just doing cardio

lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
so if i just do cardio most of the time can i still loose my pooch in time? I was doing Jm's dvd's but once finished them i was having a hard time keeping then to fit in my daily plan, so i have gone down to 2 days a week....i can always get cardio in forms of walks and bike rides almost daily though... so was wondering if that is going to be good enough?


  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Walking and biking almost daily is much much much better than being sedentary. However, I'm not really sure you can count walking as "cardio" since most people's heart rates don't get up that high unless they're walking pretty fast uphill. Mainly it's just staying active.

    The intensity level of exercise is definitely a factor in both weight loss and body composition. But you can still lose weight by doing what you're doing as long as you maintain a net caloric defecit.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Fat loss comes from calorie deficit. Be consistent and the fat will come off.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Walking and biking almost daily is much much much better than being sedentary. However, I'm not really sure you can count walking as "cardio" since most people's heart rates don't get up that high unless they're walking pretty fast uphill. Mainly it's just staying active.

    The intensity level of exercise is definitely a factor in both weight loss and body composition. But you can still lose weight by doing what you're doing as long as you maintain a net caloric defecit.

    I agree walking is not really cardio unless you are pushing yourself at a moderate pace and it is an everyday activity. if you want to gain muscle also, doing cardio will drastically weaken your muscles unless you also implement a muscle building routine.
  • bigalope
    bigalope Posts: 4
    From what I have learned, you will need to work on your core strength and isolate those problem spots to firm, tone and strengthen those muscles. Over time, you will lose fat but you are not building strength and firming up those areas. Building up my core strength has been a huge help as I work on my overall fitness plan!

    If you can, meet with a trainer or find some workouts on TV that work on core and balance.

    Good luck!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    Do what you can. Loosing your pooch as you put it has to do with lowering your body fat percentage not how many crunches you do. I disagree that walking isnt cardio. I lost a lot of weight just walking when I had an injury. Now you will see faster and probably better results if you add strength training but walking at a decent pace can burn calories which is what it's all about. Just get to the calorie deficit so eat less move more, simple.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I disagree with the people that said walking isn't cardio.... for the bulk of my weight loss journey, walking on a treadmill or outside was my cardio.... and now the only reason why I run sometimes is because walking isn't producing the calorie burn it did before... and since I hate running, I'll take a 2 mile walk outside over 30 minutes running on a treadmill any day.

    To OP:
    To lose the pooch, all you really need to do is reduce the fat.. which can be done through a calorie deficit(either diet or exercise created).
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I disagree with the people that said walking isn't cardio.... for the bulk of my weight loss journey, walking on a treadmill or outside was my cardio.... and now the only reason why I run sometimes is because walking isn't producing the calorie burn it did before... and since I hate running, I'll take a 2 mile walk outside over 30 minutes running on a treadmill any day.

    To OP:
    To lose the pooch, all you really need to do is reduce the fat.. which can be done through a calorie deficit(either diet or exercise created).

    Walking is definitely exercise & you can lose weight doing it, but it isn't a cardio exercise unless you are quite obese & completely sedetary...

    But to the OP if walking is all you can get in, it is creating the calorie deficit that matters & you can still lose weight doing it. If your goal is firming up, I'd go back to the JM videos because they will give you both cardio & strength
    training that you need to see results that you're looking for. I'm not sure which video you're doing but she has several that are only 30 minutes each & they will get the job done!
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I disagree that walking isnt cardio. I lost a lot of weight just walking when I had an injury. Now you will see faster and probably better results if you add strength training but walking at a decent pace can burn calories which is what it's all about. Just get to the calorie deficit so eat less move more, simple.

    Just because you burn calories by doing something doesn't mean it's cardio exercise. I agree that walking is good exercise. However, unless you're one of those people who walks at a 15% incline at 4mph on a treadmill for 60 minutes, I doub your heart rate would get up high enough to qualify as cardio.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    I have lost over 50 lbs. this year doing NOTHING but walking. Most of the time at 3 mph or less. Yes, you can lose weight walking. Also, I am 50 years old.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Walking is definitely exercise & you can lose weight doing it, but it isn't a cardio exercise unless you are quite obese & completely sedetary...

    So because I wasn't obese and am pretty active(I tend to walk a lot of places if I can) I shouldn't count it as cardio? I call BS on that claim.

    As long as your heart rate is getting up there, then it's cardio... When you are doing intervals and inclines on a treadmill walking, that is definitely a cardio activity. Walking 2+ miles is a cardio activity to me, because it's something that I do purposefully for exercise... If it's just walking to the store and back, then no thats not cardio to me because I'd be doing it anyway.

    A persons size and activity level shouldn't dictate what is cardio and what is not cardio.. since it has different meanings for each person.
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    But we have no idea what her fitness level is. Some people need to run to get their heart rate up but lots of people can get into what is considered to be 'cardio zone' by walking at a fast pace.

    Definition: cardiovascular exercise exercises are to promote improved capacity of the cardiovascular system. The contraction of major muscle groups must be repeated often enough to elevate the heart rate to a target level determined during testing.
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    I don't know how much you have to lose but being at the beginning of needing to lose at least 90 lbs (my opinion) and 54 years old walking is great! I've lost weight and gained weight my entire life and never (even as a child) have I even been a "normal" size. I find walking very satisfying and notice right away in my hips and but and just overall feeling better. I don't walk fast but I do walk on my treadmill 5 days a week, usually twice a day. As the speed becomes less strenuous I just increase it 1/2 mph and keep on going. I've done a few 5K's over past couple years and want to do many more but at current fitness level I'm pretty much exhausted/sore for 24 hours afterwards. I want to do a 5K then be able to pursue rest of normal day. Don't underestimate walking. Just my 2 cents.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I disagree that walking isnt cardio. I lost a lot of weight just walking when I had an injury. Now you will see faster and probably better results if you add strength training but walking at a decent pace can burn calories which is what it's all about. Just get to the calorie deficit so eat less move more, simple.

    Just because you burn calories by doing something doesn't mean it's cardio exercise. I agree that walking is good exercise. However, unless you're one of those people who walks at a 15% incline at 4mph on a treadmill for 60 minutes, I doub your heart rate would get up high enough to qualify as cardio.

    You don't have to walk at 15% incline at 4mph for the heart rate to get up high enough... nor do you have to walk for 60 minutes.

    If you are out of shape(like I was when I started walking on a treadmill) even a 5% incline at 3mph got my heart rate up in the cardio zone. As I got fitter though, it took a higher incline and a higher pace to make that happen..once that got easy, thats when I switched to walking/running intervals.. and now since it's summer, I've ditched the treadmill for nature.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Walking CAN be cardio ... if you are challenging yourself, brisk pace, using your arms, etc.


    For me, losing weight is about losing inches ... not the number on the scale. I know I need resistance training to lose more inches. Resistance training can be power yoga, pilates, body weight exercises ..... not just lifting at the gym.

    Keep trying "resistance training" in small doses througout the week. Find something you enjoy doing, and you will do it consistantly. Good posture and a tight core will help "slim" your entire midsection.
  • abasmom
    abasmom Posts: 49
    WALKING IS SO CARDIO....unless u are walking at a snails pace....Walking is how I lost 22lbs so far, I generally walk a path that has some hills to really get my heart pumping. As long as u are up and moving-u are burning calories. :):wink:
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    From what I understand, walking will burn calories fine and help you lose weight.

    However, I have high cholesterol and need cardio workouts for my heart health. Walking in my area is just not enough to get my heart rate high enough to give my heart a good workout. That is why I do not consider walking a cardio workout, however, because I have dogs, walking is a main form of exercise for me.

    So, to answer the original post, yes walking and biking will help you lose your excess fat as long as you watch your diet.

    To other posters here, I do not consider walking a cardio workout.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    thx everyone. I will keep walking b/c it's good for me and i know i will do it.. like one other said, it's better then doing nothing..... I am almost at my goal and that is what was making me think. 1.4 lbs from my goal and 4.4 lbs from my ugw and i wasn't even going to stress to get there. if i hit it in time then great but nothing i was going to stress over.... I am happy where i am right now except the area i wish was smaller is my lower belly. some days i still can look like i'm 4 month pregnant,lol... i show bloat very easily and try to keep my sodium low, most days i can do that easily but that area still needs to loose a bit.... and since i know you can't spot reduce i was hoping that with all my walking and still doing jm's dvd's at least twice a week i would still see results in time..... i do her 30ds and rin30.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Walking is definitely exercise & you can lose weight doing it, but it isn't a cardio exercise unless you are quite obese & completely sedetary...

    So because I wasn't obese and am pretty active(I tend to walk a lot of places if I can) I shouldn't count it as cardio? I call BS on that claim.

    As long as your heart rate is getting up there, then it's cardio... When you are doing intervals and inclines on a treadmill walking, that is definitely a cardio activity. Walking 2+ miles is a cardio activity to me, because it's something that I do purposefully for exercise... If it's just walking to the store and back, then no thats not cardio to me because I'd be doing it anyway.

    A persons size and activity level shouldn't dictate what is cardio and what is not cardio.. since it has different meanings for each person.

    I never said that walking wasn't exercise, it's a great exercise & it can definitely be used as a weight loss tool! I lift weights and have lost weight too, that doesn't make it cardio!!!
    In your original post you never said anything about inclines & intervals.... You said "walking on a treadmill or outside"
    Also you say that walking 2+ miles is cardio for you.... The OP said she is having a hard time fitting exercise into her daily routine, walking that distance may not fit into her busy routine.

    A persons size & activity level absolutely dictates what is cardio & what isn't!!!! Are you kidding me?!?
    If a 250 lb person who hasn't exercised for years goes for a walk with a 150lb person who exercises 5 times a week they are going to completely different workouts for each of them! For the heavier sedentary person, this walk will most likely be cardio for the lighter fitter person, this is more like a warm up.

    If you want to include walking as a cardio exercise then your HR must be at 50% of your HRMax for a recommended time period of 30 minutes or more. An easy way to gauge this if you do not have a HR monitor: During cardio activities, You should not be able to easily carry on a conversation... If you can walk & talk without being winded, it is not cardio!!!! Yes, it is still exercise... Just not cardio!
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I have lost over 50 lbs. this year doing NOTHING but walking. Most of the time at 3 mph or less. Yes, you can lose weight walking. Also, I am 50 years old.

    You absolutely can lose weight doing nothing but walking!!
    Congrats on your weight loss! That's wonderful!! :)
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
