Turbo Jammers 8/3-8/9

megan0313 Posts: 394
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Welcome to a new week Turbo Jammers!!!

Hope everyone had a fun and healthy weekend!

Yesterday I got in a 2 hr. walk/run. Today is Burn 2 and Abs. Here's to a great week! :drinker:


  • Bump Bump!! So I don't lose you guys!

  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Haha, I was about to post in the old thread too.

    Meagan, I use GNC's soy protein ... Banana is my favorite (much sweeter than vanilla and goes great wtih frozen fruit or even by itself). The egg protein by Gold Optimum is also good ... the rich chocolate version makes a great treat, especially with a tbs of peanut butter.
    Maybe it's all those muscles you developed from P90X burning all those calories!

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure the quick weight loss has a lot to do with my previous work with P90X. It was speeding up to 1 lb per week towards the last few weeks and took off from there.

    Anyway, I have the evening off to myself after the morning shift so I'll be doing some Plyometrics X today.

    I'm glad everyone is doing so well. I'm looking forward to settling into a more productive workout schedule this week, hehe.
  • Hey guys..sorry I have been such a putz the last couple days:frown:
    I had my gallbladder out in May...only to find out that I now have a whole new set of digestive problems! It seems to be tracking with my monthly cycle and is getting worse each month. I think it's common for females..but mine is getting out of control. It throws my whole body and mind for a loop for one week a month..so been dealing with that:cry:
    Luckily most of my workouts have been able to be normal..except a few that I toned down just a bit. Yesterday I did a 90 min run and stretch..felt awesome (I was worried with all the nutrient loss!) but then ended up taking a 2 hour nap..which I rarely do.
    This am I did turbo jam 20 min..then switched to treadmill (5.0 speed, 2.0 incline) as the impact was too much for my tired body! I just did some P90X yoga..it was nice:)

    You guys are doing great for workouts. As far as nutrients and hitting goals...all you can do is your best each day and continue to learn. Proteins higher are usually not a bad thing as it builds muscle.

    As far as soy products..I've only tried soymilk..I wouldn't drink regular milk hardly at all anymore! I haven't tried any soy protein powders..I use whey and then typically stick to my Shakeology. Let me know if you try and like it.

    Janet: Glad to see you checking in girl!

    Thanks you guys for your posts and to keep working to be active and healthy even in adversity...let's face it..we are WAY tougher than guys are (I have found that my boyfriend probably won't come to my rescue unless I am having surgery..but if he even so much as has a sore back..the world may END!:noway: ) Boys...:laugh:
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    had my gallbladder out in May...only to find out that I now have a whole new set of digestive problems! It seems to be tracking with my monthly cycle and is getting worse each month. I think it's common for females..but mine is getting out of control. It throws my whole body and mind for a loop for one week a month..so been dealing with that

    Hey Casey, I had my gallbladder out last Sept. and found out I also had an ulcer. Was on antibiotics for about 6 months for that which helped, but lately I've been feeling sick again (especially after the protein drinks which I posted about). I also notice that my tummy problems get worse with that TOM. Are you seeing anyone for your stomach? I'm hoping that by really watching my diet I can avoid going back to the Dr.s...I've had about 4 endoscopies in the past year, and don't want to have to do it again!

    Hope you're feeling better soon!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Yikes, I have a friend who just had her gallbladder taken out last month. I hope she doesn't end up with those issues.

    So I ended up not doing Plyo today ... I've been a bit sleep deprived. I can't imagine people trying to deal with Alzheimers during the day ... the evening is eventful enough!

    Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone!

    My shoulder is finally starting to feel better, I'm going to try to do TJ 20 min tomorrow after work. Since my injury I've gained about 2 lbs:grumble: I'm hoping to burn it right off as soon as I can really get moving again.

    Casey- hope you're feeling better.

    Have a great night everyone!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Good Morning! I did two Walk Away The Pounds 5 Mile workouts last night. I was surprised how hard I had to work to keep my heart rate in my zone. My knees were so high I was nearly knocking myself in the forehead.

    Tonight the goal is Punch, Kick & Jam and Turbo Sculpt.

    Casey-Hope you are feeling better.
    Erica- I'm glad your shoulder is feeling better.
    Ghanie- My dad had AD and it is a lot of work both day and night. It really is too much to handle alone. It is very draining.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Good morning all:yawn:
    Well I feel better today than yesterday..but still battling the stomach. Things actually were better after my surgery..and now really only seem to bother me during certain TOM..for about a week. Otherwise I am typically pretty ok most of the time. I called my regular physican yesterday for guidance on what to do. I just don't want to live my life having to avoid foods or what not...it's getting old (right along with the doctors!). Not sure if she'll send me to the ob or GI specialist..I did read online that women oftentimes have GI problems that only come out during certain TOM..I know my sister has this problem and had her gallbladder out too. Oh the joys of being a woman! :grumble:
    I did talk to Jason last night about it and about me being active. I think for the most part he's supportive..I think he worries that someday I will get too into fitness and it will become unhealthy. It's hard for me to explain why I love being active and helping others too...it's not about the weight you know? He's the kind of guy that does take care of himself..but can stay tone and slender w/o working out (darned man!). I am at the lowest weight I need to be...so I think he just wants to make sure that I don't get too small. I am NOT that kind of girl...I like to eat! I think he just saw me lose a few pounds after my surgery and I think he worries...but I assured him that my main goal is overall wellness and I do not care to lose any more weight..I just like to be tone. What do you guys think?

    I ran this am (humid out..that's ok though!)..and will do my CE Push 2 this afternoon.

    Megan: I'll keep you updated..thanks for the support and info! We are way alike you know that?:) How did you know you have an ulcer? What did that feel like? I know ALL about tests..I've had enough of the doctor:cry:

    Ghanie: A weird working schedule is not fun..but you keep your head up so well and adjust as needed...something I am not always the best at!:wink:

    Spiralgirl: I am still laughing about you hitting your head with your knees...too funny:laugh: Way to keep it up girl!!!

    Erica: Does it bother you to do lower body things or like walks? If not I would do those things for now and bring back upper body when you can. I hope you get better soon..that's no fun! And you've been through enough lately!:flowerforyou:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    It felt good to be home last night. It was the first night in over a week and I missed putting my boys to bed and being able to sleep on a bed, hehe.

    So I finally got around to doing Plyometrics X just before my morning shift. And I burned a good 400 calories doing it :bigsmile:.
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    Hi Everyone!

    Turbo Kick for me today, and hopefully some abs if I have time. We're leaving for Hershey Park tomorrow morning, so I won't be back til Saturday...but I'm definitely planning to keep working out! There's a fitness center in the hotel, and I'm taking my CE with the band. I've only ever used the weights, so it will be interesting to try the workouts with the bands.

    Ghanie...you're an inspiration keeping up your workouts with a crazy schedule! :flowerforyou:

    Spiralgirl...great job on your workouts!! :drinker:

    Erica, glad your shoulder's feeling better...it's frustrating when an injury sets you back, but don't worry too much about those 2 lbs...get healthy and I'm sure they'll come right off. :smile:

    Casey...my soul sista in GI problems...I feel your pain (literally) :laugh: :laugh: My GI guy did an endoscopy when he diagnosed the gallbladder. He told me that having the two together is fairly common, and if you have both, having your gallbladder removed can actually worsen the ulcer. So if they did an endoscopy on you they probably checked for it, if not, you might want to look into it. The other thing is that I always felt much worse around TOM, and it still was from the ulcer. Glad you're feeling a little better today though! :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone has a great week and I'll see you all on Saturday!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello all you wonderful ladies! I feel like I've been gone for a long time, but only a day and a half. I caught a lovely stomach bug from one of my kiddos, so was sick off and on for the last 4 days, ugh! Hopefully it gets better from here on out! I did manage to get in my CE last night, although wasn't so sure about it as I was starting. Hopefully some cardio tonight, I was just too tired this morning to do it.

    Casey, I hope you feel better. I have GI issues of my own, but didn't have to get my gallbladder taken out (yet!). Mine is all the time though, so that's why I have to workout in the morning before I eat, or it's trouble later in the day!

    Good job on the workouts everyone! Keep it up, you are giving me motivation to get my butt in gear tonight when I get home!
  • Way to keep it real Ghanie!:glasses:
    Megan: We are a lot alike.it's almost scary..who knew there could be two great people:laugh: Or maybe two deficient ones! What type of test is that? I don't think I had that one...I had an ultrasound and then a hydascan....I do have an appt with my GI doctor (per my regular doctors advice) at the beg of Sept..so stay tuned until then. Thankfully things are a little better today..so hopefully it's on the way out for the month!:happy: Have fun on your trip..I am ready for the weekend!:drinker:
    Fitzfour: Oh no..that totally sucks!!! I hate it when you are not feeling well..it sucks:sick:
    Is yours ok enough for now that it just doesn't need removed?
    Have a great day all...CE Push 2 after work for me!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Way to keep it real Ghanie!:glasses:
    Megan: We are a lot alike.it's almost scary..who knew there could be two great people:laugh: Or maybe two deficient ones! What type of test is that? I don't think I had that one...I had an ultrasound and then a hydascan....I do have an appt with my GI doctor (per my regular doctors advice) at the beg of Sept..so stay tuned until then. Thankfully things are a little better today..so hopefully it's on the way out for the month!:happy: Have fun on your trip..I am ready for the weekend!:drinker:
    Fitzfour: Oh no..that totally sucks!!! I hate it when you are not feeling well..it sucks:sick:
    Is yours ok enough for now that it just doesn't need removed?
    Have a great day all...CE Push 2 after work for me!

    I've never had my doctor say I need to have it removed, but then again I haven't had problems with it until I started working out regularly earlier this year. I met with my doctor when I was preggo and he was surprised I was fine then, he thought it would have been worse. Who knows. My mom told me I always had stomach aches and GI problems from the minute I was born, so maybe I'm just stuck with it!
  • megan0313
    megan0313 Posts: 394
    The endoscopy is when they knock you out and stick a camera into your stomach (down your throat) to look for the ulcer. It doesn't sound like you had one. Have your symptons seemed worse since your gallbladder surgery? As I said, my Dr. said the surgery could make an ulcer worse, so I have a feeling the GI doc might want to do one. (It's really not as bad as it sounds....you won't feel a thing) The anitbiotics worked wonders for me for a long time...unfortunately I think I'm gonna have to go back and get rechecked. :grumble:

    On another topic, I forgot what the Burn series what like....since I've increased my weights so much the workout is a KILLER! I'm getting a huge cardio effect from those lunges with heavier weights...and I'm LOVIN' IT!!!

    Ok...going to pack now...see you all soon.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    The endoscopy is when they knock you out and stick a camera into your stomach (down your throat) to look for the ulcer. It doesn't sound like you had one. Have your symptons seemed worse since your gallbladder surgery? As I said, my Dr. said the surgery could make an ulcer worse, so I have a feeling the GI doc might want to do one. (It's really not as bad as it sounds....you won't feel a thing) The anitbiotics worked wonders for me for a long time...unfortunately I think I'm gonna have to go back and get rechecked. :grumble:

    On another topic, I forgot what the Burn series what like....since I've increased my weights so much the workout is a KILLER! I'm getting a huge cardio effect from those lunges with heavier weights...and I'm LOVIN' IT!!!

    Ok...going to pack now...see you all soon.

    Now I think I might have to do a 2nd round when I'm done with the Lean Circuit :)
  • It honestly hasn't bothered me at all unless it's the TOM..and each month has gotten worse. Guess I'll find out when I go to the GI doctor...I am so upset that the surgery wasn't the end:sad: but you guys are helping me to keep my head up!!!
    I have never had problems until the past probably year or two..and gradually got worse..no way to live! Erika: Have you ever gone in to get it looked at?
    LOL..is this the turbo jam thread or GI?:laugh:
    And YOU GO GIRLS! I am in the Push phase now (first time)..I def think I am going through a second time..why not! I am not so concerned with my arms..but my buttocks area could always use some toning!:tongue:
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there everyone! GUESS WHAT??! I FINALLY GOT MY CE! I haven't had much time to do anything but look at the box-haha! Work til 6 tonight and then going right to do my treadmill time. Then I am making myself a nice dinner and probably doing abs then bed (another loooong work day tomorrow):indifferent: I will hopefully have time to take a closer look at CE tonight or tomorrow- which will be tough because tomorrow is my rest day and I will want to try it! hahaha--On that note, my net calorie goal is 1460 and so on my rest day I am to only consume that amount right? My personal goal is to stay above 1550 for this weeks calorie intake, but if I don't exercise I will be going over my limit.....advice please:huh: lol..
    Casey-Geez girl! I hope you feel better really soon--that does NOT sound fun at all...:frown:
    Megan-Have fun at Hershey! I went there once when I was way younger--it might be fun to take a trip back down again (not too far) but I'd probably get myself into trouble with the chocolate--hahaha...
    Fitzfour-Hope you feel better soon too! I absolutely can't stand being sick!
    Ghanie- Great job fitting working out into a weird work schedule--tough cookie!
    Have a good evening! I'm sure I'll be checking back to see what you guys say! Thanks in advance!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    My personal goal is to stay above 1550 for this weeks calorie intake, but if I don't exercise I will be going over my limit.....advice please lol..

    Since you don't have too many rest days (about once a week from what I remember), I'd say it's fine for now since you're going under on all other days.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Hi! Last night I ended up doing TJ 20 minute and 30 minutes of a dance and shred dvd type of thing. I then did 20 minutes of band toning.

    Resting today but plan on walking at lunch.

    What is Plyometrics X?

  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone!

    Sounds like you all have had a busy few days:laugh: Casey and FitzFour I hope you're feeling better!

    The last two days I have worked about 30 hours- yesterday before work my shoulder was almost completely better and then I mopped the floors because one of the nurses is pregnant and didn't feel well. I was all ready to start doing TJ again today but I woke up in a lot of pain. :explode:

    Thank goodness today is my day off! I've lost the 2 lbs already by eating healthy and staying on my feet at work. They are extremely short staffed so it's been hectic. I'm going to try to take one day at a time- not being able to do my yoga stretch has really affected my mode and ability to deal with the stress from work. I'm hoping it heals soon (it's been a week now!) and I can get back to it. It's hard to stay away from the chocolate and ice cream when I'm this miserable!

    Today my goal is to go for a 4 mile fast walk, do some thighmaster and figure out if there's and ab workout I can do w/o the use of my shoulder/neck.:glasses:

    Hope you all have a great day and thanks for your support!:flowerforyou:
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