June-July-August Challenge

I've been up and down and round and round with this journey and I'm ready to take back the control and make it mine!!!!!!!! I need you with me!

Who's ready for a challenge?

Prior to TODAY:
Post here and let us know:
What your goals are for the month -- Then July1st, post your *Revised* goals, and again August 1st.

How you will be measuring (I know that some people have thrown their scales out the window)
What your motivators are
What your biggest weakness are

Starting TODAY!
Take your daily calorie allowance and add 1000 - that's the number of calories you have to burn per week. Yes, I said per week!
Each week, you have to pick one new activity to burn calories - variety is the spice of life, people!!!
Each week, you have to choose something to do that you don't necessarily like, but you know is good for you....and do it twice. Not a fan of broccoli? Eat it!!! Twice!! Toss the cigarettes on your break and take a walk around your building. Twice!! You get the picture!
Post on Tuesdays - week to week and let us know if you met your goal or not.!

This is a motivational challenge, there are no prizes (except your health), there are no eliminations (except those who cannot committ).


  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    My goals for June are to lose 3-4 pounds, do more cooking, and to cut my body fat percentage a bit.

    I will be using my scale to weigh myself, and get my body fat percentage.
    My motivators are my sister-in-law's wedding at the end of the month, the new summer wardrobe I got last August that I don't fit into anymore, and my friends on here are great motivation as well.
    My biggest weaknesses are hating cooking, chocolate, and fast food.

    Starting TODAY!
    I will have to bun 2200 calories this week.
    The new activity for this week will be Tony Little's Easy Shaper.
    This week I will do push ups twice. (not two push ups, but two sessions)

  • This is a great idea! So excited.. Okay. For the month of June my goal is to lose at least 5 pounds and workout at least 3 times a week.

    I'll be using my good old fashioned scale to measure. My motivators are my husband who loves to run. He always wants to go running together, but I'm so out of shape that I'm embarressed to even try. I also want to get healthy so that when we start a family we will have healthy habits.

    My biggest weakness is CARBS and my husband. My hubby loves macaroni and cheese and bacon. I'm no better really, I love mashed potatoes and pasta of any kind. The hardest part of healthy eating for me is cutting back on these.

    The calories that I have to burn per week is 2200 (yikes). One thing that I hate, but know is good for me is running. I suppose I will run twice per week.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,609 Member
    That's great! Tahnk you for starting the new thread!

    My goal for this month:
    I want to reach 80 kg, that means losing 3 kg - I'm not sure if this is realistic, but at least i will try for it.
    And I started to do the 30 Day Shred, and I want to stick with it.

    My biggest weakness: start eating more than I should, especially in the evening...

    This week, I will have to burn 2500 cal
    Something I don't like especially: cleaning my flat
    New activity: I don't know yet, but I will think of something
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    My Goal for June is: To lose 3-4lbs and more inches. Would like to lower my BF% by 1 or 2%. Get my protein up!

    I try and weigh every Friday and will use my tape measure at the end of June.

    My Motivators are: Going to Corfu with my 2 daughters so need to look good in my bikini :) and just seeing all the great inspirational people on here who have succeeded in their journey or are still on their journey and are dedicated to succeeding.

    My Biggest weaknesses are: Carbs!! Not being able to stop once I have tasted something yummy

    This week I will have to burn: 2,690 cals
    Something I don't like: I dunno! Lots of things lol RAIN & cold weather in JUNE!!!
    New Activity: Starting Killer Buns & Thighs next Monday & Also wanna try some new routines on Zumba fitness 2 on the WII (so each week I will do a new routine on Zumba)

    Jen x
  • sel254
    sel254 Posts: 273 Member
    This is great! My goal for June is to stick to the 30 Day Shred for the full 30 days and I'll be measuring with scales AND taking measurements with tape too :)

    I need to burn 2200 calories this week.

    My new activity will be pilates as I only just tried it recently and loved it so the DVD I ordered arrived this morning :)

    My motivators are fitting into a new dress that I bought for my sisters graduation and an upcoming holiday.
  • melscrum
    melscrum Posts: 27
    Measuring by: lbs lost

    Goals for the month:

    [ ] Lose at least 5 lbs

    [ ] Walk at least 40 miles


    Motivators: myfitnesspal friends, better health, the thrill of seeing the results!

    New Activity To Burn Calories: Some beginner strength training exercises using 5lb weights

    I do not like any fruits and very little vegetalbes. This week I will try two new ones. And believe me, besides corn and potatoes, they are all new to me.

    See you next Tuesday =)
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 349 Member
    I'd like to take this challenge too but I'm bumping for later to write down my goals for june as i'm in work now. :)
  • stickwithme
    stickwithme Posts: 46 Member
    Bumping for later!
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 3,153 Member
    Goal for June:
    Eat 5-7 fruits/veggies per day.
    Tracking food with MFP daily.

    What your motivators are: Maintaining my shape. My Kids. My DH tracking daily and really bringing it with is nutrition is a motivator as well
    What your biggest weakness are : Chocolate, Sugar, Bread, Butter, Peanut butter. Oh PB....You are the most wonderfully sinfully created food...I could eat a whole container if I had just one or 2 bites.

    Starting TODAY!
    Calories to burn this week: 2800
    New Activity: Turbo Fire on Thursdays.
    I will do workouts outside this Saturday and Sunday. I will commit to ONE of those being Running. I don't especially like working out outdoors while camping...let alone at 5:30am. but this is what I will do.

