Tatoo free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    What's that good ol' saying? The only difference between tattooed and non-tattooed people is that tattooed
    people don't mind if you're not tattooed.

  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 985 Member
    And what's the point of your post???

    Oh nothing... Well thats nice.

    holy! i know right?!!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    Sounds like a Vent- which I like! I have zero, don't really see the point, the human body is beautiful as it is, needs nothing, ladies should stay classy. it's a fad, so much more but I'm quitting now. all of this is my opinion only. my age- 38

    I don't see how a tattoo can make someone less classy..

    seriously! :angry: Im getting one very soon...it means a lot to me.
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    Not that anyone cares about my opinion BUT just because a girl has a tattoo does not make her/it beautiful. Ive seen some beautiful girls with nice tattoos, ive seen some beautiful girls with ugly tattoos. Ive seen some ugly girls with nice tattoos and ive seen some ugly girls with some ugly *kitten* tattoos. And you all can say that you get tattoos for personal reasons and you dont care what anyone thinks, but i'm willing to bet that a lot of you got them because all your friends were getting them or just think you need to show that your with the "in" crowd. I'm not saying all of you did that. And whats with this "every one of my tattoos has a story" crap, none of you got a tattoo just because you liked how it looked? Like, hey thats a cool tattoo, I think i'll get it.

    Maybe its different with girls than it is with guys, most of the guys I know with tattoos just got them to show off and look "cool"
  • tosmoothash
    tosmoothash Posts: 187 Member
    Well I can respect her opinion...but I disagree!!! I think tattoo's are beautiful and sexy on either sex. Some are art...others have meanings...and there may be a few that are just spur of the moments. But it is to each his own...who am I to judge...I have 5 and I am no where near finished!!!!
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    I am tatoo free too.
    I have 1 tattoo. A tiger head on my right calf. I took a long time to decide if I wanted it. 5 years. I was 28 when I got it and I don't regret it at all.

    How is this different from getting piercings? I have only my ears pierced....but I have friends that have a lot more pierced...nose, brow, ears, tongue, kitty....... I'm too chicken to get more than just my ears pierced and will freely admit that.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I say, to each their own. I have 5, and don't plan on getting another. Unless something serious in my life happens, and I feel the need to memorialize it. Each of my tattoo's are custom designed and very personal and tell a story. I know lots of people without, and lots with. I've seen tattoo's that are just horrid as well. So yea like I said, to each their own.
  • territhefrog
    territhefrog Posts: 1,134 Member
    My son has several tattoos also. 1 of them is the same tattoo my father got when he was in Korea in the Army and 1 of them is a tiger head like the tattoo I have. He got them to honor us. So those 2 have meaning to him....the others...I believe were on a whim when he didn't have anything better to do on a Saturday night when he was in school with the Army.
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    I thought about getting a tattoo once just to tell my story. Then I thought: "self, just tell them the story!"


    Every individual has an opinion on tats. They either like em or don't. They think they are sexy or they don't. Bottom line: Does it really matter?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I don't like tattoos either. They're not attractive to me and I think they ruin nice skin. But I know I'm in the minority.
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    Not that anyone cares about my opinion BUT just because a girl has a tattoo does not make her/it beautiful. Ive seen some beautiful girls with nice tattoos, ive seen some beautiful girls with ugly tattoos. Ive seen some ugly girls with nice tattoos and ive seen some ugly girls with some ugly *kitten* tattoos. And you all can say that you get tattoos for personal reasons and you dont care what anyone thinks, but i'm willing to bet that a lot of you got them because all your friends were getting them or just think you need to show that your with the "in" crowd. I'm not saying all of you did that. And whats with this "every one of my tattoos has a story" crap, none of you got a tattoo just because you liked how it looked? Like, hey thats a cool tattoo, I think i'll get it.

    Maybe its different with girls than it is with guys, most of the guys I know with tattoos just got them to show off and look "cool"

    :angry: tattoos meaning something isnt CRAP...ive been working my *kitten* off for 9 months to get one
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 740 Member
    I'm INKING all over this page!!! :smokin:
  • Drenched_N_Motivation
    Drenched_N_Motivation Posts: 1,004 Member
    Not that anyone cares about my opinion BUT just because a girl has a tattoo does not make her/it beautiful. Ive seen some beautiful girls with nice tattoos, ive seen some beautiful girls with ugly tattoos. Ive seen some ugly girls with nice tattoos and ive seen some ugly girls with some ugly *kitten* tattoos. And you all can say that you get tattoos for personal reasons and you dont care what anyone thinks, but i'm willing to bet that a lot of you got them because all your friends were getting them or just think you need to show that your with the "in" crowd. I'm not saying all of you did that. And whats with this "every one of my tattoos has a story" crap, none of you got a tattoo just because you liked how it looked? Like, hey thats a cool tattoo, I think i'll get it.

    Maybe its different with girls than it is with guys, most of the guys I know with tattoos just got them to show off and look "cool"

    :angry: tattoos meaning something isnt CRAP...ive been working my *kitten* off for 9 months to get one

    Please dont delete me from your friends list. :flowerforyou:
  • A canvas can also be a beautiful and amazing thing on its' own, but made even more beautiful when a creative and meaningful message in art form is put upon it. I believe that my body should be a portrayal of who I am, but it alone cannot display the enormity of what I've been through and the full extent of my personality. With my tattoos, people know exactly who I am and what I stand for when I walk into a room. (Which I prefer) They also open up many a conversation with shy people or when I'm being a bit shy. I love my four and plan on getting many more!
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 682 Member
    Not that anyone cares about my opinion BUT just because a girl has a tattoo does not make her/it beautiful. Ive seen some beautiful girls with nice tattoos, ive seen some beautiful girls with ugly tattoos. Ive seen some ugly girls with nice tattoos and ive seen some ugly girls with some ugly *kitten* tattoos. And you all can say that you get tattoos for personal reasons and you dont care what anyone thinks, but i'm willing to bet that a lot of you got them because all your friends were getting them or just think you need to show that your with the "in" crowd. I'm not saying all of you did that. And whats with this "every one of my tattoos has a story" crap, none of you got a tattoo just because you liked how it looked? Like, hey thats a cool tattoo, I think i'll get it.

    Maybe its different with girls than it is with guys, most of the guys I know with tattoos just got them to show off and look "cool"

    :angry: tattoos meaning something isnt CRAP...ive been working my *kitten* off for 9 months to get one

    Both of my tattoos mark milestones in my life. the next one will be when I reach my fitness goal which I've been working on for over 6 months. sure, there are people who treat their bodies like sticker books and just go get whatever looks cool that day but a lot of people really have a story to tell with their ink, its an expression of themself. I can agree that ink isn't for everyone but I've never judged someone for not having any. sheesh!
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    tattoos meaning something isnt CRAP...ive been working my *kitten* off for 9 months to get one

    You've been working your *kitten* off just for a tattoo? WOW! Well, different strokes for different folks. I hope you reach your goal and it turns out better than you anticipated.
  • mbcan316
    mbcan316 Posts: 41 Member
    First, lets get the spelling right . . . its TATTOO
    second . . . nobody out there is getting a tattoo because they are worried about what YOU will think of them
    third . . .tattoos MEAN SOMETHING to those who choose to get them
    fourth . . . tattoos (done well) on either sex are hot and no one will ever convince me otherwise

    THIS!!! And yup, I've got one & plan to get more. I :heart: ink!!
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    SO ... your point is??

    BTW, I like turtles!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    There are 100 tattoo threads a day and this one is about how she is happy about not having one....you all jump on her. Is this thread needed? Probably not, but what about the 100 sex threads or 100 tattoo threads put up daily?

    The internet is full of tough guys.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Not that anyone cares about my opinion BUT just because a girl has a tattoo does not make her/it beautiful. Ive seen some beautiful girls with nice tattoos, ive seen some beautiful girls with ugly tattoos. Ive seen some ugly girls with nice tattoos and ive seen some ugly girls with some ugly *kitten* tattoos. And you all can say that you get tattoos for personal reasons and you dont care what anyone thinks, but i'm willing to bet that a lot of you got them because all your friends were getting them or just think you need to show that your with the "in" crowd. I'm not saying all of you did that. And whats with this "every one of my tattoos has a story" crap, none of you got a tattoo just because you liked how it looked? Like, hey thats a cool tattoo, I think i'll get it.

    Maybe its different with girls than it is with guys, most of the guys I know with tattoos just got them to show off and look "cool"

    lol, me I lived a sheltered childhood, I'm the only one I know in my family with ink. Heck, some of my family shun me even, because they are stuck up Catholics that think its a sin to mark your body or "temple". I got my 1st tattoo at 21, now I'm up to 5. My 1st one was just because I hate butterfly's so I got a dragonfly instead, lol now everyone buys me dragonfly stuff thinking I'm obsessed with them, just because I got a tattoo of one. The other 4 are personal and do have a story :smile:
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