

  • ilovesparkle
    ilovesparkle Posts: 127 Member
    Working out is tough on the first day, but if you push yourself to do it, you feel a million times better. My cramps feel almost nonexistent when I am working out :)
  • art3mislecter
    art3mislecter Posts: 57 Member
    I also don't feel like working out during the first couple of days of my cycle-- I tend to get really painful cramps, and it hurts to sit or stand. But honestly, even if I just go for a walk, I always feel better after exercising-- it alleviates the pain for me. The first couple of minutes do hurt, though-- my advise is to work through the pain. It will probably feel much better when you're done =) Good luck!
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    Eat some cinnamon or take a cinnamon supplement. I started today too, but very light cramps after taking a cinnamon supplement!

    You should also avoid carbohydrates, which make cramps worse.
  • giselle9938
    giselle9938 Posts: 194 Member
    I exersize on through even with cramps unless I am super bad then I rest.


    I hate you TOM :grumble:
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    I always do...
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Yes, I suffer through it, and usually end up feeling much better after.

    Some days my work out is a little lighter, especially on the first day, but any exercise is better than sitting on the couch eating ding dongs and complaining about having a uterus.

    Ok I still do that too sometimes...
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I haven't had any issues like that. I usually feel better if I work out that day though. I'd suggest taking 2 Ibuprofen or Midol, waitinf an hour for it to kick in, and then try exercising.

    I agree, I would take some Ibruprofen beforehand. It may help with the cramps. I simply feel like crap the week before and have cramps bad but always feel better after I workout.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    I feel so much better when I do.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,022 Member
    I usually dont work out the first day because of such bad cramps I try to go for a walk it depends on how bad it is. The second day I try to do some form of exercise even if it is a light workout
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    I feel better after I workout... overtime the symptoms will subside; working out will help out eventually. Take some Midol and tell yourself No Excuses.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    SO funny you ask... this is me, TODAY. I went even though I didn't want to. Interval ran for 3 miles and ran out of steam (usually do 5)...

    BUT in the end, I feel mildly better and not so craptastic that usually accompanies me that first day (or two)
  • Mommy2Avaj
    Mommy2Avaj Posts: 140 Member
    I did. I cramp unbelievably the first couple days, but I made myself anyways. I hurt later, but I felt so much better that I didn't use that as an excuse. I'm still on, and still working out.
  • Time4tee
    Time4tee Posts: 17 Member
    So i have a question for you ladies. are you exercising on the first day of your cycle? im having a really hard time gettin a good workout in the first couple days of my cycle. the cramps and lack of energy and i get nauseous not long after i get started. and i feel like crap when i dont workout uuugghhh!! any advice or thoughts on the subject?

    I have the same problems all but the nauseous feeling (this was bad when I was younger), my OBGYN told me to take 800mg of Advil when i feel this coming on, it tends to help. I just make myself do some type of exercise anyway and usually feel better. Last month I took my first Zumba class because I was having such a bad mood swing due to cycle and felt much better, since I laugh the entire time of class since I can't dance.
  • lisaishotpink
    Too much cardio makes me dizzy and weak because my cramps/nausea are so bad. The first 2 days I pretty much can only walk for my form of exercise but I make sure to drink enough H2O to make me pee every 10 minutes and that helps a little. Good luck!
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I've tried and can't. The last 5 years has been getting "worse" for me during those oh so lovely days and just making it into work is about all I can do sometimes. I've tried but I hurt worse after and have been sick following minor cardo work-out. So I just try to watch the cals & get some walking in, but that's all I can manage.
  • LindaLouLu
    LindaLouLu Posts: 271 Member
    I do the routine, but not as vigorous.
    Usually, I go through 24oz of water on a normal day (during a workout), at TOM I double it.
    I used to get crippling cramps and could barely function through the routine at the lightest setting. As the weight has come off, the cramps have lightened up. I still take an Ibuprofen about an hour beforehand though.
    By the end of the workout, I feel like King Kong!!!
    Even if I'd rather be sleeping :laugh:

    Good luck to you! I hope someone has a useful tip for you.

    P.S. Before starting to lose the weight, TOM lasted 7 days solid. Now (right around 40lbs lost total) that punk is down to FIVE!!!
  • sensualmess
    sensualmess Posts: 47 Member
    If I do workout, I'll just do it with moderate/light effort. Sometimes it's even impossible, but what can you do...
  • iluv2laugh
    iluv2laugh Posts: 204
    I hate getting my period it's so annoying but i try to excersice and i feel much better then i would sitting around the house, when i get my period i like to play soccer and baseball with my friends and i also like playing other sports and being active instead of sitting on the couch complaining about how much pain i'm in. I think it helps to take my mind off of it! :D
  • ShaunaLaNee
    ShaunaLaNee Posts: 188 Member
    I take Advil, drink lots of water on the way to the gym....I push through no matter what. I always feel better when it's over.. Now if I could just control my eating on that day, life would be grand! SIGH
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    I know it's crazy to some but I feel much better if I workout. I know it's hard and somedays it's near impossible but I'm always happy afterwards.

    It's funny that it works, but it does. ^This, always!