    :wink: I will Post on Tuesday - week to week and let you know if I met my goal :flowerforyou: or not. :cry: :cry: :sad: !
  • jcharlotte
    jcharlotte Posts: 24 Member
    What a great idea I love this!
    My personal goal and I don't know why I've waited for so long is to become vegetarian. So now is a better time then ever for myself. I will use my scale and aim for a goal of 2LBS a week.
    Goal 2500 calories to burn!
    See you next tuesday!
    I love to walk but I will add sprinting to my brisk walking.
  • 1oriana
    1oriana Posts: 10
    I see "bump" often. what does it mean?
  • sunshinedean
    sunshinedean Posts: 82 Member
    Goal for June: loose 8lbs
    continue to learn high protein / low carb foods daily
    Tracking food & fitness with MFP daily.

    I weigh in on Fridays

    What your motivators are: The pain of fibromyalgia and what it has taken from my life ~ I WANT IT BACK!!!
    What your biggest weakness are : negative thoughts & being tired ~ I can turn away from the really good stuff if I am positive.

    Starting TODAY!
    Calories to burn this week: 2200
    New Activity: Strengthening exersizes @ work during day.
    I will go to the Y and do water work out 5 days every week (if not more).

    The one thing I hate but I know is good for me ~ the haunting eliptical sitting in the corner of my living room ~ Get on it twice and stay on it 5 min each time!! :ohwell:
  • jessicawaybright
    jessicawaybright Posts: 5 Member
    Goal for June: Lose 8 pounds and to exercise 6 out of 7 days a week

    I weigh in on Friday Mornings via Scale and monthly by measurements

    My motivators are: My brothers wedding Next June, I want to look good the day I get married (whenever that shall be), I want to be healthy and active when I have kids! I want to FEEL better and want to go out in public and not feel self conscious

    My weakness: FAST FOOD (yikes, need to cut this one out totally), Candy, Soda, Not drinking enough water

    Starting TODAY:
    Need to burn 2500 calories this week!!!
    New Activity: 30 day Shred!!!

    The one thing I hate but know is good for me: Drinking water instead of SODA..i hate the taste of water..i have the addiction of soda, so im going to decrease soda down slowly and drink 8 glasses of water!!!
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    June Goal: Stick with this challenge (I'm really bad at getting busy and losing interest... :blushing: ), log everything every day, and eat no red meat (I'm practically there already, just gotta stay away from bacon!)

    Measurement Method: Checking in here every Tuesday and MFP (I also weigh in on Fridays, but I'm more interested in keeping to my June goals than the weight part right now. I figure if I do the one, the other will follow.)

    My Motivation: Everyone who does it right -- especially friends and strangers on MFP

    Biggest Weaknesses: Dinner (I tend to go off the rails once I'm home from work and exhausted.), carbs (I have no stopping mechanism...none.), and my evil tempt-y friends

    Target Burned Cal/Week: 2540

    New Activity Week 1: Swimming

    Weekly Dreaded Activity: Since I'm assuming going to work doesn't count.... :tongue: Let's say take the stairs instead of the elevator (going up).
  • gapeachintx
    gapeachintx Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for this. I need it. I lost 25 lbs last year and due to various illness and honestly, plain laziness on my part, I have gained it all back. For awhile I was completely devastated but NO MORE. It's time to just move on and get on with it again. so here we go....

    my ultimate goal is 40 lbs by my 41st birthday (September 10th). I calculated this to be about 2 lbs per week, which is an average healthy weight loss.

    goal for june = 6-8 lbs
    goal for this week = add resistance band work out 3 x week (already walking 3-5 x week) and eat the salad veggies that are sitting in the fridge.

    measurement = scale and just how my clothes are fitting

    motivation = improved health, energy level, and to be happy with my appearance

    weakness = i work out of my car and am on the road constantly. i simply MUST pack food to take with me or it's fast food, every meal

    good luck everyone :)
    MZNIKKIBOO Posts: 190
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    I know I'm joining late but this is a really good idea for me.

    My goal for June is to lose 4lbs, to get down to 245lbs.

    I will be using my scale to weigh myself and check in here every Friday morning (since I'm starting late and tomorrow is Friday!).
    My motivators are my progress so far, my brother in law's wedding in September, and my husband and my MFP friends.
    My biggest weaknesses are getting bored/tired of working out, wanting to grab convenience foods instead of cooking (in short: laziness) and getting stressed out and eating a bunch of crap to make myself feel better (lol!)

    Starting TODAY!

    The new activity for this week will be TurboJam (I've yet to give it a good try).
    This week I will do two sessions of push-ups... Omg do I haaaate push ups.

    Since it's really late at night here, I'll be starting tomorrow... But since I've gotten kind of lazy in my weight loss, this is gonna rock. Lets do it!!

    Edit: My goal cals burned per week is 2850 which is about 407 cals per day or 570 per day if I want the weekends off (which I normally do, lol)

    Other challengers feel free to add me! Just leave a message with your request :) I'm always looking for motivators and people to motivate :)
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I see "bump" often. what does it mean?

    I've been wondering this myself.

  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 433 Member
    I see "bump" often. what does it mean?

    I've been wondering this myself.


    It's do people get it into their topics and can keep updated with the later posts OR for them to read later x
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Cool, thank you!!
