Disturbing Relationship Revelation...



  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I'm 5'0" and my waist is 28" … I'm much shorter and my waist is still larger than you. I'm working on changing that, but I'm also about 10 lbs from my weight goal so I know it's not going to get a whole lot smaller.
  • ScarredVampiress
    haha! No problem there. XD

    Yeah, it's super hard, since now his metabolism is higher than it was before, since he didn't used to eat breakfast but I'm slowly getting him into good eating habits so he's been eating breakfast for a few months now! But that means his metabolism is a little higher than when he skipped it. But also, it's more expensive to eat more, of course, so I thought of getting him high calorie bars or something to at least help. And lots of carbs, I shall try that.

    I also give him more food than I give myself when I serve dinner. >.>
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    what a horrible problem to have {sarcasm} lol.

    It kind of is in all seriousness lol. Its so much harder to gain weight than it is to lose it.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    It IS really small, he's underweight, yeah, is true. His BMI is even below 16. But he does eat and he tries to gain weight but he's also really busy with his work lately and mostly only eats 4 pieces of bread and dinner a day...So he NEEDS to train in order to gain weight but he's a little busy right now and doesn't find it very 'important.' Like it's ONLY about appearence. I don't think he's as suppourtive about me losing weight or..anyone, really.

    No matter how hard he trains he will not gain weight, unless he eats more than maintenance. even with strength training he will continue to lose weight, unless he ups his caloires considerably.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    At 6'2" and 123 lbs, I just can't imagine that he is healthy. I'm 5'11" and 123 lbs is underweight for me.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    No, he doesn't need to train. Eating so little he'll just get even skinnier. Buy him a weight gainer powder and some chocolate bars.
  • ScarredVampiress
    YES my husband is the same height as I am and was usually 135, and psyched that he's up to 140. I can fit in a couple of his pants. Hopefully all soon!

    Much be interesting to be the same height! Whenever I hear a guy weighs less than 145, it just always seems small to me.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    from the time I was 15 until I was 26 I was 6' 125lbs with a 29 inch waist and ATE everything in sight. I started working out hard in my 20's, drank protein drinks and I only gained 10lbs/ year. It wasn't until I got older that I started gaining weight more easily (then more than I wanted).

    If he is otherwise healthy, then his weight should not be an issue. We put too much emphasis on the "perfect" weight, when in fact, NOBODY knows what that is!
  • gwduker
    gwduker Posts: 293
    I knew my boyfriend was small, but I didn't think *that* small!

    We had a bet going that whomever lost/gained more weight, would win, so he was supposed to gain weight of course, but he didn't train for a long time, so I officially declared him the loser. So, I weighed him in just to check, and he weighs 56kg(123lbs)!!! Especially at 188cm(6'2") that's tiny. TINY. And I measure his waist, maybe his waist got bigger, he used to be 76cm(30") and now I find out he's 69(27").....I'm 172cm(5'8")....

    MY BOYFRIEND HAS THE SAME WAIST SAME AS ME!!! How depressing...it's really demotivating.. :(

    Anyone gone through that? (even though it's almost ridiculous at 27", so feel free to share if you're bigger than that! )
    I used to be in shape, and hope to get there again. Your story reminds me of when we went to get fitted for tuxes. They measured me last and when they measuered my bicep my soon to be 17 yr old step son gave me a real funny look. I asked what was wrong, and he said, "Your bicep is as big as my neck!" I told him, "And don't you forget it either!" :)

    Now, my waist has caught up with my age(56). :( That's why I am on this sight...
  • Chameleone
    Chameleone Posts: 281 Member
    One of the things that got me motivated was when I realized I weighed more than my bf, he loses and gains weight so easily when he's not even trying to and I remember his family making fun of him because he'd gained weight and when they weighed him he weighed about 5 lbs less than me. He's only about 3 or 4 inches taller than me but he's a dude, so I think he's supposed to weigh more! So I became determined to weigh less than him... now he's got about 25 pounds on...=)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    123 at 6'2 seems almost too small. Maybe he should look into that.

    Maybe see his doctor? Has he always been this thin?
  • ScarredVampiress
    No, he doesn't need to train. Eating so little he'll just get even skinnier. Buy him a weight gainer powder and some chocolate bars.

    I want him to train maybe 15 min a day so he'll get hungrier to get in the mood to eat more, but of course he needs to eat more..a LOT more.
  • JaySpice
    JaySpice Posts: 326 Member
    I knew my boyfriend was small, but I didn't think *that* small!


    That's all I read.


    Poor kitty.
  • ScarredVampiress
    Chm- It is a fantastic feeling to weigh less than your bf! :D

    swiss- he has always been thin. I'm more worried that he's actually been LOSING weight. He just seems to get smaller and smaller, and I'm not gonna wait until he's 1,5%BF to do something about. It's like being anorexic without knowing it, since he's so busy and eating about 1000-1300 calories a day. Plus, being so tiny has just as many bad things as being too big does. And I like that he still has hair! :( I don't want it to start falling out, he'll look like his father in no time.
  • ScarredVampiress
    I knew my boyfriend was small, but I didn't think *that* small!


    That's all I read.

    ...Maybe not the best opening line. >_>
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member
    It IS really small, he's underweight, yeah, is true. His BMI is even below 16. But he does eat and he tries to gain weight but he's also really busy with his work lately and mostly only eats 4 pieces of bread and dinner a day...So he NEEDS to train in order to gain weight but he's a little busy right now and doesn't find it very 'important.' Like it's ONLY about appearence. I don't think he's as suppourtive about me losing weight or..anyone, really.

    Tell him to drink those ensure drinks. They help you gain weight
  • ScarredVampiress
    It IS really small, he's underweight, yeah, is true. His BMI is even below 16. But he does eat and he tries to gain weight but he's also really busy with his work lately and mostly only eats 4 pieces of bread and dinner a day...So he NEEDS to train in order to gain weight but he's a little busy right now and doesn't find it very 'important.' Like it's ONLY about appearence. I don't think he's as suppourtive about me losing weight or..anyone, really.

    Tell him to drink those ensure drinks. They help you gain weight

    Ensure? Never heard of it. Also on a budget, so can't buy anything too expensive like protein shakes or bars(which seem totally overpriced), also we are in Netherlands(visit Belgium..) and we have a lot of different products, apparently.
  • AlexanderK1994
    AlexanderK1994 Posts: 243 Member
    I'm about 10kg (22lbs) heavier than my gf :/ I'm hoping to become at least her weight...
  • lbelle987
    lbelle987 Posts: 97
    I know the feeling...My husband and I are the same height. When we met, I was wanting to lose about 15-20lbs. He was fit & at a healthy weight. We weighed roughly the same. Then I gained a lot over the next two years & he stayed about the same. On our wedding day, I looked like a beached whale next to him; which is fitting, since we were married on the beach.

    It was a top goal of mine to weigh less than him haha and now I'm about 20lbs lighter than he is :-)
  • ScarredVampiress
    I'm about 10kg (22lbs) heavier than my gf :/ I'm hoping to become at least her weight...

    (you're also female right? not some guy pretending to be? XD) Yeah, I think that's really hard as well. It's like a never-ending battle, since every girl wants to be smaller than their significant other! So, they may lose weight when you do. XP It's super tricky that way. Well, more of a measurements war than anything else, I think.