June-July-August Challenge



  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Goal for last week:
    :smile: MET (X)- Eat 5-7 fruits/veggies per day.
    :mad: Did not meet(Tracked 3-4 days) -Tracking food with MFP daily.
    :smile: Met (X) :Calories to burn this week: 2800
    :smile: Met (X) :New Activity: Turbo Fire on Thursdays.
    :wink: Met(X)I will do workouts outside this Saturday and Sunday. Did Running and X2Core
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Goal for This week:
    Eat 5-7 fruits/veggies per day.
    Tracking food with MFP for the next 6 days.
    Calories to Burn this week: 2930
    New Activity: Turbo Fire on Thursday.

    Motivator this week: Going to Vegas on June 21st. Need to keep it clean and mean for Vegas.

    What your biggest weakness are : Chocolate, Sugar, Bread, Butter, Peanut butter. Oh PB....You are the most wonderfully sinfully created food...I could eat a whole container if I had just one or 2 bites.

    Starting TODAY! Why today....because yesterday I had pizza buffet and basically NO fruits/veggies. None. Chocolate yes, pizza yes, crap..yes. :blushing:

    I will Post on Tuesday - week to week and let you know if I met my goal or not. !

    Todays GOALs to meet:
    Eat 5-7 fruits/veggies (Currently at zero)
    Tracking food with MFP for TODAY. (Currently at 0)
    Trak Calories to Burn this week: 2930 (Currently at 0)
  • SammieGetsFit
    SammieGetsFit Posts: 432 Member
    Hi everyone, time for the weekly check-in!

    June Goals
    --Stick with this summer challenge: So far so good!
    --Log everything every day: Had some trouble at a bridal shower this weekend, but I made my best guess at calories. Back on track now.
    --Eat no red meat: Just took the plunge and went vegan after breakfast yesterday...we'll see how it goes.

    Last Week's Goals:
    --Calories Burned: 4080/2540 :bigsmile:
    --New Activity: Went swimming twice :bigsmile:
    --Dreaded Activity: Took the stairs fairly regularly, but found myself in the elevator out of habit a few times :smile:

    **This Week's Goals:
    -- Calories to Burn: 2540
    --New Activity: Jogging
    --Dreaded Activity: Cooking breakfast

    All the best!!
  • ConnieB1979
    ConnieB1979 Posts: 239 Member
    I want in....BUMP ;-)
  • ConnieB1979
    ConnieB1979 Posts: 239 Member
    Goal for June:
    Get back to working out every morning (mon-fri)
    Tracking food with MFP daily.
    Just say no to....CANDY BARS!!! (Dark chocolate is my kryptonite)

    What your motivators are: The last 10 lbs that I keep juggling around....Maintaining my loss...Ive worked to hard to slip up now. My Son.

    Starting TODAY!
    Calories to burn this week: 2300
    New Activity: 1 hour ZUMBA (Thursdays)
    I will run 3 times a week but cant guarantee the days since summer is so busy around here BUT it is usually Mon, Wed, & Fri. Evenings.

    I will Post on Tuesday - week to week and let you know if I met my goal or not. !
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Goal for last week:
    I cooked less last week than any other week. :grumble:
    I somehow lost 3.7 pounds (not that I'm complaining)
    I burned 2621/2200 calories last week
    I did my Tony Little work outs.
    I ended up doing push ups 5 days last week

    Goal for This week:
    Cook more
    I will have to burn 2612 calories this week. (yikes)
    My activity will be Hip Hop Abs Total Body Burn
    My something not nice but twice will be Burpees. I hate them more than push ups!

  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,316 Member
    I am a day late for my check-in... sorry, but work is just insane this time of the year... :noway:

    Okay, let's see:

    -) I burned more than 2500 kcal, actually, it was the first week I was above 3000! When I think back on my start here, where I was glad to burn 1000, I am really happy with myself :-)

    -) Sadly, my weight is going down and up again, so there is basically no change this week.

