Looking Good For Christmas - WEEK 5



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!!

    First official weigh-in:

    Week 1: 172.4 lbs

    First day of healthy eating .. it's amazing how many calories are in things you thought were low cal...:grumble:

    Glad that you are here. Keep using the food tracker and you will be amazed. Have a fabulous Friday. :bigsmile:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I didn't do as well as I hoped for today, I went over on my calories by a few hundred. I went for a run today and ended up walking most of it. My thighs are hurting and slightly swollen, TOM comes tomorrow, and my feet are all blistered. I was super hungry all day and feel like eatting a bunch of cookies and ice cream. I think it would be best to have a glass of water and then go to bed. This is my 4th day of being serious about getting healthy and I am not seeing any results :grumble:

    I am just so frustrated and quickly losing motivation. Thanks for listening!!

    Did I hear you say TOM is coming tomorrow? That's why you're feeling so negative. IT WILL PASS. Please hang in there. The results of your efforts will show once TOM goes away. This is a very hungry time for us females ... just before TOM visits is the worst.


    Thank you for the inspiration, I have fallen off the past two days but with TOM that is to be expected! Thank you for keeping me going. I purchased a new scale today and like it so far. It does my weight, body fat, water, and muscle. The only thing I don't like is that it does remember the weight to show overall loss like some of the other scales I looked at and it shows me higher than before. I figure now that I have more to lose and I am ready to lose it.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Hi all,

    Happy Thursday and I hope you are all having a good week. Have steady faith in yourself and you can do anything, it just takes time.

    Anyway, I am excited today because I reached my first 20lbs lost today and I have already surpassed my goal of being 235 lbs by my birthday next week. I weighed in today at 233.4 having started at 253.4 on June 26th. Woohoo!!!!

    I am on vacation next week thank goodness so I can get more active and hopefully drop a couple more, maybe even make it into the 220's. I work a desk job during the week and sit at a computer for 8 hours a day so it is hard to be active during the week.

    Well, take care and be good to yourselves!!


    Congrats on reaching your first 20 lbs!!
  • maiasmommy
    Ooh, can I joi this group? Which day do you do weigh in? I will start next week on the day of weigh in! I love CHristmas, and am hoping this will keep me motivated.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Ooh, can I joi this group? Which day do you do weigh in? I will start next week on the day of weigh in! I love CHristmas, and am hoping this will keep me motivated.

    Welcome welcome welcome ... you're very welcome to join with us. We weigh in on Wednesdays ... here's the schedule we've been using. Feel free to cut and past it in when you weigh in. Welcome aboard and good luck ...

    Start Date July 15 - Starting weight 189 lbs.
    Week 1 July 22 - 187.5 lbs (-1.5)
    Week 2 July 29 - 186 lbs (-1.5 this week) (-3 total)

    Week 3 August 5 - 184.5 lbs (-1.5 this week ) (-4.5 total)
    Week 4 August 12 - 185 lbs (+.5 this week) (-4 total)
    Week 5 August 19
    Week 6 August 26

    Week 7 September 2 Labor Day is Monday
    Week 8 September 9
    Week 9 September 16
    Week 10 September 23
    Week 11 September 30

    Week 12 October 7 Canadian Thanksgiving is on Monday
    Week 13 October 14 .
    Week 14 October 21
    Week 15 October 28

    Week 16 November 4
    Week 17 November 11
    Week 18 November 18
    Week 19 November 25 American Thanksgiving is Tomorrow!

    Week 20 December 2
    Week 21 December 9
    Week 22 December 16
    Week 23 December 23 Christmas Eve is Tomorrow!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I got my new scale all figured out so I am Restarting with Week 4 when I got my new scale…
    Week 4 August 12 140.6 – new scale.
    This is basically where I started because my old scale says 137 while the new one shows 140.6. I am excited to have an accurate digital scale where I can see more of a difference compared to looking at little lines and jumping up and down. :laugh:

    I reset my goals today to be a little more than I had before. I have 8 months until I walk down the aisle and I believe that i can reach my goals by then.

