Who here has a cheat day once a week?



  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    I have a cheat meal, not a cheat day.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Sunday is my cheat day/meal! It is lunch and I always have a Sonic footlong chili cheese dog with onions and jalapenos. That is 850 calories! And it is glorious! The rest of the week I am very disciplined but boy, that footlong!
  • lauravasseur
    Felt like I was having a cheat day last night as I ate four or five things in a row at dinner. I logged it and still have calories left over for the day (I almost always do...) if it works for you its working. It is silly to deprive yourself of everything that is yummy for the rest of your life and silly to think that you will. Moderation is the key to everything. Good job on your weight loss and good luck to everyone on their journeys.
  • clarajean123
    clarajean123 Posts: 22 Member
    Please don't call it cheat day. That makes it sound as if we have to be perfect or we are worthless. We are not perfect, and we are all valuble individuals. Everyone has a cheat day, or we wouldn't have weight problems. I think it is all a matter of balance and time! :smile:
  • AmbyrJayde
    AmbyrJayde Posts: 257 Member
    Me! its on sundays, but technically I restrict my calories to 1500 mon-sat so that I really don't end up going over on sunday :P But my brain thinks I do
  • dietmotivator
    dietmotivator Posts: 5 Member
    I don't 'allow' for cheat days but sometimes they just happen. For example, it was my sisters birthday on Sunday so I overindulged.

    I then work out that 10 minutes more each day. I do incorporate small amounts of chocolate too. I just log it. :)
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Um, I lost at least 30 lbs and kept it off by having one cheat day every week. I do them to this day and still haven't gained anything back that I lost. And I'm not lying.
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Not me! I'll do a cheat "item" or "meal" but if I had a cheat DAY, I don't think I'd be able to stop and I'd just end up sabotaging myself! Plus, I've found that when I do have a cheat, I end up realizing just how much I DON'T miss eating those things!!
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    just curious, who on here has a cheat day once per week. I've been really good at logging my food and dieting lately, and i've lost 12 pounds so far. but i still like to allow myself one cheat day/meal per week. where i won't log, and will let myself indulge. and then at the end of the cheat day, i'm more than happy to go back to my diet the next day. and it hasn't seemed to hurt my weight loss at all. i'm still losing. what's your views on cheat days once a week, are they harmful to a diet or good? I've heard mixed things.

    Never a cheat day, but I will do a cheat meal once or twice a month.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I do and it has worked fine for me.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    I do it once every 5 days. If I don't do it, it don't lose any weight. Whenever I have spike/cheat days, I lose weight. I like losing weight
  • rowtard
    rowtard Posts: 9 Member
    I have one a month
  • GSCPostBaby
    GSCPostBaby Posts: 111 Member
    You don't have to have a cheat day, you can allow yourself to eat the things you enjoy in moderation. It is all about watching what you put in and out. If you want ice cream, have 1 scoop not 4, make sure you exercise too. I would not recommend cheating unless you have the calories to do so. I find not having something I want now and then is bad for you because instead of taking a few bites I want to just shove my face. So allowing a treat in small portions works for me perfectly. I have only been disappointed by cheat days and found I binged my face out.

    Also, try to curb your cravings with other things. When I am craving something sweet, I try to have a slice of watermelon instead of chocolate. Something salty, go for planters heart healthy nut mix. Eventually you will get used to it. Unfortunately, loosing weight and eating food, I find you have to treat it as if you were an alcoholic or drug addict. I also found that Fiber Ones 90 Calorie Brownies are not terrible, and they make 100 calorie ice cream sandwiches. There are things you can find and do to satisfy those needs.

    Good Luck!!

    Yes, ma'am, this works for me. A woman after my own heart.
  • aegisprncs
    aegisprncs Posts: 240 Member
    I definetly do a cheat day and I am still taking the pounds off. My cheat day is way weigh in day (first thing in AM). Sometimes those days I do cardio and sometimes I don't. Just depends on my mood. But I do log it.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Do one every week normally on Saturday's and have managed to lose a few pounds.... Best of Luck...
  • smilesback
    smilesback Posts: 327 Member
    So I don't really plan cheating on food once a week or whatever...so can't say I have a cheat day...I just cheat on my weight loss program -- and that is an issue. My friends at MFP have suggested I focus more on balance, calories in, calories out. That is a better way to approach my relationship with food for me -- as I love food. Good and bad food appeals to me. If I have too many *can't have-its* then when I feel *naughty* -- I will go crazy, that is, eating as much and a lot more than I normally would. After that, I feel guilty and the scale says NOPE you cannot lose eating like THAT! Hard to come back from eating a cheat meal or having a cheat day -- so that swinging back and forth on the pendulum is not how I want to live. Balance.
  • DrowningMermaid
    I will openly admit that I cheat on the weekends. Some days I just don't want to be bothered to cook, so we'll go get some Pizza Hut or Subway, McDonald's or whatever. I'll try to make the healthiest choice I can with my cheat by removing a bun, sacrificing my olives or pickles and having just one or two slices or just half of my sub, but I'm not going to let myself completely stop eating the things I love. Recently I discovered that I actually PREFER my burgers (or chicken sandwich) without the bun. It's like a cheat, but since I add tomato and lettuce, it's like a salad with mustard as the dressing.

    I have individual baggies of single-serving junk food cheats sitting in a basket in my kitchen right now. Because I think those single serving bags are so much better than sitting down with a whole tube of Pringles only to discover halfway through my movie I've eaten the whole thing.

    And if you have a cheat, just make sure to get in some good workouts in the next few days so you at least feel like you've earned it.
  • eric198
    eric198 Posts: 22 Member
    Like some others above, I don't really have cheat days. To me a cheat day would mean I'm cheating on a diet... which I'm not. I'm learning to live a new lifestyle, which for me means being mindful and healthy all the time. However, if I really want something, I have it. But, I still watch portions and work to stay within my limits with extra exercise.
  • kaitiebeth89
    kaitiebeth89 Posts: 52 Member
    I do once a week! Usually it's a tostado from my favorite mexican restaurant with chips and salsa. I just eat the meat, cheese, and lettuce, and leave the flour shell. Or sometimes I go to McDonalds and get a cheeseburger and a small frie. It hasn't stalled me yet.
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    When I was working out to lose fat AND build muscle I had a free day each week. I do not think you undo anything let alone a week's worth of work. My body benefited from it.