Paleo - Pros/Cons



  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    but for me, I'd rather restrict what I can eat rather than how much)

    But you still have to eat within a certain number of calories to lose or maintain weight no matter what kind of food you're eating. I imagine it's just as easy to get fat on a paleo diet as it is on a well balanced diet. If you overeat, you gain.


    Actually it is TRUE...just because you are eating a certain way and restricting certain food groups you can most definately gain weight if you ingest more than you expend...even eating a Paleo way i still can't eat willy nilly or else I will gain weight...

    Key word in your statement....."can". I'm not disagreeing with that.

    Then what is false? That's exactly what I said.

    You stated it as absolute.

    It IS absolute. If you eat more than you're burning, you will gain weight. I didn't say that the paleo diet guarantees that you will eat that much, only that it is entirely possible to overeat so you still have keep within your calorie limits.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    There is definitely some evidence that suggests some people shouldn't eat dairy, grains, and legumes, but as I'm sure you can agree, there is nothing *conclusive* one way or the other (but in this field there is little conclusive evidence in anything).

    If anyone has an intolerance to a given food item then that would be one of, if not THE, best reason to eliminate it. The problem comes in when you have a diet that restricts these items for everyone regardless of consideration for the individual.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    See if you can spot the difference between these two statements:

    (1) "You should eat dairy, grains and legumes in order to be healthy"

    (2) "There's no need to exclude dairy, grains and/or legumes to be healthy (unless you have a specific intolerance)"

    You're hearing #1, but we're saying #2.

    I think this is fair enough.

    What would you say about intolerances becoming more common though? It seems like everyone is gluten intolerant nowadays. It is possible that more people don't tolerate certain foods well but learned to live with it. Or some people can have mild issues with food that they ignore now. Isn't it possible that it can cause long term damage?

    Lyle said it best:

    "Sure it's catching on because people are nothing if not fad-following twits. Having heard that some irrelevant percentage of people can't handle gluten, they want to be `cool' and be gluten intolerant too sot they can get pity ant **** for a problem they don't have. Just like they all had adrenal fatigue, and CFS and every other fad disease over the last 40 years. And 5 years from now when the gluten bull**** fades, they'll latch onto the next big fad disease... "

    At some point, all diets are/were faddish. I almost disregarded paleo for that fact, because I know its a new fad, but tried it far, I like it. If your thing is working for you, great.

    But for the record, those of you who feel the need to bash paleo are as pathetic as the paleoists who try to push it down your throats. If you dont agree and dont want to do the diet, then dont.
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Why do people get so pushy about this particular topic...seriously...

    My question to those who bash it because you say it is restrictive or cutting out certain food groups isn't worth it - have you even tried???

    It's about as reasonable as refusing to eat foods that are a certain color. There is just NO evidence to back up the restrictions.

    No evidence aside...there are people who do cut certain foods from their diet and feel better....not saying it works for everyone and some people don't have issues...

    For myself i took myself off grains for a reason that had nothing to do with made me feel a whole lot better...I choose other options than foods with grains.

    I have no problem avoiding beans because I never really liked them to begin with so easy for me to pretty much ignore them...

    Some people don't have a problem with restrictions...I restrict certain things because it makes me feel better...hey it may not work for you - so you don't restrict them...

    I have been without grains for quite awhile that I am to a point if I do ingest more than a bite or two I feel miserable...I learned my tolerance levels...

    Yes there are Paleo Zealots here on MFP but I think most of what you will find are people who strive to adhere the best they can to the basic tenants of Paleo/Primal and hey if we happen to have a cupcake every once in a while or have a handful of chips.

    i will say once I sort of aligned myself with the Paleo/Primal eating style and started making recipies I have found it actually hads broadened what I eat I eat all sorts fo stuff I would have never have touched in the past - Brussel sprouts (dude, I'll take oven roasted brussel sprouts over a hunk of bread any day, now - if you had told me a year ago i would be writing that I would have had you checked for a head injury...), bok choy, arugula...

    I know I can HAVE anything I want - I simply CHOOSE not to have certain things 95% of the time...

    If someone wants to give it a try then they should...they can easily decide hey...I like pasta and black beans far too much...I am not going to align myself with this eating style
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    Actually it is TRUE...just because you are eating a certain way and restricting certain food groups you can most definately gain weight if you ingest more than you expend...even eating a Paleo way i still can't eat willy nilly or else I will gain weight...

    Key word in your statement....."can". I'm not disagreeing with that.

    Then what is false? That's exactly what I said.

    You stated it as absolute.

  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    but for me, I'd rather restrict what I can eat rather than how much)

    But you still have to eat within a certain number of calories to lose or maintain weight no matter what kind of food you're eating. I imagine it's just as easy to get fat on a paleo diet as it is on a well balanced diet. If you overeat, you gain.


    Actually it is TRUE...just because you are eating a certain way and restricting certain food groups you can most definately gain weight if you ingest more than you expend...even eating a Paleo way i still can't eat willy nilly or else I will gain weight...

    Key word in your statement....."can". I'm not disagreeing with that.

    Then what is false? That's exactly what I said.

    You stated it as absolute.

    It IS absolute. If you eat more than you're burning, you will gain weight. I didn't say that the paleo diet guarantees that you will eat that much, only that it is entirely possible to overeat so you still have keep within your calorie limits.

    Sweetie, you have lost 15lbs and are doing great....please keep doing what you're doing.

