June-July-August Challenge



  • tropikanagirl
    tropikanagirl Posts: 53 Member
    Goal for this week:
    To do two sets of p90x with my
    Regular walking session
    I made sure to eat no less than five servings of
    fruits and veggies daily.
    To find two very healthy and tasty recipes
    I can rotate in dinner.
    I cook daily so this is not an issue.
    Activity for the week is bicycle at least 3 times
    after dinner. I would prefer to sit and watch a show

    I will have to burn 2400 a week. I am going to try my best. :-)
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I tend to find some yummy recipes here...


  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,316 Member
    Thanks for the link, I'll have to check it out, too!
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    You're welcome :smile:

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Goals for last week June 19th:

    Bear with the start of Eat More Weigh Less ~ I've been doing this
    I only burned 2487/2836 calories. :frown: I find it weird that I burned more calories on Saturday where I did nothing, than yesterday where I did strength training and high intensity cardio, but I can only go with what it says.
    I did my Ballroom Learn and Burn
    I did my not nice but twice.

    Goals for this week June 26th:
    Trying not to gain 50 lbs this week.
    I have to burn 2836 -- yeah right!
    My new activity for this week will be finding something active to do during my sister-in-law's wedding long weekend in Tobermory! So scared that I won't find the time to do some exercising.
    Does getting up super early count as not nice but twice?

  • tropikanagirl
    tropikanagirl Posts: 53 Member
    My goal for the month is to lose at least 2
    inches off my waist and at least 5 pounds.
    I will be measuring myself using a tape measure and a scale.
    My motivator is to fit nicely into a size 9 by August. I think If I work hard enough in July, I can achieve this goal.
    A big weakness is the bread! So I will have to find more veggie and fruit recipes to keep around once that temptation rolls around..

    Since I have to burn 2,400 calories a week, I was short by 300!!! Ugh! I was more irritated that I did not meet the goal but was happy i came close.
    This week's activity will be walking at the park in the evenings. They have a greatwalking trail and I think it is longer than 2 miles. I will not want to do this since I will have watched four active children all week. But I know I can accomplish this goal. :-))

    I am going to do planks this week. I hate how shaky it makes me feel, but I am going to do it. I have an app called Skimble and it makes free workouts or you can even create your own workout. So that is what I will be doing :-)).

    Wish me the best of luck and pray for me this week!!!
  • tropikanagirl
    tropikanagirl Posts: 53 Member
    I would look for areas that have sidewalks and walk! I would grab your favorite DVD and workout to that early in the morning and try to add a "walking" workout to that to get the most burn possible. So if you do happen to eat that tasty treat, you wont feel as bad. :-)
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I would love to join

    My goal for July is to lose 4lbs
    I will use the scale, I hate the scale but it is a good way to measure how we do

    My motivation is to be healthy......I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid and before starting MFP i was so sick that I was in bed several times a week, would fall asleep constantly even in mid-sentence , had falling episodes,etc. Since getting healthy I feel like I have my life back

    I need to burn 2200 cals a week

    This weeks activity will be bike riding
    I hate tricep dips but I will do them at least 2xs this week
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,316 Member
    My goals for this last week have been:
    -) exercise for 2500 kcal: done (just over 2500)
    -) cook more by myself: partly, could definitely use improvement
    -) working out with the modified 30DS: I just managed one time... partly due to the heat wave, partly to general laziness
    -) eat more fruits and vegetables: done

    The entire week I had the impression that I did too few exercises and would never reach the 2500 cal burn - we had a heat wave, and combined with the end-of-term stress at work, it was just so hard to motivate myself. Only when I calculated my total, i realized that I was just over my goal of 2500 cals. It is kind of funny how the self-assessment can be wrong - or how different it is from some time ago, when I would have considered 2500 cal burned a too ambitious and almost unreachable goal...

    Besides this, I lost som eweight, and now have reached 81 kg, which is the upper limit of my "normal weight" range - so I am not overweight any more :-)
    Wow! I am still in such a good mood about it...

    Nevertheless, I have to improve on my goal reaching the next week:

    exercise for 2500 kcal,
    cook more by myself, with more vegetables
    work out more with the 30DS
    use again the elliptical trainer, at least twice
  • BuzzyLizzy77
    BuzzyLizzy77 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm a little late joining this challenge, here goes:

    This week I will burn 2000 calories (gym, cycling and walking)
    Drink 4 pints of water per day
    5 x fruit/veg per day

    Between now and the end of August I would like to lose 1.5lb a week
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Goals for This week June 19th:

    I will be away June 20-24th. Not sure If tracking is in the plan but, lets set that as a goal!
    1) Tracking food intake (either on MFP or paper or whatever) June 20 - 24th - every day!
    2) Calories to burn this week (2500);
    3) New Activity: working out LIVE with Tony Horton!
    4) at 5-7 Fruits/veggies each day.

    That was my last post.
    I was away and I tracked a couple days by hand then stopped because it was pointless. Pointless in the sense that my meals were:
    B: Shake
    L: Shake
    Sn: Protein bar
    D: Salad/Chicken

    Unsure of the calorie burn. I was in seminars but woke up at 5:30am and was active until 10pm each night.
    I was able to workout with Tony and Shaun T live. As well as see Chalene Johnson. It was an inspiring week that left me really busy with my side coaching business. Its really hard to work 2 jobs and be a mom.

    Anyway. New goals are in order.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Goals for This week July 4th:

    1) Week 2 of the Ultimate Reset. Follow Week 2 to a T.
    2) Track Calories burnt with the Body bugg for 2 entire days
    3) New Activity: walking and biking. Walking Daily, Biking at least twice.
    4) Tracking food intake a couple days would be okay. Lets go for 2 days tracking

    I am not sure if you guys know what the ultimate reset is...its a way to reset the body. I am doing it because:
    1) It has a meal plan where you get off of the sugar/fats and I really have binge issues every now and then with those 2 items. I want to release myself from that habit.
    2) I want to see if it will realign my hormones (pre-menapause) and also my thyroid.

    Week 2 is Detox and Vegan (No Meat/Dairy/eggs) Week 3 is Vegan only. Oy' I have to read up on week 2 - it starts tomorrow.
    Today I get to try Quinoa for the first time!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,316 Member
    not so much to report from the last week...
    I managed to meet my calorie burn goal (barely), and I ate much fruit and veggies - of course, this was easy because we have a heat wave right now, so I don't have much I want to eat anyways... I just have to stay away from icecream...
    Well, besides that, I used the heat as an excuse to do my strength training (30DS), so that has to stop.

    Regarding the weight, it is going down :-)
    I missed my weight goal for June (80kg) by about 0.3 kg, but since I didn't really expect to meet it, that's okay - I did better than I thought.

    So, my next longer term goal: At mid August, there is a gathering of family and friends, and I want to reach 78 kg by then, and fit comfortably into a certain dress.

    For next week:
    2500 kcal burn
    and don't use the heat as an excuse for not doing 30DS
    new exercises: second level of 30DS
    not nice but (at least) twice: taking the stairs
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member

    Goals for this week June 26th:
    Trying not to gain 50 lbs this week.
    I have to burn 2836 -- yeah right!
    My new activity for this week will be finding something active to do during my sister-in-law's wedding long weekend in Tobermory! So scared that I won't find the time to do some exercising.
    Does getting up super early count as not nice but twice?

    I managed to only gain a couple pounds so I guess I achieved my goal of trying not to gain 50 lbs.
    I have no idea what I burned in the week because my fitbit doesn't work right now. I'm working with them to try and get it fixed. As of today I've started going by a calculator I found online that swears it's accurate.
    The only active stuff I was able to do while away was walking.
    Still don't know if it counted, but I did have to get up early each day.

    Goals for this week July 4th:

    Getting back on track with my diet
    I'm supposed to burn 2829 calories this week. No comment.
    My new activity will be my Valerie Bertinelli video.
    Something not nice, but twice. Hmmmm. I think I'm running out of these right now. Can I reuse cooking? Still hate it...

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I would look for areas that have sidewalks and walk! I would grab your favorite DVD and workout to that early in the morning and try to add a "walking" workout to that to get the most burn possible. So if you do happen to eat that tasty treat, you wont feel as bad. :-)

    Thank you. They didn't have a dvd at the motel though. I did manage to do some walking though. And I ate crap all long weekend. :embarassed:
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member

    My motivation is to be healthy......I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid and before starting MFP i was so sick that I was in bed several times a week, would fall asleep constantly even in mid-sentence , had falling episodes,etc. Since getting healthy I feel like I have my life back

    I'm so glad to hear that you feel like you have gotten your life back! That is wonderful to hear!!

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member

    Besides this, I lost som eweight, and now have reached 81 kg, which is the upper limit of my "normal weight" range - so I am not overweight any more :-)
    Wow! I am still in such a good mood about it...

    That's amazing, congratulations!! Good for you!

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Goals for This week July 4th:

    1) Week 2 of the Ultimate Reset. Follow Week 2 to a T.
    2) Track Calories burnt with the Body bugg for 2 entire days
    3) New Activity: walking and biking. Walking Daily, Biking at least twice.
    4) Tracking food intake a couple days would be okay. Lets go for 2 days tracking

    I am not sure if you guys know what the ultimate reset is...its a way to reset the body. I am doing it because:
    1) It has a meal plan where you get off of the sugar/fats and I really have binge issues every now and then with those 2 items. I want to release myself from that habit.
    2) I want to see if it will realign my hormones (pre-menapause) and also my thyroid.

    Week 2 is Detox and Vegan (No Meat/Dairy/eggs) Week 3 is Vegan only. Oy' I have to read up on week 2 - it starts tomorrow.
    Today I get to try Quinoa for the first time!

    Wow, good for you. I don't think I'd be able to do that!

  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,982 Member
    Thanks HardyGirl for the vote of support.

    I am following Week 2. Trying to do it to a T.
    I started to wear my bodybugg but, I accidentally got it wet :( hope it recovers.
    I am walking. Biked yesterday. Will do again 1 more time
    I have not tracked my calories.

    **So far I have had some Agave but no sugar/artificial sweetner or Truvia for the past 8 days. I do not have any cravings for sugar(oddly enough); I also have not had butter/margarine etc. only some Olive oil. And no cravings for pizza or burgers. I am actually finding the cooking of the meat for my family (while I can't eat any of it) to be #1) Rude of them for asking me to cook it and #2) kinda gross to be touching dead flesh. Just sayin.

    Quinoa was great. And my DS loves it! He also thinks my salads look amazingly good so he wants to try one. I will have to do that soon before he decides not to!
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Wow, you're doing so wonderful, you're so inspiring!!
