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  • joankpoirier
    joankpoirier Posts: 281 Member
    LOVE P90X
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member

    and yes, there are other ways to work out, maybe even better ways......, but for a lot of people having something put together, spelled out, for them, is the best and easiest way for THEM to get it done ;-) i know i like it because i can do it at home. i don't always have the TIME to drive 40 min there and back and then work out. i am a single parent to 5 kids! i like that after they are all in bed, i can press PLAY! :-)

    I have not set foot in a gym in over 4.5 years and the videos have been a life saver...kids are not easy to work around and at least my 2 can see Mommy working out and eating right...figure it helps me help them
  • calalily77
    calalily77 Posts: 240 Member
    Hello! I currently am doing P90X and loving it. I'm on phase 2 but am already looking forward to what I can do next. I do love p90x because of the strength training but I love the cardio as well. I think I will do another round and then maybe insanity with some strength mixed in. Lots of hard work and it pays off.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Did TurboJam back in 2006, loved it. Still toss it in all the time, but with hand weights.

    Currently, I own P90X and P90X2 (which I am NOT ready for, at all). LOVE P90X.

    Now, if only I 'pressed play' more frequently, I would be GOLDEN!
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member

    and yes, there are other ways to work out, maybe even better ways......, but for a lot of people having something put together, spelled out, for them, is the best and easiest way for THEM to get it done ;-) i know i like it because i can do it at home. i don't always have the TIME to drive 40 min there and back and then work out. i am a single parent to 5 kids! i like that after they are all in bed, i can press PLAY! :-)

    I have not set foot in a gym in over 4.5 years and the videos have been a life saver...kids are not easy to work around and at least my 2 can see Mommy working out and eating right...figure it helps me help them

    OMG YES! I used to have to wake up at 3:45am to get to the gym by 4am because of my work schedule. I didn't want to go in the evenings because it would take time away from the family. Now my husband does Insanity with me and my four year old kind of jumps along with us =) Eventually she gets bored with it and ends up cheering us on. It's very motiving! Awww....now I wish I was with her right now =(
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I want to reiterate that everyone who takes their fitness seriously should strongly research the science behind it, even if as a hobby. Once you do I think you will find that you can put together a program for your own needs that totally obsoletes any video you've ever done or ever bought.

    Maybe, but I think most people, including me, appreciate the ease of putting in a dvd and being able to follow along. To each their own really.

    I suppose, but I've always believed that:

    Everyone who owns a car should know some basics like how to check their fluids and how to change a tire.

    Everyone who owns a computer should know some basic troubleshooting, like how to reinstall/restore if you need to.

    And everyone who chooses to take on a fitness oriented lifestyle owes it to themself to take some time to learn some of the how and the why behind what they're doing, if for no other reason than to make sure they're not doing it in a way that could cause more harm than good.

    Everything you will ever do and everything you will ever have comes with a certain measure of accountability and responsibility, as well as the need to learn just a little bit more to add to your repertoire of knowledge. And (And I know that I will get flak for this) I truly do believe that people who try to reap the benefits while trying to avoid the responsibility of these things ARE less deserving. This is why I have issues with companies like Beachbody... They choose to target a specific demographic, this group of people who I don't feel are as deserving because they want the benefits without the responsibility.

    I choose to hold people who choose to attain the knowledge that goes along to higher esteem. And every time I go on these boards and and read another post by someone whose only exposure to supplements have either BB's or Jillian Michaels' name on them, or someone whose only exposure to any semblence of a workout was sold to them by either Beachbody or Jillian, my heart breaks a little inside, because it's yet another person who chose to enter into a lifestyle that normally comes with a lot of responsibility by not conducting proper research. Your brain is a muscle too. Work it the same way you work your body. You'll be all that much better for it.
  • coachbeav
    coachbeav Posts: 40 Member
    I want to reiterate that everyone who takes their fitness seriously should strongly research the science behind it, even if as a hobby. Once you do I think you will find that you can put together a program for your own needs that totally obsoletes any video you've ever done or ever bought.

    Maybe, but I think most people, including me, appreciate the ease of putting in a dvd and being able to follow along. To each their own really.

    I suppose, but I've always believed that:

    Everyone who owns a car should know some basics like how to check their fluids and how to change a tire.

    Everyone who owns a computer should know some basic troubleshooting, like how to reinstall/restore if you need to.

    And everyone who chooses to take on a fitness oriented lifestyle owes it to themself to take some time to learn some of the how and the why behind what they're doing, if for no other reason than to make sure they're not doing it in a way that could cause more harm than good.

