Denied by insurance for gastric sleeve today :(



  • fullofsmiles04
    fullofsmiles04 Posts: 158 Member
    Don't let this news stop you. You've lost FIFTY POUNDS by YOURSELF. That's AMAZING and you should be SO PROUD! Keep up the great work that you've been doing and before you know it the next fifty pounds will be gone too. You dont need surgery. You need motivation and strength and self-control and it sounds like you have all of these already. You CAN do it! We are ALL here for you when you need that extra motivation. :):)
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I understand the disappointment. But as someone who is friends with two people with the band, it is definitely very difficult to even eat now for them. They eat more than a few bites, they throw up. It's not easy, not easy at all. I think your hard work is incredible and I would also, like the others, take it as a blessing in disguise. You can do it!!!
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    I understand being somewhat disappointed because you had a plan in your head that got derailed. BUT...50lbs in 3 months? That is awesome! It's taken me 2 years to lose 55. You can do this without just proved it!
  • AlicynH
    AlicynH Posts: 201 Member
    You've lost 48 lbs in three months. That's amazing!!! I had gastric bypass just over 6 years ago and luckily my insurance did help. When I had mine, the doctor told me that it would help me with the first 100-150 lbs. I did loose 160 initially but ended up gaining back 60 of it because I didn't make the lifestyle change. Once I made that commitment to make that change, I lost the 60 I gained back plus a little more. I still have about 65 lbs to go. Good luck. We're here for you.
  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    I'm sorry you're disappointed, but I think it's a sign too! In 3 months, you've lost what I have been trying to lose for a year. You are doing this, because you are capable. If you can't look in the mirror and tell yourself that, at least look at the undeniable results. You rock and you don't need the surgery! :flowerforyou:
  • KenDubya74
    KenDubya74 Posts: 196 Member
    I am sorry for your denial from the insurance company, but I would say take this as a blessing in disguise.

    My first wife had a Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass in 2001. She had problems with it for the first few weeks after the surgery, she ended up having to have another procedure done just so she could keep food down. She did lose about 80lbs before falling back to her old ways. We separated in 2002, from what I was told is she didnt stick to doctors instructions and later died from her stomach rupturing in 2004.

    My wife now just had the gastric sleeve done at the end of April. I wasnt thrilled with the idea of her doing that but supported her regardless. She tried several times to convince me to have the procedure done and I refused every time. I figured at the age of 38 and at 405lbs that I could still get around good and that I could do this without the surgery. So on 01/16/12 of this year I started with the mindset of "I'd rather die on my feet fighting this battle than to die in a hospital bed from unseen complications." I haven't looked back. Now not even 5 months later I'm down 61lbs and convinced now more than ever that I didn't need the surgery.

    My point is this. I see the surgery as a cop-out (There are exceptions I think for those with medical or physical limitations that prevent them from exercising or moving in general) . If you are healthy enough to walk and move period then you can do it on your own. In my opinion it's a mindset. You have to look at yourself and see what keeps you from your goal. Once you see that you can come up with a plan of attack. If a 38 year old 405lb guy with bad knees and back can do this then I would think a healthy looking 22 year old such as yourself can do this too. You have to have faith in yourself, even if no one else does. If you have that faith in yourself you can do it. Determination can move mountains. I know you can do this....YOU KNOW YOU CAN TOO. You've proven that by losing 50lbs, that's a huge first step I'd say... in 3 months no less!

    Do yourself a favor, go to the mirror, look yourself in the eye and say "I can do this. I WILL DO THIS."

    I believe in you.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Take this moment as not bittersweet but as a very proud moment.

    Exactly! To me he surgery should be a last resort not a 'tool'. You've shown you can do it so your insurance company has made he right decision. Even if you'd had it done there are no guarantees you'll not put it back on or find ways to cheat.

    A girl I work with had WLS (not sure which) She was 20kg lighter than me. I started a month before she had it done. Ten months later we've lost the same ampunt of weight. I can still drink when I choose, have decent sized meals and not grow up if I slip up. She's happy with the weight loss but regrets having it done.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I hope you look back upon this day as one of the luckiest in your life. Keep losing weight the old fashioned (and permanent) way.
  • lalapurple62
    To many people perceive gastric banding as an easy fix, its not, there are major risks in having the surgery, but particularly bariatric surgery. Banding does not teach you to eat correctly or exercise and from friends that have it done, its so much easier to eat all the bad stuff because it is full of fat and fat melts and slips straight thru the band, very easy to not lose, you still need to be disciplined and focused and WOW look what you have done all on your own, what a star, your young and focused and i am sure have learnt what works for you in the last 3 months or you would not have lost nearly 50 lb. Stay focused, lose that weight and then hit your insurance company up for a tummy tuck after you have lost all your weight, that will teach them!!
    Keep at it, you have done an amazing job....:flowerforyou:
  • dmaz99
    dmaz99 Posts: 18
    Bittersweet ALWAYS means a blessing in disguise! I believe that now that you have your final answer, you'll push your self towards your goal! Count me in for support sweetie! xoxo
  • pants77
    pants77 Posts: 185 Member

    It's better for you to do it without the surgery and you've proven to yourself that you're capable. Plus you'll have less loose skin if you do it the hard way and take a little longer.
  • Jay_Jay_
    Jay_Jay_ Posts: 194 Member
    I hope this may hold some more weight (heh, weight!) because I started at 469 lbs. I was denied for bariatric surgery when I was 19, for no reason at all but they found it to be a risky procedure. At the time, it wasn't as big as it is now. At that time I was crushed, and in the years to come I put on more weight. But today I am down 156 lbs, about to hit the 200's, and let me tell you, I thank that stupid cheap uncaring insurance company everyday for denying me, because the entire time I could do it on my own. It wasn't the physical aspect, it was the mental, I wasn't ready to lose weight then. It seems like you are! Don't make the mistake of irrevocably changing your body, you are young and you have all the time in the world to lose this weight. Do it slowly, change your body as you change your mind. If you had two choices, lose all of your weight now and gain it back in five years, or take 1-2 years to lose all of your weight and then never gain it back again, what would you choose? I know which one I chose. :)
  • ambitious01
    ambitious01 Posts: 209 Member
    Well, clearly you don't need surgery then.

    You're 22 for christs sake. You can achieve anything you want if you put in the work. You don't need shortcuts like that. It's a good thing you were rejected in my opinion. You have the strength to do this without medical intervention.

    Well not as harshly, but yeah ^^^^
  • pam6870
    pam6870 Posts: 100 Member
    I know it's bittersweet, but look what you have already accomplished on your own. You know now that you can do it!!
  • jjnt007
    jjnt007 Posts: 302 Member
    I am sorry for your news but I have complete faith that if you can lose 50 pounds you can lose 50 more. I hope your weight loss journey goes well throughout the remainder of the year.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I still feel strong....almost like this is a sign I should be doing this on my own....

    This is the only voice you need to listen to. Say it. Loud.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    You are capable of doing this without surgery. You are young, and you are on your way to health. Surgery is not a miracle.
    There are considerable risks involved with any surgery - including DEATH. Don't look at this as a missed opportunity,
    keep up the good work. You will achieve your goal without risking your health along the way. It may take longer, but then you
    can say you did it my sheer will power and hard work.
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    I still feel strong....almost like this is a sign I should be doing this on my own....or a sign that surgery might lead to something far worse.

    I don't know what the gastric sleeve is but my mother had gastric bypass, I'll never have surgery to lose weight, life is to be enjoyed so much more than that, I believe.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Obviously you don't actually need the your money and just finish this on your own.
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    This should be under success stories for losing 50 lbs in 3 months. You will look back on this day and be happy things worked out the way they did.