The Paleo Diet Moves From The Gym To The Doctor's Office



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    well, there goes this thread. the all knowing and superior boys are here to tell everyone how they are wrong and stupid.

    Have you ever contributed anything of worth to the discussion? Or just *****ed about those of us who debunk nonsense?

    BTW. We're still waiting for you to back up your assertion that "corn is da debil". I noticed you ran away from that thread when asked to support your claims.

    I never said "corn is da debil". And "discussing" anything with your kind is a waste of time.
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    I'm all for healthy, natural eating...but it seems the doctors forgot to mention that the cavemen had a life expectancy of about 18-20 it was sort of irrelavant what they ate as far as long term health effects....

    ^ this!
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    I was going to try to go with the paleo diet but I found that I simply could not afford it. Meat is expensive and I have a family to feed. So I eat as healthy as I can afford to and limit my portion sizes.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    I don't eat paleo but I don't see how you can say the evolutionary arguments are stupid. The question is, what is the optimal human diet? The answer is what we were eating when our digestive system evolved. That is what our systems were designed for. Our entire bodies were designed for that lifestyle. Our modern diet is so drastically different from that and yet evolutionarily we have not changed. It only makes sense to me to get things more in line with how it was then. I admit the details are a little fuzzy and it differed culture by culture, but some things are known (ie this is pre-agriculture so no one ate poptarts).

    But what stage of the evolution of our digestive systems? The entire point of evolution is that we are constantly evolving with every generation! I mean, heck, our digestive system isn't that different from the digestive system of a worm, but you wouldn't say we should eat dirt.

    Let's say our arbitrary starting point is the development of agriculture 10,000 years ago (which is especially arbitrary in light of the fact that not every place became agricultural at the same time, if they became agricultural at all, but let's assume). Well, humanity was pretty spread over the globe at that point. So whose pre-agricultural diet should we follow? Any pre-agricultural diet? The ones followed by any individual's ancestors? And if everyone follows their ancestors' diets, what should multi-race people do? Or people whose gene pool for historical reasons has lots of additions (blacks in the Caribbean, Jews, etc.)?
  • Jbarbo01
    Jbarbo01 Posts: 240 Member
    I like the primal blueprint better. It includes a little dairy (unsweetened almond milk/plain greek yogurt/cheese) and a little fruit. carbs are ok if you take out the regular high fiber breads and replace w/ ezekial bread, quinoa, steel cut oats etc. And it's more 80/20- trying to eat primal most of the time but giving yourself room to eat in the real world too.
    I lost 10lbs just adding the extra protein and keeping my carbs around 100! now I'm down to my goal weight :)

    I agree with this, I think its great he comes with a little more flexible approach than the other Paleo type diet authors. Though he thinks grains should be limited, he doesn't demonize them either.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    well, there goes this thread. the all knowing and superior boys are here to tell everyone how they are wrong and stupid.

    Have you ever contributed anything of worth to the discussion? Or just *****ed about those of us who debunk nonsense?

    BTW. We're still waiting for you to back up your assertion that "corn is da debil". I noticed you ran away from that thread when asked to support your claims.

    I never said "corn is da debil". And "discussing" anything with your kind is a waste of time.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    I do not buy for a second that this is the way we are "supposed" to eat or that evolution has anything to do with it. It's basically just cutting out processed food.

    So, what you're saying is... (everyone can see what just happened here right?)
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    well, there goes this thread. the all knowing and superior boys are here to tell everyone how they are wrong and stupid.

    Have you ever contributed anything of worth to the discussion? Or just *****ed about those of us who debunk nonsense?

    BTW. We're still waiting for you to back up your assertion that "corn is da debil". I noticed you ran away from that thread when asked to support your claims.

    I never said "corn is da debil". And "discussing" anything with your kind is a waste of time.

    didnt see "corn is da debil"
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I was going to try to go with the paleo diet but I found that I simply could not afford it. Meat is expensive and I have a family to feed. So I eat as healthy as I can afford to and limit my portion sizes.

    That is funny. We cut our grocery bill by at least 60% when we converted to Paleo.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    well, there goes this thread. the all knowing and superior boys are here to tell everyone how they are wrong and stupid.

    Have you ever contributed anything of worth to the discussion? Or just *****ed about those of us who debunk nonsense?

    BTW. We're still waiting for you to back up your assertion that "corn is da debil". I noticed you ran away from that thread when asked to support your claims.

    I never said "corn is da debil". And "discussing" anything with your kind is a waste of time.

    didnt see "corn is da debil"

    I was paraphrasing.

    Exact quotes:
    "In fact, we hate corn"

    "In sum: corn is not a vegetable, and it’s a worthless grain"

    "And if you don't really know corn isn't that good for the human body, then you are doing a lot of posing."
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    well, there goes this thread. the all knowing and superior boys are here to tell everyone how they are wrong and stupid.

    Have you ever contributed anything of worth to the discussion? Or just *****ed about those of us who debunk nonsense?

    BTW. We're still waiting for you to back up your assertion that "corn is da debil". I noticed you ran away from that thread when asked to support your claims.

    I never said "corn is da debil". And "discussing" anything with your kind is a waste of time.

    didnt see "corn is da debil"

    I was paraphrasing.

    Exact quotes:
    "In fact, we hate corn"

    "In sum: corn is not a vegetable, and it’s a worthless grain"

    "And if you don't really know corn isn't that good for the human body, then you are doing a lot of posing."

    hey pal...those first two quoates are from Mark of Marks daily apple, not me...are you that desperate? take a break from the hate
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    There are certain people on MFP who have no lives outside of seeking paleo/primal threads and posting their same drivel over and over just to agitate everyone.

    It's gets old.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I was going to try to go with the paleo diet but I found that I simply could not afford it. Meat is expensive and I have a family to feed. So I eat as healthy as I can afford to and limit my portion sizes.

    That is funny. We cut our grocery bill by at least 60% when we converted to Paleo.

    Curious as to how you did that, as grains and legumes are some of the cheapest things to buy esp when bought in bulk
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I don't eat paleo but I don't see how you can say the evolutionary arguments are stupid. The question is, what is the optimal human diet? The answer is what we were eating when our digestive system evolved. That is what our systems were designed for. Our entire bodies were designed for that lifestyle. Our modern diet is so drastically different from that and yet evolutionarily we have not changed. It only makes sense to me to get things more in line with how it was then. I admit the details are a little fuzzy and it differed culture by culture, but some things are known (ie this is pre-agriculture so no one ate poptarts).

    But what stage of the evolution of our digestive systems? The entire point of evolution is that we are constantly evolving with every generation! I mean, heck, our digestive system isn't that different from the digestive system of a worm, but you wouldn't say we should eat dirt.

    Let's say our arbitrary starting point is the development of agriculture 10,000 years ago (which is especially arbitrary in light of the fact that not every place became agricultural at the same time, if they became agricultural at all, but let's assume). Well, humanity was pretty spread over the globe at that point. So whose pre-agricultural diet should we follow? Any pre-agricultural diet? The ones followed by any individual's ancestors? And if everyone follows their ancestors' diets, what should multi-race people do? Or people whose gene pool for historical reasons has lots of additions (blacks in the Caribbean, Jews, etc.)?

    And in what universe does "available" = "optimal"? And even assuming it did (a HUGE assumption), they completely ignore the fact that we continue to evolve. Some scientists believe that evolution was accelerated after the advent of agriculture.

    This book should be required reading for the paleo cultists:
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    well, there goes this thread. the all knowing and superior boys are here to tell everyone how they are wrong and stupid.

    Have you ever contributed anything of worth to the discussion? Or just *****ed about those of us who debunk nonsense?

    BTW. We're still waiting for you to back up your assertion that "corn is da debil". I noticed you ran away from that thread when asked to support your claims.

    I never said "corn is da debil". And "discussing" anything with your kind is a waste of time.

    didnt see "corn is da debil"

    I was paraphrasing.

    Exact quotes:
    "In fact, we hate corn"

    "In sum: corn is not a vegetable, and it’s a worthless grain"

    "And if you don't really know corn isn't that good for the human body, then you are doing a lot of posing."

    hey pal...those first two quoates are from Mark of Marks daily apple, not me...are you that desperate? take a break from the hate

    And who brought them into the discussion?
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I'd go along and say corn isn't good for you either in the way its usually presented to us. If you're eating just straight corn off the cob and your body tolerates it well, then its probably fine as a carb source. The corn that most of us are getting is in its most refined and void of any nutrition form in processed food which people eat more often than they notice. Same with soy products.

    Just to add, I don't follow the Paleo diet either because I'm probably a dairy addict. I'm just interested to hear different view points on the diet. I probably follow more primal, if anything.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    well, there goes this thread. the all knowing and superior boys are here to tell everyone how they are wrong and stupid.

    Have you ever contributed anything of worth to the discussion? Or just *****ed about those of us who debunk nonsense?

    BTW. We're still waiting for you to back up your assertion that "corn is da debil". I noticed you ran away from that thread when asked to support your claims.

    I never said "corn is da debil". And "discussing" anything with your kind is a waste of time.

    didnt see "corn is da debil"

    I was paraphrasing.

    Exact quotes:
    "In fact, we hate corn"

    "In sum: corn is not a vegetable, and it’s a worthless grain"

    "And if you don't really know corn isn't that good for the human body, then you are doing a lot of posing."

    hey pal...those first two quoates are from Mark of Marks daily apple, not me...are you that desperate? take a break from the hate

    And who brought them into the discussion?

    In your pathetic desperation I am sure you read all my comments in that thread and you read that I said he is dramatic, etc. so don't misquote me.
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Bump for later read...
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    It's nice to see the medical community - doctors in particular - recommending good nutrition but I'm not for them pushing a particular eating regime/diet. They should be pushing rainbow veggies and foods for their patients not a fad or otherwise diet.

  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    In your pathetic desperation I am sure you read all my comments in that thread and you read that I said he is dramatic, etc. so don't misquote me.

    Still avoiding.