Found guilty, teen to serve year in fatal texting crash



  • couponfun
    couponfun Posts: 714 Member
    Here's other food for thought: Had a case where a guy rear-ended a minivan. Normally not a bad accident, but the mom had gone to the back seat and taken her baby out of the car seat while they were driving because the baby was hungry and crying, instead of pulling over. So when they were rear-ended, the mom lost her grip on the baby and the baby went flying through the car and subsequently died from her injuries. Does that make the guy that rear-ended them a murderer? No. Did the mom murder her baby? No - she used poor judgement.

    Anyways, rant over :) Sometimes as a society we have to realize that the gray area is very, very big and not every situation is cut and dry.

    It is not murder on the driver's part.. HOWEVER, that mother.. she's responsible here. I'm very serious about carseats and using them correctly ALL the time. There are too many children that are hurt and killed becuase the parents were lazy or "in a hurry" and thought it would be okay "just this once" or they loosen the straps and lower the chest clip because it's "more comfortable" for the kid. Parent's have to take responsibility for these things, it may not be murder, but it's neglect.

    Agreed - but if you saw the news she and her husband wanted the guy that hit them charged with murder for killing their baby, and no she wasn't charged/ticketed for not having their child in the car seat. That one made me almost throw up - it was a tough one.
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Anyone defending the actions of a distracted driver is a fool. It's as bad as saying McDonald's is why you are FAT.

    Every choice you make has reactions that happen all around you. If you cause an accident that results in death, YOU ARE A MURDERER. YOU CHOSE to be the Cause of the accident. And you should be punished as so.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    I made my daughter fill this out when she got her permit and subsequent license. To the best of my knowledge, she never violated it. She never got caught at least. She's 18 now and an adult, but my name is still on the title of the car she drives and she is still on my insurance.


    Absolutely No Texting or using Cell Phone while driving. Get a different ringtone for Mom and Dad. When they call, safely exit the road, park and call back in a timely fashion.
    What happens if Holland gets caught Texting or using Cell phone while driving?
    • 1st Offense – Lose Driving Privileges for 1 month.
    • 2nd Offense – Lose Driving Privileges for 2 months.
    • 3rd Offense – Lose Car - Mom and Dad will sell it and give Holland the profit when she turns 18, at which time she will be responsible for getting her own vehicle and her own insurance.
    Does having a car give Holland permission to freely go anywhere she wants at any time?
    • No. Holland must still ask permission to go out. Holland will be where she says she is going. Holland will be home when at the agreed upon time.
    What happens if Holland gets a ticket and her Insurance increases?
    • Holland will pay the difference or Holland will not drive.
    Provided Holland’s GPA was 3.0 or above on the previous report card and no individual grade is below a C, Holland can get a job in 2011 as long as her grades do not suffer. (“Suffer” is a subjective term and is wholly defined by Mom and Dad)
    What happens if Holland’s grades begin to suffer?
    • Holland will quit her job and concentrate on her studies.
    How will Holland finance her fuel costs without a job?
    • Daddy will increase Holland’s allowance from $20 to $50 once she has a vehicle. $25 per week WILL be sufficient to purchase gas during the school year.
    • During the summer of 2010, Mom and Dad will entertain thoughts of Holland getting a P/T job, as long as it does not interfere with the family vacation.
    • Mom and Dad will continue to assist Holland by assigning chores during the summer. These chores and compensation for said chores will most likely increase since Holland will have the ability to carry out chores that would require the use of a vehicle.
    Who is responsible for the care and maintenance of Holland’s vehicle?
    • Holland !! Note: Mom and Dad will make sure that Holland’s new vehicle has good tread on the tires. Daddy will pay for a basic Oil Change every 4,000 miles.
    Whose name will be on the Title of Holland’s new Vehicle?
    • Michael and Jannette Vallandinhgam
    Who has permission to drive Holland’s new vehicle?
    • Holland, Jannette and Michael Vallandingham.
    I, Holland M. Vallandingham, understand the above information completely and agree to all conditions as outlined. I understand that any sanctions levied upon myself for non-compliance are solely my fault and I enter into this contact freely.
    Signature_____________________________________________________ Date_____________________
    Witnessed by________________________________ and ________________________________________
    (Daddy) (Mommy)


    This is awesome and I applaud you for being a responsible procreator trying to raise another responsible human being!

