Looking Good For Christmas - week 4



  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Breakfast was Quaker oatmeal with skim milk and timmy's coffee with milk .... mmmmmm. But the scale wasn't my friend this morning ...

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    pretty toes!!
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Okay, gained 10lbs on vacation but I'm sure most of it is water weight since my ankles are swollen like a pregnant lady!!! Back to reality today!!!

  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    Breakfast this morning? HEHEHE.. honey nut cheerios with milk (I know, sugary - but I REALLY needed the boost this morning,:yawn: and I don't drink caffeine usually) and a small serving of cottage cheese.

    Wasn't bad tho - only 200 cals, so I'm happy, and mmm.. the honey nut cheerios tasted so good:love: - what a treat first thing on a Monday morning :laugh:
  • SusieSonshine
    SusieSonshine Posts: 252 Member
    Good morning all.

    I have a dilemma this week. My b-day is Thursday and I know I will probably be a little off track...or maybe alot. I am going to try REALLY hard to make good choices. But I am SUCH a cake person...and I LOVE to bake. My god daughter's b-day is Thursday also...she has requested a cake on her b-day and 3 dozen cupcakes for her b-day party Saturday. My plan is to be realistic about this and allow myself a taste...:blushing: or two. I am baking a cake for myself too - but plan to take it to my moms (she has 4 teenagers and my dad there who will gladly take it off my hands :wink: ) to cut and leave it there! I will allow myself one hearty piece. But, the catch is that today thru Wednesday I have to push...stick to my workout and eat only fat-free/low-fats. I know I'm suppose to get a certain amount of fat each day...but not getting it all for a week or so shouldn't hurt so bad should it? I don't plan to skip out on my calories...just the fat! Do you think this is a big deal?

    Hi Kendra!

    Just have a moderate-sized piece of cake; that's my advice. Make sure you've eaten properly so that you're not "starving" by cake time!

    And please, please, please take 90 minutes sometime today, or at least this week, to watch the video link in my signature--Sugar: The Bitter Truth. Then you'll know just what a big deal it is to cut out fat but not sugar, especially HFCS.

    All the best to you on your journey to fitness!! And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Susie :flowerforyou:
  • new_Kendra
    Good morning all.

    I have a dilemma this week. My b-day is Thursday and I know I will probably be a little off track...or maybe alot. I am going to try REALLY hard to make good choices. But I am SUCH a cake person...and I LOVE to bake. My god daughter's b-day is Thursday also...she has requested a cake on her b-day and 3 dozen cupcakes for her b-day party Saturday. My plan is to be realistic about this and allow myself a taste...:blushing: or two. I am baking a cake for myself too - but plan to take it to my moms (she has 4 teenagers and my dad there who will gladly take it off my hands :wink: ) to cut and leave it there! I will allow myself one hearty piece. But, the catch is that today thru Wednesday I have to push...stick to my workout and eat only fat-free/low-fats. I know I'm suppose to get a certain amount of fat each day...but not getting it all for a week or so shouldn't hurt so bad should it? I don't plan to skip out on my calories...just the fat! Do you think this is a big deal?

    Hi Kendra!

    Just have a moderate-sized piece of cake; that's my advice. Make sure you've eaten properly so that you're not "starving" by cake time!

    And please, please, please take 90 minutes sometime today, or at least this week, to watch the video link in my signature--Sugar: The Bitter Truth. Then you'll know just what a big deal it is to cut out fat but not sugar, especially HFCS.

    All the best to you on your journey to fitness!! And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Susie :flowerforyou:

    Thank you for the encouragment and birthday wishes Susie!!! I am eager to watch the video...this should be interesting :-)
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Hello all!

    Kendra: It's your BIRTHDAY!!! Have you're piece of cake! But I do think it's a great idea to leave it somewhere so you don't snack on it in moments of weakness over the next few days! Happy B-day!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Memaw: I'm sure it's mostly water weight and will come off in the next couple days of eating back on track and exercise. I bet you had fun on va-k though!!!

    As for myself I've stayed pretty much on track over the weekend, but am still trying to break this plateau... going on 5 weeks.:explode: So frustrating!!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    It sounds like you are doing great! I hope you measured yourself so you can really see the differences. Sometimes we do just have to ignore the scale. So your plan sounds like just what you need. Think of all the muscles you are building. Hooray! :flowerforyou: :drinker: You are doing awesome!:bigsmile:

    Thanx I appreciate it. I have been taking measurements at different times during the 90 days. This is week 11 for me, so just a few more weeks and I will take my last measurements for this round. I am hoping for good results. I am sure I will especially in my mid-section area. That is where I feel I have lost the most. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Start Date July 15 - Starting weight 185 lbs.
    Week 1 July 22 - 185.6 ( +.6)
    Week 2 July 31 - 186.8 ( + 1.2) 4 days in Vegas

    Week 3 August 5 - 187.2 (+.4) (2.2 GAINED since starting :frown: )
    Week 4 August 12
    Week 5 August 19
    Week 6 August 26

    Not making myself a priority has caused this....I MUST CHANGE! so many of you are doing great! Keep it up! :bigsmile:

    Hang in there it will get better. Just remember to plan your meals and exercise at least 3-5 times weekly. The scale is not as important as how you feel with what you are doing to better your health. :bigsmile:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there gang ... I just did a 40 minute Turbo Jam Party DVD and according to my HRM I burned 449 calories ... woo hoo ... not too shabby. I'm just relaxing a bit to get my heart rate back to normal so I thought I would chat a bit with you here. So ... what did you do to exercise today???
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    I started the Couch - to - 5k Running Plan today! Great job on burning 449 cals. today. I am :cry: I only burned 200! But drank 96oz. of water and still have 3 more hours before bed. Shooting for another 24oz.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I went over my calories just a little today so what did I do??? I got home from school and seeing my fiance and I worked out for an hour. I burned 300 calories and now I am under my calories for 2 days in a row.:noway:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Hi there gang ... I just did a 40 minute Turbo Jam Party DVD and according to my HRM I burned 449 calories ... woo hoo ... not too shabby. I'm just relaxing a bit to get my heart rate back to normal so I thought I would chat a bit with you here. So ... what did you do to exercise today???

    Congrats on burning so many calories. I did 10 minutes of Ab Jam, 20 minutes of Turbo Jam, and then Week 1 of Biggest Loser Cardio...burned 300 calories.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Where is everyone today? Are we eatting healthy? Are we getting our exercise in?
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    So I went over my calories just a little today so what did I do??? I got home from school and seeing my fiance and I worked out for an hour. I burned 300 calories and now I am under my calories for 2 days in a row.:noway:
    It is okay to be under our calories a little, that is not too big of a deal. Also, going over on occasion is okay, just try not to make it a habit. If you are exercising and eating healthy foods, then you are doing just fine. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I am kinda starting over this week today. I had to have a biopsy (down there) done yesterday, so I felt jumping around would not be good for it. So I thought that I would have ice cream and chinese for dinner last nite. I know that I should not have, but I kinda felt sorry for myself. Today is a new day. I have been eating on schedule and I do plan on working out tonite. I am doing P90X so I feel really bad about not working out last nite. I will have to make up what I missed over the weekend.
    Keep it movin' everybody. Have a fantastic day. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Where is everyone today? Are we eatting healthy? Are we getting our exercise in?

    How are you doing today? :bigsmile:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hope all is well with your biopsy. Not a pleasant feeling to have anything done down there. Great plan to get right back on track with healthy eating and working out.

    I got a great walk/run in this morning before work started. Hope to bike during nap time again.

    Final day before weigh-in...eat right, get in a great work-out and drink that water.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    Doing good today. NOT looking forward to working out. It's so humid outside. But I WILL do it later on this evening:wink: Going for 96oz. + for water today:drinker: EXCITED to get on the scale tomorrow!!

    Hope everyone has a GREAT day:flowerforyou:
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    I am kinda starting over this week today. I had to have a biopsy (down there) done yesterday,

    Hope everything turns out ok:flowerforyou:
  • sjmay
    sjmay Posts: 386 Member
    JJtonic - i hope your biopsy turns out ok. No wonder you had chinese and ice cream. After something like that it is much deserved!

    Got up early this morning and got my walk/run in before work. I am on week 3, day 3 of c25k, and I don't know if it was the humidity or what, but I didn't find I did that well with it this morning. I think I will do it a few more times before moving on to week 4.

    Had a great breakfast and quite a lunch (chicken tenders and macaroni) which I know that I shouldn't have, but when I checked the cals, I was quite impressed it wasn't more than it was!

    I bought a scale last night (I usually use the one at my parents house) so I had to try it out when I got home. There was quite a difference in my weight since last week, so I think I will check mine tomorrow morning and then check what it is on theirs so that I know the difference between the two....
    Got curious to what my cat weighed last night. I always thought he should be on a diet, now I know he should.... 28.2 pounds... yikes!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Anyways, enough of my rambling.... i hope everyone has a great day! :flowerforyou: :smile: :drinker: