Worst Date Ever



  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    Talked to a guy for almost 2 months. Made sure he knew I was fat, sent him all kinds of pictures and we discussed it at length. When he picked me up he took one look at me, hung his head, then started walking to the car. The entire date he stated at my stomach and asked repeatedly how much weight I wanted to lose.

    So mean of him. :( What a jerk.

    I so agree, ugh :(
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    worst date for me was a blind date...he was good looking enough, nice enough but he wouldnt stop tickling me. It really started getting old and was a huge invasion of my personal space...the first time was okay...after the 8-9th time I wanted to smack him, that date couldnt be over fast enough.
  • Daisy_Cutter
    Daisy_Cutter Posts: 774
    Naked guy works 2 out of 3 times.

    Bwahahahaha... and you know this how?
  • karylee44
    karylee44 Posts: 892
    back in high school.. my blind date showed up.. jaws wired shut! spent the evening trying to understand him and watching him suck everything through a straw.. ick..
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Met up for coffee and he just kind of sat there acting aloof and distant, like he was cooler than me. He made zero effort to keep the conversation going, and I was asking all the questions and getting lame or short answers and he'd just sit there in silence and stare off into the parking lot. It was like, why the hell did you even show up? And we'd been texting for a few days prior, and he seemed comfortable. He knew what I looked like, so it can't be that my appearance shut him off (I don't think) but yeah, never talked to him again. Don't know what the heck was up with that.

    He could have been nervous... or he received bad news earlier and didn't want to tell you about it
  • edcbear
    edcbear Posts: 5
    I went on a blind date with a guy who told me on our first (and only) lunch date that his ex in-laws held him responsible for the death of his deceased wife. Then he proceeded to tell me that he only went on one date with her before he proposed and that he felt that same sort of connection to me.True story. I couldn't make that sort of thing up!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    These are so funny!
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member
    I went on a blind date with a guy who told me on our first (and only) lunch date that his ex in-laws held him responsible for the death of his deceased wife. Then he proceeded to tell me that he only went on one date with her before he proposed and that he felt that same sort of connection to me.True story. I couldn't make that sort of thing up!

  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Flew to Minnesota to meet a guy I'd known for a few years....he stood me up at the airport.

    That's awful! When I met a guy from Ohio and we decided to meet, I made him fly here for 2 reasons

    A. to avoid that scenario
    B. If he turned into a creeper or a dud, I could kick him out and lock the door.

    Yup, after that I've made sure to either have the guy come to me, or meet halfway. Live and learn.

    Definitely a good plan! Kind of like when I set up to move to Ohio for same guy and he freaked out and broke up with me a month before I was supposed to leave. Thing is, I was already enrolled in classes and had a place to live so I went anyway. It did end up being the best choice I ever made because I really grew up and found myself there, plus I met my husband...but he lived 2 hours away so I made him move to me that time!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    these are great! ok

    also the online blind date thing - guy wants me to meet him at his local pub because 'his car's in the shop'
    The 'pub' was a DIVE I wouldn't be caught dead in - the guy is VERY large (he lied) unkempt and wearing dirty sweats .. looked like he had not bathed in DAYS.
    So I tell him ... I gotta go, I can't drink in this place, (I don't drink beer & dives don't serve wine) and tried to politely explain I expected him to at least wash his face & comb his hair - mind you, I was dressed to impress for a 1st date.

    so then he 'begs' a ride home ... cause his car's in the shop u know (didn't he walk there?) so I reluctantly agree. we get to his house and suddenly, out of nowhere he gets me in a headlock saying 'gimme a goodnite kiss'

    bad move. cricket doesn't play that - went immediately into rape self-defense mode & punched him in his throat. he's hacking & choking while I went around & dragged him out of my car & drove off. I think the date's over right? no. 2 mins later I see flashing blue lights .... he called the cops & told them I ASSAULTED HIM! I got arrested
  • antijen
    antijen Posts: 112 Member
    My date was so boring that I'm sure it will bore anyone reading this. I went on a date with this guy (we were both teenagers), he asked me what I'd like to do one day. I said, "I've been thinking I'd like to get into radio." Other than ordering my meal, that was the last sentence I spoke. He talked the entire time about his ham radio. The entire time, up to the point he dropped me off at home.
  • aoikirin
    aoikirin Posts: 143
    these are great! ok

    also the online blind date thing - guy wants me to meet him at his local pub because 'his car's in the shop'
    The 'pub' was a DIVE I wouldn't be caught dead in - the guy is VERY large (he lied) unkempt and wearing dirty sweats .. looked like he had not bathed in DAYS.
    So I tell him ... I gotta go, I can't drink in this place, (I don't drink beer & dives don't serve wine) and tried to politely explain I expected him to at least wash his face & comb his hair - mind you, I was dressed to impress for a 1st date.