    I work in college admissions, and seeing the way some of these kids (not that they're all kids, they aren't) both treat and are treated by their parents... well, it's little wonder they feel no sense of responsibility or respect for anything in the world.
  • mtaylor33557
    mtaylor33557 Posts: 542 Member
    Here's other food for thought: Had a case where a guy rear-ended a minivan. Normally not a bad accident, but the mom had gone to the back seat and taken her baby out of the car seat while they were driving because the baby was hungry and crying, instead of pulling over. So when they were rear-ended, the mom lost her grip on the baby and the baby went flying through the car and subsequently died from her injuries. Does that make the guy that rear-ended them a murderer? No. Did the mom murder her baby? No - she used poor judgement.

    Anyways, rant over :) Sometimes as a society we have to realize that the gray area is very, very big and not every situation is cut and dry.

    It is not murder on the driver's part.. HOWEVER, that mother.. she's responsible here. I'm very serious about carseats and using them correctly ALL the time. There are too many children that are hurt and killed becuase the parents were lazy or "in a hurry" and thought it would be okay "just this once" or they loosen the straps and lower the chest clip because it's "more comfortable" for the kid. Parent's have to take responsibility for these things, it may not be murder, but it's neglect.

    Agreed - but if you saw the news she and her husband wanted the guy that hit them charged with murder for killing their baby, and no she wasn't charged/ticketed for not having their child in the car seat. That one made me almost throw up - it was a tough one.

    Oh wow, that's awful of her.. I know she was jurting from her loss, but there is no way it was the other drivers fault.. if the baby had been properly restrained it probably wouldn't have suffered any serious injuries. I agree with you - that's throw up worthy!
  • kjdhappy
    kjdhappy Posts: 10 Member
    1 Year for killing someone - hmmm - guess killing someone with your car is no big deal!
  • ONE03
    ONE03 Posts: 125 Member
    Just like drinking and driving, it will matter little. What would help is a hands free law for car manufacturers. Even the new Carolla comes with Bluetooth. We have the technology for everything to be voice activated including reading texts and sending them. There is no reason to take your eyes off the road even to turn on the car heater.

    Yep, I just bought a car (not a fancy one either, a 2011 Mazda 3) and even it has bluetooth so I don't have to take my eyes off the road if I get a call or something. These safety features are really invaluable.

    There was a thing out a while ago that said hands free calling is just as distracting as holding the phone. I can believe that. I often get flustered and panicky if someone tries to tell me something important while I'm driving. Maybe that's just me...

    THen I guess we should make it illegal for the driver to talk to the passengers in the car, messing with radio or eating in the car. :)

    actually when my best friend was new to driving, she would get really distracted when talking to us in the car to the point of getting lost. so we'd just be quiet while she was driving. doing so may be ok if we're the only ones on the road, but we do share it with others where our mistakes can harm them. being busy eating and turning while the pedestrian walk signal is on.... people like to think they can manuever in time.
  • twkelly
    twkelly Posts: 91 Member
    Yes, I am blaming parents for this. Its too bad in our society parents feel like they need to be friends with their children rather than be a parent

  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    I made my daughter fill this out when she got her permit and subsequent license. To the best of my knowledge, she never violated it. She never got caught at least. She's 18 now and an adult, but my name is still on the title of the car she drives and she is still on my insurance.


    Absolutely No Texting or using Cell Phone while driving. Get a different ringtone for Mom and Dad. When they call, safely exit the road, park and call back in a timely fashion.
    What happens if Holland gets caught Texting or using Cell phone while driving?
    • 1st Offense – Lose Driving Privileges for 1 month.
    • 2nd Offense – Lose Driving Privileges for 2 months.
    • 3rd Offense – Lose Car - Mom and Dad will sell it and give Holland the profit when she turns 18, at which time she will be responsible for getting her own vehicle and her own insurance.
    Does having a car give Holland permission to freely go anywhere she wants at any time?
    • No. Holland must still ask permission to go out. Holland will be where she says she is going. Holland will be home when at the agreed upon time.
    What happens if Holland gets a ticket and her Insurance increases?
    • Holland will pay the difference or Holland will not drive.
    Provided Holland’s GPA was 3.0 or above on the previous report card and no individual grade is below a C, Holland can get a job in 2011 as long as her grades do not suffer. (“Suffer” is a subjective term and is wholly defined by Mom and Dad)
    What happens if Holland’s grades begin to suffer?
    • Holland will quit her job and concentrate on her studies.
    How will Holland finance her fuel costs without a job?
    • Daddy will increase Holland’s allowance from $20 to $50 once she has a vehicle. $25 per week WILL be sufficient to purchase gas during the school year.
    • During the summer of 2010, Mom and Dad will entertain thoughts of Holland getting a P/T job, as long as it does not interfere with the family vacation.
    • Mom and Dad will continue to assist Holland by assigning chores during the summer. These chores and compensation for said chores will most likely increase since Holland will have the ability to carry out chores that would require the use of a vehicle.
    Who is responsible for the care and maintenance of Holland’s vehicle?
    • Holland !! Note: Mom and Dad will make sure that Holland’s new vehicle has good tread on the tires. Daddy will pay for a basic Oil Change every 4,000 miles.
    Whose name will be on the Title of Holland’s new Vehicle?
    • Michael and Jannette Vallandinhgam
    Who has permission to drive Holland’s new vehicle?
    • Holland, Jannette and Michael Vallandingham.
    I, Holland M. Vallandingham, understand the above information completely and agree to all conditions as outlined. I understand that any sanctions levied upon myself for non-compliance are solely my fault and I enter into this contact freely.
    Signature_____________________________________________________ Date_____________________
    Witnessed by________________________________ and ________________________________________
    (Daddy) (Mommy)


    This is awesome and I applaud you for being a responsible procreator trying to raise another responsible human being!

    I work in college admissions, and seeing the way some of these kids (not that they're all kids, they aren't) both treat and are treated by their parents... well, it's little wonder they feel no sense of responsibility or respect for anything in the world.

    But is all of this really necessary for your child to drive a car? My mom told me all of this information before I drove, and I knew what would happen if I wrecked or got tickets. Although my situation was different, I walked to work and waited until I had enough from what she had allotted me for a car to use as a start, and she paid for the remainder of the cost towards my blazer. I paid her for the car and insurance every month ($200 while in high school).

    I think that it is just a little too much, it almost seems like you didn't trust her or lay down the law earlier, and also since the document refers to the witnesses it has no real legal standings. Witness has to be someone who isn't included on the documents. I think laying down the laws in paper was a good idea, but all in all this is a bit extreme.

    BTW, I'm now a Sr. in college and still own the car and maintain it myself and the car, while still in my moms name, is paid off and mine as soon as I graduate to use as a trade in for something newer than '95. (insurance purposes).
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I made my daughter fill this out when she got her permit and subsequent license. To the best of my knowledge, she never violated it. She never got caught at least. She's 18 now and an adult, but my name is still on the title of the car she drives and she is still on my insurance.


    Absolutely No Texting or using Cell Phone while driving. Get a different ringtone for Mom and Dad. When they call, safely exit the road, park and call back in a timely fashion.
    What happens if Holland gets caught Texting or using Cell phone while driving?
    • 1st Offense – Lose Driving Privileges for 1 month.
    • 2nd Offense – Lose Driving Privileges for 2 months.
    • 3rd Offense – Lose Car - Mom and Dad will sell it and give Holland the profit when she turns 18, at which time she will be responsible for getting her own vehicle and her own insurance.
    Does having a car give Holland permission to freely go anywhere she wants at any time?
    • No. Holland must still ask permission to go out. Holland will be where she says she is going. Holland will be home when at the agreed upon time.
    What happens if Holland gets a ticket and her Insurance increases?
    • Holland will pay the difference or Holland will not drive.
    Provided Holland’s GPA was 3.0 or above on the previous report card and no individual grade is below a C, Holland can get a job in 2011 as long as her grades do not suffer. (“Suffer” is a subjective term and is wholly defined by Mom and Dad)
    What happens if Holland’s grades begin to suffer?
    • Holland will quit her job and concentrate on her studies.
    How will Holland finance her fuel costs without a job?
    • Daddy will increase Holland’s allowance from $20 to $50 once she has a vehicle. $25 per week WILL be sufficient to purchase gas during the school year.
    • During the summer of 2010, Mom and Dad will entertain thoughts of Holland getting a P/T job, as long as it does not interfere with the family vacation.
    • Mom and Dad will continue to assist Holland by assigning chores during the summer. These chores and compensation for said chores will most likely increase since Holland will have the ability to carry out chores that would require the use of a vehicle.
    Who is responsible for the care and maintenance of Holland’s vehicle?
    • Holland !! Note: Mom and Dad will make sure that Holland’s new vehicle has good tread on the tires. Daddy will pay for a basic Oil Change every 4,000 miles.
    Whose name will be on the Title of Holland’s new Vehicle?
    • Michael and Jannette Vallandinhgam
    Who has permission to drive Holland’s new vehicle?
    • Holland, Jannette and Michael Vallandingham.
    I, Holland M. Vallandingham, understand the above information completely and agree to all conditions as outlined. I understand that any sanctions levied upon myself for non-compliance are solely my fault and I enter into this contact freely.
    Signature_____________________________________________________ Date_____________________
    Witnessed by________________________________ and ________________________________________
    (Daddy) (Mommy)


    This is awesome and I applaud you for being a responsible procreator trying to raise another responsible human being!

    I work in college admissions, and seeing the way some of these kids (not that they're all kids, they aren't) both treat and are treated by their parents... well, it's little wonder they feel no sense of responsibility or respect for anything in the world.

    But is all of this really necessary for your child to drive a car? My mom told me all of this information before I drove, and I knew what would happen if I wrecked or got tickets. Although my situation was different, I walked to work and waited until I had enough from what she had allotted me for a car to use as a start, and she paid for the remainder of the cost towards my blazer. I paid her for the car and insurance every month ($200 while in high school).

    I think that it is just a little too much, it almost seems like you didn't trust her or lay down the law earlier, and also since the document refers to the witnesses it has no real legal standings. Witness has to be someone who isn't included on the documents. I think laying down the laws in paper was a good idea, but all in all this is a bit extreme.

    BTW, I'm now a Sr. in college and still own the car and maintain it myself and the car, while still in my moms name, is paid off and mine as soon as I graduate to use as a trade in for something newer than '95. (insurance purposes).

    TBH I think it's perfectly reasonable. Its their car, their insurance, their gas money etc etc... I'm sure their daughter would have gotten on along fine without it, but again - not her car.
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    I made my daughter fill this out when she got her permit and subsequent license. To the best of my knowledge, she never violated it. She never got caught at least. She's 18 now and an adult, but my name is still on the title of the car she drives and she is still on my insurance.


    Absolutely No Texting or using Cell Phone while driving. Get a different ringtone for Mom and Dad. When they call, safely exit the road, park and call back in a timely fashion.
    What happens if Holland gets caught Texting or using Cell phone while driving?
    • 1st Offense – Lose Driving Privileges for 1 month.
    • 2nd Offense – Lose Driving Privileges for 2 months.
    • 3rd Offense – Lose Car - Mom and Dad will sell it and give Holland the profit when she turns 18, at which time she will be responsible for getting her own vehicle and her own insurance.
    Does having a car give Holland permission to freely go anywhere she wants at any time?
    • No. Holland must still ask permission to go out. Holland will be where she says she is going. Holland will be home when at the agreed upon time.
    What happens if Holland gets a ticket and her Insurance increases?
    • Holland will pay the difference or Holland will not drive.
    Provided Holland’s GPA was 3.0 or above on the previous report card and no individual grade is below a C, Holland can get a job in 2011 as long as her grades do not suffer. (“Suffer” is a subjective term and is wholly defined by Mom and Dad)
    What happens if Holland’s grades begin to suffer?
    • Holland will quit her job and concentrate on her studies.
    How will Holland finance her fuel costs without a job?
    • Daddy will increase Holland’s allowance from $20 to $50 once she has a vehicle. $25 per week WILL be sufficient to purchase gas during the school year.
    • During the summer of 2010, Mom and Dad will entertain thoughts of Holland getting a P/T job, as long as it does not interfere with the family vacation.
    • Mom and Dad will continue to assist Holland by assigning chores during the summer. These chores and compensation for said chores will most likely increase since Holland will have the ability to carry out chores that would require the use of a vehicle.
    Who is responsible for the care and maintenance of Holland’s vehicle?
    • Holland !! Note: Mom and Dad will make sure that Holland’s new vehicle has good tread on the tires. Daddy will pay for a basic Oil Change every 4,000 miles.
    Whose name will be on the Title of Holland’s new Vehicle?
    • Michael and Jannette Vallandinhgam
    Who has permission to drive Holland’s new vehicle?
    • Holland, Jannette and Michael Vallandingham.
    I, Holland M. Vallandingham, understand the above information completely and agree to all conditions as outlined. I understand that any sanctions levied upon myself for non-compliance are solely my fault and I enter into this contact freely.
    Signature_____________________________________________________ Date_____________________
    Witnessed by________________________________ and ________________________________________
    (Daddy) (Mommy)


    This is awesome and I applaud you for being a responsible procreator trying to raise another responsible human being!

    I work in college admissions, and seeing the way some of these kids (not that they're all kids, they aren't) both treat and are treated by their parents... well, it's little wonder they feel no sense of responsibility or respect for anything in the world.

    But is all of this really necessary for your child to drive a car? My mom told me all of this information before I drove, and I knew what would happen if I wrecked or got tickets. Although my situation was different, I walked to work and waited until I had enough from what she had allotted me for a car to use as a start, and she paid for the remainder of the cost towards my blazer. I paid her for the car and insurance every month ($200 while in high school).

    I think that it is just a little too much, it almost seems like you didn't trust her or lay down the law earlier, and also since the document refers to the witnesses it has no real legal standings. Witness has to be someone who isn't included on the documents. I think laying down the laws in paper was a good idea, but all in all this is a bit extreme.

    BTW, I'm now a Sr. in college and still own the car and maintain it myself and the car, while still in my moms name, is paid off and mine as soon as I graduate to use as a trade in for something newer than '95. (insurance purposes).

    TBH I think it's perfectly reasonable. Its their car, their insurance, their gas money etc etc... I'm sure their daughter would have gotten on along fine without it, but again - not her car.

    I guess the situation is different. I worked all the way through high school and the only time I haven't had a job was right when I came to college, and that lasted 3 weeks. I also paid for my car, paid for my own gas, food, and pretty much bought all of my own clothing. I new I had support if I needed it, but I have been independent. Even though it wasn't mine legally, I treated it like gold because I knew the value of hard earned money and the consequences of my actions.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I didn't read the whole article, but I know that in my state, teens have been charged with automobile homicide for fatal accidents caused by texting. Will it change other teens' behavior? Maybe not. But the kid made a bad decision, something he's been told not to do (presumably), and now there's a family who will forever be missing one of their members. One year in prison and no drivers license for 15 years is not too harsh for taking away somebody else's life when it could have been prevented.
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    2 1/2 years for killing someone because they thought they were important enough that they had to answer a text at that very moment? NOT ENOUGH! It's not like it was an accident that he had no control over. He chose to take his eyes off the road and text. The punishment should be far worse. I'd rather see him in jail for 15 years if anything.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I made my daughter fill this out when she got her permit and subsequent license. To the best of my knowledge, she never violated it. She never got caught at least. She's 18 now and an adult, but my name is still on the title of the car she drives and she is still on my insurance.

    But is all of this really necessary for your child to drive a car? My mom told me all of this information before I drove, and I knew what would happen if I wrecked or got tickets. Although my situation was different, I walked to work and waited until I had enough from what she had allotted me for a car to use as a start, and she paid for the remainder of the cost towards my blazer. I paid her for the car and insurance every month ($200 while in high school).

    I think that it is just a little too much, it almost seems like you didn't trust her or lay down the law earlier, and also since the document refers to the witnesses it has no real legal standings. Witness has to be someone who isn't included on the documents. I think laying down the laws in paper was a good idea, but all in all this is a bit extreme.

    BTW, I'm now a Sr. in college and still own the car and maintain it myself and the car, while still in my moms name, is paid off and mine as soon as I graduate to use as a trade in for something newer than '95. (insurance purposes).

    Was it necessary? Absolutely. She never had any indicators that she would be a problem child and she never was, but we didn't want anything open to inperpetation.

    Holland bought her own car as well, but it was under my name. I am, after all, legally responsible for her actions. I will continue to pay her insurance and such as long as she is in college. 10 years.

    By the way, when you have children, you may feel free to test out any theories on child rearing as you see fit. I have three daughters. All responsible adults now. My method of honesty and defined expectations proved out.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    This was NOT severe enough. 1 year for murdering 1 person and disabling one?

    Sadly, this would not be the wake-up call. PARENTS are the ones that need to control the kids. Parents need to be harsher with the kids and simply revoke the phone if they suspect use of phone while driving.

    Yes, I am blaming parents for this. Its too bad in our society parents feel like they need to be friends with their children rather than be a parent

    ^ This. Completely agree.
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    I don't think it's too severe... someone lost their life due to his irresponsible choices. However, I think it will take a lot more verdicts like this to begin to make a difference. Personally, I think there should be a device in cars that boggle the texting signal once the car is in drive. Don't know if it exists... but it would be nice. I see teens texting and driving everyday in Phoenix... the worst was when a girl was steering the wheel with her knees to free up both hands to text. INSANE!
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    This was NOT severe enough. 1 year for murdering 1 person and disabling one?

    Sadly, this would not be the wake-up call. PARENTS are the ones that need to control the kids. Parents need to be harsher with the kids and simply revoke the phone if they suspect use of phone while driving.

    Yes, I am blaming parents for this. Its too bad in our society parents feel like they need to be friends with their children rather than be a parent

    ^ This. Completely agree.

    I second that!
  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    I think its fair to some point.He did take a life in a really foolish way.Imagine how his wife and children feel.I think more like ten years would be right because chances are he's only going to serve half his time anyway,unfair to the victims family.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    What, he's only serving one year? He killed someone and disabled another. He needs a LOT more than one year.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Not severe enough if you ask me!

  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    Taking the kids licence away for 15 years means nothing to so many people. I know of people who have theirs taken away for a month, can't handle and still drive. Anyways. People think they are invincible. Many of my friends don't listen when I tell them that they need to stop texting or talking on the phone while driving. They always respond with "oh, Im really good at it. I do it all the time" Really? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that's what everyone who does it thinks...until they hit someone, kill someone, or themselves. Driving is not a joke. I can't say if it is the right punishment. I think the kid should serve more time in jail. One year is nothing. But he is going to have to deal with what hes done for the rest of his life. That to anyone with a conscience is going to be a very hard pill to swallow.