too much sugar

Hi everyone, ok today i have made breakfast thinking im going to be real healthy so I ate 150g Jalna natural vanilla yougurt and 105g rockmelon only to find out when I logged it I was down -10 on my sugar already this is so frustrating how can I know how much sugar is in fruit? and how much sugar is too much i genarlly have been using equal but i sincerly thought I was eating healthy


  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I don't count the sugar from fruit which is naturally occurring. I only count the sugar in food since I never add sugar to anything.
  • megleo818
    megleo818 Posts: 595 Member
    Honestly, I've given up on thinking about how to lower my sugar. I am ALWAYS way over -- like you said, have a yogurt and some fruit and you're toast. I figure as long as I stay in line with the rest of it, I'm okay. The only other place I am consistently over is protein, which I can live with.

    I guess that didn't answer your question of how to keep your sugar within the guidelines, but maybe knowing you're not alone will help your psyche if not your hiney!

  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    how can I know how much sugar is in fruit?
    Are you serious? Look it up before you eat it.
  • Lushaholic
    Lushaholic Posts: 62
    I don't count the sugar from fruit which is naturally occurring. I only count the sugar in food since I never add sugar to anything.

    This, I eat usually eat allot of fruit, I don't count the sugars from my fruit as per advice from a post I made.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    I don't count the sugar from fruit which is naturally occurring. I only count the sugar in food since I never add sugar to anything.

    You need to count this as sugar, since the sugar in fruit is the same stuff you put in your coffee. It only looks different.
  • AmandaDawesno2
    Elizabethroad yes I am sorry if my question comes accross as dumb but I enjoy hearing what other people's opions are.
  • StrawberrySt
    StrawberrySt Posts: 235
    I was going crazy trying to reduce my sugar but most of it came from fruit so I don't worry about it anymore. Just avoid added sugar and don't stress too much.

    Watch 'low fat' food as there is less fat but often more sugar and sodium added and often you are better off with the normal fat versions and the extra calories.
  • HeatherPH
    HeatherPH Posts: 125 Member
    Yeah, I'm the same. I try toget my 2 servings of fruit a day (as all the professional advice suggests) and I find that as a result I'm ALWAYS over in my sugar, so now I just ignore it. As long as I'm not eating ice-cream or chocolate or something, and staying under my calorie goal, I think it's fine. As a vegetarian, it's more important to me to maintain a balanced diet and get the nutrients my body needs, and to do this without supplementsI need fruit!
  • propskat
    propskat Posts: 191 Member
    There is absolutely a difference between refined processed sugar (Ie, what you put in your coffee, or what's in a donut) vs. that which you consume in it's natural state in fruits and veggies. As long as you're keeping it within reason you're OK.
  • AmandaDawesno2
    thanks everyone for sharing there opions....I enjoy advice given to me and its really helpful to hear im not alone on this issue
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    Don't count natural sugars. (so from fruit, veggies, milk, honey, anything occuring naturally)

    The sugar you should be counting is from chocolate, candy, and anything else with ADDED sugar
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    there is no limit according to the DRI on sugar upper limit i mean.

    sugar doesnt cause harm to the body except in the case its empty calories and can cause dental issues/caries.
  • lisitabonita
    lisitabonita Posts: 81 Member
    Vanilla yogurt has a ton of added sugar. You can solve this be buying plain yogurt and adding your own sweetener, to your liking. I find just a bit of brown sugar is all I need and has cut the sugar dramatically
  • dancingdeer
    dancingdeer Posts: 379 Member
    I just completed my diary for the day and my total sugar grams were 11. It is possible! Don't eat processed food - chose plain yogurt over flavored - and chose Greek Yogurt if you can - lower sugar overall (because it's strained) and more protein. Fruits lowest in sugar are generally berries. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries. Don't eat a boat load - but put a 1/4 cup on your yogurt. Eat lean protein (eggs, fish, chicken, beef) and vegetables as your primary foods, with some healthy fats - nuts, avocado.

    BTW - I am under the advise of a nutritionist. Sugar does matter - whether it's from fruit or dairy. If you are trying to lose fat, you don't want to eat a lot of fruit (no more than one serving a day) and possibly cut out dairy all together. I'm dairy intolerant, so I have a bit of raw cheese only now and then. Max sugar grams as recommended by my nutritionist are 25 grams per day.
  • 2knoxs
    2knoxs Posts: 81
    I don't count the sugar from fruit which is naturally occurring. I only count the sugar in food since I never add sugar to anything.

    You need to count this as sugar, since the sugar in fruit is the same stuff you put in your coffee. It only looks different.

    Actually your body metabolises (sp) sugar that occures naturally, say in fruits than it does processed stuff, like white sugars.
    OP I would google what you want to know because one is metabolised quickly, i believe by sending it to your muscles(good for after a work out), and the other sits in your blood stream longer which cause the need for your body to produce more insulin. I had the same question/problem a while back, and searched but now I cant find the link. I finally gave up on that one as I dont ever see myself eating that clean. Good Luck.
  • pepper396
    pepper396 Posts: 33
    I eat too much sugar and need to stop... tuesday is goal day one of cutting back on sugar. FRIEND ME IF YOU ARE A SUGARHOLIC. I NEED HELP!
  • marshamccorkle
    Yogurt can be tricky. I was told by my nutri. to eat yoplait light and not too often.
  • lbmore33
    lbmore33 Posts: 1,013 Member
    great topic...i watch my sugar intake cause I was under the impression that sugar intake is the cause of weight gain (too much) men are allowed 36grams...women 24...I wanted to try this sugar free syrup...0 sugar but has 21 grams sugar this the same and would count that if I use it towards my daily intake...of course i did not buy it
  • theladyy
    theladyy Posts: 176
    I'm usually way over everyday...I just stopped worrying about it. I'll NEVER be able to cut out sweets, I don't want to live that way.