What was your "Gotta Change my Life "moment ?



  • mariaj1979
    mariaj1979 Posts: 31
    After I had my son, I didn't think I could have a baby. So after he was born I lost 70lbs and kept it off for 8 years but I'm on route to loosing the extra 30 to get to my life long achievement of a 100lbs
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    After being continuously unhappy with each and every photo posted of me on Facebook... I knew I'd gained a little bit of weight, but just tried to accept it. After actually confronting myself about it and realising how unhappy I actually was with my appearance, I decided to do something about it. I know I don't have a lot to lose compared to many people on here, but it's a self-confidence thing, and being so short I am still technically only JUST within the healthy range for my BMI.
  • juggalettenell
    juggalettenell Posts: 2 Member
    Ive always been over weight and cared but didnt care at the same time. My light bulb light up when we had a house fire back in october and thinking about how things could have ended so different we could have been home or asleep and we all could have died I became so thankful that we were all safe including our dog that i realized i dont wanna die i wanna be here with my family as long as i can so after 3 months in a hotel eating crap we moved back home and i started mfp and am so thankful for all the support and love from all my friends on here !
  • Kcinnamon
    Kcinnamon Posts: 26 Member
    For me, it was when I took my (then) 9 year old daughter to the doctor for a physical. The doctor reamed me for her being obese. I realized that I had been teaching her horrendous eating and fitness (or lack thereof) styles. I have always battled with my weight. I was just like her at her age. I always felt awful about it when I was young. When I hit high school all the weight dropped away because I was so active, but then when I got pregnant with her when I was 20, it was right back to battling with my weight. I've always been about 50 pounds too much. Now my daughter swims 2 hours a day 3 days a week on her local swim team and is doing great at it. She is still working at getting to within her normal range, but she has not gained a pant size in over a year! She is making healthier decisions on her own, and I have dropped from a tight 15 down to an 11 and I'm not done yet. My husband and I have each lost 30 pounds, and my 3 year old son will never know what it's like to be the fat kid!
  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    My gotta change my life moment started on 2004. When I saw a New Year Eve picture of me and my ex husband sitting next to each looking like two big stuffed brown bears. Then a year later I saw a picture of me at my older daughters 5th b-day party. Still wearing Maternity clothes and my youngest was going on 2 yrs old. I said OMG "Why didn't anyone tell me about this" At that point I started exercising, watching my weight, and treating myself better. Just in this past year I noticed some of the weight I lost coming back (my highest weight being 248 lbs) I freaked and got back on the ball.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    and just hate the clothes shopping when you're in plus sizes, the selection is- well crap to be honest, and it's never fun to shop in large sizes like that, I DREAM of shopping in a normal size...

    This. No one apparently knows how to make plus sized clothing. I think they hold up some fabric cut a square and call it good.

    lol Either that or EVERYTHING is made in some kind of nasty muted flower puke colors that not even my grandmother would wear.
  • kympow
    kympow Posts: 145 Member
    My moment was in January when my blood sugars (diabtic) rose to 400-500 ....entirely off track... I was put on insulin....and I swore I would not stay on it long... Luckily I was right... I lost 25 pounds got off the insulin...plus an oral pill... I have 117 to lose yet...but am confident that I will be off half of my medicines...
  • africaa
    africaa Posts: 228
    My momment was reallynot all that dramatic...I transferred to another university and compared to my previous universities here the girls workout a lot (so it seemed to me) so I just decided hey why not, especially since the gym was directly behind my dorm! lol plus I was just tired of saying every year that I was going to lose weight, then i'd start and stop 3 weeks later smh. & my last reason is because of my 21st bday! I don't wanna be fat all through my twenties :)
  • CountryMom03
    CountryMom03 Posts: 258 Member
    My moment was when one day I was shaving my legs and realized that I no longer could shave or get to my upper thigh area because of all my flab and rolls on my stomach. I would try to smush in the fat or push it off to the side so I could see but it just didnt work:( I cried! Thats when I knew that somehow I had to change, I had to loose weight one way or another.
  • Aljn27
    Aljn27 Posts: 42 Member
    When I went to my doctor's appointment and the scale was getting to a higher three digit number. I recieved a print out with my discharge paperworks on weight loss and realized that I could eat better and with the help of MFP I am over 30 pounds down. :smile:
  • mkrainville7409
    mkrainville7409 Posts: 40 Member
    Last year I went to a theme park last year the restraints were so tight... i almost didnt fit

    however - it was an older ride - and smaller seats. but I love coasters... it scared me that I would be one of those people that they would have to tell me "your to big to ride"
  • Qskim
    Qskim Posts: 1,145 Member
    Alot of reasons as has been posted but the one that has hurt the most was when I was asked if I was pregnant when I married husband... The inference being that it must have been something drastic for him to marry me. I'd love to c that woman now. The best thing tho is that I am doing it for myself now, not hubby (who is supportive) and not people like her and there has been a few. Now they c me and they shocked n I make it clear I don't hav time for them n don't care for their compliments either. I know who my true friends are...they were there b4 this journey and still are cheering me on.
  • MalissaDC
    MalissaDC Posts: 123
    I'm not sure I had one "aha". I have been overweight since I was 6 and have worked on losing weight my whole life--off and on--never really making much progress.

    I had trouble buckling in the car--fitting between the steering wheel.
    The summer before I got busy working on weight loss, I tried to ride an amusement park ride and couldn't fit--had to get off;0!
    Seeing photos.
    Feeling so yucky about myself.

    Another big one--I am an advanced pianist and LOVE the piano but it got to the point that my body was in the way of playing;0. That was a horrible realization. Reaching up and down the keyboard or crossing hands in some pieces just got hard--my belly and boobs were in the way ;0!.

    I still have weight to lose but my life is completely different now! So I'm thankful for all the little things that spurred me into action!
  • gaiareeves
    gaiareeves Posts: 292 Member
    One particular photo.
    I didn't realise I'd let myself get so big again.
    I'd been in denial about it until then.
  • JennyDee2012
    Thank you all once again for posting your stories. Reaching into ourselves to see the diamond in the rough that we are and trusting as you take each cut more facets are coming out. Trusting in the end we will sparkle and shine with a brightness.
    Keep on sharing collectively we are a bunch of precious gems.
  • momma2princesses
    My moment came when I was talking to my 5 yr old. She was choked by an older boy in the top of the McDonalds play toys, and I asked her later why she didnt call for me. She looked at me lovingly, and said "Mommy, I knew you wouldnt fit :(" She was so sad for me, and I could tell she didnt want to make me feel bad.

    Then, a month later, my daughters (5, 3, 1) were given a full sized trampoline...brand new. My youngest was in the middle and was crying because the older two were jumping her. I kneeled onto the trampoline fast to grab her, flopped onto the middle of the trampoline...and it broke.

    I broke a trampoline. A 15 foot trampoline.

    My husband was able to bend the bar back and get it back to normal (he is a machinist), but I will NEVER forget hearing my daughters telling my husband that I broke a freaking trampoline.

    My oldest still says to me "Mommy, dont get on the trampoline with us this time...okay? You can be on it later after you get healthy!"

    Breaking your childs favorite toy is all the push I needed.

    I weighed 323 at my biggest...and I am never going back. I lost 18lbs in the first month. I went from being terrified to walk for 10 minutes, to being able to jog for seven straight minutes after a few weeks!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I took a year off work and couldn't fit into my trousers despite being in total control of everything I ate, exercising plenty and trying to 'eat healthy'.

    That is when I started taking an interest in the science as opposed to magazine articles.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    My moment was when I, or one of my moments, went white water rafting. I got thrown over by a rouge wave and stuck in the rapids. It was a scary moment but what's worse..is the fact that the guide had a hard time getting me back in the boat.

    Yeah, it was clear that I need to lose weight. That and riding horses at 230 pounds isn't heathly either.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    Diabeties, high blood pressure, cancer. That is why I'm kicking butt trying to get fitter!
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member
    hasn't happened yet... just here for the chicks


    They are so hot here, and there are so many.

    But in honesty, it was because my mom got really sick, and I wanted to help her. She passed away about a year ago, and well it was easier to continue than sit and do nothing....