    -) I did stick with the 30 Day Shred workout and finished level 1 yesterday, but it is hard on my knees, and since I don't want to overtax them (trekking vacation in August where they have to work perfectly), I have been substituting many exercises, and in fact now am looking for something else - 30DS can wait till I lost more weight, then it should be easier.
    So, if anybody has suggestions for alternative, please let me know!

    -) I did not take the time for a thorough cleaning session like I planned... (did I mention work and stress before?)

    So, all in all, a week with mixed success.

    Goals for next week:
    -) once again, burn at least 2500 kcal
    -) new exercise: find an alternative to 30DS for an addition to general cardio training
    -) take the time to cook some healthy meals, at least twice (perhaps this is the reason I am not losing weight: I stay within my calorie allowance, but eat too few vegetables and too much pre-prepared food, because it is easier and faster...)
    -) and of course, there is the cleaning session still open...
  • kandaceleehans
    Sounds fun!
  • cspong
    cspong Posts: 260 Member
    I know I'm joining late but this is a really good idea for me.

    My goal for June is to lose 4lbs, to get down to 245lbs.

    I will be using my scale to weigh myself and check in here every Friday morning (since I'm starting late and tomorrow is Friday!).
    My motivators are my progress so far, my brother in law's wedding in September, and my husband and my MFP friends.
    My biggest weaknesses are getting bored/tired of working out, wanting to grab convenience foods instead of cooking (in short: laziness) and getting stressed out and eating a bunch of crap to make myself feel better (lol!)

    Starting TODAY!

    The new activity for this week will be TurboJam (I've yet to give it a good try).
    This week I will do two sessions of push-ups... Omg do I haaaate push ups.

    Edit: My goal cals burned per week is 2850 which is about 407 cals per day or 570 per day if I want the weekends off (which I normally do, lol)

    Well, I kind of failed this week. I started Insanity, but there was a huge heat wave so I spent my life in the pool, lol. There was lots of cals burned through that, but I didn't track it.

    I'm actually technically only down half a lb since last week because of the new workout (Insanity) but I'm hoping come the end of June, I'll still have met my goal of 245.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    This is a great idea! So excited.. Okay. For the month of June my goal is to lose at least 5 pounds and workout at least 3 times a week.

    I'll be using my good old fashioned scale to measure. My motivators are my husband who loves to run. He always wants to go running together, but I'm so out of shape that I'm embarressed to even try. I also want to get healthy so that when we start a family we will have healthy habits.

    My biggest weakness is CARBS and my husband. My hubby loves macaroni and cheese and bacon. I'm no better really, I love mashed potatoes and pasta of any kind. The hardest part of healthy eating for me is cutting back on these.

    The calories that I have to burn per week is 2200 (yikes). One thing that I hate, but know is good for me is running. I suppose I will run twice per week.

    You don't have to give up carbs, you just have to eat the right ones. You can have whole wheat pasta, and prepare your potatoes in a healthy way. :smile:

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Cspong - what week are you on in Insanity?

    Maalea- DO you have any other DVD's available to do? or Cardio equiptment? You mentioned
    that you can't do 30DS because of your knees. Is it particular moves in 30DS? if so, which ones agrevate your knees? Can you substitute an exercise you can do for those that bother your Knees? For example, if Jumping jacks agrevate it, maybe just walk in place and move your arms way up and down. Another *free* idea is to search on the web. I know that exercise dot tv use to be free and have online videos you could do. My last idea is to do a 60-30-20 workout. 1 minute of any cardio (your choice...like walking in place, or jogging, jumping jacks, squats, lunges) 30-Ab exercises ; 20-push ups. Try to complete 8-10 rounds (which would be about 25-30mins without a warm up or cool down. If 60-30-20 is too many reps....Modify to the reps you can do. Hope that helps a little .

    Just revieweing my goals for this week
    Eat 5-7 fruits/veggies per day. (Currently that is not a problem...love the fresh fruit right now!)
    Tracking food with MFP for the next 6 days. (Going good, I messed up and added Thursday's meals into Friday...so Today has to go into Thursday)
    Calories to Burn this week: 2930 (I'm at 2589minutes of exercise done/scheduled...so the cals to burn should be easy to beat)
    New Activity: Turbo Fire on Thursday. (Check Markd)

    I have to keep my motivator in mind. I am feeling weak....
    Motivator this week: Going to Vegas on June 21st. Need to keep it clean and mean for Vegas.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    So, if anybody has suggestions for alternative, please let me know!

