me to be a man...and to share my life with a woman.


    ^^This ^^ is the why for my marriage of 29 years next month.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Whoa, taunto - cynical, much?

    I just came out of a crappy marriage and have ever reason to be a bit bitter about men, but this was supposed to be an awesome, uplifting, positive thread.

    Don't ruin that, please!

    Men are awesome.
    My true feelings about the topic at hand were mentioned in my first post. The second post was meant to be a joke (Clearly unsuccessful)
    (I am inebriated. We can blame it on that, too)
  • stebs1984
    stebs1984 Posts: 38
    Someone more poetic than I am should write one of these about women... :smile:
  • SouthernSweetie74
    Beautifully put. :)
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    depends on the weaknesses he shows :wink:
  • spacey1968
    spacey1968 Posts: 38
    A delightful, sincere, insightful piece. I didn't realize that men could actually think about things like that and be reflective. It gives me hope that there is more depth to the male species than I have previously experienced. Thank you for sharing!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    A delightful, sincere, insightful piece. I didn't realize that men could actually think about things like that and be reflective. It gives me hope that there is more depth to the male species than I have previously experienced. Thank you for sharing!

    I didn't write it...though I have heavily edited it. The original was sent to me by a female friend who was in the military. I don't know its actual origin.

    As for depth to our gender...I'm sure its like anything else. It depends on who, where...and how deeply you would like to scratch. My friends here on MFP for example surely know more than most people in my day to day life how I feel regarding things like this...simply because the only way we have to communicate is by expressing thoughts and feelings.

  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member

    I have those traits.
    So I am alpha (fe)male? :D
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    He is a leader.
    He displays integrity.
    He is loyal.
    He is honest.
    He is responsible.
    He inspires me.
    He is honorable.
    He is an alpha wolf to the world, but a puppy with me.
    He is handsome, heart and soul.
    He is sweet.
    He is charming.
    He will show me his weaknesses.
    He is romantic, because he knows as a woman I may need that.
    He is the leader of our family, holding to very traditional roles, but with a modern twist.
    He supports and encourages my goals, but not because he can't take care of me.
    He knows as a woman, I too have the ability to take care of myself.
    He allows my spoiling of him, not because he can't provide for himself, but because it makes me feel like a woman to do so.
    He will go to bed every night with the knowledge that I'm 100% committed to our life together, although the circumstances of that life may occasionally have our bodies resting alone.
    He will take notice that no man is loved more.
    He will respect that for the gift that it is and protect our union until the end.

    This is what it means to me to be a man...and to share my life with a woman.


    My one edit would be regarding romance: He understands my definition of romance. The whole thing about "love languages" is really true, and this only jumped out at me because I don't go in for the candy and original poetry and rose petals leading to the bedroom.. which doesn't mean I'm not interested in romance. That's just not my idea of it. Get up early to fill my gas tank because you know it's on empty to save me having to do it before work? Romantic as hell.

    Also, this whole thing could be easily skewed depending upon the definition of the word "leader", but something tells me yours & mine are fairly close. :wink:
    Not saying there aren't women looking for or are happy with a genuinely honorable man but typically, they're looking for the flash and shiny things.
    Of course there are women like that, but to say that women are "typically" this way is unfair and, in my experience, flatly inaccurate. Most of us are honestly looking for someone more like you and Mr. Anderson. Granted, some of us don't know it yet-- I didn't until I dated someone who fit the above description and (after I was done being pissed at him for not kowtowing to my every whim as I was used to) made me realize one of the major reasons my previous relationships had been so unhappy. Of course I have no idea what's jaded you, but we're really not all so shallow. :flowerforyou:
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    Oh crap - I'm screwed
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Someone more poetic than I am should write one of these about women... :smile:

    Someone already did! Read Proverbs 31. :happy:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Cris, awesome post!! I knew there was a reason we are now friends. I can't say that this is the man I am 24/7 but I can tell you that this is the man I strive to me. As far as the lady who talked about depth in men, I'd say it would depend on how they were raised and what kind of values they learned but, while there are many men who are chasing shallow things, there are also many men who have depth and character. Look at many of the unsung leaders of thier families that work hard, raise thier kids right and love and have a servant heart towards thier wife day in and day out. They are not perfect because as human we can't be but they are giving it thier best every day and failing sometimes. I know more men like this than the opposite. I am thankful for that!
  • Curvy1taliana
    Curvy1taliana Posts: 371 Member
    :heart: I am saving this for wedding vows ... my boyfriend fits all this criteria :heart:
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    :heart: I am saving this for wedding vows ... my boyfriend fits all this criteria :heart:

    As an Italian boy I loooove your user name!!
  • hcoburn37
    hcoburn37 Posts: 442 Member
    honestly don't know if this man is out there anymore
  • Il_DaniD_lI
    Il_DaniD_lI Posts: 1,593 Member
    Love it!! But two most important things missing..

    He is a handy man
    He is funny
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    That pretty much fits with how I've always tried to be with my girlfriend. Sure I've probably failed a few times, but there's nothing on that list that seems excessive or unreasonable to me.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    There can be only one.
  • kathyms13
    kathyms13 Posts: 497 Member
    actually ........... i can be all those things.