after loosing weight anyone scared to become pregnant?



  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    I don't think I'd have too much of a problem with my own baby either. Gotta have something to do for that first 2 months when all the baby does is sleep lol.

    Oh you are in for the reality check from hell when you have a baby...

    hahahahahahahaha good luck with that

    Lol I already have had one, He just turned 2, and the first two months, nothing but sleep.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Nope! Losing the weight to be the perfect BMI to get pregnant with my surrogate baby! I won't have the actual baby to take care of when I'm done so I'll have plenty of time to tighten back up! =) I don't think I'd have too much of a problem with my own baby either. Gotta have something to do for that first 2 months when all the baby does is sleep lol.

    This is an amazing thing you are doing. You are giving someone the greatest gift in the world. God Bless people with hearts like yours

    Thanks hunny! The couple I'm doing it for is 10 times more amazing though. Went thorough so much before deciding to go with surrogacy, then has to watch someone else do what she always dreamed of. I'll try to do everything I can to make her feel like she's the tummy-mummy, but it won't even be close.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Nope! Losing the weight to be the perfect BMI to get pregnant with my surrogate baby! I won't have the actual baby to take care of when I'm done so I'll have plenty of time to tighten back up! =) I don't think I'd have too much of a problem with my own baby either. Gotta have something to do for that first 2 months when all the baby does is sleep lol.

    You my dear, bring meaning to the word SELFLESS... kudos.

    I whole heartedly agree, "selfless". That's wonderful thing you are doing. I'm 46 and have never been able to get pregnant. Now, being in the best shape I've ever been in and working on getting off another 30 lbs. or so to get to goal, still have not been able to "close" the mommy door to life. It burns down deep inside more so than ever now. We'll see. But, I feel so in control of my eating and being physically fit (or getting there) right now, that I truly believe that I now know what to do if I got pregnant to continue to exercise and stay in control of my eating to stay in shape. I just hope I haven't learned these lessons too late!

    I'm so sorry for your hardship. and I really hope this is the turning point for you and some day you just wake up and are surprised with morning sickness and joy =). I know nothing I can say would make it any easier, and I have no clue how hard it is but know there are plenty of women out there to help you get there!
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    i lose weight like a monster when I am pregnant.
    I know that is not usual. I went from 393 (no joke) to 150 during my very first pregnancy.

    I am just weird.

    PS...I have six kids... hahahaha

    I'm the same way. I started at 135 before I was pregnant, got up to 151 when I was pregnant (weight just kept fluctuating until 5 months) then the day I had my son I was 129 things aren't exactly the same *shape* but never had to buy maternity clothes and my son was a happy healthy 7.8lbs and 22 inches long.
  • strawberry904
    Kinda. I lost 60lbs then had a baby and I gained about 40 lbs then I kept with the bad habits & gained it all back. But that was my 1st child & didn't know wat to expect so u know better u do better!! I was my mom's 3rd child so by the time shegot to me she only gained 16 lbs & lost the whole 16 the same day I was born. By juicing, double yolk eggs but I think organic should do...message me for more details. My momma said u don't have to necessarily eat everything. Drink lots of water like now, still exercise, eat the same if u like cuz the baby will take fat,protein etc from u regardless so u can just take a vitamin. My aunt ate basically sunflower seeds the whole time & my lil cousin was 7lbs lol
  • jaxxwalker
    jaxxwalker Posts: 18
    Im trying to lose weight to qualify for IVF some people don't have the choice.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    But now that you are healthy you shouldn't be scared! The problem women make is thinking, oh im pregnant i can eat whatever I want and sit on my bum! Problem is thinking you can 'eat for two' when in reality you are only supposed to eat an extra 100 to 400 calories a day when pregnant! Your supposed to only gain 25-30 pounds while pregnant, ask any of your friends who gained 60 pounds and they alllllll tell me they ate like crap and didnt exercise. Go for walks, heck go for a jog! Eat the healthy way your body is adapted to now and you will lose the majority of it once you give birth! Tell me if you gain 30-lose 20 after birth, that after ALLLLLL this, 10 pounds sounds easy now!
  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    Not sure if this will make sense.

    It does scare me a little but in other ways. We tried for 2 years to get pregnant and was told by a IF specialist I have about a 5% chance of actually being able to conceive. After taking a year off and before looking into adoption we have considered trying again with a second opinion. However; with the progress I've made the last 6 mths by losing the weight I've gained partially from dealing with the infertility, loving myself more and finding goals I want to conquer like a 1/2 marathon; I will say I am scared and a little selfish to want to go down that path again right now. It's not really the weight for me, but a lifestyle I've built now that I want to enjoy and do more things with in the time being.

