What do you do when you don't like vegtables!



  • arickim
    arickim Posts: 137
    You can have fruit as a substitute to veggies. Our son hates veggies and we always made him eat them, but the dr said we can just add more fruit for veggies. You can also try smoothieweb.com....hide them in and it might be good.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you do not like any vegetables, this is likely a psychological response. Either an aversion to them because you see them as "diet food" or simply and aversion because you are not used to them. There are too much flavor and texture variety among the many, many vegetables out there for a person to really dislike all of them, if they give them a fair chance (i.e. don't taste them with a preconceived idea that you won't like them).

    Eat them because your body needs them, and eventually you will like some of them. For the most part, taste is a learned behavior. There will always be some foods you don't like, but if you can learn to like, even prefer, some foods that might seem foreign to you now.

    If you don't like a vegetable boiled or steamed, try them sir fried. If you don't like them stir fried, try them roasted. If you don't like them roasted, try them in a recipe (soup, stew, omelet, sauce).

    ETA: Supplementing with juice or vitamin supplements is fine, but should not replace eating vegetables. You will not get the same benefits from some vitamins, minerals and antioxidents in pill form, and juice removes most of the beneficial fiber.
  • payupalice
    payupalice Posts: 126 Member
    It takes your tastebuds 3 weeks to learn to adjust to something. I used to hate lots of things that I eat today (beets, kale), that I even love to eat now.
    Some people have great success with sauces - dressings, pasta sauces, dips
    Some people have success with hiding veggies in things - smoothies (one fruit for every veggie, and you'll never taste the veg), omelettes, soups.
    You can learn to like them!
  • Tishy78
    Tishy78 Posts: 108 Member
    He may reply still, but I have quite the picky hubby when it comes to veggies. In the end, it mostly comes down to texture. We've had the most luck with stuff I roast so that it is just barely cooked, or we leave it completely raw. He will also put spinach in his protein shakes.

    Finally, a little parmesan cheese sprinkled on can go a long way!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Develop a taste for them. Sorry that sounds blunt, but nobody like vegetables when compared to a double cheeseburger.

    Oh, sure they do!! I'd rather have most veggies over a double cheeseburger. Don't get me wrong, I like a cheeseburger, but I despise when there is too much meat. For me, a really good burger has a good balance between meat, bun and toppings. And while I might occasionally be more in the mood for a burger, most of the time I'd take my favorite veggie recipes over the burger.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    I have been interested in roasting/broiling veggies, and I know this sounds dumb but I don't know how to go about doing it. Any tips/tricks/advice/recipes to share?

    Depends on the vegetable - for broccoli, I like to chop them into small pieces (say, 1" at the top), toss with olive oil, little salt and pepper. spread on baking sheet. roast for 15 minutes at 400. stir. roast another 15. I like mine pretty brown. Seriously, I could eat so much of it. I like it with a little hot sauce or sweet chili sauce on the side (a little goes a long way!) I prepare cauliflower the same way. Asparagus, too. I find steamed vegetables pretty revolting, actually, especially when overcooked.
  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Maybe someone has already mentioned it, but if you don't have a grill pan buy one (they are like $20). If you are vegetarian (as I am) a grill pan is seriously a must own item. A grill pan offers a nice easy way to grill a small amount of something without firing up the grill.

    Zucchini, squash, asparagus are my favorites to do this way: Garlic press a few cloves of garlic (or chop if you don't have a garlic press...but IMO you should get a press if you don't have one. I use mine for garlic and ginger) into a large freezer bag, add about teaspoon or 2 of healthy oil. Place washed sliced zuccini, squash or whole asparagus (cut the tough ends off) inside the bag and shake around covering veggies with garlic/oil mixture. You can let the veggies sit in there for a few hours or even days in the fridge. When ready to cook, heat up grill pan using med heat (splash a little water on it when it sizzles pan is at temperature). Lightly spray pan with low fat cooking oil place veggies on pan and let them cook (about 20-25 minutes each side until they get a little crispy on the ends. This is going to take longer than you think and you should turn on your stove fan). If they start to dry out spray (lightly) with cooking oil. These are the most delicious veggies you will ever have. I snack on these, use them as side dishes, chop them into different recipes and they are also really nice over salad.

    One other way to get lots of veggies is to make a veggie soup. I try to make a batch from scratch once a week. Soup freezes very well. Other than that just be sure to slip fresh veggies into your food where you can (lettuce and sprouts in sandwiches, lots of cilantro in salsa etc.)

