When should I be proud of my weight loss?



  • sasssurf
    sasssurf Posts: 58 Member
    i have family like that, and they don't say it to be hurtful, they just say things like that because it's their sense of humor. i went down 2 pant sizes and i'm ECSTATIC. my brother still makes fat jokes (even though i am sexy as hell) because that's always been our family dynamic i guess. be proud when you feel proud, and let other people know how awesome you are, and they can either cheer you on, or sit in the stands with a big gulp and a giant tub of nachos and watch you go. (which sounds kind of amazing right now, the nachos that is.)


    I agree with above. Changing ones shape is outside and equal or more work o. The onside me thinks. I am unwell at moment with flashbacks of child abuse endured. My inside in fairly broken, trying to lose the weight I've been gaining being sedentary. Being proud and acknowledging your own fantasticness is hard. Family is hard. Asking, hoping for acknowledgement and kindness may not work as you are changing and they may not. I wondering if saying something equal to what they say to you may shut up that kind of unnecessary comment. Take care. I too am super sensitive. I'm proud of you.
  • Christi_Kitty
    NO! NONO! I would smack that jerk! You're beautiful, and any guy who would say that to someone is a selfish *kitten*, obviously he needs to feed his idiotic ego, and it has nothing to do with you! Every pound you lose is wonderful, and you know you're doing well, so who cares what some moron thinks. Some people are conniving, no matter how skinny or pretty you may have been, he would have most likely said it either way. You dropped a dress size hun, and that is something to be soooooo amazingly proud of! Keep sticking with it!
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    You should be proud the second you choose to change your life, and do something about it. Even before the scales have moved, the decision you've made to better yourself is not an easy one, and not one that people should be taking lightly at all.

    I am very proud of myself, and don't mind saying that I literally shove it down the throats of my friends now. But I think they're all proud of me too so it isn't too bad!
  • LynC33
    LynC33 Posts: 196
    Hun, every pound or couple of hundred grms you lose, is a loss that is taking you closer to your goal weight. Be proud of this journey and dont take immature comments to heart, they are being totally stupid and possibly jealous.
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    What an idiot! Always be proud of your loss :) keep it up
  • AstyPasty
    AstyPasty Posts: 70 Member
    You've lost 18 pounds!!

    Wow, that's amazing, be proud, very proud NOW!

    In fact you should be proud for every single pound you lose, even the very first one. You are doing brilliantly and you just need to give a self satisfied smile back at your cousin or any other person who says anything derogatory about your weight loss. They are idiots who don't know how to compliment someone on achieving something very difficult!
  • Lonewolf1507
    Lonewolf1507 Posts: 507 Member
    Congratulation on your 18 lbs and as others have said you are the one to decide when to be proud.

    One question though is your Jack*** cousin of athletic build or the type who drinks with his mates and growing larger?

    If the later when you reach your goal you can put the boot on your foot and kick his self esteem in the butt (note I said the Butt) :-)

  • george29223
    george29223 Posts: 556 Member
    thats just guy talk family talk . family does that all the time they mean nothing about it
  • kateguy1981
    kateguy1981 Posts: 68 Member
    thats horrible usually the people who put you down are the ones that are insecure about themselves don't let other people influence you usually they have their own agenda. Obviously he wanted to crack a "funny" to your brother and friend and forgot that the but of his joke may have feelings. Be proud of yourself xx
  • speediejane
    speediejane Posts: 496 Member
    any weight loss you should be proud of
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    i'll tell you what i tell my kids.

    the world is full of sh*theads and ar*eholes! anyone who would say crappy things like that to upset others is a sh*theads and an ar*ehole, so their opinion doesn't count.
    no matter how bad your life seems, it could be worse.
    you could be one of them..
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    Thank you all for the support and kind words. I guess I do just need to grow a back bone and learn to laugh things off. I should remember how I felt this morning and start caring what I think of myself and not what other people think. I'm not going to let the haha they had be an excuse to go back to old behavior, it took a lot of self control and motivation from mfp friends to get just this far and I am going to keep going for me. Hope you all have a great day.

    Good for you! Keep up the great work.

    I would never laugh off a hurtful remark. Ignore it? Maybe, depending on how i feel at the time. Knowing my slick tongue I probably would have fired back with something smarta** like: Yeah, I bet you hear that all the time! While holding my finger and thumb about 3 inches apart. Some people require a taste of their own medicine. Don't come at me without expecting it back. Lol. Sinking to his level? Perhaps...but it will probably make him think twice in the future.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    thats just guy talk family talk . family does that all the time they mean nothing about it

    That doesn't make it right or less hurtful.
  • bisland
    bisland Posts: 245 Member
    What did your sister in law say? I would think he definatly would have been spoken to. Be proud of every pound and every inch. I have gotten to the point of the NSV meaning more. Smaller sizes in clothing, more endurance, generally feeling better.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    thats just guy talk family talk . family does that all the time they mean nothing about it

    So my Dad telling me I was fat, ugly and stupid, means nothing? Right....

    To OP:
    Congrats on the weigh loss!

    It's not easy to lose weight and do what your doing.. and I have a feeling someone was a bit jealous of your efforts.
  • ppalmieri
    ppalmieri Posts: 2
    Dont let people like that get you down. my 17 year old daughter(who isnt thin herself) told me last night that my butt is jiggly ...mind you I lost almost 20 pounds in 2 months . yea it hurt but Im trying not to let it bother me...I eat right take my vitamins and work out....Im the best me I can be and will keep making progress and so will you...remember you are your own boss....dont let others hurt you ! we are all here to support you!!!:)
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    Somebody deserves a knuckle sandwich I swear...... some people.

    You should be proud NOW! 18 pounds and down a size? You are off to a great start and once you get that momentum going it's all downhill from there!!
  • Dipmom
    Dipmom Posts: 228 Member
    That reminds me of a saying I heard once, "I can always lose weight, but you'll always be ugly." I'm not sure if you want to stoop to that level, but having a witty comeback prepared in advance may come in handy. :wink:
  • awisegirl84
    awisegirl84 Posts: 82 Member
    It sounds as if your cousin is an immature jerk. You should be proud of ANY progress you've made and the hard work that you've put into getting there. I'm sorry you were made to feel bad, and I hope you know you can come here any time to get positive reinforcement and support. ((hugs))
    I'm proud of you! and I don't even know you!

    ^^^^ This! :smile:
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    what a jerk!

    be proud of every single pound you lose! Its hard work losing weight!

    My little brother (who i simply adore) - is very fit and is an athletics trainer. I can't even imagine his reaction to someone if they said that to me and he heard it. It would probably end with someone seriously injured....

    I'm sorry you have such idiots in your family.....