Worst Date Ever



  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    I HATE awkward dates. My worst was with a guy I had met once extremely briefly. He asked me to dinner which I thought might be weird since we had literally talked a total of 3 minutes and unlike a movie date, dinner is total one-on-one time. Well, I was right - it was weird and super uncomfortable. We just did not click. Could barely keep any conversation flowing and there were literally 15 minute silences. He contributed almost no conversation and once I ran out of small talk, we ended up talking about our mutual friend the whole night :|. I wanted to invite the family with 3 kids at the next table to come join us just so I didn't have to sit in awkardness any longer! Anyway, from then on I've decided I'd rather spend a night in alone then suffer through a night with a completely beige person just for the sake of 'dating'.
  • mtarika
    mtarika Posts: 44 Member
    Omg, that is really horrible!! Pizza at a gas station, lol?
  • KellyMirth
    KellyMirth Posts: 153
    I met this guy through friends and he seemed really nice. He asked me out several times, I turned him down but I kept seeing him around. He was always polite every time I saw him so I eventually agreed to go out with him. He picked me up from my apartment and we went to dinner. As soon as dinner started, he started mentioning that he had this really amazing bed that was soooo comfortable and I needed to try it. I kept directing the conversation back to safer topics in the hopes that he would get the hint. He didn't and eventually I told him there was no way I was sleeping with him that night. After dinner he drove back to my apartment and when he pulled into a parking space he said "I'd walk you to your door but there it is." and refused to even look at me. I just laughed and thanked him for dinner. Sadly I kept seeing him around for years afterwards and he was still always very polite. Just a complete idiot on a date apparently.
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I went on a date with this guy that I worked with when I was about 19. He asked me out to the movies so I said yes ( I had just moved to Florida and didn't know anyone and I thought he was SO cute) He picked me up and we pulled into the parking lot, got up to the window and he claimed he "forgot his wallet". So I payed for the movie. On our way home I asked him to stop at the gas station so I could get a soda and before I shut the door he asked me to pick him up a pack or cigarettes and he'd pay me back. And I did. He took me home and for whatever reason in hell, I went to kiss him goodnight and he pulled away and says " I don't use tongue" ...I slammed the door, called him a whole bunch of not very nice words, and never saw him again. Yeah, he obviously never payed me back either.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    First let me just say that I am a moron

    I went to a coffee date and I should have clued in when he put his hand in my bra. Since it was very noisy he asked to go to his car....... to talk.

    So long story short he took off his pants and I took off on foot.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    Naked guy works 2 out of 3 times.
  • REET420
    REET420 Posts: 160 Member
    I went out with a woman who insisted on driving me around to several places she had thought about committing suicide. Not sure if that was supposed to be some kind of warning....but romantic it was not.

    WTF creepy
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Naked guy works 2 out of 3 times.

    THIS is what I thought :D
  • redcat17
    redcat17 Posts: 267 Member
    I met a guy once for coffee, and all he would talk about was how his ex cheated on him with some guy she met on line, and he knew that because he hacked into all of her email accounts...I could not get away from Mr. stalking stalker fast enough.
  • grimm1974
    grimm1974 Posts: 337 Member
    My first date ever. Junior prom. My date gets food poisoning. Barfathon ensues.
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    Mine isn't that bad ... but I had been talking to this guy for a few weeks and he invited me over to hang out. (Not code in my silly naivete) So I said sure. I really liked his apartment, and we started chatting. He had in a Harry Potter film (it was already half over when I arrived), and at a certain point in the conversation he said to me something along the lines of "I haven't seen this, do you mind?" LOL excuse me for wanting to talk to you on our first meeting. Had he indicated beforehand that we were meeting to watch a movie, I would have understood the no-talking policy, but it was never stated that way at all. The movie ended and he turned on the tv. He was watching some tv drama, and I made a passing comment about an actress in the show's very plastic face. It was just a single comment. A sentence. Not a theme or something. He snapped at me saying "I don't care about plastic surgery." LOL So I guess he thinks he can dictate every word that comes out of my mouth. Later on, we were kissing (he was cute - shallow I know) and he tried to drag me to his bed saying &%$ me! lol. I told him I wasn't looking for that, and he replied with "I thought I invited a man over tonight." So I am not a man because I don't want to sleep with you?