    I personally think that makes total sense. I don't think it's wrong to be selfish. I also don't think it should be assumed that everyone wants children. There are other things in life that I can imagine myself doing... like continuing to travel and see the world, retire early, meet my goals. I think I'd be a great mom, but I just don't know if that's the lifestyle I want right now. I also am scared ****less about what it would do to my body. I know I gain weight easily and I also know my mom had horrendous stretch marks and I heard that is hereditary. :-{
  • drkristamiller
    drkristamiller Posts: 11 Member
    I'm not afraid either, I'm losing weight to become pregnant as well:)
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Eat healthy during your pregnancy like you're supposed to, exercise (check with your doctor first), drink lots of water. I've had four babies and the most I gained was 20 pounds. Eating healthy prevents huge weight gain.
  • MonkeyFlower
    MonkeyFlower Posts: 92 Member
    I’m feeling pretty nervous, we are talking a bit about having another baby. With my first son I was back in my jeans after 6 weeks without really trying but its taken me 2 years to get back with my last little boy so am dreading a bit how long it will take if we do go back….saying that its so worth it and if I could just remember not to eat pancakes and maple syrup every day for the entire 9 months am sure I would make life much easier on myself! :laugh:
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Not sure if this will make sense.

    It does scare me a little but in other ways. We tried for 2 years to get pregnant and was told by a IF specialist I have about a 5% chance of actually being able to conceive. After taking a year off and before looking into adoption we have considered trying again with a second opinion. However; with the progress I've made the last 6 mths by losing the weight I've gained partially from dealing with the infertility, loving myself more and finding goals I want to conquer like a 1/2 marathon; I will say I am scared and a little selfish to want to go down that path again right now. It's not really the weight for me, but a lifestyle I've built now that I want to enjoy and do more things with in the time being.

    I personally think that makes total sense. I don't think it's wrong to be selfish. I also don't think it should be assumed that everyone wants children. There are other things in life that I can imagine myself doing... like continuing to travel and see the world, retire early, meet my goals. I think I'd be a great mom, but I just don't know if that's the lifestyle I want right now. I also am scared ****less about what it would do to my body. I know I gain weight easily and I also know my mom had horrendous stretch marks and I heard that is hereditary. :-{

    Thank you bc sometimes I feel totally guilty thinking that way now especially after everything we went through. Who knows, I change my mind everyday. :)
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    What better reason to lose weight than to pass that health onto such a special little being! Who cares if I gain every single pound back, at least I know that I was as healthy as could be. Sure I dislike that I may have to go through all this again but it will not have any affect on my urge to have another child. I gained 60lbs with DD, I was only down 10 a year later, and even though I don't like the weight gain I still don't regret a single ounce of it!
  • Smores18
    Smores18 Posts: 119 Member
    BTW, I just wanted to add that I'm not trying to make anyone feel bad for their feelings on the matter. I'm sure most of you who feel that way have not been through over a year of trying to conceive and multiple losses as I have and I definitely understand what a baby does to the body and how discouraging it can make you feel.
    My main point is just to move your mind to a different light. Try not to see it as losing weight just to gain it all back, or getting a good figure just to lose it again. Try to think of it as becoming more healthy to give your children the best shot you can in this world. What better reason is there!?
  • MzMandi1025
    MzMandi1025 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm actually losing weight so that I can get pregnant again. I'm not scared about gaining weight back. When I was pregnant with my daughter, I did really well & only gained 15 lbs. I was overweight to start, so I was very careful not to gain anymore weight than I needed to. After I had her, I dropped a lot of weight in a short amount of time. But I went back to work & bad habits came back & so did the weight. I think I stand a better chance of keeping any weight off now than I did back then.
  • HokeyPokey2
    HokeyPokey2 Posts: 91 Member
    If you want more kids, I would not let it hold you back. Think of it this way... if you are gaining muscle and losing weight, and you exercised (lightly) and ate right during your pregnancy... the added baby weight should come off easier.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    of course its scary. but you have done it before so can do it again. i got pregnant in feb again but found out in april it wasnt meant to be. gained 9lbs which im trying to lose again. However, im not letting the weight gain take away the fact i want to get pg again. It will come off as im eating better and exercising. As long as you continue to eat well and exercise you will be fine.