    so then he 'begs' a ride home ... cause his car's in the shop u know (didn't he walk there?) so I reluctantly agree. we get to his house and suddenly, out of nowhere he gets me in a headlock saying 'gimme a goodnite kiss'

    bad move. cricket doesn't play that - went immediately into rape self-defense mode & punched him in his throat. he's hacking & choking while I went around & dragged him out of my car & drove off. I think the date's over right? no. 2 mins later I see flashing blue lights .... he called the cops & told them I ASSAULTED HIM! I got arrested

    Arrested? But it was self defense!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    LOL my word against his - yes, it was self defense that's NOT the story he told the police and when someone presses charges, the police HAVE to arrest the offender
    everything gets worked out in court. in my case, the charges were dropped because the police believed me & threatened to charge him with making a false report

    but in the meantime, I did get arrested & charged with physical battery
  • sktllmdrhmz
    sktllmdrhmz Posts: 2,073 Member
    When she rang the doorbell, he answered completely butt naked!!!

    Wait, women don't like that? I'm not sure if I like the implications of this. Does that mean I should stop sending pictures of my junk with my friend requests? Damn.
  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
    5. I was the scumbag in this one: I was on the chat line and just wanted someone to hang out with for dinner and a movie. I gave specific requirements for what this blind date should and should not look like. Once everything was confirmed, the blind date showed up was nothing like what she described on the "should look like" list. I was completely embarrassed. We went into the restaurant and had a seat. I ordered a water and she ordered a sweet tea:

    Me: Excuse me waiter... do you all take checks?
    Waiter: No sir, cash, debit, or credit only I'm afraid.
    Me: Oh okay thanks. Blind date, I need to go to my car because I left my bank card in my glove compartment. I'll be back in just a second!
    Blind date: Oh okay sure.

    I got in my car, drove home, and that was the last blind date I ever went on again. Thinking back, I still feel bad about that one and I did apologize to her when she called me the next day.

    OMG this is so bad but I laughed sooo hard!! I'm a terrible person :laugh:
  • genuinelyfrans
    Never been on a date :(
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    Wow....these stories are making me realize why I always wind up dating my friends.......
  • Karalopolous
    Karalopolous Posts: 574
    Prom. I went with some guy I knew, not well. It was at his school, and that meant I would have to spend the night at his house. I had seen him in person 2 years prior, looked fine. I show up, he basically let himself go grooming and health wise. I figure, okay, we still should have a good time, we get along well when we talk. Well, the convo was really forced and awkward, and then he told me about how everyone at his school were jerks and they didn't get him. 10 minutes into the dance and he is sweating so much it got in my eyes and he was trying to clumsily feel me up while dancing-remember he is sweaty sweaty, and stinky. So, we leave early bc he doesn't have friends to talk to, and I didn't know anyone. We end up hanging out with his parents and go bowling (I actually enjoyed his parents company more) . We went back to the after prom hoping it would be better. It was at a high school with a pool. He told me there was a pool and we should go swimming. He gets in and is the only one swimming, and tries to almost forcibly get me in the pool with him alone. I decide to walk around alone around no one I know. Then I had to spend the night at his house bc it was too far to drive back. I didn't sleep well that night.
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    Never been on a date :(

    Unless if you count friend dates, two or more friends just go out and have fun.... nether have I, so don't feel bad.

    And form the sound of half of these, you don't want to
  • genuinelyfrans
    Never been on a date :(

    Unless if you count friend dates, two or more friends just go out and have fun.... nether have I, so don't feel bad.

    And form the sound of half of these, you don't want to

    We seriously need to start a lonely hearts club lol and no I don't count friend dates :D