Who here has a cheat day once a week?



  • LennyInFlorida
    I have a cheat day twice per week when I hit my goal.

    It's the extended holiday's I take with my family that screws me up for a few weeks.
  • ReneeCK
    ReneeCK Posts: 63 Member
    I have one "cheat day" a week. Not a day where I just gorge myself with everything in sight, but a day that I don't "track". It hasn't hurt my weight loss one bit. I think it keeps the body guessing and wards off sudden plateaus in my case. And, the next day? I am right back on track with no guilt. It's just whatever works for you :)
  • emmymae22
    emmymae22 Posts: 206
    I guess I can see why people think that this is helpful, but it having a cheat day does not work for me. Having a "cheat day" feels sorta..I dunno..."diet-ish"? I'm trying to completely change the way that I think and feel about food, and while it's an on-going process, I think I've gotten to the point where I try not to view some foods as "bad" foods and others as "good" foods. I try to just keep in mind that my body needs nutrient-dense food to operate correctly for me and I try to make most of my food choices reflect this fact. That being said, I do work in chocolate, beer, pizza, etc..into my diet, and just make sure I do it in a way that isn't indulging. Moderation!!!
  • Gatorjrm
    Gatorjrm Posts: 54 Member
    I just posted a message to my friends on this and then saw this post. I have been on track, off track, on track , off track my whole life it feels like. I get very focused and serious, then go back to eating whatever I want. The good thing is that I maintain... I don't gain. The bad thing is that I need to lose- not maintain. So, I've been struggling with my love for food and my desire to hit goal. I started thinking that one "cheat meal" a week is really going to be key to this for me. Eat clean 6.5 days of the week and allow myself one cheat meal. I'm not going to go crazy and binge and eat everything in site. But rather, eat what I feel like and not worry about being so strict with my portions/choices. Thoughts?
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    On Sunday's I eat whatever I want. I don't like to refer to it as a 'cheat' day...I consider it more a 'fun food day' lol.
  • cmp_denver
    cmp_denver Posts: 44 Member
    There's nothing wrong with enjoying something that you like to eat, even if it's not "healthy." I eat a cookie and have frozen yogurt on occasion, but I ALWAYS record it. Not recording it gives me "permission" to NOT be accountable to myself, and slows my weight loss. I also like to record everything I eat because then I can look back over a week when my weight-loss has been less than expected to see if there's a trend that might be holding me back.
  • LennyInFlorida
    I have a cheat day probably once a month. During that day, I consume enormous amounts of food. Upwards of around 6,000 calories. If I had one of those days every week, I would never lose weight. I am actually trying to get rid of my monthly cheat days because I feel absolutely terrible after I'm done indulging. It feels like I'm poisoning my body and I have no control. Not to mention, it makes me crave the things I indulge in more than if I didn't have them at all.

    Wow I feel that way on some cheat days and I'm impressed you can eat as much as me!
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    I have a cheat day probably once a week. Or a better way to put it is that my goal during the week is my BMR, and my numbers during the weekend are more like my TDEE. I nearly always am at/under my TDEE on the weekends, and that's okay. I'm pretty close to my goal weight anyway, and I like to have fun once and a while.
  • sdoldsMD2013
    sdoldsMD2013 Posts: 128
    First, do whatever works for you. Obviously, you've been having a great results to lose 12 lbs so far. I don't have a cheat day or even cheat meals for all that matter. It just wouldn't work for me, but that's not to say that it is a horrible idea for anyone else. :-)
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    I know a lot of people do have cheat days and love them. For me, it kind of goes against the mindset I'm aiming to cultivate. I don't want a healthy lifestyle to feel like a chore- to feel like something on which I need to cheat. I try to incorporate as much fun food- be it healthy or junk- as possible (especially in the summer and spring, there's SO much fun about food). I go out with my friends, and try to keep within moderation even when splurging with them (one or two beers instead of several, share wings with a few people instead of my own order).

    Moderation all over is key for me. And I've found as I've gone on, my desire and ability to have large amounts of food has lessened.
  • JellyButter
    JellyButter Posts: 160 Member
    I usually have a cheat day once a week. But sometimes I don't even go through with it. When I do eat bad foods it makes me feel really bad. So I don't even crave the certain foods anymore. But seriously, I doubt one day will butcher EVERYTHING.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Pics or it didn't happen
  • Blueeyed1985
    Blueeyed1985 Posts: 40 Member
    I do and it seems to help my stay on track. As weird as it sounds, it helped me to break my plateau this week.
  • bceagleace
    bceagleace Posts: 22
    DO NOT do cheat days!

    Anybody telling you that they are OK or permissable is lying. Every bit of food you put in your mouth matters. If you put in junk, even just a little, it is setting you back and slowing your progress.

    When you eat, ask yourself, "is this food helping, or hurting, my progress towards my goal"?
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    If what you’re doing is working there’s no need to change. :) That’s the beauty of this, to find what works for you.

    For me, I hold myself to lower calories during the week so I can do a bit more on weekends when I want to be social. I also exercise more on weekends (long hikes and bike rides and being up and about instead of sitting in front of a computer all day) so it works out well anyway.

    Because of that I don’t need to do a “cheat” day because I’ve planned for it. I also know that since I do well most of the time, I can work in a holiday or special event once a month or so with no guilt.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    For those who are scared to do it, it's amazing what after a while tracking calories and controlling portion sizes will do. I didn't change what I ate - I changed how MUCH of it I ate. And I know I probably pulled 5,000 calorie days back in the day, but I couldn't do that now if I tried. I get too full too fast.
  • kayl3igh88
    kayl3igh88 Posts: 428 Member
    I try to stay under my daily cals Mon-Sat, then I total up what I've got (if any) left over from the week and allow myself to eat them on Sunday. It feels like a "cheat" day but really I'm just keeping my weekly balance as close to my goal as possible.
  • lnnptrck
    lnnptrck Posts: 28 Member
    I am not easily motivated. Once I am on track, having a cheat day throws me off! That one day of cheating gives me the attitude of, "Well, I've already messed up so I can now eat (insert kryptonite here)" and I tend to binge. For me, I try having one cheat item a day based on my cravings. I figured a hershey's kiss here or a serving size of chips there wouldn't hurt trip me up as much as eating fried chicken, apple pie, corn bread, and overly seasoned greens on Sunday afternoon with boat loads of sweet tea.
    (you can tell I'm from NC, cant you? :-p)
  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    I do.
  • phinphanbill26
    phinphanbill26 Posts: 574 Member
    I have a cheatday once a week of about every three days...whichever comes first.