Book Nerds --UNITE!



  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I got sucked into the "Wheel of Time" series in high school, and I just don't know if I'm mentally prepared for another super long fantasy series. The first one is sitting on my shelf waiting to be read, though!

    i really got into 'wheel of time' until like book ten when he really lost me. i felt like i was just reading all these tangents and he was not pulling it together for me. i was really looking for resolution by that point and it was just endless journeys and new characters being introduced all the time. i was really disappointed by the book i ended with. they spend the entire thousand pages give or take wandering around until the very end where rand does one significant thing. that was it for me. but i was hooked until then. and you know, that was my last foray into the world of epic high fantasy too.

    The guy who's finishing it now has actually made some plot developments -- it looks like it might actually wrap up. :P

    well, that's great news. it's time to wrap it up.
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    I just started reading Stephen Kings: 11/22/63

    Just finished 11/22/63!!!

    It was AWESOME!!!

    Am currently reading Chris Jericho's autobiograhy, along with Stephen King's Under the Dome, and a new author who I have been corresponding with a little lately about trying to get me into the writing market. His name is Andrew Mayne. His latest book, Hollywood Pharaohs, is on Amazon for 99 cents. I just went and downloaded all of his others.

    Also working my way thru the Harry Potter Series....

    *wipes brow*

    That enough?! :laugh:
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    ahhh..reading **LOVES**

    We have a book cottage near our local library that sells books for .50 - $1.00

    It's a slice of heaven my friends....
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I'm loving this thread...I torrent downloaded literally thousands of kindle books back when it was a little easier to do, and many of the books are unfamiliar- but I'm seeing a lot of the titles I recognize from my list in this thread. It's pretty cool!

    I :heart: my kindles! (I have a kindle keyboard and a kindle fire.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    any one read the Wicked series?
  • callikia
    callikia Posts: 226 Member
    Mostly just popping in to bump and come back later. No need for suggestions right now as I'm juggling 2 books ATM -

    Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
    The Serpent's Shadow by Rick Riordan

    I have a 10-year-old that's caught my reading bug, so we've done a lot of young adult lit in our house from the Fablehaven series, the Percy Jackson series, Lost Heroes series, and this is part of Riordan's Kane Chronicles. It's been really fun sharing these with my son...and I totally enjoy them as well. ;)
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    I love John Steinbeck , C.S Lewis, Shakespeare, ........and all the classics

    just finished all the Harry Potters for the third time through....

    also for wonderful magazine reading...yeah, I said it.

    I subscribe to HISTORY Magazine and BOOKS and CULTURE
  • grayprae
    grayprae Posts: 109 Member
    I loved the Wicked books by Gregory Maguire they are great it really brings Oz to life for me. His other fairy tale books are good also I love What the ****ens about the rouge tooth fairy. Also Simon Green is great The Adventures of Hawk and Fisher and The Blue Moon books I read them about once a year. Right now I am going back and re-reading the Nightside books. I know I said on here already but everyone should read The Princess Bride By William Goldman it is amazing trust me you will be glad you did.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I love John Steinbeck , C.S Lewis, Shakespeare, ........and all the classics

    just finished all the Harry Potters for the third time through....

    also for wonderful magazine reading...yeah, I said it.

    I subscribe to HISTORY Magazine and BOOKS and CULTURE

    Ooh I forgot East of Eden on my favorite books list....

    ETA: and Atlas Shrugged- which is a contender for all time favorites!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    And what do you think of Nora Roberts? I saw you love JD Robb. Some of Nora Roberts' books are paranormal-ish.

    tell you true, i'm not much of a fan of Nora. she just seems lacking. which is weird because i love the in death series lol
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    Anything by Neil Gaiman has a lot to offer. :wink:

    i read American Gods, it was fascinating! I'm a big mythology dork so I loved it!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    Not so much into the paranormal romance scene (althoooough, you can get e-books free download and I've read a trilogy by Nicky Charles, werewolf romance (the mating is the title of the first book) and S.C Stephens - vamp stylie - check out feedbooks, awesome site :-D) but totally loving Robin Hobb, Christopher Paolini and George Martin right now!!

    love the Inheritance cycle! Was super sad when I read the last book =(
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    ahhh..reading **LOVES**

    We have a book cottage near our local library that sells books for .50 - $1.00

    It's a slice of heaven my friends....

    I'm so jealous!
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 707 Member
    I just started reading Stephen Kings: 11/22/63

    Just finished 11/22/63!!!

    It was AWESOME!!!

    Am currently reading Chris Jericho's autobiograhy, along with Stephen King's Under the Dome, and a new author who I have been corresponding with a little lately about trying to get me into the writing market. His name is Andrew Mayne. His latest book, Hollywood Pharaohs, is on Amazon for 99 cents. I just went and downloaded all of his others.

    Also working my way thru the Harry Potter Series....

    *wipes brow*

    That enough?! :laugh:

    I'm impressed! Very nice! lol
  • cneeners
    cneeners Posts: 8 Member
    Book nerd and proud of it! I read just about anything....I especially enjoy epic series and historical fiction. If you haven't already, check out The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. 7 books in the series thus far, each near 1000 pages.....that'll keep you busy for a bit :-)
  • hannz33
    hannz33 Posts: 82 Member
    you need to read :

    lord of the rings by tolkien

    the drifters by james michener

    house of leaves by mark z. danielewski
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Book nerd and proud of it! I read just about anything....I especially enjoy epic series and historical fiction. If you haven't already, check out The Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. 7 books in the series thus far, each near 1000 pages.....that'll keep you busy for a bit :-)

    Have you tried Edward Rutherfurd's books?
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I just finished Game of Thrones. I really liked it. I am getting book 2 tomorrow from a friend.
  • Lea_8D
    Lea_8D Posts: 106 Member
    Whoa, you've already got 10 pages, but I'll add:
    The Pillars of the Earth, by Ken Follett
    Historical fiction. His writing style and the fascinating characters made me love this book. And there's a sequel: World Without End, which features the descendants of the main characters. Lately, Fall of Giants, another historical fiction which I enjoyed greatly as well.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    And what do you think of Nora Roberts? I saw you love JD Robb. Some of Nora Roberts' books are paranormal-ish.

    tell you true, i'm not much of a fan of Nora. she just seems lacking. which is weird because i love the in death series lol

    honestly, i'm not either. and, as i mentioned before, i'm a writer. and in the romance community she is an icon. i mean just huge. they call her 'le nora' lol. every one wants her career, which i get. and they love her writing, which i just don't get it at all. and the head hopping. omg, please stop. when i'm reading a scene and i have to go back and read again because i don't even know whose head i am in, you are abusing your point of view privileges, nora my friend.