    Everything you will ever do and everything you will ever have comes with a certain measure of accountability and responsibility, as well as the need to learn just a little bit more to add to your repertoire of knowledge. And (And I know that I will get flak for this) I truly do believe that people who try to reap the benefits while trying to avoid the responsibility of these things ARE less deserving. This is why I have issues with companies like Beachbody... They choose to target a specific demographic, this group of people who I don't feel are as deserving because they want the benefits without the responsibility.

    I choose to hold people who choose to attain the knowledge that goes along to higher esteem. And every time I go on these boards and and read another post by someone whose only exposure to supplements have either BB's or Jillian Michaels' name on them, or someone whose only exposure to any semblence of a workout was sold to them by either Beachbody or Jillian, my heart breaks a little inside, because it's yet another person who chose to enter into a lifestyle that normally comes with a lot of responsibility by not conducting proper research. Your brain is a muscle too. Work it the same way you work your body. You'll be all that much better for it.

    I understand your comments and I think you are underestimating too many people. Just because someone does Beachbody videos doesn't mean they don't know anything about nutrition or working out. You have to understand the world we live in. A majority of America is obese and lazy so if any company can get someone to get off the couch and do something for their fitness I think it is a great thing! As people evolve in their fitness, then yes, it is a good idea to learn more, but most people just want to "lose" weight at first and I don't blame them. These programs make it easier for people to do that. Especially for the people like that single mother of 5 who I dont know how she has time to do anything haha.
  • amnski
    amnski Posts: 251 Member
    I want to reiterate that everyone who takes their fitness seriously should strongly research the science behind it, even if as a hobby. Once you do I think you will find that you can put together a program for your own needs that totally obsoletes any video you've ever done or ever bought.

    Maybe, but I think most people, including me, appreciate the ease of putting in a dvd and being able to follow along. To each their own really.

    I suppose, but I've always believed that:

    Everyone who owns a car should know some basics like how to check their fluids and how to change a tire.

    Everyone who owns a computer should know some basic troubleshooting, like how to reinstall/restore if you need to.

    And everyone who chooses to take on a fitness oriented lifestyle owes it to themself to take some time to learn some of the how and the why behind what they're doing, if for no other reason than to make sure they're not doing it in a way that could cause more harm than good.

    Everything you will ever do and everything you will ever have comes with a certain measure of accountability and responsibility, as well as the need to learn just a little bit more to add to your repertoire of knowledge. And (And I know that I will get flak for this) I truly do believe that people who try to reap the benefits while trying to avoid the responsibility of these things ARE less deserving. This is why I have issues with companies like Beachbody... They choose to target a specific demographic, this group of people who I don't feel are as deserving because they want the benefits without the responsibility.

    I choose to hold people who choose to attain the knowledge that goes along to higher esteem. And every time I go on these boards and and read another post by someone whose only exposure to supplements have either BB's or Jillian Michaels' name on them, or someone whose only exposure to any semblence of a workout was sold to them by either Beachbody or Jillian, my heart breaks a little inside, because it's yet another person who chose to enter into a lifestyle that normally comes with a lot of responsibility by not conducting proper research. Your brain is a muscle too. Work it the same way you work your body. You'll be all that much better for it.

    who said the people pressing play to these videos haven't done their research? I definitely have and I still think the programs are good for the majority of people. Most people are not on here to get competition ready...most need some motivation to workout and eat right...if that includes putting on a video so be it. I agree that the masses following a strict Jillian workout program/supplement may not be doing it the way you or I may do it, but at least they are putting forth some effort...America has an obesity problem and anything that helps us fight this disease is ok in my book. just a thought...
  • patranus
    patranus Posts: 61 Member
    Personally I have never used any of these products and probably never will.
    I am able to do my own research and feed myself as well as figure out what I need to do at the gym to get results.
    It takes 20 minutes of searching the internet to figure out what you need to do.

    That being said, some people simply need the structure that these programs provide. I have a friend that has done P90X off and on for a few years now. He was able to do it because it gave his workouts structure something that his personality needed when doing something. Now he never bought their "value added" products but he does enjoy P90X.

    Of course someone going from their couch to P90X is going to see results. They are going to see results from added a 20 minute walk.

    Really depends on what type of person you are and weather you need that structure. Some people can create their own structure and others need to be put into a system. Whatever works for you.

    In any case I would NEVER buy one of their "value added" products like protein powder or these meal replacement shakes.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    I think they're good "starter" programs for those who have no previous experience or knowledge of exercise. I've done both Insanity and P90X. HOWEVER....as other posters have mentioned, it's good to actually research, investigate, etc. the how to's and why's of exercise. I've learned, for example, that I don't have to spend 38-55 minutes doing extreme cardio, as in Insanity, in order to get results. I don't have to spend 55-60 minutes doing excessive isolation exercises, as in P90X, when I can do 4-5 compound lifts in 40 mins and get BETTER results. Knowledge is power and I always encourage people to read up on what they are planning to do to get in shape.
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    I did 2 months of brazil butt lift and i am now in 3rd week of rockin body. i have definitely seen results, I am also drinking shakeology everyday. i love their products. I am a beachbody coach but i would never try to pressure anyone on their products. we all have our likes and dislikes when it comes to fitness. good luck to everyone here on getting to where you want to be.
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    Man people are haters. Beachbody is a business and a good one at that. They are helping so many people get in the best shapes of their lives and all people can do is talk about their MLM. In the fitness area, MLM is a great way to get the word out about your products. They didn't start out that way until they realized that the biggest thing that was helping them to grow was the satisfied customers that were telling everyone how Beachbody changed their lives. It is a great company and you get what you pay for. I heard a great analogy the other day. Beachbody is the Mac of the computer world. It is an all in one solution that you know will work :)

    And here I was just about to quote your previous post to appreciate your honesty and ethics.

    Then this. Every. Single. Time there is a thread asking for opinions on Shakeology, Herbalife or Body By Vi you damn salespeople treat anyone who doesn't like your marketing gimmick as a "hater".

    If the thread asked for opinions on asparagus and someone said "I like broccolli better" would they be called a hater? No. You know why? Because no one is trying to use this site to SELL asparagus. But you damn well best believe there are people here who's only goal is to sell as many overpriced meal replacement drinks to as many suckers as they can find.

    Well it's against MFP rules, so I have no problem saying that MLM's are scams and the products they pimp so hard are generally not that great. There's nothing magic about your little shakes. People can make them at home just as good for a fraction of the cost.

    So OP, the next person who tells you how magic Beachbody supplements are, that they instantly clear up your skin, prevent cancer and should be sold at $300 a bottle they are so incredible (ALL claims I've seen made by Beachbody coaches on this very site) just remember. These are salespeople. They don't care about you. Their reviews of the products they sell are meaningless. They want your money. Period.

    So wait...you don't want to buy asparagus from me now?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I want to reiterate that everyone who takes their fitness seriously should strongly research the science behind it, even if as a hobby. Once you do I think you will find that you can put together a program for your own needs that totally obsoletes any video you've ever done or ever bought.

    this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I want to reiterate that everyone who takes their fitness seriously should strongly research the science behind it, even if as a hobby. Once you do I think you will find that you can put together a program for your own needs that totally obsoletes any video you've ever done or ever bought.

    Maybe, but I think most people, including me, appreciate the ease of putting in a dvd and being able to follow along. To each their own really.

    I suppose, but I've always believed that:

    Everyone who owns a car should know some basics like how to check their fluids and how to change a tire.

    Everyone who owns a computer should know some basic troubleshooting, like how to reinstall/restore if you need to.

    And everyone who chooses to take on a fitness oriented lifestyle owes it to themself to take some time to learn some of the how and the why behind what they're doing, if for no other reason than to make sure they're not doing it in a way that could cause more harm than good.

    Everything you will ever do and everything you will ever have comes with a certain measure of accountability and responsibility, as well as the need to learn just a little bit more to add to your repertoire of knowledge. And (And I know that I will get flak for this) I truly do believe that people who try to reap the benefits while trying to avoid the responsibility of these things ARE less deserving. This is why I have issues with companies like Beachbody... They choose to target a specific demographic, this group of people who I don't feel are as deserving because they want the benefits without the responsibility.

    I choose to hold people who choose to attain the knowledge that goes along to higher esteem. And every time I go on these boards and and read another post by someone whose only exposure to supplements have either BB's or Jillian Michaels' name on them, or someone whose only exposure to any semblence of a workout was sold to them by either Beachbody or Jillian, my heart breaks a little inside, because it's yet another person who chose to enter into a lifestyle that normally comes with a lot of responsibility by not conducting proper research. Your brain is a muscle too. Work it the same way you work your body. You'll be all that much better for it.