  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Talked to a guy for almost 2 months. Made sure he knew I was fat, sent him all kinds of pictures and we discussed it at length. When he picked me up he took one look at me, hung his head, then started walking to the car. The entire date he stated at my stomach and asked repeatedly how much weight I wanted to lose.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    All Blind Dates

    1. Blind date turns out to be blind in one eye and mentally challenged. I didn't know about the blindness until I went to pick her up and her grandmother (whom she lived with) went on this rant about it. After trying to spark conversation the whole day and noticing some really odd behaviors, I realized that she was mentally challenged and I took her home like a gentleman should.
    2. Went on another blind date and took the girl to the movies. I then took her out to eat afterwards. She drops 2 bombs on me. The first was that her nickname was "BJ" and explained to me her skills with *kitten* (instant turnoff). The second bomb was that she was 16. I was 21. I have never driven my car so fast to get someone home.
    3. I went to pick another girl up for a date that I had met earlier and her mom insisted that her much younger brother tag along with us. Her mom then proceeded to pull out a Polaroid camera and take a picture of us together. I drove her and her brother around the block and decided that it was probably best if I just took them both home. I would have had to pay for the little brother's evening out as well, BTW.
    4. I took a girl out on a casual date once. She was a friend of my sister's and we had been flirting for a long time. I took her to a high end Italian restaurant because I didn't understand that my money didn't grow on trees at that time. By the end of the evening, she tells me that she would have rather eaten at McDonalds. Not bad, per se, but she could have told me that before I dropped 200 bucks on a meal she ordered but did not eat.
    5. I was the scumbag in this one: I was on the chat line and just wanted someone to hang out with for dinner and a movie. I gave specific requirements for what this blind date should and should not look like. Once everything was confirmed, the blind date showed up was nothing like what she described on the "should look like" list. I was completely embarrassed. We went into the restaurant and had a seat. I ordered a water and she ordered a sweet tea:

    Me: Excuse me waiter... do you all take checks?
    Waiter: No sir, cash, debit, or credit only I'm afraid.
    Me: Oh okay thanks. Blind date, I need to go to my car because I left my bank card in my glove compartment. I'll be back in just a second!
    Blind date: Oh okay sure.

    I got in my car, drove home, and that was the last blind date I ever went on again. Thinking back, I still feel bad about that one and I did apologize to her when she called me the next day.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Flew to Minnesota to meet a guy I'd known for a few years....he stood me up at the airport.
  • nichalsont
    nichalsont Posts: 421 Member
    My first date ever. Junior prom. My date gets food poisoning. Barfathon ensues.

    Exactly where did you take her to dinner? Did she ever speak to you again?
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    Flew to Minnesota to meet a guy I'd known for a few years....he stood me up at the airport.

    Were his initials DE?
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    Talked to a guy for almost 2 months. Made sure he knew I was fat, sent him all kinds of pictures and we discussed it at length. When he picked me up he took one look at me, hung his head, then started walking to the car. The entire date he stated at my stomach and asked repeatedly how much weight I wanted to lose.

    So mean of him. :( What a jerk.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Flew to Minnesota to meet a guy I'd known for a few years....he stood me up at the airport.

    That's awful! When I met a guy from Ohio and we decided to meet, I made him fly here for 2 reasons

    A. to avoid that scenario
    B. If he turned into a creeper or a dud, I could kick him out and lock the door.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Naked guy works 2 out of 3 times.

  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    Flew to Minnesota to meet a guy I'd known for a few years....he stood me up at the airport.

    That's awful! When I met a guy from Ohio and we decided to meet, I made him fly here for 2 reasons

    A. to avoid that scenario
    B. If he turned into a creeper or a dud, I could kick him out and lock the door.

    Yup, after that I've made sure to either have the guy come to me, or meet halfway. Live and learn.