Anybody else trying to get rid of their c-section tummy?



  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Me! My baby will be 4-y-o at the end of September and I have a horrid saggy belly. It's a little smaller now than it was a few months back, but it's still there and I can't help thinking the only way to get completely rid of it is to get it cut off - LOL!

    Feel free to add me. :)
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    My little girl is now 2 years old. The tummy is coming along, but still needs lots of work. I'll join in :)
  • jenniferillene
    jenniferillene Posts: 34 Member
    Me! Me! My son is 3 years old and I gained a lot of weight after having him. So far Ive lost 43lbs but that lower c-section baby tummy is not going away easily!!
  • herwholejourney
    herwholejourney Posts: 86 Member
    I am! Had my baby (via c-section) 9 months ago and have such a hard time losing weight and getting rid of the big flubby inner tube around my belly! My belly was tight before pregnancy and is so saggy now, it's really depressing!
  • JilianneNicole
    JilianneNicole Posts: 119 Member
    Me!! I had 3 of them in 2.5 years!!! Ugh! It looks awful! I HATE IT!!! Feel free to add me or anybody else feel free too!
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    I have had 2 c-sections too!!! You can get that tummy back I did so dont let anyone tell you you cant because you had a c section =)
  • Vraicroyant
    My c-section overlap is almost 10 years old. I trained hard after DD #1 but never could lose it. DD#2 is almost 2 and it's still there. >.< Thankfully I had a VBAC with her and not another C-section. I still have 31 lbs to lose. I have a girlfriend who had a C-section 12 years ago and lost a lot of weight (80+ pounds). No saggy tummy for her. She runs marathons now too. So there is hope!

    You can add me too!
  • hummingbirdxss
    hummingbirdxss Posts: 87 Member
    Well, my first CS was 28 years ago, 21 years ago and a 13 year old too !! I can tell you for those just having on it now. The longer you wait the harder it is going to be. I've dropped 25 pounds and it is getting better but don't think I will ever have the flat tummy again.

    I do know drinking lots of water helps the skin be more elastic and rebound. Use a good coconut oil on it too. Helps stretch marks and again helps the skin "bounce" back where it is suppose to be.

    Good luck to All
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I had a c-section with my first baby (my second was a VBAC). The c-section area itself is flawless, but I still have baby tummy from my second.

    Most of all, I'm answering this because I had hernia surgery a couple months ago and I'm trying to strengthen my core again... and lose the pooch I gained (where my incision was).
  • jennifermartinez1112
    i am!!! i have had 2 of them first one 15 yrs ago and 2nd 3 years ago...anyone of you can add me
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    i had 2 c sections. my youngest is 2yrs. old. and i still battling
  • PrezBigGirl
    Had a c-section 29 months ago and gained so much weight being pregnant and then nursing that I feel like my innertube/shelf belly drags the ground when I walk. When I got pregnant, the only part of my body that was chubby was my belly and as I gained weight all of it went to my belly and the baby pushed the fat under him so my hanging kanagroo pouch is crazy. Hoping to get a tummy tuck one day if I can afford it and after I lose this weight.
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    Am I "allowed" to say yes if my c-section was nearly 6 years ago???


    I was going to ask that too! I have had 2 c sections and i had a complete hysto where they had to cut through that same spot because I had horrible adhesions
  • lashwish
    lashwish Posts: 93
    Me me me!
    I have lost 34 lbs since Oct.
    I would be OK with my weight loss but since its going so well I want to try for another 8lbs.
    I am in the best shape I have been in ages EXCEPT for my belly flab & flap over my c/s scar.
    It drives me bonkers!!

    Is that everyone else's problem too? The flap hanging over the scar?
    Forget about the stretch marks.
    BTW, I had twins & was ginormous
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Yes, I am trying to get rid of my c section belly. It's been 5 months. Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • bellesouth18
    bellesouth18 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I got all of y'all beat. Had a c-section when I was 15 and when i was 26. Two girls. I am walking around with a kangaroo pouch.

    Best and easiest exercise to do to eliminate and tone that area is with the balance ball. Position it between your feet and push your legs up and down. That area will hurt but continue to do it everyday and it will tone up.

    Also, I learned a trick the other day. Whenever you are sitting down, try to build a muscle contraction in your stomach. Keep doing it for a long time. After while your muscles will learn how to contract on their own. It's like sucking in your belly and pushing it in.

    Love the kangaroo pouch comment. Hilarious! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My c-section was 20 yrs. and 7 mos. ago. Hysterectomy was 17 yrs. 7 mos. ago. Still got the pooch, but am working on it.

    BTW thanks for the exercise tip.
  • HipsBreastsandMore
    HipsBreastsandMore Posts: 51 Member
    Am I "allowed" to say yes if my c-section was nearly 6 years ago???

    Yes because in total mine has been over 16 years since I had this pooch. I'll be 32 in September.


    I was going to ask that too! I have had 2 c sections and i had a complete hysto where they had to cut through that same spot because I had horrible adhesions

    I wanted a hysto because I have very bad fibroids. The doctor told me I was too young. It's not like i'm having anymore kids because my tubes are tied. I just hate living with the pain.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Well I didn't have a C section but I have the flap looking front butt cheek thing going underneath my belly button. That is totally baby. Never mind my son is 11.
    My mother had the straight up and down cut when I was born and she says she's never been the same :frown:
  • jekimbrell
    Just had this discussion 2 nights ago, was thinking about cool sculpting but may try and meet with trainer and see if she has any tips. My baby is 18 mon
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    Me... 2 c-sections (6 years ago and 4 years ago) and a total hysterectomy - recutting my c-section incision (almost 3 years ago). My belly is my only remaining problem area. I'm hoping pilates, yoga, cardio, strength training and watching what I eat will get me where I need to be... I'm looking pretty good in clothes, but can't imagine that my stomach will ever look "normal" again. I gained 60 pounds with my first pregnancy - mostly in my belly - my stomach now looks like a grape that has been sitting in the sun too long - starting to turn into a raisin. Not a pretty sight.