Who here has a cheat day once a week?



  • SunshineDieter
    When I did Weight Watchers I was so fed up at the end of the week that, if I had a loss, I was allowed a "day off" (never really affected my ability to lose - but did affect my willpower to go back to it this next day!). I've only been on this a week, and was so engrossed how many calories I'd burn for what exercise on the day that I would have taken off I completely forgot to.

    If a cheat day works for you, do it :)
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I probably have a cheat day once, maybe even twice a week. Still losing weight steadily though!
    The problem I've found is that on my cheat days, I go SUPER overboard. You can have a cheat day without going TOTALLY all out with it. Once I realized that, it got a lot better!
  • jakejessie
    I think it's a good idea the only thing I worry about for myself is that a cheat day can get my cravings going again and then I am starting all over again - keep me posted I am curious about how it goes for you and what are you cheating with?
  • brittigno
    brittigno Posts: 193 Member
    I just eat what I want, in moderation, whenever.
    Although I have been slipping up lately and not following the whole moderation thing.. :/
    But I'm still losing.
  • halliedoll
    halliedoll Posts: 171
    Personally, I find that every day can have a little miniature cheat moment. I mean, if you're working out and eating right consistently, why not have half a candy bar or a glass of sweet tea or whatever your craving is? If you starve your craving altogether for those things, it can affect your moods later or discourage you altogether because you feel terrible for wanting something so bad that you cant have. I, for example, had half a snickers bar today and I still have about 500 calories left because I'm eating right and working out cosistently. Nothing wrong with that! :D
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I've always gave myself a cheat day-and never had negative results rest of my week where it affected me
  • josiereside
    josiereside Posts: 720 Member
    I wish I only cheated 1 day a week! The weekends are hard for me. I will add though, that the weight I need I feel to lose right now are more vanity pounds than anything, 5 or less, and I did not really allow myself a cheat until I got close to my goal weight. I am sure this won't work for all but it has not harmed me too much. I am very physically active so I think that counteracts a lot. My recommendation would be to stay on plan as close as possible until close to goal weight and play with it from there.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Saturday is my day to break from logging and indulge a little. I am careful not to go overboard, but I find that it helps me prevent burnout.
  • nehushtan
    nehushtan Posts: 566 Member
  • sapienti
    sapienti Posts: 17
    sometimes the 'cheat' is good if you are feeling stressed about not being able to have a particular food, but as mentioned here before, every bit of food counts and if you can kill a craving with a healthier alternative then do it. i do not believe that having one day a week where you eat higher calorie foods will inhibit your progress (having experimented with this before), but allowing yourself to indulge can set you up for a relapse back to bad eating habits. i have higher calorie days where i eat some things i want, but i still have to record and be cognizant of the caloric intake. i think any system that counts calories like mfp allows you to needs to have that data, and we need that data so that we can accurately reflect upon our behaviors.
  • lewist90
    lewist90 Posts: 126 Member
    the problem you get with 'cheat days' is that you tend to let yourself off on everything in a sence that you'll be like 'ill eat this cheesecake because its my cheat day ect' its easy to lose control........just do a cheat meal or a cheat meal on both Saturday and Sunday. i promise the results will be better than just a whole day of not keeping it in check
  • wonderwoman_72
    I don't call it a cheat day, but a "High Calorie Day." I don't go overboard with eating anything and everything. I usually eat about 1,000 calories more than my usual daily goal. I don't have a set day and I don't always do it every week. Gives me the flexibility to enjoy special occasions/meals, keeps my metabolism on its toes, and satisfies me enough that I can resist those cravings the rest of the week.
  • SCVSarah
    SCVSarah Posts: 231 Member
    Personally, I can't do cheat days or meals because it just sets up binge eating for me :frown:
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I don't consider them cheat days. I look at them as rest days just like with exercise. I keep it pretty tame during the week and on weekends I loosen the reins. I try to have a sensible low-calorie but nutrient dense breakfast and then I allow myself whatever foods I chose for lunch and dinner. For example, I'll go to Red Lobster and have the cheddar bay biscuits I love (one or two depending on whether I'm having dessert), a broiled or grilled fish entree with a salad, soup and/or dessert.

    My dinner will be light most times and I make sure to get some exercise in if I'm going to go over my TDEE.

    I think weekly goals are more flexible than drilling something in every single day. I do the same with my exercise.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    If you view what you are doing now as a lifelong process, I don't see how you don't have cheat days.

    Things is -- you take them for special occasions (that you hopefully plan for somewhat) or days were you REALLY, REALLY want it. Personally, I don't feel like cheating most of the time -- the days I do, I don't fight myself too hard.

    I've lost 12 pounds with MFP, I go back and forth gaining and re-losing those to some extent. Before that, I lost 35 pounds on WW (I never gained any of that weight back after about 8 years). How I am might slow my progress down - but I am healthy and can totally do this forever. So that's what I stick with.
  • lucythinmint
    lucythinmint Posts: 239
    They problem with the idea of a cheat day or meal is that people go crazy. Cheating is more allowing yourself a treat for your hard work. I love pizza, will not live my life without pizza.
    I don't eat it all the time, and when I do I don't eat the entire thing. Even if I work pizza into my week it will not undo everything I have done to that point.
    Eating the entire Papa Johns pizza and a 2 liter of soda and a pint of ice cream, yeah that will mess some *kitten* up. 2 pieces of pizza and a bottle of water, I am not even considering it a cheat.
    I log it and move on, It was damn good, I enjoyed it. End of story.

    Reward yourself when you want it. Don't lose your mind over it. No diet will every succeed if you feel like you are always staring at the food through the glass window.
    Go in, eat a bite. Then walk your *kitten* home! :drinker:
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    I dont call them "cheat days" I call them "Not logging days" lol. I do it every saturday and they have NOT done any harm to me. I am still losing weight the same as I was before.

    Its watever works for you.

    Pretty much, um... What SHE said! :wink:
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    I have a cheat day once a week. Usually involves a BBQ and liquor or going out to eat. I also make sure to get a workout in that morning.
  • Pirschjaeger
    Pirschjaeger Posts: 15 Member
    I have cheat days whenever there is a special occasion and I won't log what I eat, but I don't gorge my self with food. I tend to get nauseated easily if I eat too much, so that keeps me from binging.
  • MaxsVeganMama
    MaxsVeganMama Posts: 15 Member
    ive never done a cheat day, i cant undo all the hard work ive done