just doing cardio



  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I disagree with the people that said walking isn't cardio.... for the bulk of my weight loss journey, walking on a treadmill or outside was my cardio.... and now the only reason why I run sometimes is because walking isn't producing the calorie burn it did before... and since I hate running, I'll take a 2 mile walk outside over 30 minutes running on a treadmill any day.

    To OP:
    To lose the pooch, all you really need to do is reduce the fat.. which can be done through a calorie deficit(either diet or exercise created).

    Walking is definitely exercise & you can lose weight doing it, but it isn't a cardio exercise unless you are quite obese & completely sedetary...

    Seriously? My polar ft7 puts me into the 75-85% of my max HR during my walks. I don't see how that's not cardio? I don't just go and take slow steps; I really walk. I usually walk at a pace that gets me to the gym (3.5 miles from my house) in 45-55 minutes. While pushing a double stroller. That's cardio.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    so if i just do cardio most of the time can i still loose my pooch in time? I was doing Jm's dvd's but once finished them i was having a hard time keeping then to fit in my daily plan, so i have gone down to 2 days a week....i can always get cardio in forms of walks and bike rides almost daily though... so was wondering if that is going to be good enough?

    I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did.

    I've been doing tons of cardio for over a year. Lost a lot of weight, yeah. But I also found out I've lost lean muscle mass and haven't lost as much body fat. You DO NOT want to do this!

    I would recommend you do HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). It is much more beneficial for weight loss than doing cardio for longer periods at the same intensity. Plus, you won't have to workout as long and that's a bonus. You can do a awesome HIIT session in 20 minutes or less. :)
    You should also do strength training to keep your muscles strong.

    Good luck!!! :)
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    DONT DO IT! When I started I only did cardio and I kick myself all the time for not lifting weights at the same time, I seriously hit a plateau that just wont quit!
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    A persons size & activity level absolutely dictates what is cardio & what isn't!!!! Are you kidding me?!?
    If a 250 lb person who hasn't exercised for years goes for a walk with a 150lb person who exercises 5 times a week they are going to completely different workouts for each of them! For the heavier sedentary person, this walk will most likely be cardio for the lighter fitter person, this is more like a warm up.

    If you want to include walking as a cardio exercise then your HR must be at 50% of your HRMax for a recommended time period of 30 minutes or more. An easy way to gauge this if you do not have a HR monitor: During cardio activities, You should not be able to easily carry on a conversation... If you can walk & talk without being winded, it is not cardio!!!! Yes, it is still exercise... Just not cardio!

    By this definition, walking is usually (not always) cardio for me. I'm not obese, and I exercise 5 times a week. Depends how hard you work. For some reason, I can raise my heart rate much more easily by walking than I can on a stationery bike.

    To OP, walking and bike rides will help you create a calorie deficit, which is what you need to lose fat. Some strength training might help things along too if you can fit it in a couple of times a week.
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Fat loss comes from calorie deficit. Be consistent and the fat will come off.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I agree.

    You eat to lose weight. You exercise for good health!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I lost 51 pounds walking!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!! :tongue:
  • In an effort to not further derail this thread (What's happenin' OP?!) with a debate on whether walking is cardio or not:

    OP, I have a tummy issue, too. I've been told recently by a trainer at the gym that reducing the fat in what you eat is a good way to go. "Fat" in this case includes processed sugars, as well. It's what I've been trying for about a week now, and I've seen a two pound loss from it.

    Also just as a side bit that I'm also trying, if you don't already have one (and this sounds like a kooky idea but it's kind of cool) get an exercise ball and use that instead of an office chair. I've been doing that for a few days and it makes me sit up straight, and I find myself using my core strength and legs to balance on the ball so that I can sit up straight and not slouch.

    Best wishes OP! <3
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Walking is definitely exercise & you can lose weight doing it, but it isn't a cardio exercise unless you are quite obese & completely sedetary...

    So because I wasn't obese and am pretty active(I tend to walk a lot of places if I can) I shouldn't count it as cardio? I call BS on that claim.

    As long as your heart rate is getting up there, then it's cardio... When you are doing intervals and inclines on a treadmill walking, that is definitely a cardio activity. Walking 2+ miles is a cardio activity to me, because it's something that I do purposefully for exercise... If it's just walking to the store and back, then no thats not cardio to me because I'd be doing it anyway.

    A persons size and activity level shouldn't dictate what is cardio and what is not cardio.. since it has different meanings for each person.

    I never said that walking wasn't exercise, it's a great exercise & it can definitely be used as a weight loss tool! I lift weights and have lost weight too, that doesn't make it cardio!!!
    In your original post you never said anything about inclines & intervals.... You said "walking on a treadmill or outside"
    Also you say that walking 2+ miles is cardio for you.... The OP said she is having a hard time fitting exercise into her daily routine, walking that distance may not fit into her busy routine.

    A persons size & activity level absolutely dictates what is cardio & what isn't!!!! Are you kidding me?!?
    If a 250 lb person who hasn't exercised for years goes for a walk with a 150lb person who exercises 5 times a week they are going to completely different workouts for each of them! For the heavier sedentary person, this walk will most likely be cardio for the lighter fitter person, this is more like a warm up.

    If you want to include walking as a cardio exercise then your HR must be at 50% of your HRMax for a recommended time period of 30 minutes or more. An easy way to gauge this if you do not have a HR monitor: During cardio activities, You should not be able to easily carry on a conversation... If you can walk & talk without being winded, it is not cardio!!!! Yes, it is still exercise... Just not cardio!

    Your heart rate actually needs to be between 75%-85%. Not 50%. 50% doesn't even break a sweat. Just saying.
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 242 Member
    Walking is cardio and you'll lose the fat as well as inches. That's how I lost all my weight and slimmed down before having my twins, and I didn't have to walk or jog for that matter either. However, I walked 5-6x a week and for the most part no less than 3 miles.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    DONT DO IT! When I started I only did cardio and I kick myself all the time for not lifting weights at the same time, I seriously hit a plateau that just wont quit!

    Yep!!!! Totally agree. I made the same big mistake! :)
  • Shakila87
    Shakila87 Posts: 70


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    so basically if i keep doing my JM's dvd's 30ds and rin30.....for the strength part of it, how many days a week do you recommend? the walks will happen on a daily basis no matter what, i have a puppy ;) i just want to have a exercise routine that i will be able to keep up for the rest of my life, not one that is just for the moment, if you know what i mean. That is why once i finished my last rin30 dvd i just started to do them still but less and continue with my walks and bike rides... i can do that daily for the rest of my life. that way i won't fall of the exercise wagon ever.... i am not hard core when it comes to exercise, so i needs easy and simple :)
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member

    Your heart rate actually needs to be between 75%-85%. Not 50%. 50% doesn't even break a sweat. Just saying.

    sigh.... "Minimum of 50% of your HR Max to be classified as cardio" by book definition for arguements sake as far as classifying what is and what isnt cardio.
    I wouldnt break a sweat at 50% either!! But there are many people that would!

    What you are refering to is a specific target heart rate zone... Just saying.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    so basically if i keep doing my JM's dvd's 30ds and rin30.....for the strength part of it, how many days a week do you recommend? the walks will happen on a daily basis no matter what, i have a puppy ;) i just want to have a exercise routine that i will be able to keep up for the rest of my life, not one that is just for the moment, if you know what i mean. That is why once i finished my last rin30 dvd i just started to do them still but less and continue with my walks and bike rides... i can do that daily for the rest of my life. that way i won't fall of the exercise wagon ever.... i am not hard core when it comes to exercise, so i needs easy and simple :)

    Because its hard for you to fit into your schedule, aim for a minimum of 3 times a week, if your schedule allows you, try for up to 5 days a week. Those are both great videos & should help you with the tummy toning, over all toning as well as weight loss. JM videos are designed to give you a combo of strength training mixed with cardio. When you get bored with those two videos, or as you get stronger, i do recomend JM's "Trouble Zones" & "Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism" both really great videos, both 40 minutes long. Good luck with your journey, sorry for the dispute in your original post. :)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    no prob and thanks! I have done both dvd's twice in full swing and had ok results. sinc ei am so close to my goal i am looking at a lifestyle that is just kinda maintaining.... and i can see these 2 dvd's in 3 times a week for sure till i get really bored of them. i do really like rin30... i will look into those other 2 as well.... but i definitely don't want anything longer then 40 min. i love the 30 min ones... i just figured that if i keep doing these ones my body will just get used to the moves and not show more results. I started 30ds back in dec and rin30 in feb. then the other side of me says it's better then nothing just like my walking, and it's something moving me so it will always benefit me,lol....
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    no prob and thanks! I have done both dvd's twice in full swing and had ok results. sinc ei am so close to my goal i am looking at a lifestyle that is just kinda maintaining.... and i can see these 2 dvd's in 3 times a week for sure till i get really bored of them. i do really like rin30... i will look into those other 2 as well.... but i definitely don't want anything longer then 40 min. i love the 30 min ones... i just figured that if i keep doing these ones my body will just get used to the moves and not show more results. I started 30ds back in dec and rin30 in feb. then the other side of me says it's better then nothing just like my walking, and it's something moving me so it will always benefit me,lol....

    Can you do chins?

    3 rounds of:
    1 minute of chins for reps
    30 second break
    1 minute of pushups for reps
    30 second break
    1 minute of bodyweight squats for reps
    30 second break

    You could be in fantanstic shape and this 13 minute workout should still gas you. Workouts don't need to be long.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Calm down people. Walking IS cardio!! Just not intense cardio. I think we can all agree that all cardio has different levels of intensity. A walker is not going to get their heart rate up like some one doing sprints, HIIT's, or runners. It all depends on what your goals are. If you want to challenge yourself...you pick up the pace. But absolutely walking is cardio!!!!
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    so basically if i keep doing my JM's dvd's 30ds and rin30.....for the strength part of it, how many days a week do you recommend? the walks will happen on a daily basis no matter what, i have a puppy ;) i just want to have a exercise routine that i will be able to keep up for the rest of my life, not one that is just for the moment, if you know what i mean. That is why once i finished my last rin30 dvd i just started to do them still but less and continue with my walks and bike rides... i can do that daily for the rest of my life. that way i won't fall of the exercise wagon ever.... i am not hard core when it comes to exercise, so i needs easy and simple :)

    I don't really consider Jillian Michaels 30DS "strength". It' a butt kicker, no doubt. But strength, not unless your dumbbells have sufficient weight.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    so basically if i keep doing my JM's dvd's 30ds and rin30.....for the strength part of it, how many days a week do you recommend? the walks will happen on a daily basis no matter what, i have a puppy ;) i just want to have a exercise routine that i will be able to keep up for the rest of my life, not one that is just for the moment, if you know what i mean. That is why once i finished my last rin30 dvd i just started to do them still but less and continue with my walks and bike rides... i can do that daily for the rest of my life. that way i won't fall of the exercise wagon ever.... i am not hard core when it comes to exercise, so i needs easy and simple :)

    Because its hard for you to fit into your schedule, aim for a minimum of 3 times a week, if your schedule allows you, try for up to 5 days a week. Those are both great videos & should help you with the tummy toning, over all toning as well as weight loss. JM videos are designed to give you a combo of strength training mixed with cardio. When you get bored with those two videos, or as you get stronger, i do recomend JM's "Trouble Zones" & "Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism" both really great videos, both 40 minutes long. Good luck with your journey, sorry for the dispute in your original post. :)

    "Toning" is a word that doesn't really exist in fitness. Judging by your profile pic, you know that already. ;) lol
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    A persons size & activity level absolutely dictates what is cardio & what isn't!!!! Are you kidding me?!?
    If a 250 lb person who hasn't exercised for years goes for a walk with a 150lb person who exercises 5 times a week they are going to completely different workouts for each of them! For the heavier sedentary person, this walk will most likely be cardio for the lighter fitter person, this is more like a warm up.

    When I was in college, I walked everywhere because I did not have a car... would prob. walk a good 2-3 miles at least 5 days a week if not more. I weighed 180 at the time, so I wasn't obese but I was still overweight.. so I thought when I started exercising, I would be just fine.. but I wasn't.. why? Because I was out of shape from not eating correctly and drinking like a fiend.

    So it goes to show that a person can exercise all they want, but if everything isn't in check, they may still be out of shape.

    To OP:
    Sorry for derailing your thread even more :)
    I hope you got some of the answers you were looking for!