    Now, I'm done with you.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    If it's called "anything" diet, you probably won't stick to it. Paleo/Low-carb/high protein/pre-historic.... whatever. Just eat and shut up.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    but for me, I'd rather restrict what I can eat rather than how much)

    But you still have to eat within a certain number of calories to lose or maintain weight no matter what kind of food you're eating. I imagine it's just as easy to get fat on a paleo diet as it is on a well balanced diet. If you overeat, you gain.


    Actually it is TRUE...just because you are eating a certain way and restricting certain food groups you can most definately gain weight if you ingest more than you expend...even eating a Paleo way i still can't eat willy nilly or else I will gain weight...

    Key word in your statement....."can". I'm not disagreeing with that.

    Then what is false? That's exactly what I said.

    You stated it as absolute.

    It IS absolute. If you eat more than you're burning, you will gain weight. I didn't say that the paleo diet guarantees that you will eat that much, only that it is entirely possible to overeat so you still have keep within your calorie limits.

    Sweetie, you have lost 15lbs and are doing great....please keep doing what you're doing.

    Now, I'm done with you.

    You need to work on your reading comprehension skills, DARLING. Screw you.

    Now, I am done with you.
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    But for the record, those of you who feel the need to bash paleo are as pathetic as the paleoists who try to push it down your throats. If you dont agree and dont want to do the diet, then dont.

    Please point to a single instance where someone has been bashed for trying paleo and finding that they found it successful and sustainable.

    The only people getting bashed are the ones who regurgitate misinformation and tout it as the OneTrueWay®
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Man calls woman "sweetie" in an argument

    Record scratch
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Man calls woman "sweetie" in an argument

    Record scratch

    You got a problem with that, cupcake? (Smacks bottom as she walks away)

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    Effortless weight loss


    Gotta love the snake oil drinkers on these forums...if you believe ANYTHING, be it Paleo or anything else, will give you "effortless weight loss", I have a couple bridges and some swamp land to sell you.

    It's just another n=1, but I went from 185 to 152ish in six months in what I can only describe as "effortless"...unless you want to consider my food tracking on MFP as "effort" (and I do not). I've also went from 152 into the 160s just as effortlessly by eating more of the same paleo-suggested foods...(although compared to eating to lose, this eating to gain does actually require a little more effort).

    It's amazing how "effortless" a "diet" can become once you eliminate what can best be described as an addiction to a type of food (ie, grains) that may be derailing your efforts without you even realizing it.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    But for the record, those of you who feel the need to bash paleo are as pathetic as the paleoists who try to push it down your throats. If you dont agree and dont want to do the diet, then dont.

    Please point to a single instance where someone has been bashed for trying paleo and finding that they found it successful and sustainable.

    The only people getting bashed are the ones who regurgitate misinformation and tout it as the OneTrueWay®

    I dont believe its the one trueway....but obviously it is A way. And to clarify, I'm obviously also not saying that a person on Paleo can just eat and eat and eat with lack of self control and expect not to get fat. I'm saying that you can likely eat more than your "alloted" calories and still get the results you are looking for depending on your goal. Though from my little experience, it doesn't' seem that hose on Paleo count calories.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    but for me, I'd rather restrict what I can eat rather than how much)

    But you still have to eat within a certain number of calories to lose or maintain weight no matter what kind of food you're eating. I imagine it's just as easy to get fat on a paleo diet as it is on a well balanced diet. If you overeat, you gain.


    Actually it is TRUE...just because you are eating a certain way and restricting certain food groups you can most definately gain weight if you ingest more than you expend...even eating a Paleo way i still can't eat willy nilly or else I will gain weight...

    Key word in your statement....."can". I'm not disagreeing with that.

    Then what is false? That's exactly what I said.

    You stated it as absolute.

    It IS absolute. If you eat more than you're burning, you will gain weight. I didn't say that the paleo diet guarantees that you will eat that much, only that it is entirely possible to overeat so you still have keep within your calorie limits.

    Sweetie, you have lost 15lbs and are doing great....please keep doing what you're doing.

    Now, I'm done with you.

    You need to work on your reading comprehension skills, DARLING. Screw you.

    Now, I am done with you.

    Great, we're on the same page.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    . I'm saying that you can likely eat more than your "alloted" calories and still get the results you are looking for depending on your goal.

    And why do you think this is true?
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member

    . I'm saying that you can likely eat more than your "alloted" calories and still get the results you are looking for depending on your goal.

    And why do you think this is true?

  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member

    . I'm saying that you can likely eat more than your "alloted" calories and still get the results you are looking for depending on your goal.

    And why do you think this is true?

    Because if my goal is to feel better from an intolerance to dairy, and I cut out dairy, but consume 250 calories over my alloted caloric intake, and feel better, then goal accomplished, right?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member

    . I'm saying that you can likely eat more than your "alloted" calories and still get the results you are looking for depending on your goal.

    And why do you think this is true?

    Because if my goal is to feel better from an intolerance to dairy, and I cut out dairy, but consume 250 calories over my alloted caloric intake, and feel better, then goal accomplished, right?

    Sure, if your goal is to feel better, and dairy makes you feel bad, and you stop consuming dairy, you could probably consume 4000 calories over your allotted intake and accomplish your goal. Given this context, I agree.
  • Jipples
    Jipples Posts: 663 Member
    Because it's your argument, start a thread that asks mfp'ers how many of them are eating their alloted caloric amount, and are training, yet are still struggling to lose weight.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Because it's your argument, start a thread that asks mfp'ers how many of them are eating their alloted caloric amount, and are training, yet are still struggling to lose weight.

    What does this have to do with the pros and cons of paleo?