Dating someone different... did it change your type?



  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I'm a sheltered Irish/German American. Small family, a hand full of aunts and uncles and then several cousins. My family is super religious, no on in my family ever been to jail, or serious trouble with the law. No tattoo's, no fighting, just do as we are told, stuff along that line. I was not allowed to watch anything that was above a "PG" rating, even as a teenager! I was an army brat too, most of my extended family are in the military too.

    Now my husband, been together a total of 10 years, married 8. Him and his family is complete opposite. He is Italian/English American. He has dozens of aunts and uncles and tons of cousins, huge family! The English side was guards for the English nobility, and the Italian side is part of the Mob. Majority of his family aren't religious, they almost all have ink. Most have done jail time. They are fighters and don't take **** from no-one. No-one is military in his family, one of his cousins tryed it, but was booted for yelling back at the drill Sergent, and not following orders. lol His parents let him watch whatever he wanted, didn't care the rating. He got a laugh out of hearing I had never seen any of the movies her watched as a child, because my folks "banned" them.

    When they say opposites attract, they weren't lying. lol We are so happy together and wouldn't change a thing!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    this is going to make me sound like a man *kitten*....


    Country girls
    Gothic girl
    Rich Chick
    Party girl
    a lesbian couple
    a couple Black ladies
    some very religious christian chicks
    a couple random undefinable ones

    and how could I almost forget the stripper

    Married a tom boy
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I have never dated a Hispanic woman before my current girlfriend. I f*cking love it. She's perfect.

    I approve this message... what is it about her that you love? I'm curious.
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    I have never dated a Hispanic woman before my current girlfriend. I f*cking love it. She's perfect.

    I approve this message... what is it about her that you love? I'm curious.


    More specifically...

    As far as physical features go she's got this crazy out of control curvaceous body, beautiful long black hair, and great big beautiful eyes. Beautiful smile complete with the most adorable dimples.

    Her personality is like no other. She's feisty, quick tempered, intelligent, kind, compassionate, simply amazing. One of the most caring and charitable people I have ever met.

    She drives me wild in every sense of the word. Plus it's a total turn on when she speaks Spanish. Which I do not. But I am learning.

    She was made for me, of this I am certain. :heart:
  • mamamudbug
    mamamudbug Posts: 572 Member
    this is going to make me sound like a man *kitten*....


    Country girls
    Gothic girl
    Rich Chick
    Party girl
    a lesbian couple
    a couple Black ladies
    some very religious christian chicks
    a couple random undefinable ones

    and how could I almost forget the stripper

    Married a tom boy

    I don't know about man *kitten* but you should definitely change your user name to United Nations. :wink:
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    I don't have a type. Basically if I'm single, as long as I'm attracted to someone and they seem fun, I'm willing to try a date or two.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I have never dated a Hispanic woman before my current girlfriend. I f*cking love it. She's perfect.

    I approve this message... what is it about her that you love? I'm curious.


    More specifically...

    As far as physical features go she's got this crazy out of control curvaceous body, beautiful long black hair, and great big beautiful eyes. Beautiful smile complete with the most adorable dimples.

    Her personality is like no other. She's feisty, quick tempered, intelligent, kind, compassionate, simply amazing. One of the most caring and charitable people I have ever met.

    She drives me wild in every sense of the word. Plus it's a total turn on when she speaks Spanish. Which I do not. But I am learning.

    She was made for me, of this I am certain. :heart:

    Sweet! How long have ya'll dated for?
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    I have never dated a Hispanic woman before my current girlfriend. I f*cking love it. She's perfect.

    I approve this message... what is it about her that you love? I'm curious.


    More specifically...

    As far as physical features go she's got this crazy out of control curvaceous body, beautiful long black hair, and great big beautiful eyes. Beautiful smile complete with the most adorable dimples.

    Her personality is like no other. She's feisty, quick tempered, intelligent, kind, compassionate, simply amazing. One of the most caring and charitable people I have ever met.

    She drives me wild in every sense of the word. Plus it's a total turn on when she speaks Spanish. Which I do not. But I am learning.

    She was made for me, of this I am certain. :heart:

    Sweet! How long have ya'll dated for?

    Just over 6 months.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I might be bringing back a dead thread but.....

    crisanderson27 is totally my type. Have you seen him in a darn cowboy hat? Jesus.... talk about handsome. It gets even better though, along with the looks, he's super sweet!

    If I had him I wouldnt change my type! :wink:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I might be bringing back a dread thread but.....

    crisanderson27 is totally my type. Have you seen him in a darn cowboy hat? Jesus.... talk about handsome. It gets even better though, along with the looks, he's super sweet!

    If I had him I wouldnt change my type! :wink:


  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Hm...well I've grown up in the country, but my last boyfriend was a computer geek and he and my best friend got me into gaming, anime, etc, plus skateboarding (mutual friends of ours...we hung out more frequently and our friendships developed) and got into not so good things as but that was that and I've learned lessons from my experiences and grew up a little from each one, so it turned out for the best. I don't think I have a specific 'type', but they should be fairly intelligent, nerdy, and not a complete *kitten* haha.
  • bhayes82
    bhayes82 Posts: 37
    Ah, stereotypes. Glad to see they're alive and well.

    My type: women who can think beyond the kind of outfit a man wears.
  • Cmonnowguys
    Cmonnowguys Posts: 361 Member
    What I haven't dated:

    Cop or fireman (fantasy!)
    Sugar daddy

    the fantasy isn't all it's cracked up to be . . . trust me
    Also ^^this^^ massive massive MASSIVE let down.

    Haha, too true.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    My type changed to an entirely different gender. :laugh: I've only dated geeks though.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    What I haven't dated:

    Cop or fireman (fantasy!)
    Sugar daddy

    the fantasy isn't all it's cracked up to be . . . trust me
    Also ^^this^^ massive massive MASSIVE let down.

    Haha, too true.

    My sister dated a cop. He turned out to be the biggest psycho on the planet. My cousin married a fireman...not far behind lol.

    Now, I'm not saying they're all that way...I'm just saying that people are people...regardless of the job they perform.
  • cynthiamc
    cynthiamc Posts: 10 Member
    Save a horse, Ride a cowboy. Wrangler butts still drive me nuts!!
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    I don't know if I've ever had a type, but I actually grew up in the South with a lot of not-so-smart country guys who all chew tobacco, wear camo every day, and are infatuated with their big trucks.
    I have to say, country boys are not for me. Besides, I absolutely loathe country music :(

    I dated this guy in high school that taught me what I didn't want: irresponsible and with poor grammar skills.

    My boyfriend right now is an intelligent guy who loves being healthy and cooking healthy things for me (yum!). From him, I learned that I love a guy that cares for our health and encourages me to work out together and eat healthy foods (with a slice or two of coffee cake every now and then.)
    He's right in the middle of being categorized. He knows how to fix his own car, but reads me poetry at night. He's the one for me :)
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    My type changes every time I date someone new.

    What does it change into? A new penis. Good enough for me.
  • sdai3
    sdai3 Posts: 28 Member
    I always think i'm changing my type but they all end up to be basically the same person. I finally strayed away from drummers of bands to a guitarist... hah! He's kind of a country boy but mixed in with bro-hardcore. Horrible mixture. I have no idea how we get along at all hahah. Ah well, at least he treats me 110% better than anyone else i've ever seen.
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    I might be bringing back a dread thread but.....

    crisanderson27 is totally my type. Have you seen him in a darn cowboy hat? Jesus.... talk about handsome. It gets even better though, along with the looks, he's super sweet!

    If I had him I wouldnt change my type! :wink:



    My heart is all like "Awe. Sweetest thing ever." but my brain it like "this is ****in awesome." I think they both suffice.