Weigh yourself everyday



  • mrmv
    mrmv Posts: 95
    I am an every day person
  • sortin
    sortin Posts: 78
    Weighing yourself doesn't do anything to affect your weight. It doesn't take weight off. It doesn't put weight on. It's just a tool for measuring. What you do in your head with that information, whether you panic and stop eating, or binge on donuts, that's up to you. It has NOTHING to do with the scale.
  • Rizabees
    Rizabees Posts: 80
    I weigh in twice a day. Morning first thing and before bed. I like seeing what effect my eating, fluids and exercise have on daily fluctuations. I agree with the others just dont freak out with the results and keep to the plan.

    I do this too. I don't let my night number discourage me, but it's fun to see how much it changes from night -> morning.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    FACT: In a study of 3,000 dieters, those who weighed themselves daily lost an average of 12 pounds, compared to a 6-pound loss for dieters who did weekly weigh-ins. Dieters who didn't weigh themselves at all gained four pounds.

    I dont know if it's actually true or not, I read it online and found it to be very interesting. Definitely going to step on the scal every morning from now on haha

    It's interesting to hear that overall there was more loss when weighing every day.
    I think it's another one of those things that is going to work for some people and not for others.

    I tend to vary - sometimes I'll weigh everyday because I find it keeps me focused on my goal. If I do this, I chart my numbers so I can see the overall trend by week and month. The weighing is more about the focus and less about the overall picture, I get that at the end of a month.

    Other times (like now) I weight pretty rarely - one or twice a month. That's because at the moment my goal is much more about eating behaviour - eating a fairly steady amount of calories and working on good snacking habits (an ongoing challenge for me).
    My plan is to eat the same (around about) number of cals per day and see how my weight responds after a month. So, right now, for me, the scale isn't important - the victories are around behaviours not numbers.
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    I weigh daily and I don't "freak" out. It's helping me to learn how my body responds to different changes (high sodium, TOM, strenuous workouts, sluggish digestion, etc). I even track it on a spreadsheet on the Hacker's Diet site to identify trends. It encourages me even if it tics up a bit because I see an overall downward pattern which is more important than any single day way up or down. When I weighed weekly, I missed the up/down tics and if I weighed more at the weekly point I was missing the dips down. Through daily weighing, I've noticed my body's trend... when it is getitng ready to go to a lower weight, it will drop, then tic up sharply, then adjust lower and hover. It repeats this pattern for each new lower weight.
  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    I weigh every morning and I record my daily weight on a spreadsheet because I'm weird and I like to see the graph of how I'm doing. But I only log my weight once a week on a Sunday morning - and if that happens to be one of my (thankfully rare) 'up' days, then I still log that higher weight. I weigh daily because it works for me and keeps me on track - it's the only way I've ever successfully lost weight. And when I stop weighing daily, that's when I put all the weight back on. So I will be weighing consistently and happily from now on. And no, the minor fluctuations don't bother me in the least; I inhabit a body, not a machine, so occasionally it will decide to react in unexpected ways and I can live with that.
  • Mamasutra
    Mamasutra Posts: 9
    :bigsmile: So true!
  • tempestrising
    Weighing myself every day in the morning does it for me.
    That way I can gauge how my eating & activity from the day before
    effects my weight. Then I can see what adjustments need to be made.:happy:
  • Krisengel
    Krisengel Posts: 161 Member
    I weigh every morning =) It helps you understand how your weight fluctuates. Just don't panic when it goes up and down..

    I agree! It's helped me understand my body so much better.
  • Mamasutra
    Mamasutra Posts: 9
    Weighing yourself doesn't do anything to affect your weight. It doesn't take weight off. It doesn't put weight on. It's just a tool for measuring. What you do in your head with that information, whether you panic and stop eating, or binge on donuts, that's up to you. It has NOTHING to do with the scale.

    So true! :bigsmile: At last, some logic.
  • Inebriated
    Inebriated Posts: 271
    Yeah, I'd rather not. Weighing myself every day made me absolutely miserable, I feel so much better weighing myself once every 1-3 weeks.
  • flobeedoodle
    flobeedoodle Posts: 176 Member
    i weigh in every day... sometimes more than once. :)

    I love watching my weight fluctuate... I "lose" about 0.2 to 0.4 lbs between when I got to sleep and when I wake up, and then, uhm, about another 2 or 3 pounds of, uhm, "water" weight right after I get up.

    my favorite is to weigh myself pre- and post- poo. it's kind of an obsession.

    I found this here a while ago...

  • perthpog
    perthpog Posts: 8 Member
    I weigh myself daily to keep me on track, however i will only record my weight once a week. This way i have an offical mark every week to improve on.
  • minxonastick
    I like this. Especially after I re-read and realized you said "cals" not "cats."
    My plan is to eat the same (around about) number of cals per day and see how my weight responds after a month. So, right now, for me, the scale isn't important - the victories are around behaviours not numbers.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I like this. Especially after I re-read and realized you said "cals" not "cats."
    My plan is to eat the same (around about) number of cals per day and see how my weight responds after a month. So, right now, for me, the scale isn't important - the victories are around behaviours not numbers.

    I had to go back and make sure I didn't type CATS by mistake :laugh:
  • JB6100
    JB6100 Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh myself every morning...regardless of the number on the scale, it helps me remember what my goal is for the rest of the day! :) It's something I never did before when I was pigging out....If part of my "lifestyle change" means becoming aware of what goes on with my body then I would say those who do weigh every day are going to have an upper hand....

    I take measurements as well and of course I check out how my clothes fit, but for people who have been overweight all their life to see new numbers, it's like a burst of awesomeness first thing in the morning OR a reminder to attack the goals with unending fury! Well...atleast that's what works for me....

    I agree! Obviously overall health is the most important, but when I wasn't weighing myself everyday I got slack! Now if the numbers go up a little maybe I eat a little smaller serving of something or kick up my workout for the day. It definitely doesn't make or break my 'diet' because the true goal is a healthier me not a # on a scale.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I intend on weighing myself every day for the rest of my life. I need to lose 100 pounds and I'll be damned if I'll do it twice. By weighing myself daily I can moniter my loss now and my maintenance (when I get there) to keep the pounds from coming back.

    I think more people, especially who have lost the weight and are maintaining, should get on the scale more often. Just don't be stupid and get hung up on the number (if your ideal weight is 145 don't cry that the scale doesn't say 120) or minor fluctuations, just learn your body and be AWARE.
  • r3ban1x
    r3ban1x Posts: 51 Member
    Everyone's brains work differently and it's important to find what works for you based on your own past experience and behaviors. If I don't weigh myself nearly every day I will gain 5 or 10 lbs without even noticing. At least watching it closely I can see what works for me or what my regular fluctuations are or if I'm retaining water for some reason. If I went a month without weighing I would gain significantly for sure.
  • gvnyc
    gvnyc Posts: 12 Member
    I can totally understand how some people would feel discouraged by daily fluctuations during their weight loss journey. However, I think daily weighing once you reach maintenance sounds beneficial, to avoid nasty surprises later. I plan to weigh myself daily forever.
  • SteffieMark
    SteffieMark Posts: 1,723 Member
    Weighing yourself doesn't do anything to affect your weight. It doesn't take weight off. It doesn't put weight on. It's just a tool for measuring. What you do in your head with that information, whether you panic and stop eating, or binge on donuts, that's up to you. It has NOTHING to do with the scale.

    I agree with this. I think how often you weigh yourself is just about personal preferences. I think mostly it's just a mental thing and your success really just depends on what you do with the information. You may use it to eat less because you gained overnight, I don't know. I'm obsessive enough about a million other things, without adding weighing myself to the mix. =D

    The scale has nothing to do with how much I eat on any given day. But, I'll admit, I am extremely anal about doing things the same, all the time. I follow my lifestyle change every day, I do not fall off course. It is important enough to me, not to let anything change it. I prefer to weigh first thing on Friday mornings. Just once a week, that is my preference. I don't really care what any study has to say, just what I feel works for me. I think everyone should just do what feels right for them. This isn't rocket science, it's how many times you step on a scale! lol