Does anyone eat whatever they want just within calories?



  • commanderval
    commanderval Posts: 187 Member
    Of course you'll still lose the weight if you eat whatever but stay in your calorie range. But if you make healthy choices, you'll get all the benefits like energy and vitamins and you'll probably get to eat bigger portions. If you compare lets say an egg white ham and light cheese omelette to some pepperoni pizza, for the same amount of calories, you're omelette will be huge! I'm all about foods that I can eat in big portions but are low in calories and full of good stuff.:smile:
  • sherryjohnson2012
    sherryjohnson2012 Posts: 102 Member
    for the most part I've been eating healthy.. I do induldge once in awhile to satisfy a craving
  • Zkinkel
    Zkinkel Posts: 13
    Limiting calories will always make you lose weight but if you want to get healthy inside and out, healthier foods are the way to go for long term sucess. Honestly, to help your heart organs, waistline, and craving control you should try to eat healthier and more balanced...
    I know it sucks, I am getting married soon and am totally focused on my external look BUT I know the best way to reach my goal and keep it is through healthy eating.
    If I were you I would at least go 60% 40%... tay under your calories.... eat 60% healthy and 40% "whatever you want"
    It is much more achievable... dont forget a multivitamin!
  • StephGodsPrincess
    StephGodsPrincess Posts: 45 Member
    To be honest, we've been eating really clean lately and I haven't even been counting calories. I eat what feels good, which always ends up being fruits, veggies, lean meats, stuff like that. Before we started eating like this and I was counting all the time, I was always craving more more more because I felt deprived. When I stopped counting and started eating things I knew were good, I stopped feeling deprived of things. I run a lot, so I know I need the fuel.

    Sorry, I'm pretty sure that made no sense! Basically, once I stopped eating naughty things all the time, I knew I didn't need to count as much because I'm not consuming empty calories... I'm fueling my body. If I feel hungry, it's because I need it.

    Makes sense to me because this is just what I have started doing about 2 weeks ago and find I am not feeling hungry, just the opposite. I am eating healthier and eating only when hungry. Yes I do once in a while have a treat in moderation but nothing crazy and not a whole day of "cheating", just a meal here and there. I know everyone is for tracking but I was stressing about it and once I stopped and just knew I was eating healthy foods, lean meats, fruits&veggies, and eating only when hungry I was doing fine.
  • Zkinkel
    Zkinkel Posts: 13
    Very good point!:smile:
  • LindsayHowlett
    So most of u say it's ok to eat craP as long as ur with in ur cals?? That's crazy. If I wanted a big Mac at 700 calories and a doc pepper for another 200 and then a candy bar as long as I stay under my goal of 1300 that's ok? Wow I totally disagree


    Well for one because it's my opinion and I'm entitled to have one. But also just it's my lifestyle change. Eat crap food isn't healthy if that's all u eat. I choose to not eat fast food or drink pop. If I want a burger I make my own, same with pizza. I still eat chocolate and sometimes a cookie or chips but by crap food I mean overly greasy, fatty, no nutritional value foods. Plus I'm setting an example for my kids I don't want them growning up addicted to junk foods

    not attacking you. just seems a strong, blanket statement to make. everything we eat is used as fuel. so, while of course we need to also eat things that are 'good for us,' like veggies, etc., nothing says we can't also eat stuff we like. moderation is the key. make it fit and enjoy. just seems a much happier lifestyle change to me is all.


    Moderation truly is the key! I don't deprive myself, I generally have a small (snack size) choc bar most days because chocolate is my weakness and if I didn't have it I'd crave it. But I do it in my calorie limit! I *know* they are empty cals and all the rest of it but I enjoy every one of the 101 calories in my chocolate bar so why deprive myself - I won't not eat chocolate for the rest of my life so to deprive myself of it now would not be a true lifestyle change!!!
  • Madelinew22
    Madelinew22 Posts: 289
    So most of u say it's ok to eat craP as long as ur with in ur cals?? That's crazy. If I wanted a big Mac at 700 calories and a doc pepper for another 200 and then a candy bar as long as I stay under my goal of 1300 that's ok? Wow I totally disagree


    Well for one because it's my opinion and I'm entitled to have one. But also just it's my lifestyle change. Eat crap food isn't healthy if that's all u eat. I choose to not eat fast food or drink pop. If I want a burger I make my own, same with pizza. I still eat chocolate and sometimes a cookie or chips but by crap food I mean overly greasy, fatty, no nutritional value foods. Plus I'm setting an example for my kids I don't want them growning up addicted to junk foods

    You assume all of us are trying to get "healthy". That's your mistake.

    Alright Jesus. I guess somehow ur offended by my opinion, but anyways whether or not it's ur motivation losing weight does mean trying to be healthier. Just because one persons motivation might be to look like a sexy beast it's still being healthier. And don't tell me I made a " mistake" cuz pretty sure my opinion is not a mistake
  • tim_jennings
    tim_jennings Posts: 172 Member
    The only things that I don't ever consume anymore are soda, creamer and strait sugar (such as in coffee or tea, or on cereal). These were so easy for me to cut out, and made such a big impact that I just don't want them anymore. I seldome use other sweeteners and when I do I use Stevia.

    I try to eat heathier because it tends to be less calorie dense, so you get to eat more for the same calories. But if I want something, I have it. Trying of course to have the healthiest version of it I can and making sure it fits in my calories. I don't generally eat any processed sweets, but rather go for homemade versions (cookies, cakes, pies etc) and have MUCH smaller portions than I used to.
  • pkfrankel
    pkfrankel Posts: 171 Member
    Let me start by saying I really don't have any weight to lose. I joined MFP to "clean up" my diet. I wanted to get rid of the junk food. Theoretically, you can eat what you want if you are below your calories. Here's the tricky part. Eating a lot of foods that are high in simple carbohydrates will digest really fast. So you will be hungry sooner and eat more. Eventually, because you are always hungry you will give up on your goal.

    Here's my suggestion. Eat what you want to a degree. Watch the simple carbs like cake, cookies, candies and try to eat more complex carbs like fruit, vegetables and whole grains. You will have much better success.
  • meggawatt
    meggawatt Posts: 145 Member
    I follow the rule that if I can't live without it forever I'm not giving it up. That being said, I've found that as time goes by I find myself choosing healthier, more filling options more often but I always save calories for treats. Can't do this without my treats!
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
  • littlewhittles
    littlewhittles Posts: 402 Member
    I do.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    My husband is Not the health conscious type, and we're on a pretty fixed budget..So we don't have enough $$ to be able to buy food to please both of us, so i fix whatever and add as much veggies to it as i can, and make sure i stay within my calorie goal.
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    To some extent yes. I am making better choices, eating more salad etc. I have not and will not switch to low fat, low cal, weight watchers style foods. I enjoy my tasty everyday foods in moderation :)
  • doreenOrtiz
    doreenOrtiz Posts: 30 Member
    yes I eat what I want, the rule of thumb is if you burn more then your taken in then you will lose weight. For now it is working for me and I am able to do 1200 calories and actually stick to it, in the past I have tried to eat healthy but in the end my body always craves the bad stuff and I end up quitting. So I say if it is working for you ( if it's not broke then don't fix it).
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    I eat as healthy as I can and try to make conscious choices. I think it's really a difference of diet or life style.

    Personally, when I eat anything I want (junk) even though I am under my calories, I don't lose weight and I feel like garbage.

    I went through a phase of eating treats that were low in calories thinking it would be alright. Wrong! All that stuff was loaded with sugar. I'd much rather go over my calories with healthy food than be under but overloaded with sugar.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    No. All calories are not created equal. You can fill up on twinkies if you wish too but would miss out on valuable protein and potassium, among other things. It is not only quantity but quality. Peeps miss the point who only focus on quantity. It is a complete life style change which includes healthy food.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Pretty much. :drinker:

    ETA: I don't eat a lot of junk calories, just because junk tastes gross to me. So I do eat whatever I want - pasta every day for example - but I don't eat greasy fast food, twinkies, soda and other garbage cuz it's just nasty!
  • tmd0521
    tmd0521 Posts: 6
    the thing is, if i eat what i want, i wouldnt be eating much at all because the foods i like are high in calories, so i do a give and take-one meal is usually what i want, the rest is balanced more healthy stuff-that i can eat more of.
  • kittykat201111111
    il be sticking to healthy foods where possible :)