    I just want to thank you for all of your support and encouragement. I am going to need it to get going and stay serious about this.
  • StartingOver
    Well, yesterday I went a little over on my calories, but I did do a yoga video (courtesy of Netflix - yay!), so I'm making progress. My muscles are paying the price today -- yoga is no joke!

    I'm glad no one was around to see my downward dog.. :laugh:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Good Morning all ... what a scorcher it is here today ... big time high humidity. I've got to figure out some kind of fitness thing to do today ... maybe I'll wait and see if it is better in the evening. So the hubby and I went to the Fallsview Casino last night. We don't gamble but we went for Dinner at an all you can eat buffet restaurant they have there (I stuck with salmon, veggies, and allowed myself a low sugar apple rhubarb square with some fruit on the side for dessert ... mmmm), then took a short walk around the falls, and then went to a show called Twist & Shout. All in all it was a lovely evening. I think there's some kind of party going on tonight but I'm not sure ... why is there so much disruption in our lives during the summer? Any who ... just wanted to pop in and say hi to you all and wish you a lovely weekend. Take care of you.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Start Date July 15 - Starting weight 185 lbs.
    Week 1 July 22 - 185.6 (+.6)
    Week 2 July 31 - 186.8 (+1.2) in Vegas for 4 days

    Week 3 August 5 - 187.2 (+.4) 2.2 GAINED since starting :frown:
    Week 4 August 12 - 186 (- 1.2)
    Week 5 August 19
    Week 6 August 26

    Still struggling here. I was so focused from Jan > May, and am up from my 177.2 low 3 mos ago. I am determined to lose more, so really need to get serious here.

    Have a great weekend all! :bigsmile: The support here is wonderful! :flowerforyou:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi again ... turns out as soon as I sent my last post out I got a call from my BFF to go for a walk. So off we went into this humid hot hot day. It was nice ... we took our time so we could continue to breath so it took us an hour and forty five minutes and I burned 581 calories in that time. I'm glad I got that in because it turns out that I have a dinner party to go to today so goodness knows what food choices will be there. Is it that rude of me to call the hostess and ask even if I don't know her that well? I guess I shouldn't do that, I'll just do my best to make the healthiest choices. Well, I'm off now to do a little shopping. Take care all!!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Hi again ... turns out as soon as I sent my last post out I got a call from my BFF to go for a walk. So off we went into this humid hot hot day. It was nice ... we took our time so we could continue to breath so it took us an hour and forty five minutes and I burned 581 calories in that time. I'm glad I got that in because it turns out that I have a dinner party to go to today so goodness knows what food choices will be there. Is it that rude of me to call the hostess and ask even if I don't know her that well? I guess I shouldn't do that, I'll just do my best to make the healthiest choices. Well, I'm off now to do a little shopping. Take care all!!
    I think it is totally understandable to call the hostess and ask what is being served. It would be no different if you had a food allergy and wanted to know what was being served. That is great that you were ablet to go for a walk.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I am loving the new scale that I purchased, I am really seeing results of my hard work (yes I am a scale addict). I am getting ready to eat breakfast and then get a great workout in! I just hope that I can stick with my good eatting and exercising habits this week!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... spent the day with my DH road tripping ... when we got home I went to download the pictures I took with my cell phone and couldn't find it ... so I used my DH's cell to call my cell and the lovely young lady that served me frozen yogurt earlier today answered my phone. Well yeah ... THAT'S A 2 HOUR DRIVE FROM HERE!!! So I'll be off on another unplanned road trip tomorrow to pick it up again ... I planned on doing an aqua fit class with an old friend in the morning and then having lunch with her and her twin boys but I had to cancel so I could go and get my phone and then be back in time for the dentist. Life is funny eh? Plans sometimes just go in the toilet and new challenges come along. Oh Well ... that's life. :laugh:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So today went really well. I went on a 5.5 Mile bike ride this morning burning almost 300 calories. I ate healthy all day and stayed within my calories. I even went for a 1/2 mile walk tonight with my fiance. I even picked up a personal sized blender with a to-go cup at Walmart and I am so excited to use it in the morning!
    I am going to try and get up early to get a good workout in so that I can relax tomorrow night but we will see how the morning goes. I have my workouts planned out for the rest of the week and am planning some of my meals in advance because I am going out to dinner twice this week at restaurants.
    I feel good about this week!!
  • jkroc
    jkroc Posts: 137 Member
    Happy Monday:smile:

    Back from our camping trip up North. We had a BLAST!! Overall I think I did pretty good with my eating and exercise. I guess I will find out on Wed. Going to use my treadmill today with the couch to 5k program. Hope everyone has a GREAT week:flowerforyou:

    TODAY 96 oz. of water...can YOU do it?:wink:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Start Date July 15 - Starting weight 185 lbs.
    Week 1 July 22 - 185.6 (+.6)
    Week 2 July 31 - 186.8 (+1.2) in Vegas for 4 days

    Week 3 August 5 - 187.2 (+.4) 2.2 GAINED since starting :frown:
    Week 4 August 12 - 186 (- 1.2)
    Week 5 August 19
    Week 6 August 26

    Still struggling here. I was so focused from Jan > May, and am up from my 177.2 low 3 mos ago. I am determined to lose more, so really need to get serious here.

    Have a great weekend all! :bigsmile: The support here is wonderful! :flowerforyou:

    I was reading your post and thinking how oddly familiar. I was so focused from Dec to May and lost 25 pounds. I was down to 177 too and then slowly let some pounds creep back on. Now it seems that I cannot break below 180. I just keep playing with the 181-185. So frustrating. :mad: Here's hoping that we can both get things turned around and get the scale moving in the right direction again.:drinker:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Happy Monday:smile:

    Back from our camping trip up North. We had a BLAST!! Overall I think I did pretty good with my eating and exercise. I guess I will find out on Wed. Going to use my treadmill today with the couch to 5k program. Hope everyone has a GREAT week:flowerforyou:

    TODAY 96 oz. of water...can YOU do it?:wink:

    I am in for 96 oz of water!!!
  • kdm9295
    kdm9295 Posts: 126 Member
    Hello everyone, Happy Monday
    Can't believe it's back to school time already. My kids start this week.

    Had a good weekend. We did a garage sale and made a couple hundred dollars. Plus, I spent a lot of time outside walking around, you don't even realize how much you're on your feet until the day is done. Wish I had been wearing a pedometer or something. Oh well.
    Plus, keeping myself busy kept me from the mindless eatting that I'm beginning to recognize about myself.

    And, I'm done another pound!
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    Hi, all. I'm not dead, just back from vacation! Got to see my Ma in Kentucky - there was lots of nature, and I even got in on the route 127 yard sale which was a bunch of fun. I stayed off the scale for the whole 2 weeks and did my best with the food choices, but there sure are a lot of biscuits and gravy up there!

    Wednesday weigh-in will be a SUPRISE!!!

    water water water!!!:drinker: Hope everyone had a swell weekend!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi everyone!

    we start school Wed, so i will get my bus this afternoon and gettin it ready to go! excited to see my route kids again, the routine and $$!

    jacqueline ~ i am thinkin i need a new scale too. pry report higher numbers tho:grumble: you are doing awesome plannin the meals and exercise! good for you ! :happy:

    magg ~ geez.,sorry to hear bout your phone. glad you found it tho. hope you have a good trip!

    jkroc ~ have you started the C25K yet, what week/day? i am on week one.

    tcasmey ~ we ARE very similar. i am trying to get out of this funk, and it bums me every time it happens. we just need to keep at it and the desire will kick in again!

    kdm ~ wow, that is a great garage sale! nice for you! amazing when we realize how much we eat and not payin attention, i do it too:noway:

    anthrochix ~ sounds like you had a fun vacaiton! it's ok, just get back on track!

    have a good Monday all! :flowerforyou: