Turbo Jammers 8/3-8/9



  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning team:bigsmile:
    Well I got my CE Push 2 done last night...I then spent some nice time with Jason..sometimes those brief times of focusing on one another are so good for a relationship...even if he was laughing at me for being goofy:laugh:
    This am I did my CE Burn Intervals..will do the CE Core at lunch along with a walk. I'll be coaching a girl tonight at the Y..so will probably get a little activity there too.
    LILANGEL: Yeah you got your ChaLEAN! Take the time and really look through the stuff..it's worth it in the end! As far as calories..in the end you have to listen to your body and if it's needing food. I typically am low in calories most days..but then on my "rest" day I like to indulge a little so am probably over. As long as it all evens out and your body feels good..you will be ok.
    SPIRALGIRL: Way to keep rockin it out! Any workout Ghanie talks about with an X in it is usually from the P90X system! How are you feeling with your new activity level?
    ERICA: I am sure you are burning calories by just your regular job. I would just do things to stay active that don't involve your shoulder...gotta let that baby rest and repair itself! You are doing great at keeping your head up..it does totally suck to have your body off..especially for like a week!

    Keep it real today guys..
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning! Got up bright and early to do Lean #2...I just get wiped out from that one! But, it is definitely working! Seeing the best results in this circuit, so I'm lovin it!

    Going to pick up a treadmill tonight. Found someone in my area selling one for super cheap on Craig's List, and it's only 1 year old. I was going to buy the same model, only the newer version, and found this one and can save a ton! I'm super excited to have that option for running/walking when the weather is bad.

    I love coming on here each day to hear how you all are pushing yourselves and getting your workouts in! I can't complain about having no time to workout when I see what you all can do with very little time!

    Have a fantasic day!
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Can I join you guys? I love turbo jam and I've been trying to watch for new groups lately and they're all ones that don't apply to me like 50+ and canadians! :laugh:
  • ccleadbyexample
    Hello again team:happy:

    Erika: It's so easy to have excuses when you are busy..but as I always tell people who say that to me..I have a full time job, a part time job, I coach, I own a home, I have friends/family..etc..we all have the same time it's just how we choose to spend it! You obviously have your groove on girl...good for you!:flowerforyou: You motivate us just as we do you!

    Jules: Of course you can join us..we sometimes get a little off turbo jam (:laugh: ) but we are a GREAT group! Or I think so at least...most of us love Chalene though!

  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Hey there everyone! Hope your all having a great Wednesday! I am super excited to take a closer look at CE. Casey-I will definitely look it over thoroughly tonight, I haven't even had a chance to yet!:mad: I probably will not be starting it until Fri/Sat or Sun anyways-I am definitely going to do the Fit Test prior to and see what that is all about.:smile: I also will need to get heavier weights-what would you recommend? I know Chalene probably gives recommendations as well (hence the I need to read the literature hahaha):laugh:
    I decided to not over-do on my calories today and stay at 1461(1 cal over my limit!:laugh: ) My body has not been seeming to need any extra today, so I think on my rest day I can probably remain a bit lighter...I have heard though that you shouldn't change the balance of calories too much because your body is already starting to have a faster metabolism-but maybe one day doesn't really hurt anyways?
    Erica-Good job keeping up with workouts-it is hard when you've got an injury!
    Erika-Awesome news of the treadmill! I hope you enjoy it! I run a few days a week myself on a treadmill (nothing fancy though):tongue:
    Ghanie-Thanks for your honest advice girl! You are always an inspiration:smile:
    Jules-Welcome! We are a fun group full of motivation and success! Glad to have ya!
    I'll be out of work soon (6pm) Check back later on!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I didn't do a good job resting today. I walked 2 miles at lunch. After work I did the 20 minute and turbo sculpt. I also did 30 minutes of that dance dvd again. Will rest tomorrow.

    Casey- About 6 or 7 years ago I was super fit. I worked out a couple times a day and I felt great. I am beginning to taste that great feeling again. Not even close to where I was but I'm glad to see that need/feeling is still inside me. I'm also getting a ton of support from my family and that makes it so much easier.
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone!

    I walked 4 miles today and biked on a stationary bike for 30 minutes, feels good to start being active again:smile:

    Wish I didn't have to work tomorrow.

    Hope you all had a healthy day!:drinker:
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning teamies!:bigsmile:
    I am glad it's Thursday..ready for weekend!:drinker: I ran outside this am..nice cool peaceful morning..although noticing that the sun is not coming up as early...sigh:ohwell: I enjoyed the cool...it's gonna be like 95 on Saturday...and I'll be outside in a park all day with Jason and his family:noway:
    Tonight it's ChaLEAN Push 3...gotta work on those one legged sumos!

    Spiralgirl: No reason to hurry..def look through the material..LOTS of good stuff! Weights wise..you can use bands, free weights, or she uses the Bowflex weights (which is what I have). Cost wise bands are most effective..I used bands for a boot camp class a while back and loved them..but didn't like them as much for this program. In each set she has a girl doing bands, a girl doing lighter weights (beginner), a guy doing heavier, and then Chalene and Jenelle (her sister) doing about midline..she usually goes around and asks what everyone is using. Be sure to print off the sheets to go with it so you can track your weights..I usually would write in the weight and reps (spots for this) and then put a note next to it whether I thought I could go higher next time, stay same, or possibly go down if I went to heavy.

    Spiralgirl: Good for you! It takes time to get to that "happy" place..but you are def heading there..and that is AWESOME you have great support...that is so important.

    Erica: Sounds like you had a very active day...and it probably was easier on your shoulder with the activity you chose!

    Have a happy and healthy day all!:flowerforyou:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey everyone! I got to do some ab jam yesterday so I'll make today a rest day.

    Great going everyone!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    GHANIE- :flowerforyou:CONGRTULATIONS on making it to your healthy weight!!!!!

    Enjoy your rest day

    Casey-question to piggy back on the one from lilangel- I just bumped up my weight for the Turbo Sculpt. When I finally do start CE next year, do I start at the weight I left off with in Turbo Scupt or do I go back down? Confused about this since it popped into my mind last night.

    Resting today too. I did take a walk at lunch though. Only a mile but it was on an upward incline for most of it so I'm not feeling too bad about the distance.
  • ccleadbyexample
    Way to go Ghanie!:drinker:

    Spiralgirl: It'll give you all the info..but she'll tell you that you'll want to be fatigued at the end of 12 reps for the burn phase (just one set)..I would start with a weight I thought best and make notes as to if it was too easy or too hard and to adjust the next week. She has all ranges on there..and each person will tell you what they are doing (whether weight or band) so you have a guide. Week 1 on each phase I usually take past experience into account in choosing..and then make notes on my sheets on what to do for the next week!
    Can't wait for you to be a CE girl!
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    :blushing: Thanks for noticing. I didn't have enough time to toot my horn after I weighed in this morning (just before I got dressed for work). But yay, healthy BMI today! :drinker:

    Also, my BF just went down to 28% :bigsmile:.

    I'm thinking of starting CE soon. I want to bump up to at least 1500 net before then and also get in a good week of yoga to prepare for another intense workout program. I also want to get a feel for how my schedule is going to look after Monday. Keep that bandwagon warm for me in the mean time!
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Sounds like everyone on here is doing great. :smile: I walk to work at back 30 minutes of brisk walking total every day, and I will be walking around the 3 mile lake after dinner. I'm really aching for something intense and sweaty though - but since I have a bit of a pulled hammy that will have to wait until after I get back from my parents house this weekend. It will be packed full of family and I'm not sure how I'll get ANY exercise in... yikes!!
  • lilangel7671
    lilangel7671 Posts: 353 Member
    Good evening all! I hope you had a great Thursday! I worked all day today and we were slammed with appointments- I am beat, BUT I did my treadmill time (45 min) and burned 231 calories:smile: I usually like to hit at least 250 but I'm not going to complain, my legs are achy tonight from all the running around today:grumble:
    Ghanie-GREAT JOB girl!! Keep on pumpin it up!!!:laugh: We'll keep a spot for ya in CE! I can't wait to start!
    It seems to me that with my new CE, I am probably not going to be able to fit the treadmill in anymore..I have been going to my grandparents to use it-which by the time I get out from work it is 6:30, get there at 6:45, run til about 7:30, rest a few minutes and come home to make dinner and eat it...then I always complete AbJam nightly..
    I am going to have to figure out a new schedule I think and minus the treadmill--I do TJ all other days except Wednesdays rest day, plus the biking over the weekends/days off. I find myself kicking it up a notch on the weekends coz I have more time to workout, and backing off a bit (because of time crunches and work) on the weekdays. Any suggestions girls? I want to keep doing TJ workouts and my biking, so if I add CE I think something needs to go--:huh:
    Casey-do you suggest changing my schedule to match the CE one she gives? If that's the case, I shouldn't start CE until Monday...also I usually only take one rest day which I can fill in with regular TJ workouts-but her rest days are Tues/Sat..does it work to keep my rest day Wednesday and just move Wednesdays CE to Tuesday nights? It's probably fine but I just like suggestions..haha:blushing:
    Alright girls, I think I have blabbed enough! Hope you all have a good night, I only work half day tomorrow so I think I'm going to get myself some new weights and take the CE FitTest:smile:
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone,

    I had a minor meltdown about work today- they didn't see- did it in the bathroom:explode: I think the stress from work has been getting to me because of my injury- I can't sweat out their *kitten* (sorry for the swear word!) Today I walked for 20 minutes and now I'm going to do 20 minute TJ. I'm going to go lighter on the punches.

    My new goal is as soon as I'm completely better to take out all of my frustrations on working out. Thanks for being here for me during this transition time of my life.


    Sounds like you're all enjoying the CE! Maybe I'll try that in the future!

    Have a great night:smile:
  • hiddensecant
    hiddensecant Posts: 2,446 Member
    Hey Erica, I hope you're feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    Has anyone tried Ten Minute Trainer? I'm thinking that might fit in better with my schedule considering ... at least until hubby takes over in the work department.
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    So its downpouring here - so I didn't walk into work. I don't even own an umbrella let alone the full on poncho it would take to keep me dry in this. Luckily my boyfriend is really nice and drove me. I guess 20 minutes of my 30 min lunch will be walking the skyway as well as my 15 minute breaks. We're supposed to drive 4 hours right after work to spend the weekend with my family but if I can squeeze out the time (plus shower time) I may pull out the 20 minute turbo jam!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday Girls!!!

    I was up early to do CE Lean #3, and loved it! First morning this week I got out of bed easily, I slept great last night, it's been awhile since that has happened! Going to do Pilates or treadmill tonight, haven't decided which one yet!

    Ghanie: CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss goal! That is so awesome! You will probably see even more movement during CE. Rock on girl!

    Erica: You are amazing!! Way to modify your workouts to keep going, even with an injury! It's very tough to want to do any workouts when you're in pain, so I am very proud of you!!

    LilAngel: I was only doing CE in the mornings on M-W-F when I started, but now I do CE in the morning and then cardio in the evening. On the days that she suggest Burn Intervals or Burn it Off, I am usually running or doing another type of cardio. I love Chalene, but I need a day away from her in between, after almost being with the program for 90 days. I typically will do one of the cardio segments on the weekends, if I want to add something extra in, but like to run more due to the calorie burn I get.

    Looking forward to a relaxing weekend! Have a great day everyone!
  • ecrb77
    ecrb77 Posts: 78
    Hi Everyone-

    Thanks for the words of support and encouragement:flowerforyou: I was so happy doing 20 min TJ last night, but my shoulder is a little sore today. I think I may wait a few more days before I try again. It really was the best 20 minutes of my day- is that good or bad? I'm going to try to walk/run tonight. My ticker hasn't moved either way so I'm assuming once I'm able to really sweat with Chalene again it'll come off!

    Way to go Erika for getting your self out of bed! :wink:

    Ghanie- some of my friends tried the 10 minute trainer at school and though it was ok. It think it maybe good for maintenance for you.

    Jules- way to stay positive on a rainy day! Hope you have a great weekend with you family.

    Hope you all have a great day.
  • ccleadbyexample
    Good morning team!:yawn:
    Little tired today...didn't sleep well again last night. Def going to get my stuff done tonight to get to bed early..gotta be on the road tomorrow am by 8:30 (workout before!) and then Sun up early for long run before it gets HOT!:noway:
    Did CE Burn It Off this am and then some treadmill work. Will do some yoga/core over lunch and maybe some stretching later after my chiro appt!

    Ghanie: Great job girl! I haven't tried the 10 minute trainer yet..although if you like Tony Horton people seem to like it. CE is only 5 days a week...longest is like 45 min. It's tough..and very doable. What kind of time do you have?

    Erika:Nice work on the sleep..send some my way!:wink: I am intrigued for the lean phase..I just finished week 2 of the push! Got those 1 legged sumo's down last night..my buttocks were like wtf?

    Erica: Keep your head up girl...sometimes a good cry or sweat session helps..sounds like you are finding ways to cope...nothing wrong with crying as long as no one sees at work! Hopefully things will get better there soon..did the talk not help?:huh: Don't worry on the ticker..it'll come...sometimes you gotta judge on how you feel too!

    Lilangel: Do it how it works for you..you'll have to decide what's most important. You can start it on any day..like I do circuit 1 on either Sat or Sun...and then do 2 and 3 on T/Th. She does have 2 days of cardio in it...I still do turbo jam 1-2x a week as well as my running. I do take one day off of cardio..20 min turbo jam low key perhaps but that's it. Just mix the schedule in with what you do and be sure NOT to overwork yourself...the ab jam can be done less too..she'll have some core in with it...

    Jules: There are ways to be active with your family..go for walks..if there are kids go play tag or a game...even if it isn't "organized" activity..some of my family I can talk into turbo jam once in a while! Be their inspiration and get them all involved! :bigsmile:

    Have a great day all! I'll be off most of later and tomorrow for Jason's family reunion!:drinker: