What was your "Gotta Change my Life "moment ?



  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    and just hate the clothes shopping when you're in plus sizes, the selection is- well crap to be honest, and it's never fun to shop in large sizes like that, I DREAM of shopping in a normal size...

    This. No one apparently knows how to make plus sized clothing. I think they hold up some fabric cut a square and call it good.
  • PJ64
    PJ64 Posts: 866 Member
    I had back surgery when I was 21 after injuring myself lifting something too heavy at work. Well I recovered well from that but I was still terribly out of shape. A couple years ago I went cliff jumping with my husband and his family. After jumping the second time I could barely walk. It was my back again. I was injured from that for the rest of the summer. I saw some pictures from that jump and couldn't believe how big I was. As soon as I recovered I joined a gym and the rest is history :)
    I had a backninjury at work. 3 operations and 45 lbs later I was disgusted with myself. I was always in shape and was ashamed of how fat I had got. Its beena hard road back but I'm plugging along and MFP has been great!
  • Melonhead
    Melonhead Posts: 168
    I coach my son's tee ball team. I saw myself in the team photo and though damn! Then I went to the doctor last Friday and my blood pressure was high and when I got on the scale - the nurse kept pushing those little bars THE WRONG WAY and BAM 255 lbs. I couldn't believe it. Why? Denile - plain and simple. Up until 7 days ago, I ate horribly bad foods and never exercised. Well - NO MORE
  • heatherterp
    heatherterp Posts: 239
    My husband and I were on vacation. We stayed at the Biltmore in Ashville, NC. Why there is a scale in the room while on vacation and why I got on the scale is beyond me. We were celebrating our anniversary. That number is not who I am or was, but I was mortified. My husband was not having sex with that! It was my ah-ha moment. It also helped that while on tis trip we were reading Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. He kept comparing getting out of debt to getting in to shape. I hate debt and we have been debt free (minus the house) for a long time. Thinking of my fat as debt has worked. My fat is my debt. I will be rid of it once and for all in due time. I am half way there.
  • EEpling89
    EEpling89 Posts: 152
    After I went from 180 lbs to 130, back to 180, back to 130, back to 160 in less than a year. In the midst of all that yo-yoing, I was on the "master cleanse" and realized that I couldn't physically get out of bed from lack of nourishment. After that, I swore off "dieting" and pretty much just reverted back to my unhealthy habits, eating whatever horrible foods I wanted, as much as I wanted, and not exercising because even though it didn't feel good, I felt better than I did when I was starving.
    Six months later, my husband and I bought a house in a different town and I got a new job that I love and that pays enough for us to actually pay our bills. I started really working on my depression and anxiety problems and realized that I could be healthy without starving myself. I joined a gym and began taking classes there. I've made friends there and I actually enjoy going. I eat about 2000 cals a day and am still losing, although very slowly. I eat mostly clean but still treat myself every now and then.
    That's the shortened version of my journey so far. I feel great and although I struggled for a long time, I wouldn't trade it because it got me where I am today. :)
  • JennyDee2012
    I went to women's conference this weekend and it was very inspiring. So uplifting. One other friend was also there and she has recently starting losing weight. She said something to me that made me think a little. It's okay to give yourself permission to shed the weight now. What a thought ! She was right I was in this choice making a decision to give myself permission to be better. Do we sometimes purposefully block our success or hide behind what we have allowed our selves to become. In making the decision I was telling myself it is okay to be better. It is okay to work towards allowing myself to feel good. Do I dare say even allow myself to be more beautiful in my eyes. I am worthy of all the benefits this weight loss will give me. again I AM WORTH IT. ME Jenny Dee is WORTH IT. I have a lot of soul searching in this thought to do to because it made me stop in wonder did I value myself less before. And if the answer is YES to that WHY. As I shed the weight I hope to shed layers of guilt, frustration, disappointment, past memories, and just plain old life's situations that may have helped me to become what I was. All I know is a better me is out there or should I say in here. Buried underneath these extra cells screaming to get out. Wanting so much more and to also live my life to the potential and fulfillment my Lord intended me too. Walk with me my friends. Share your journeys trails. Hold each other up in prayer and allow the miracles in. Thank you once again for sharing your stories I hope to continue to hear more.
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    I was 215 lbs and someone asked when I was due. And I lied. I said my baby (who was 4) was 8 weeks old. That was the day that changed my life.
  • Perisylpha
    Perisylpha Posts: 139
    I've never had a positive body image and was always terrified of being overweight...but seeing myself in photos is partly what did it for me. I can't stand the sight of all that lard hanging around on my arms and under my chin. At 180lbs I would probably be considered quite a healthy weight to some here that have alot more weight to loose but I would like to once again be a size 12 (UK dress size, I believe this is an 8 or 10 in the US) I have not been that size since before I had my children (nearly 15 years ago)
    I see people running and keeping fit and I want that to be me, toned, healthy and full of energy.
  • mrmv
    mrmv Posts: 95
    When I caused a traffic jam in the third floor stairwell of a parking garage...
  • Perisylpha
    Perisylpha Posts: 139
    I went to women's conference this weekend and it was very inspiring. So uplifting. One other friend was also there and she has recently starting losing weight. She said something to me that made me think a little. It's okay to give yourself permission to shed the weight now. What a thought ! She was right I was in this choice making a decision to give myself permission to be better. Do we sometimes purposefully block our success or hide behind what we have allowed our selves to become. In making the decision I was telling myself it is okay to be better. It is okay to work towards allowing myself to feel good. Do I dare say even allow myself to be more beautiful in my eyes. I am worthy of all the benefits this weight loss will give me. again I AM WORTH IT. ME Jenny Dee is WORTH IT. I have a lot of soul searching in this thought to do to because it made me stop in wonder did I value myself less before. And if the answer is YES to that WHY. As I shed the weight I hope to shed layers of guilt, frustration, disappointment, past memories, and just plain old life's situations that may have helped me to become what I was. All I know is a better me is out there or should I say in here. Buried underneath these extra cells screaming to get out. Wanting so much more and to also live my life to the potential and fulfillment my Lord intended me too. Walk with me my friends. Share your journeys trails. Hold each other up in prayer and allow the miracles in. Thank you once again for sharing your stories I hope to continue to hear more.