    Also if you haven't tried Kale trips, then you haven't really eaten kale at it's best. I never liked kale until kale chips. Just be aware of your oil and salt intake.
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    Develop a taste for them. Sorry that sounds blunt, but nobody like vegetables when compared to a double cheeseburger.

    Oh, sure they do!! I'd rather have most veggies over a double cheeseburger. Don't get me wrong, I like a cheeseburger, but I despise when there is too much meat. For me, a really good burger has a good balance between meat, bun and toppings. And while I might occasionally be more in the mood for a burger, most of the time I'd take my favorite veggie recipes over the burger.

    I would take a pound of roasted broccoli over a double cheeseburger ANY day.

    Steamed/raw broccoli? pass the burger, please!
  • SarahJane0691
    SarahJane0691 Posts: 25 Member
    I hate most veggies!! I can only eat them if I 'disguise' them - so i make lots of soup and stirfrys!! Pretty much the only veg intake I get. I love fruit, but its the sugar and carbs in it that make me want to switch some out for veg...
  • bsgkid
    bsgkid Posts: 72 Member
    Put the veggies through a juicer, hold your breath, and chug it down. :sick: Voila, your day's supply of veggies is done in a matter of seconds! :smokin:
  • healthyamberB
    healthyamberB Posts: 47 Member
    Not sure if this was mentioned but try V8 fusions. it's a serving of fruit and veggies but all you taste is the fruit :smile:
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I like vegetables just fine, but I don't wanna waste the money when I can just buy more meat. I meet all my nutritional needs from animal sources. :D
  • souperficial
    souperficial Posts: 122 Member
    I've just been forcing myself to eat them. I'm really picky. The other day, I made myself eat beans. Lately, I've been slipping peppers into lots of the things that I eat. You just have to get over the mental block and then slowly start slipping more of what you dislike into what you're eating.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    hide veggies. I make Indian and Italian cuisine at home mostly so theres alot of "liquidy" entrees prepared and its very easy to hide things. Making pasta? Put in some very very thinly sliced eggplant into your pasta sauce. Making curry. Put some okra in it. Making plain rice? Toss the rice with some shallots, tomatoes and black beans and corn. burgers? Put in some onions and herbs to intensify the flavor inside the meats and then load up the burger itself with some veggies and herbs

    Soups. OMG soups. I basically toss whatever leftover veggies I got into my soup when I make one. Excellent way to empty out your fridges veggie container
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I am watching what I eat and do not eat over my 1200 calories but I do not eat vegtables, I dislike them so much! I did try and eat Cauliflower last night with I don't believe its not butter but only got maybe 1/4 cup if that. I know when tomatoes are fresh I will try and eat them along with greenbeans if they are fresh! Any suggestions?

    I would say try to experiment with cooking them different way. Herbs/Seasoning can be your best friend if you don't particularly love the taste of veggies. But they can grow on you, I'm proof. A year ago, I didn't like them. But now I can't live without them.

    I also wanted to point out that cauliflower and tomatoes are great, but I would aim more for the green veggies. Darker veggies are the most nutritious.

    Make sure you take a multivitamin to fill in all the gaps. :)
  • lroxey
    lroxey Posts: 32 Member
    my hubby and i don't like them much either but i have found a good way i use the steam bags of broc and cali. jun i make a ranch dip by using fage plain yogurt with the ranch powder it is an amazing substitute not to mention healthier for u plus ur gaining a probiotic.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Develop a taste for them. Sorry that sounds blunt, but nobody like vegetables when compared to a double cheeseburger. They will give you the bulk you need to stay satiated as well as give you all the vitamins and nutrients one needs.

    I wouldn't say "nobody". I'm one that would definitely prefer a salad or broccoli stir fry over a cheeseburger any day.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I feel for you!

    I truly hate most green vegetables and most of the time my gag reflex starts when I go near them haha...

    I know this is bad though as greens are probably one of the most healthy things one can eat.

    Lately, I have found a few things that work for better for me though...although calories go higher when prepared to my liking.

    Lately I have been sauteeing string beans "lightly" in coconut oil.
    I have also been able to stomach spinach salad with a non-vinegar (as I don't like vinegar either) dressing on salad.
    Young early peas in a can...they are super sweet and salty.

    These are just a few suggestions, they are obviously not as healthy as eating RAW.

    Just wanted to point out that eating cooked or raw has nothing to do with the nutritional value of veggies.
  • VMarkV
    VMarkV Posts: 522 Member
    To make vegetable I don't enjoy plain, I will add salt and some olive oil or egg yolk if needed for digestion