Any Twin Moms want to post their Success Story?



  • fireflyw
    fireflyw Posts: 5 Member
    I am a busy mom of twin boys who are 9 and another son of 12. I have started this journey many times and actually had lost 82 pounds when tragedy struck my family and I dealt with it by eating. Having to get off the roller coaster at a local amusement park because the bar wouldn't click was the final waking call. Having my 12 year old wanting to ride the roller coaster with me and me not being able to and not being able to ride the swings with the twins was a sobering reality. I have lost 11 pounds so far and have really started using the tools available here on my fitness pal.Even though I joined in May 2011 I am just now beginning to use this site. Changing one day at a time!
  • Aem2381
    Aem2381 Posts: 89 Member
    I am a twin momma to g/b twins that will be 5 in January. They were born at 34 wks at 4lbs7oz and 5lbs6oz. They also have an older sister (will be 7 on friday) who weighed 9lbs1oz when she was born! I have gone back and forth with my weight and now that they are older find it a bit easier to fit in time to work out. The hard part is staying away from the snacky food we have in the house. I am lucky because all three of my kids love veggies and fruits so we always have plenty of healthy options around too! I am not sure what my highest weight was when pregnant but it was well into the 200s. I am now in the 170s and hope to get down to the 140's some day! I did Jillian Michael's 30DS and lost 11lbs. I am getting ready to re-do it starting this week! Hopefully going to get the same great results! Not sure that I will ever lose that extra "twin skin" but it would be great to say good bye to it!
  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member
    Another twin mum here....mine were babes 4 & 5 for us. I had gotten into good shape for 2yrs between our third and them, but unfortunately went soft in the year before I got pregnant with them. Now they will be three in September and I am determined to find my muscular back again.

    I also have twin skin..although its no worse than it was after my singletons. I am resigned to it never going away since surgery is out of the question financially for us.

    I have just started my journey to firming up although I have lost all the weight I really need to lose. I was just shy of 200lb when I delivered them and am 149lb pw (5'10"). Not ready to post pics yet.....
  • lanalore
    lanalore Posts: 2
    Hi Miamomma! I have twins too. My girls are 13 now. Our stories are very similar. I too was on bedrest because they had congenital heart issues and Twin to twin transfusion syndrome. I weighed 215 when they were born. I'm 5 foot 10, and like you have been around 170's-180 for a while. I've hit 160 now after 3 weeks of my fitness pal and the 1200 calorie plan.

    I really don't know how the twin tummy is going to look when I get to my goal of 145, I'm really aiming to get rid of this thing. I'd like to have a tummy tuck, but have heard bad things about that. Any other twin mommas thinking of this route? I'd love to have a nice tummy again.

    Nice to meet you!

  • crodrigu73
    crodrigu73 Posts: 134 Member
    Hello all you twin moms!

    My g/b set of twins are going to be four in December. I was put on bed rest at 31 1/2 weeks and gave birth at 34 weeks. Desi was 5'9 and Zain was 3'8. They were both in NICU for a month. But you would never know it now. They are still a little small, but otherwise they are perfect.

    I have always been big and gained over 100 pounds after my oldest son was born and died 2 hours after birth. I was 333 when I got pregnant with the twins and was 401 the day I gave birth. I weigh in today at 316. I have a long ways to go but I promised my babies when they were in NICU that I would 232 before they started school, so I have 2 years to reach that goal. I had gotten down to 285 in January but freaked out and started gaining again. I think some where in my messed up brain I am scared to lose weight. I am not sure why but I know anytime I have a big lose I start messing up big time. Example: two weeks ago I was surprised I had drop to 302 without trying or tracking so what did I do, I eat everything in sight.

    I will cheer you all on. If we can raise multiplies, we can do anything!
  • JAAD
    JAAD Posts: 21
    I have b / g twins 17 years old. They are first and second. I have lost 94 pounds.
  • dixoncrew
    dixoncrew Posts: 186 Member
    I have 20 month old identical twin boys! Here's my intro w/ pictures. The twins are my youngest of six.
  • bjpelt
    bjpelt Posts: 4 Member
    I have 5 year old twins number 2 &3 out of 4! I gained alot with all my pregnacies and all the time between them! I have just started MFP. I am 117ish days into it and I am down 40 pounds as of today! BUT i still have 120 or more to go! I have been staying between 12/1400 calories a day and try to do atleast 30 mins of workout time a day!! my dr told me I needed to take my body weight and divide it by 2 and drink that much oz of water a day or more if you are working out! I feed my kids what I eat now as well so they are getting use to healthy eating with me, and do not carry on my fatty ways! So good luck on your journy! I always tell myself this. its a little silly but I take it one min., one hour, one day at a time. you miss up! push it away that min and do not stress of it. because its a life style change! Your not always going to be good, but who is???
  • jennable
    jennable Posts: 48 Member
    I have 6 year old fraternal boys. I carried mine to 38 weeks. They were 6 pounds 2 ounces and 6 pounds 8 ounces. I have to say that I honestly can deal with my body at my current weight, but the one thing that still drives me nuts is my stomach! I know some of that will come off with more weight loss but I have lots of stretchy skin that folds to the center starting from my belly button. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • shyandemily
    shyandemily Posts: 71 Member
    I carried twins as a surrogate in 2009. I was 240 pounds at the end. I delivered the twins at almost 36 weeks and they were 7.1 and 7.12. I am currently down to 127ish.
  • Syderelli
    Syderelli Posts: 439 Member
    I have 16 month old b/g twins. I'm not quite a success yet since I still have about 30 lbs to go, but I'll post a couple of pictures of my progress so far. I've been on MFP since June 1st of last year. Best decision I ever made. Now I can be healthy for my babies!

    HW (sadly before babies) of 286 on left. CW of about 175 on right.

    MFP SW of 257 (about 4 months after babies) on left. CW of about 175 on right.

    OMG. You look INCREDIBLE!! congrats on your amazing progress!!
  • mawmawandlovingit
    mawmawandlovingit Posts: 45 Member
    My twins are 24 years old (2&3)........unfortunately I am heavier now than the day I delivered them. I am trying really hard to get back to the same size I was when I got pregnant! Hope to post a great success story soon!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I have 3 and a half year old identical boys.
    I had a LOT of medical issues during my pregnancy. I was on complete bedrest at 19 weeks pregnant. I delivered at 34 weeks after having lived in the hospital for nearly a month.
    Prior to being pregnant, I was 165lbs, on DD I was 245.
  • byebyeluvhandles
    byebyeluvhandles Posts: 149 Member
    Don't have a success story yet, but I'm just getting back on track. I am a mom of 14yr old b/g twins. I'm new to this site as of a few days ago. I don't have any pics loaded yet, but I hope to have some........especially after pics in the future. I wish you all luck and congrats on your twins.
  • stacyjbaker1010
    stacyjbaker1010 Posts: 161 Member
    I have 16 month old b/g twins. I'm not quite a success yet since I still have about 30 lbs to go, but I'll post a couple of pictures of my progress so far. I've been on MFP since June 1st of last year. Best decision I ever made. Now I can be healthy for my babies!

    HW (sadly before babies) of 286 on left. CW of about 175 on right.

    MFP SW of 257 (about 4 months after babies) on left. CW of about 175 on right.

    Holy Momma! Your before looks like a 40 year old woman and your after looks like a 18 year old girl! Congratulations on your success thus far!
  • I had twin boys 2 years ago and It Works! wraps helped me too. Both of my boys were 6 pounds and I gained 70 pounds...

    If you see this board, check out my website.

    If you want to talk, please let me know. I have personal pics I can share, etc...

    I really want to get a twin Mom team together for this product because I thought my stomach had no hope a year ago.

    Send me a direct email if you want a quick response. Good luck all you twin MoMs. I love my boys!
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