The Fat Acceptance Movement… Thoughts??

Hey all,

This was sparked by another thread I was a part of but I’d like to get your thoughts on “fat acceptance”… Do you all see the current movement as revolutionary and pioneering -OR- just an excuse for fat people to remain over-weight and unhealthy??

**Only mature and respectful comments please!** :smile:



  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    Personally I think it is just an excuse. There is nothing comfortable or acceptable about being overweight. I would not go as far as to say that everyone should follow BMI calculators but I do feel that people should be at a healthy weight in close relation to the calculators. Its really just an excuse to be lazy and not worry about the health issues that come with bearing extra weight.
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    Maybe not acceptance but at least decency and compassion. I am tired of being treated differently than the skinny person i happen to be hanging out with. Most of the time it's as if they just plain don't see you but sometimes they are just rude.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    As with everything else that is becoming increasingly acceptable.. I believe this is following- however not in a good way. This is something that is very unhealthy and people need to realize that. There shouldn't be shows out there glorifying an 800 lb woman who eats three cheeseburger meals for lunch and has no intention of ever losing weight because she LOVES food too much (I watched the show last night). This just makes it easier for people who are morbidly obese to accept it and think they can continue the path they are on and be fine.

    I'm all for empowering women (and men) to feel good in their skin and be confident.. however there's a fine line between encouraging the problem and really helping someone out in making a change for the better and long run.

  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I'm pretty against it. Of course no one should be judged solely on their weight/appearance, and being overweight doesn't make anyone a bad person, but advocating for staying fat is not even remotely ok. I have a hard time believing anyone who is obese is truly happy with their body (in my experience, happy people don't usually walk around demanding everyone recognize how happy they are).
  • wildcata77
    wildcata77 Posts: 660
    I think that there shouldn't be a question that we accept people no matter their size, race, gender, sexual preference, marriage status, religious preference, and on and on. Whatever happened to there just being human acceptance? Why are we so hell bent on making ourselves different from others and then exploiting it? I was just raised in the concept that all people deserve respect until they do something heinous.

    As far as the movement, I don't have a problem with it, but I will admit I don't understand people who want to be obese and choose to live their life that way and exploit themselves (specifically, I'm thinking of a Dr. Phil episode recently when a 500lb woman wanted to be the biggest person in the world). I think that calling unneccesary attention to yourself gives the impression of low-self-worth and desperation.
  • Natashia524
    Natashia524 Posts: 35 Member
    Yeah, see I am on the fence about it... I think that the underlying goals/mission of the movement is awesome (and touch on a lot of what Valera0466 talked about) but I think that, as with everything, we are going to have those people who take the movement out of context and in fact do choose to use it as an excuse to be fat. I think it's A LOT easier to say that you "accept your fat" and that you are comfortable in your skin than it is to actually get out there every day for the rest of your life and make that change! So I think that those people who use "fat acceptance" as a crutch are tainting the true mission of the movement and are making everyone associated with it look bad.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    Well considering the majority of the US population is overweight, with an alarming large amount of those being obese, I think, at least in the US, we've accepted it pretty well.

    If it weren't "accepted" it wouldn't be the majority.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I've seen alot of this on my sister's facebook page. I think it's great. They post pictures of girls of ALL different sizes and shapes saying "I'm beautiful" or something along those lines and then they get 10,000 likes. If people can look at a girl who is a size 20 can accept her as beautiful and give her confidence, I'm all for it!

    I don't think it's an excuse to stay overweight and certainly hope it doesn't become that. But people being happy and confident is a good thing. Espcially in children and teens.
  • Natashia524
    Natashia524 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm pretty against it. Of course no one should be judged solely on their weight/appearance, and being overweight doesn't make anyone a bad person, but advocating for staying fat is not even remotely ok. I have a hard time believing anyone who is obese is truly happy with their body (in my experience, happy people don't usually walk around demanding everyone recognize how happy they are).

    Good point!
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    To each their own. Let them lie in their choices.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    What are you hoping to get out of this thread that wasn't covered in a few others that have been posted? Forgive the question if it seems a little direct, but someone could interpret this as an attempt to stir the pot.
  • andymf85
    andymf85 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm for accepting the PEOPLE who are fat and being able to look past it at who they are... it's the FAT that I can't regard as acceptable, not with a national health crisis arising from it.

    We do have a dual problem in the US, on the one hand we are becoming too materialistic, shallow, superficial... but on the other hand too many of us are also becoming overweight and obese. Both are severe problems, it's just that one is spiritual in nature and the other is physical. We have every ability to fight both battles at the same time, and we should.
  • Natashia524
    Natashia524 Posts: 35 Member
    I've seen alot of this on my sister's facebook page. I think it's great. They post pictures of girls of ALL different sizes and shapes saying "I'm beautiful" or something along those lines and then they get 10,000 likes. If people can look at a girl who is a size 20 can accept her as beautiful and give her confidence, I'm all for it!

    I don't think it's an excuse to stay overweight and certainly hope it doesn't become that. But people being happy and confident is a good thing. Espcially in children and teens.

    Yeah, see and I think that's what the movement is supposed to be about... Everyone finding their inner beauty and not letting either their own or society's pressures and standard of beauty dictate the way they think and feel about themselves-- I love that as well!! I just know that there are many, many men and women who have learned about this and have taken it to a whole 'nother level... In that they have used this as a way to justify their weight and unhealthy lifestyle by saying, "Well I love myself and the way I look so forget the fact that I have all these medical illnesses associated with my weight, I'm happy being me!"
  • piexcore
    piexcore Posts: 85 Member
    I feel like acceptance is the wrong word. I don't think we should accept obesity or encourage it, (do we really want to teach our children that obesity and poor health is totally cool, and that their life will be as totally rad and fulfilled as a normal sized healthy person? Probably not.) but we should treat those who are overweight with the same respect and dignity and any other person and not just assume that they're weak willed/ stupid/ wastes of life.
  • Natashia524
    Natashia524 Posts: 35 Member
    What are you hoping to get out of this thread that wasn't covered in a few others that have been posted? Forgive the question if it seems a little direct, but someone could interpret this as an attempt to stir the pot.

    I haven't seen other posts on here with this topic so forgive me if I am being redundant. And no, I wouldn't say that I am trying to stir the pot but more so just facilitate a discussion. Like I said, this topic was brought up on another thread I was on but due to the number of other comments and conversations that were going on at the same time, it was hard to keep it going.
  • Natashia524
    Natashia524 Posts: 35 Member
    I feel like acceptance is the wrong word. I don't think we should accept obesity or encourage it, (do we really want to teach our children that obesity and poor health is totally cool, and that their life will be as totally rad and fulfilled as a normal sized healthy person? Probably not.) but we should treat those who are overweight with the same respect and dignity and any other person and not just assume that they're weak willed/ stupid/ wastes of life.

  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I haven't seen other posts on here with this topic so forgive me if I am being redundant. And no, I wouldn't say that I am trying to stir the pot but more so just facilitate a discussion.
    Like I said, this topic was brought up on another thread I was on but due to the number of other comments and conversations that were going on at the same time, it was hard to keep it going.

    I'm confused. If the thread still exists, you should still have access to it via a search if nothing else?
  • Natashia524
    Natashia524 Posts: 35 Member
    I haven't seen other posts on here with this topic so forgive me if I am being redundant. And no, I wouldn't say that I am trying to stir the pot but more so just facilitate a discussion.
    Like I said, this topic was brought up on another thread I was on but due to the number of other comments and conversations that were going on at the same time, it was hard to keep it going.

    I'm confused. If the thread still exists, you should still have access to it via a search if nothing else?

    Okay... You can either comment on the post or not- it's your choice.
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    I think that there shouldn't be a question that we accept people no matter their size, race, gender, sexual preference, marriage status, religious preference, and on and on. Whatever happened to there just being human acceptance? Why are we so hell bent on making ourselves different from others and then exploiting it? I was just raised in the concept that all people deserve respect until they do something heinous.

    As far as the movement, I don't have a problem with it, but I will admit I don't understand people who want to be obese and choose to live their life that way and exploit themselves (specifically, I'm thinking of a Dr. Phil episode recently when a 500lb woman wanted to be the biggest person in the world). I think that calling unneccesary attention to yourself gives the impression of low-self-worth and desperation.

    Pretty much