    I agree with getting into this mindset. Thank you for sharing : )
  • camiller02
    camiller02 Posts: 24
    !. I had high blood pressure
    2.. By 1 oclock at work I was so tired I wanted to sleep
    3. I felt unattractive
    4. The final straw my mother in law came to visit and exclaimed "man you are fat" as she walked through the door . I was so embarrassed. It sounded to me like she said damn your are not good enough for my son. Who by the way is always supportive at what ever weight I am.
  • sunshineshell81
    sunshineshell81 Posts: 34 Member
    For me, my moment came January of last year. My husband and I had went out to celebrate a friends college graduation and we had our picture taken, and I could not believe my eyes. I knew I had put on some weight.. my Dad had passed away a year before and my life was turned upside down, but I had no idea how bad it was. So, I decided to get on the scale (which I had not done in a VERY long time) and there it was.. I was 90 lbs overweight. I had always been overweight my whole life, but nothing to that extreme. I was so ashamed and at first, deeply depressed. But then I realized that being depressed about it would not solve anything, so I decided to change.

    I changed almost EVERYTHING about my life. I cut out fast food which was a main staple in my diet, I also cut out artificial sweetener, colors, and flavors whenever possible, I buy organic whenever I can and joined a gym. I am 55 lbs lighter and healthier and have 35 lbs to go and LOVE my life now! I have WAY more energy, I am much more happy, I can see muscle definition in my arms (which I gladly show off as my guns) and I am gaining my confidence back one step at a time. This is not a diet, this is my lifestyle. I am a healthy person so that is how I will live. Diets come and go, but lifestyles are sustainable.

    I use this APP on my phone everyday and the logging my food and exercise has helped keep me honest. Also, all the support from my friends on here is so motivating and helpful. It is nice to have people understand :o)
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I would consider myself having two moments. The first one was at a doctors appointment when the doctor told me I was diabetic (we think it was to scare me because my actual doctor told me the test came out negative). At this point, I was taking like 9 pills a day, and only 23 years old. My second one was more recently. I had just graduated from college about 3 weeks ago and all i've been doing was sitting around the house watching netflix. I kept telling myself to go walk or do a workout dvd, but then resulted that there was always "later" to do it, that i should just relax now. What really hit me was opening my dad's graduation gift. he had themed it "independence" by giving me two things that will help lead me to a better life. the first gift was money towards a new car i'm looking to buy. the second gift was a 2 year membership to a local gym with the start of 3 personal training sessions. It took me while to accept how amazing this gift was. The day after opening the gift, my dad took me to the gym, and told me that next week, when the busyness dies down, he'll join the gym with me for support. He takes me 3-4 days a week when my sister has her classes near by it and I stay at the gym for 2-2.5 hours. it's nice to have him ask me how it was and if i'm enjoying it. What i haven't told him is how perfect his timing was for this gift. i was at my final straw. I was unhappy with my family, in my relationshp with my boyfriend, and with my life in general. I was sad that no one ever made time to hang out with me, and my body was starting to give me pains and difficulties I've never even felt before. It hasn't been a week yet, and the gym has already made a difference in my outlook on life. I know I can do better in the eating category, but I hope this is the push i need. My boyfriend even decided to join with me on the days we work together or nights we want to hang out.

    The biggest push is having my father behind my back. We don't have a good history together and normally when he refers to my weight, it is done with teasing and jokes, and just mean stuff. This is the first time I feel like he cares.
  • TheSlimWithin
    I went to my friend's aunts wedding reception and genuinely thought I looked really nice, which was a rarity as it was. Me and my friends had a couple of professional photos taken and I couldn't wait to see them. They were published online, and I was absolutely horrified. I had never been more repulsed by a particular photo in my life! Not awfully bad, but it definitely gave me a HUGE push to change, and I never want to be in that situation again, at least not through weight and body issues. :(
  • Megdmcda
    Megdmcda Posts: 273 Member
    mine was when i seen my sister in law who was always twice as big as me....she started counting calories and just over a year got down to my size.....i was like i wanna do that...and also i didn't want to end up being the biggest out of us all....kinda mean sounding but it got me going....
  • prettygirlhoward
    prettygirlhoward Posts: 338 Member
    When I seen a photo of me at a family gathering..... I seen how much weight I gained and the look of unhappiness on my face. I realized "This Isn't Me!" I have always been in shape, fit and was always active! If was time to get the"Real Me" back! And I'm on my way there.
  • AliceKlaar
    AliceKlaar Posts: 275 Member
    A friend on facebook tagged me in some New Year's Eve party photos I'd been to a few years back. I got really upset looking at how much slimmer I used to be and decided there and then I'd stop messing around and actually get serious about losing the weight again.
  • fitpilatesqueen
    There are so many reasons.
    First of all I´m not happy with the way I look, I feel ugly, I look ugly and people look down on me.
    People constantly tell me what I may and what I may not eat and constantly remaind me I´m too heavy.
    I´m constantly reminded that I´ve been single for years and years because of my weight and how bad I look.
    This weight has caused me problems with my legs and feet.
    I have reached the point of hating myself for how I look and for how I´m being treaded and not valued or respected for who I´m. I felt worth nothing and was so angry with myself. You could say I hit the bottom.
    I have to and I shall change this around one way or another.
  • DoggeeCatMom
    Mine was just recently when I went to my Doctor's office and I hit 200 lbs. She also told me that I was a few points away from being pre-diabetic. I have always had high cholesterol but low blood pressure. I am on cholesterol meds. My family has a history of heart problems and I, myself, have a heart arrhythmia and a possible value issue. I also have an under active thyroid (hypothyroidism) so I am now on a very small dosage for that.

    My adult niece just had gastric by pass surgery and she encouraged me to join a gym so that we can work out together. She is a great source of knowledge and “pushiness” ( lol) to keep me on track.
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    I went to Vegas to celebrate my 40th birthday in February. I wanted to do the zip line on Fremont St. and was over the maximum weight of 250 lbs. The nest day I went shopping, and XXL shirts did not fit. The day after I got back home, I completely changed my diet, and a week later my sister told me about MFP. It's been a tough 4 months, but I feel the best I have in my adult life now.