    Have you tried Jillian's Beginner workout? I find it easier on my knees. (I have bad knees too) Also, things like Turbo Jam always have a person to show you how to modify the exercises for people with those situations.

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    New Activity: Turbo Fire on Thursday. (Check Markd)

    Please let me know how it is! I can't wait to get it one day. Though, I think I'll get Chalene's Get On The Ball program first, cuz my swiss ball is too small for my height.

  • jnicole878
    I want in but will start monday june 18th.
  • jnicole878
    Just getting started this month but I still would like to take part so I am. If I keep saying next month next month I am never going to get started right. .My goals for this month will be to lose 4lbs.

    I will be using the scale at the gym to measure my losses.You guys are my motivation along with my kids and husband. It is also going to be nice to not be so tired all the time because of the weight I am carring around.

    I am going to do more situps amd working with weights. I already do but I hate them so I dont do as much as I need to. Another goal is to log in everyday to log my meals.

    I will have to burn 2500 calories this week.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,316 Member
    Hi everybody, here is my Tuesday check-in:

    First of all, thank you for your suggestions! I have looked around a bit on youtube and found some nice videos. (Although I didn't find JM's Beginners workout, but many things else.) Now I have decided to mainly stick with the 30DS (I like the setup, that it is rather short and so doesn't give me many excuses not to do it), but I will substitute all the moves which aggravate my knees by something else - e.g., I have found "The Butt Bible" on youtube, and there are some leg exercises which should work just fine.
    This week I did only some cardio workout (walking and elliptical trainer), but I will get back on track.

    Besides this, last week has been good - until the weekend I was a bit frustrated because the scales didn't move any.
    On the weekend I realized that a number of clothes fit much better than before, so from this moment all frustration was gone. :happy:
    And today the scales finally moved again - yeah!

    Besides this, I more than fulfilled my exercise goal (2500 kcal), I had the big homecleaning session, I started to cook more myself (and eat less prepared food), although this time of the year there is so much to do at work - so I am quite content with myself.

    Goals for the next week:
    Once again, exercise for 2500 kcal,
    continue to cook more by myself,
    get back to working out with the modified 30DS (and not just cardio)
    and pay attention to eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • BuzzyLizzy77
    BuzzyLizzy77 Posts: 42 Member
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Goal for LAST week:
    Eat 5-7 fruits/veggies per day. (MET)
    Tracking food with MFP for the next 6 days. (Fail - 4 days tracked)
    Calories to Burn this week: 2930 (FAIL - 2439)
    New Activity: Turbo Fire on Thursday. (MET)

    Okay -I didn't meet the Tracking Calories...but I did track exercise.
    I also didn't get in as much exercise as planned..... I haven't felt like doing extra. Perhaps I need to put in more of the other activities I do, such as shooting hoops, or gardening, or walking. I do these but, I don't consider them to be 'exercise' jsut daily activities.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Goals for This week June 19th:

    I will be away June 20-24th. Not sure If tracking is in the plan but, lets set that as a goal!
    1) Tracking food intake (either on MFP or paper or whatever) June 20 - 24th - every day!
    2) Calories to burn this week (2500);
    3) New Activity: working out LIVE with Tony Horton!
    4) at 5-7 Fruits/veggies each day.
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Goal for last week:
    I did cook more this week
    I burned 2240/2612 Did not make it AT ALL. There was some confusion though, one day it seemed to log way under, and another day I did 2 hours of exercise and it said I burned 0 calories.
    I did do the Hip Hop Abs Total Body Burn
    I did Burpees 4 times. Still hate them.

    Goals for This week June 19th:

    Bear with the start of Eat More Weigh Less
    I have to burn 2836 calories. I don't see this happening, but I will do my best.
    My new activity for this week will be Lisa Rinna Dance Body Beautiful ~ Ballroom Learn & Burn
    The not nice but twice goal is cooking. People love it. I hate it.