    Can I save this? I agree very very very strongly.
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member

    and yes, there are other ways to work out, maybe even better ways......, but for a lot of people having something put together, spelled out, for them, is the best and easiest way for THEM to get it done ;-) i know i like it because i can do it at home. i don't always have the TIME to drive 40 min there and back and then work out. i am a single parent to 5 kids! i like that after they are all in bed, i can press PLAY! :-)

    I have not set foot in a gym in over 4.5 years and the videos have been a life saver...kids are not easy to work around and at least my 2 can see Mommy working out and eating right...figure it helps me help them

    after i posted that i got to thinking about how my being able to do work outs at home has really influenced my girls!!! when i'm at the gym, they're in child care. when i work out at home they can SEE me doing it. OR they can see some of the stuff that i use to do it. the other day the oldest two were asking if they could start using my 5 lbs dumbbells to do curls :-) it was very sweet and they had fun! my one daughter has huge biceps and was curling 8 lbs!!! i mean, there are grown women who are afraid of 8 lbs dumbbells, LOL!!!!!!

    i'm grateful to beachbody. i really am!! :-)
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Exercise DVDs get me used to doing moves I'm not used to doing. That's always a good thing.

    I guess I don't deserve to be on the weight floor because I own an exercise DVD. Damn. Back to my periwinkle leotard, then.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Exercise DVDs get me used to doing moves I'm not used to doing. That's always a good thing.

    I guess I don't deserve to be on the weight floor because I own an exercise DVD. Damn. Back to my periwinkle leotard, then.

    but he said people who use the DVDs because they want the benefits without the responsibility- i disgaree with any of that applying to you O_O
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    I want to reiterate that everyone who takes their fitness seriously should strongly research the science behind it, even if as a hobby. Once you do I think you will find that you can put together a program for your own needs that totally obsoletes any video you've ever done or ever bought.

    this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true

    how and where do you start doing this?
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Exercise DVDs get me used to doing moves I'm not used to doing. That's always a good thing.

    I guess I don't deserve to be on the weight floor because I own an exercise DVD. Damn. Back to my periwinkle leotard, then.

    but he said people who use the DVDs because they want the benefits without the responsibility- i disgaree with any of that applying to you O_O

    I agree that Beachbody and Jillian and all the rest are sheisty and play off people's "Get Thin Quick" desperation - and it's sickening - but I can take their Evil Intentions DVD pack and still get a good workout. And tell them to suck it with their supplements and shakes. I'll give them a shake.

    That being said, everyone goes through a 'process' learning to lose weight. A lot of people start out by looking around them - and the diet industry is more than happy to try to shuttle you a million different ways to LOSE 30LBS IN 5 DAYS! and GET SIX PACK ABS BY SITTING ON THIS CHAIR! ... and then hopefully they wisen up, but most don't, and they stay on that rollercoaster for years.

    Hopefully they eventually find an MFPal who can erase all the lies and just be like "Hey, it's really not magic" and then they'll blink and say "Oh" and the next thing you know, they're in a bikini, in a cadillac, with strippers, eating pizza.

    They deserve the truth. Companies refuse to give it to you. They'd lose millions.

    Calories in, calories out, exercise. HAAAY~
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    I want to reiterate that everyone who takes their fitness seriously should strongly research the science behind it, even if as a hobby. Once you do I think you will find that you can put together a program for your own needs that totally obsoletes any video you've ever done or ever bought.

    Maybe, but I think most people, including me, appreciate the ease of putting in a dvd and being able to follow along. To each their own really.

    I suppose, but I've always believed that:

    Everyone who owns a car should know some basics like how to check their fluids and how to change a tire.

    Everyone who owns a computer should know some basic troubleshooting, like how to reinstall/restore if you need to.

    And everyone who chooses to take on a fitness oriented lifestyle owes it to themself to take some time to learn some of the how and the why behind what they're doing, if for no other reason than to make sure they're not doing it in a way that could cause more harm than good.

    Everything you will ever do and everything you will ever have comes with a certain measure of accountability and responsibility, as well as the need to learn just a little bit more to add to your repertoire of knowledge. And (And I know that I will get flak for this) I truly do believe that people who try to reap the benefits while trying to avoid the responsibility of these things ARE less deserving. This is why I have issues with companies like Beachbody... They choose to target a specific demographic, this group of people who I don't feel are as deserving because they want the benefits without the responsibility.

    I choose to hold people who choose to attain the knowledge that goes along to higher esteem. And every time I go on these boards and and read another post by someone whose only exposure to supplements have either BB's or Jillian Michaels' name on them, or someone whose only exposure to any semblence of a workout was sold to them by either Beachbody or Jillian, my heart breaks a little inside, because it's yet another person who chose to enter into a lifestyle that normally comes with a lot of responsibility by not conducting proper research. Your brain is a muscle too. Work it the same way you work your body. You'll be all that much better for it.

    Can I save this? I agree very very very strongly.

    Sure =)